Amazing Rapture Dream - Must Watch!

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White-Winged Dove

White-Winged Dove

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Jesus is coming soon! I believe God wants me to share this dream with you so that you can prepare for His return, as well as share the gospel with others. We are living in the last days and I was heartbroken that many people were left behind! The word tells us in 2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
0:00 Intro
2:25 Dream
8:50 Take Action
11:50 Accept Jesus Into Your Heart
11:55 Rededicate Your Life to Jesus
Matthew 24:3-8: As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

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@lilianmorton7651 8 ай бұрын
I’ve accepted Jesus as my Lord and my Savior. Lord Jesus kingdom come, kingdom come. I’ve waiting patiently for this unique moment to embrace completely in your Love.
@vee10403 8 ай бұрын
Praise God! God bless you
@benmcfarren6337 8 ай бұрын
@@vee10403 thank you gosple sure good news
@evang.oliviaabaokyere6523 2 ай бұрын
​@@vee10403 God bless you 🙏 for sharing I will love to invite you please can you help me with your email or any contact I write you.
@mof7754 Ай бұрын
I like that the golden oil fell from heaven and cracked our mortal shells off, revealing our bright spirits or changed/transformed, immortal bodies. It’s the anointing that destroys the yoke. All of my hope is in Jesus Christ, Praise the Lord ❤️
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment! Yes I agree that part was so amazing!! It cracked off like eggshells but it was in the form of dried clay similar to the dessert earth after rain dries up. “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭51‬-‭52‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@momentsinthelight411 4 ай бұрын
7 months ago Jesus saved me out of 27 years of witchcraft, psychic mediumship, and the new age. I’ve been on a steady upward climb in my faith until a few weeks ago. I just need to finish John and then I’ll have been through the gospels for the first time but it’s difficult to finish for some reason. I’ve also been under heavy spiritual attack, struggle with homosexuality, and struggle with forgiveness as someone who survived child abuse and is still in direct contact with my abusers. What a beautiful story that the Holy Spirit has laid on your heart. Thank you so much for being faithful back to Him and sharing this, I needed this so so much. And please pray for me to find the right way to walk with Jesus. Nothing scares me more than not being with Him in eternity. Thank you so much 🙏🏻🫶🏻
@vee10403 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony! What a beautiful story of redemption through Jesus Christ. I will certainly be praying for you! May I ask if you're a part of a church? If not, in my video titled "How to be led by the Spirit of God" I added a church locator link in the description that may provide some options for you. I understand how hard forgiveness can be, but the beautiful think about it is that you can release forgiveness now through faith, even if you don't feel it. The more you forgive, the more God will heal your heart. I'm so proud of you, and will be praying for you and your walk with the Lord. God bless you!!
@dawnemccants 2 ай бұрын
Hallelujah! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus! He will continue sanctifying you and break the chains that the enemy once had ! It’s instant for some it’s a Journey, for others just continue to play the blood of Jesus over you and walk in authority, bonding the enemy from his wicked games he plays on our flesh. Trust me, we all struggle. That’s what makes our testimony, so great! thank you for sharing yours.
@dawnemccants 2 ай бұрын
Plead not play. Sorry for the typo. :-)
@vee10403 2 ай бұрын
@@dawnemccants you are so right about some chains being instantly broken while others must be walked out. Choose daily to follow Christ and He will sanctify His children. Amen 🙏🏻
@user-gu8vq5fq4m 2 ай бұрын
I agree! I struggle to know that I'm going to make it to heaven. It's a dreadful thought to not be in the book of Life!
@larryhart4157 Ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Praise God Glory be to the Father 🙏
@jameslipscomb3173 6 ай бұрын
Please pray for Anna Davis. She needs to be saved. She's from a broken home and has no friends. She needs Jesus and Salvation ASAP. Please, with tears, I ask for prayers for her.
@vee10403 6 ай бұрын
Praying for Anna! Jesus loves her more than we could imagine and we know that prayer works. God bless you
@katherinequintana4757 Ай бұрын
Please Lord Jesus, cover Anna Davis with your comfort, healing and peace. Please pull her into You, so she can know your love for her and give her the desire to know You, Jesus.
@jameslipscomb3173 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you so much 🙏 ​@@katherinequintana4757
@armandopineda-velz1378 Ай бұрын
Anna in the name of Jesus Christ you are set free in this very moment Please Holy Spirit make your outpouring be so mighty that all her body soul and spirit get cleanse
@TheKyoung213 14 күн бұрын
I had the same dream! I was running to a field and people wouldn’t come with me. The wind was so strong and blowing hard. There was a fair going on and no one was paying attention. As I reached the field I saw soldiers coming towards those who did not come to the field. When I reached the field I saw Jesus. I heard a voice say,” Go East... Go East.. as far as you can go East.”
@vee10403 11 күн бұрын
@@TheKyoung213 oh my goodness!! Thank you so much for sharing! Have you made a video of your dream? I would love to hear it in detail. The soldiers that went to the people who were left behind, what did they look like? And Jesus, what did He look like? I woke up before I could set my eyes on Him, but I knew He was coming down from heaven above us.
@vee10403 11 күн бұрын
@@TheKyoung213 oh my goodness!! Thank you so much for sharing! Have you made a video of your dream? I would love to hear it in detail. The soldiers that went to the people who were left behind, what did they look like? And Jesus, what did He look like? I woke up before I could set my eyes on Him, but I knew He was coming down from heaven above us.
@Jesus_is_Lord_316 5 ай бұрын
We are indeed living in the very last days. Our Lord and Saviour is coming soon!! #AnyDayNow Maranatha
@seanodwyer4322 Ай бұрын
Prophet/intercesor- Sean O'Dwyer- 140 Hobson street- Auckland 1010.- New zealand.''
@walkinthelight5043 8 ай бұрын
i had a dream like that only i had to run up a him with seven or so people . and the top of the hill was seven pillers of light. no words can tell the joy and love i felt next to the light. thank you for sharing. god bless you.
@christian4ever1962 4 ай бұрын
In 1976, when I was 13 years old, I had a wide awake, real, in full color VISION of the Lord's Return... We lived out in the country in the middle of dusty plowed fields, dirt roads and woods. Everything looked kind of brown and crispy, like it needed rain bad. The corn field across the road in front of the house was starting to turn brown and die. I went to my bedroom, which faced out the front side of the house and looked out onto our front yard, which had a semi-circular dirt driveway and beside the left entrance was an old dogwood tree which had to be at least a hundred years old. Highway 341 ran from east to west in front of our house, which faced north, and the cornfield I spoke of earlier was on the other side of the highway. There was a slight rise in the middle of this field and you could not see the trees on the other side, so it looked like an ocean of corn that went off into the horizon. As I lay across my bed looking out the window, contemplating what I saw before me, I began to hear music in the distance. I specifically heard it in my right ear and the direction from which it came made me think of the high school band which practiced several miles southeast from where I lived. When conditions were right we could hear the band playing, but usually only heard the faint beat of drums. This sounded like trumpets and as I was thinking this to myself, I began to notice the music getting louder and louder, coming closer and closer, very quickly. Within a few seconds the sound wasn't just something that was exterior, but it was inside my head as well, reverberating throughout my entire body. It was so loud and it sounded like lightning crashed directly over my head and, in that split second, the trumpet sound thundered throughout my body and throughout the entire world...everything went dark and my bed and the earth shook violently. In a flash, I was no longer lying on my bed, but I was standing outside my bedroom window in the front yard and I beheld the scene in front of me with tremendous awe. It was still my front yard, only now everything was different. It seemed as if my entire range of vision was a huge 3D movie screen and I was in the middle of it. The trumpets continued to sound and I saw that the blue, sunny sky had turned black and the clouds churned and the wind blew with a violence that I had never experienced. The corn field was now a sea of wheat that was golden brown and ripe for harvest and I could see every stalk of wheat individually, billions of them. And I watched as the wind thrashed the wheat until it was beaten down by the storm. I now know that the Bible speaks several times about, in the end time, when the wheat is ripe for harvest, how the wheat will be separated from the tares. The tares are gathered and bundled together for burning and the wheat is gathered into the barn. Then I noticed the dogwood tree. It was mid-July, so of course I know there should not have been any blossoms on it, they usually bloom around Easter...but the tree was in full bloom. I had never seen anything like this. You couldn't see any leaves on the tree because of the millions of dogwood blossoms. It looked as if it were lit from within, by a glowing whitest of white, neon light and it glowed gloriously against the darkened sky. Now, I know the Bible says no man knows the day nor hour that Jesus will return, but if we watch for the signs, we can know the season. I have always felt that He might come back in the spring when the dogwood tree is in bloom. Of all the things that could have been highlighted in a vision; why the dogwood tree? I believe there is a specific message here. (Update: recently, I prayed about this and I feel the Lord placed into my spirit that this represents the fullness of the gentiles coming in). Just as I was taking all of this in, lightning filled the sky and the trumpets thundered over head again and in an instant there appeared two angels. They were dressed in white robes, facing each other up in the air and blowing golden trumpets. They were huge and filled the sky in front of me and I knew that the entire world must be seeing this as well. When I say huge, I mean like the size of the highest mountains, literally. I didn't think the trumpets could get any louder, but they grew louder still, building to a great crescendo and I heard a great shout that was louder than anything that you could imagine. And with that shout, it's as if the earth fell silent, the black, violent clouds began to roll back onto themselves from the center of the northeastern sky and I saw light in the distance. It was more a combination of light and clearing of the clouds in the distance that got my attention. As I looked up at this shaft of light and clearing sky, I saw what seemed to be fluttering and movement in the distance. As it came into view, I saw Jesus on a white horse and behind him were millions of angels and saints on white horses. It was at this moment, when I realized what I was seeing, that it disappeared and I was back in my room lying on my bed. Everything was back to normal and I was again looking out at a bright, sunny day.
@vee10403 4 ай бұрын
Wow, your vision is incredible! Have you thought about recording a video about it?
@bennydsouza4998 18 күн бұрын
I believe that Jesus is coming soon
@myname-ns1rp 9 ай бұрын
What a wonderful spirit filled sister. Thank you for remember that the pretribulation rapture is our "blessed hope" by which we "comfort one another!" Let's go home soon!
@vee10403 8 ай бұрын
Well said! Even so come Lord Jesus come
@montanamornings8526 20 күн бұрын
I know and Love the Lord and I ask the Holy Spirit everyday to come live in my heart. Thank you for sharing your beautiful dream of 20 yrs ago.
@ddc442 4 күн бұрын
I believe, my faith soars, I have a testimony, I hold no ill will for anyone, I have forgiven all, I have tried my best to right any wrongs, I have repented for my sins and I’ve been baptized in Jesus name and received the gift of the Holy Ghost, I share the gospel and my testimony, I have been transformed into a new creature, I keep my lamp full. I love others as myself and I love Jesus first before anyone. Jesus is my filter. His Word is my filter.
@vee10403 4 күн бұрын
@@ddc442 praise God! Hallelujah! Thank you for your testimony 🙏🏻
@dlind1985 Ай бұрын
I gave my life to Yeshua when 19 yrs old. He has done miracles (many) in my life. Although I suffer from AUTISM, I have struggled with feelings, and I really don't know who I am. The only times making me feel anything is when reading the Bible! Even when seeing others cry, laugh, or struggle with something hard in their lives, I feel empathy through these men and women. And I felt some when listening to your message! God bless you - Whit-Winged Dove!
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment! You are wonderfully and fearfully made, and a child of the living God! Let’s continue to stay in the Word (The Holy Bible) because these days are short and He is coming quickly for his church. Praying for you! God bless you @dlind1985
@rhyangardener5316 8 ай бұрын
I have recieved Jesus as my Savior and can't wait to meet him
@vee10403 8 ай бұрын
Praise God!
@jongrubaugh160 Ай бұрын
Absolutely born again. Please pray for my family.
@gravityjohn5759 7 күн бұрын
...beautiful woman, sharing beautiful encouriging words of our beautiful God...God bless her, Dr. JG, MD
@planb626 5 ай бұрын
I AM BORN AGAIN... God Bless everyone.. He is coming...
@fredwright5332 Ай бұрын
I have an accepted Jesus years ago. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God! And amen!
@evmariequartel5881 Ай бұрын
Thank you!!.HE IS COMING SOON!! Stay focus! Greetings & blessings from Germany
@annamaples4613 2 ай бұрын
I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart a long time ago, and I am covered by His blood that He shed on the cross covering all my sins and I'm saved and sealed until the day of redemption I thank you, Jesus. Thank you for your vision. Also, I can't wait to see Jesus. I love him so much. I wanna be with him so very much. Love and thank you for everything you did on this channel ❤️❤❤.
@vee10403 2 ай бұрын
Praise God! What a blessing to be saved and sealed with His name as we witness firsthand bible prophecy unfold before us. I endeavor to share the good news of the gospel to others while I still can. Maranatha sister! ❤️❤️❤️
@davidsam275 8 ай бұрын
Yes, Our Father Jesus Christ is Coming...Praise the Lord
@overcomeinone8371 7 ай бұрын
(Romans 8:29) Who told you Jesus is the Father (Hebrews 2:11-12)?
@michaelklampe4647 Ай бұрын
Thank you sister, this was impeccable timing, I have been holding a grudge against my brother in law & you have spoken loudly & clearly to me to FORGIVE him as Christ has FORGIVEN me!! Thank you for sharing your rapture dream. I felt the holy spirit speaking to me in a strong & tangible way to, "Get Right with the FATHER!! See you in the clouds soon, you are being powerfully used, thank you😊 1
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God!! Your comment has blessed me so much because you “got it”. This is also an area God is purifying me in and I, too, endeavor that when He comes as a thief in the night (unexpectedly) I will be ready to be caught up with Him and you (the body of Christ). We are on borrowed time. Let’s spread the gospel, forgive, and stay spiritually awake/alert for His soon return. God bless you!
@debsvalentin Ай бұрын
This blessed me too as the Holy Spirt is pressing in and convicting me regarding my attitude toward several close family members.
@susanakahlhamer2015 7 күн бұрын
Thank you dear sister for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord help us to be ready!!!!!!!
@vee10403 7 күн бұрын
@@susanakahlhamer2015 thank you for your comment! Yes, let’s look up as our redemption draws near. Amen!
@FiredUpForTheGloryOfGod777 8 ай бұрын
Praise God! Amen! God bless you, dear Sister in Jesus Christ - Thank you, for sharing this encouraging and inspiring dream. Please remain encouraged, as you've encouraged me!🔥🙏🏾❤️🕊️🙏🏽🔥
@LEGIOUSIAM888 8 ай бұрын
how fired up are you friend ?
@our_diyhome6 5 ай бұрын
I have rededicated my life to the Lord. Jesus is my lord and savior. Please pray for my family to fully surrender to Jesus Christ! What an amazing dream, thank you for sharing.
@vee10403 5 ай бұрын
Praise God! Praying for you and your family.
@Lance2378 Ай бұрын
Amen. Please help me pray for a dear friend of mine named Lucy. I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that she accepts Him into her heart one day.
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
I’m in agreement with your prayer for Lucy 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@SavannahRaeSisk 4 күн бұрын
God is so good! He so holy and pure. God bless!
@vee10403 4 күн бұрын
@@SavannahRaeSisk Amen! God bless you
@phatcowboy76 Ай бұрын
Amen amen amen sister. God has been purifying me for this time. You video blessed me immensely. All 5 things you mentioned God has done in me. Praise his holy name. I am ready because of him. I welcome the work of the Holy Spirit in me. I have given to Jesus every part of me. I recognize Jesus as Lord of my life so he is in control. Praise your holy name Jesus.
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God! Thank you for sharing! Jesus is Lord
@MagdaNutt-vf1ko Ай бұрын
Amen ..thanx you LORD yup are coming.. can't wait..I love you LORD.x❤❤
@MrNirom1 Күн бұрын
Here is just a small part of a vision that I captured from a Book I read. The Second Coming Early one morning, we beheld billowing clouds crossing the sky from east to west. We did not sleep, so we often gathered to watch the sun come up. This was different. These clouds were pure white and billowing, rolling toward us from top to bottom like an unrolling scroll. There was no wind or lightening, and the clouds had no dark underside. We had been actively watching for the day of His coming. Even minutes before we saw the billowing clouds, we did not know the day nor the hour when He would return, but the instant we saw it, our hearts jumped up into our throats, and we cried aloud with joy and relief. "He is coming! He is coming!” we cried with every energy of our souls. Every soul in Zion and all of her cities felt our joy and ran outside to see this long-awaited moment. All of the inhabitants of Zion and her cities were watching when He came. We all heard a voice speak to us individually. I heard my name tenderly spoken. As before, every-thing that I am was contained within that sound, including all that Christ loved about me. It thrilled me with unspeakable joy. Everyone heard their own name at the same time. I immediately recognized it as the voice of Jesus Christ, as did all of my fellow Zion-dwellers. The good and honorable of the earth whom we had not gathered felt the spiritual magnificence of the moment and looked up. In an instant they began to rejoice as well, jumping toward heaven with their arms over their heads, as if trying to at last fly off of the earth and into His arms. The benighted of the world perceived the sound as a mighty roaring and piercing sound somewhat like an enormous wind screaming as a devastating earthquake rumbling toward them. Instantly, there was crushing terror in their hearts. They did not know that it was Jesus Christ returning and would not have believed anyone who said so. They thought it was another devastation coming. Others thought it was a missile or new weapon. Some of the enemies of Zion thought we had finally launched a mighty weapon at them. As the cloud approached, it became apparent that there was a man standing in the cloud. Even a thousand miles away, every eye saw Him approaching in the clouds of heaven. Evil men fell to their knees and wept. Some took their own lives. The hardened among them turned their weapons toward the coming Christ and opened fire. It would be their last act of defiance. We in Zion recognized His voice, and it was sweet and comforting to us. His voice told us to return to the temple quickly. By this time there were many temples across the world. Some were latter-day temples that had been upgraded to the millennial form. Most were new, built during this prelude to the Millennium. Each group gathered into their temple, some into dedicated church buildings, even in homes the inhabitants had made holy, and the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. There was room enough for all who heard His voice. We dropped everything and ran. We didn’t need to turn back to gather children or families, they all heard His call and came in that instant. Even infants heard and were brought by loving hands. We entered the temple through the outer temple that was dedicated to our tribe of Israel. For me and my family and most of my friends, it was the outer temple for Ephraim on the east side of the temple. We did not have time to change clothes, but each of us began glowing with purity that exceeded temple white. We were praising and singing and praying and rejoicing. The day was finally come- finally come, finally come! We gathered in the large assembly hall where our prophets began speaking to us, reading scriptures, and rejoicing aloud in what was happening. We were all prepared, and we sang new hymns we had never heard before with a mighty fervor. To my ears, it was the most beautiful sound humans have ever produced! Brightness and glory surrounded us, penetrated us, cleansed us even further. We were still in the temple, but the roof and part of the walls became transparent so that we could see the sky. We could hear angels singing with us and blowing trumpets that shook the earth. At last we saw Jesus Christ coming from the east, surrounded by billowing clouds and numerous angels all singing and praising the Father. Even though He was still hundreds of miles away, we could see His face clearly. He was clothed in spotless white with a red sash around his waist. His face was not angry, but He was not smiling. He was coming to cleanse the earth. He approached quickly and was soon above us. The temple was no longer visible to us. We were being taken up. We all felt the pull of gravity begin to release us. I saw the clouds growing closer, even as my soul expanded as broad as the universe-and then the vision closed. This is all I saw. I could say I wish it were more, but in all truth, it was all I could take in. I was fully enraptured, filled with exquisite joy and rejoicing. Anything more than this would have been overwhelming and incomprehensible in my mortal state, and I would not have been able to retain the memory.
@peteroreilly7065 2 ай бұрын
Yes, I walk with Jesus as close as I can and your message was so applicable to me and our saints out there. As a Christian for 40 plus years I had my first dream of Jesus a few weeks ago. He was on the cross and still alive. I saw him slightly to side and his chest looked a grey colour. He was groaning in pain. I was sobbing in the dream that God has done this for me. I have never ever thought of Jesus in agony on the cross. They nailed Him to a cross of wood, yet He made the hill on which it stood. Love to you all out there. Maranatha
@ramonr6346 2 ай бұрын
Thanks we love you too what a love we all share and having so much to look forward too in being with him is so comforting can't wait to see and love on you in paradise God Bless you.
@WatchmanforChrist 8 ай бұрын
Very good. I'm in the second group as I've only been saved for 4 years. Very tiring years. I however am pushing. Thanks for the encouragement.
@Jesus_is_Lord_316 5 ай бұрын
Brother, I suspect that it's not for how long someone has been saved, but rather how closely we're all walking with Jesus each day. The wise virgins abide and are sober, waiting and watching for our Lord.
@Slimchip Ай бұрын
Jesus is my Lord and Savior, God bless you and yours
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God! God bless you and yours as well 🙏🏻💙
@debsvalentin Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. He is my everything! Come Lord Jesus! See you in heaven dear sister.
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God! Yes, even so come Lord Jesus, come 🙏🏻
@cherylcook6837 9 ай бұрын
Thank you sister such an awesome dream. Thanks for sharing this with us. Much love and blessings.
@vee10403 9 ай бұрын
You are so welcome! God bless you too
@Lacronh 8 ай бұрын
@@vee10403 Thank you for sharing this, sister! Here is my daughter's heavenly dream from last year. The Lord has given her many dreams, visions, and encounters with Jesus and angels since she was a little girl. Here it is:
@davidmontez5971 8 ай бұрын
The only hope we have is in the pure precious blood of Jesus Christ. All glory to our lord.
@GodsSoldierPhanta 3 ай бұрын
Growing up I went to church with my grandmother and mother, and I was tired of going, my grandmother passed away in 2016 and after that me and my mom stopped going, But that never stopped us from still believing in God and that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. But I have struggles with sin through those times and when I came to my senses I asked got to forgive me for everything I have done im my past. Fast forwarding to now my life has been put to Christ only I’ve let so many things go and it is so worth it knowing that I will get to see everyone who believes but most importantly to see my God who died on the Cross for us I SAY LOUDLY AND PROUDLY THAT JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR AND HE IS MOST DEFINITELY COMING BACK 🎉❤🙏🏾✝️ Thank You for sharing your lovely message from god, I’m praying for the whole earth 🙏🏾
@vee10403 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony! The best inheritance we can ever receive or give, is faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
@GodsSoldierPhanta 3 ай бұрын
@@vee10403 And thank you for being a wonder blessing to us 🙏🏾
@vee10403 3 ай бұрын
@@GodsSoldierPhanta likewise! Thank you for being a blessing to the Body of Christ 🙏🏻❤️
@GodsSoldierPhanta 3 ай бұрын
@@vee10403 😊❤️🙏🏿
@justinaward3069 7 ай бұрын
I have rededicated my life to Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and it is been a wonderful journey! All praises and glory be to God🙌🏾♥️
@wsmith1213 Ай бұрын
Jesus christ is my lord and savior. When I wandered away I always knew that. About ten years ago I had an experience where I can pretty close to dying. I believe our father gave me another chance. Amen ✝️
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Wow, thank you for sharing! He is so merciful and loving to His children 🙏🏻
@evaescobedo6441 Ай бұрын
I except the ljesus christ as my savior .I'm requesting prayer for me and my job and family thank you
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God!! I’m in agreement with your prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@dannyhensley1100 6 ай бұрын
Please pray for my daughter Rylee. She grew up in the church and then married a Jewish man. Who is an atheist. She mocks me when I share the love of Jesus and salvation with her. ☹️
@vee10403 6 ай бұрын
Praying for Rylee that the Holy Spirit will convict her and draw her back to Himself 🙏🏻🙏🏻. Remember that the prayers of the righteous availeth much (James 5:16).
@dannyhensley1100 6 ай бұрын
@@vee10403 Thank you 🙏😇 May God bless you and watch over you from spiritual attacks.
@robertstephen6224 8 ай бұрын
With all that's happening in this world, and how it has slid into pure evil, and as we watch every biblical prophesy comes true in front of our eyes. It is so important to get this message out. Thank you for sharing your dream. Jesus is Lord. Wake up people do not get caught with your lamp oil half full. Do not be complacent. Time is short. Accept Jesus now! and repent of your sins. It is so important that we forgive everybody who has harmed us. Get baptized and stay in a strong state of grace. Wake up every morning and rededicate yourself for that day. Make it a habit to get a steady diet of the word and cultivate a disciplined prayer life. You do not want to have Jesus say to you I never knew you. A lot of Christian people have had dreams that they were left behind and others have had dreams of the tribulation. The tribulation dreams are horrible to listen too. Everything that this woman has said is coming true very quickly and there is no time. From what I have seen by listening to countless dreams is that some are left behind because of being in a sexual relationship outside of marriage. Some just still loved the world more than God and it showed up in there actions. These were Christians with half full lamps found asleep when Jesus came to take his bride. Don't be caught asleep worrying about the cares of this world and not your relationship with your creator. The bride of Christ are Christians full of the Holy Spirit. When they are taken out of the way the only thing left in this world will be darkness, sin and misery. God loves you and he is giving these people dreams so that non should parish. You don't have time. You have to do this now because he will come as a thief in the night when all is calm and peaceful. Thank you Father please wake all of us up. I ask this in the Holy name of Jesus. Amen.
@vee10403 8 ай бұрын
Amen, and amen
@djalextruth9152 7 күн бұрын
Jesus is my saviour ❤
@vee10403 7 күн бұрын
@@djalextruth9152 praise God!
@nataliegwiegmann5007 2 ай бұрын
Abide in Jesus and his love will pour out to others through you!
@melissaasevedo9738 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing, it is so encouraging to hear your dream and experience. I’m also watching for Jesus to come soon, and I’m praying every day for my family members to accept Christ.
@Unicornbaby-gq5rm 8 ай бұрын
Please pray for me too.
@DajonAntwons 3 ай бұрын
I just watched your video on tiktok. It lead me here. I felt a sense of urgently in my spirit for days. Your video spokes volumes to me. This is gift from God Almighty and warning to followers as well to do more and embody Christ. I Thank You so much for sharing your 20 year dream🕊
@vee10403 3 ай бұрын
I’m so glad it blessed you! Praise God for his His soon return 🙏🏻❤️
@antoinevermette4075 Ай бұрын
Praying that I don't keep stumbling in these last days but rather that I can help snatch people from the coming Wrath of God
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
I’m in agreement with you! If you’re not already a part of a Bible-based church and have regular quiet time in the Word of God, I would highly recommend it as it renews our mind and edifies our spirit in Him.
@antoinevermette4075 Ай бұрын
@@vee10403 thank you. Yes. I am. @cwcwpg Crossfire Worship Centre
@antoinevermette4075 Ай бұрын
@antoinevermette4075 Ай бұрын
@@vee10403 thank you
@waltersteffensthezr2man431 2 ай бұрын
Yes ma'am thank you for this video thank you Jesus for saving me by the power of your blood! Now is the time ask Jesus into your heart receive the free gift of the holy Spirit have your name written in the Lamb's book of Life is coming back very soon and he loves you very much!!!
@vee10403 2 ай бұрын
Amen! We are so close to His return. Maranatha!!
@waltersteffensthezr2man431 2 ай бұрын
@@vee10403 maranatha 🙏
@AYYngel03 2 ай бұрын
I'm ready, but my family aren't, please pray for them, I tried telling them Jesus is coming back soon, they didn't believe me and I don't want them start believing when left behind. ❤
@vee10403 2 ай бұрын
Praying for you and your family! Remember that is the Holy Spirit who convicts, so let’s pray that God will chase and save them 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
@JackN808 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your dream. I had a dream 13 years ago and I feel it is time to share it too. 🙏🙏
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Yes please do! I believe He is coming soon and we (the church) need to be prepared. God bless you
@JamieLynneDaniel 8 ай бұрын
This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I am a fellow believer after several prodigal moments. God has been so faithful to me and I am holding onto Him everyday.
@TMarie-gi6cx 25 күн бұрын
sister, I love your dream. It made me cry with emotion.❤❤❤
@tanitaormina 2 ай бұрын
Dear sister in Christ, Congratulations on the video you made and the wonderful story you told. I think that the time is ripe for the arrival of Jesus on Earth, but even if he does not arrive in our generation, our behavior must be as if he were coming today. Our Lord Jesus Christ must be placed at the center of our lives and as you rightly said at the end of your video, it is our duty as followers of Christ, to spread the Gospel. I leave you with a big hug! - Tani Taormina
@rubycompton8187 5 күн бұрын
Praise Jesus
@One4JC2911 5 ай бұрын
I had a dream about the Rapture this Friday 1/26/2024 at 1:45am. I am generally very reserved and keep to myself, however, this dream was incredibly profound and I can’t keep silent about it. In my dream I was in this beautiful kitchen laid with marble and in front of me was a beautiful brick wall and this person was speaking these words of wisdom saying that before the Brick wall could be laid, the marble had to be placed first and before “this” event could happen “this” would need to take place first. *I believe the Holy Spirit was talking about Bible prophecy. God’s Word and plan is perfect. I then clearly saw this man of wisdom speaking to me… he must’ve been in his 80s and all of a sudden, the kitchen turned into this church with wooden pews. I could still however, see the brick wall and marble tile surrounding us. The gentleman was sitting on one of the pews and I was kneeling beside the pew bench intently listening to his words of wisdom. And then I noticed that he was making these strange movements and I wasn’t sure if he was having a heart attack or what…but I as I tried to reach my hand out to grab his to make sure he was okay, time started to slow down. I then heard the preacher in the pulpit start to shout and he started speaking in tongues and at that moment I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and I started speaking in tongues and I was able to grab a hold of that man’s hand. He stood up holding my hands in his while looking at me in the eyes. He then began to shout with an excitement/ urgency…”it’s here it’s here it’s happening right now! The rapture is happening! And in that moment when he said those words, I felt consumed by the Holy Spirit as if I was surrounded by a whirlwind (this incredible sensation was so real!!!!) I knew in that moment… it’s actually happening the rapture is happening and I begin to feel my soul leave my body (same powerful sensation) and I began shouting out along with this man “it’s happening, it’s happening now.. the Rapture!!!” we’re both completely cognizant of what’s happening and in that moment as I am ascending up…I look down and say “No! no, no, no!” And I shout the name of my 24 year old son. I mentioned that I was completely cognizant of everything that was happening in that moment and I was even aware of what I was thinking in my mind I knew that my son was being left behind and the thought that came to mind at that moment was, “The Rapture came upon us sooner than I thought and I let time slip away. I did not get an opportunity to tell him what is going to take place here after!” And I woke up in such a startle. In one sense….I could not believe that, that was even a dream because it felt as though it was happening in real time. The Rapture was taking place and I felt every emotion and sensation of it taking place. But I have to say the emotion that I felt of leaving my loved one behind was almost unbearable. If I can encourage you all, Jesus is coming back for his bride and I believe that it is sooner than we think. Let us not let time slip away… reach out to others and your loved ones… tell them the Good news, the gospel of Jesus, and that Jesus is coming for his bride and we don’t have to go through the Great Tribulation. But this is what the Bible says about that devastating time. The Rapture is our blessed hope!
@vee10403 5 ай бұрын
Wow, what a beautiful and profound dream! We serve an orderly God and there are things that must happen (i.e., Matthew 24) before His return for us. He is our blessed hope and it’s a reminder to not grow weary or worried when things that are supposed to happen are happening, instead we should see it as a process laid before the foundation of the earth (prophecy). What an encouragement during these dark days! I could also sense the suddenness and urgency in your dream! I agree with you, the rapture will happen sooner than we think and we must share Jesus with others while we have time. Glory to God! Thank you for sharing.
@roselightcafe1754 Ай бұрын
🌹 Thank you for your precious prayers… Lord God please lead her to pray… If she happens to pray for me Lord, help her to hear You... grant her discernment/understanding should she focus on me… Thank you Lord that way I know it's you Jesus… Annoint her I 🙏🏽 ..🤲🏽 and I thank you Abba daddy… Jesus my Lord 🥰✨🌿🕊️
@kamielittlefield1572 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this! Blessings!
@oliviermoustiez4576 8 ай бұрын
@lordniblickiii Ай бұрын
❤ We must trust Jesus Completely 😊.. not having backup plans or conditions.. Remember we are to Mature in God's word after his perfect justification so that our obedience during saintification can contribute to our rewards at the bema seat.. and that our inheritance remains intact 😊.. May the Love of our perfect hight priest and king Jesus fill you all.. 🙏
@YeshuaSaves726 8 ай бұрын
It's almost exactly one year since i became a Christian and when i did,i first thought that Jesus was coming back soon but like 10 years from now to maybe even 30-50 but as i was digging and i believe even Holy Spirit Himself guiding me,i found out it's far sooner than i thought. My first few months were the hardest because Satan threw his all at me to deceive me and stop me from being true born again Christian and as i was raised orthodox Christian,i thought i had to maintain salvation and i tried to be good enough,i tried to be pleasing enough to God until i finally realized in March that it's once saved always saved and that it's all about Jesus and even tho i think i was born again before because i did genuinely desire relationship with God rather than religion,the whole works based thing,i did feel Holy Spirit in me,i did things and felt things that unbeliever wouldn't but that March that day,i physically felt completely forgiven and just felt reborn,i felt full of energy and peace and joy! Now,i did live before wilfully in sin and i still do a bit but as time goes on,i desire Jesus only all the more so i guess it's normal progress,as the mind is slowly getting re-newed. I am living aware of His very soon return, looking up every single day for the return! I do spend and love spending alone time with Jesus,just Him and i reading the Bible,i spread the Gospel and i try to encourage body of Christ,i think my call is to be a watchman so besides telling people the Gospel,i also tell them of that Jesus is actually coming very soon! Because i am an introverted and shy person,the method i use for spreading the Gospel is by going on KZbin shorts or generally KZbin and writing it down in the replies,of course,i don't write it on Christian channels but i go to the lost. I am most effective this way and i actually do my best to not just spread but explain because everyone knows Jesus died on the cross for their sins,i actually explain it to them that there is no forgiveness of sins without shedding of blood and that you must be born again and that that's why Jesus says is and says He is the Way,the Truth and the Life,nobody comes to the Father but by Him. Where i live,i am alone and yet not but Jesus is with me. My church is on social media,watching other watchmen and watchwomen. I so so love Jesus and ever since i first saw Him on TV,i knew He is the Son of God and couldn't deny it and i loved Him but i was orthodox and so i was lukewarm. Jesus is Lord indeed but i adore calling Him Father. Even before Jesus,i was persecuted,i wasn't loved and i found comfort in video games and eating food but now,Jesus is my source of comfort,my source of peace and joy,of safety,of everything really and i gladly call Him my Heavenly Father! I can't wait to hug Jesus,to kiss Him,to bow down to Him and to just spend the eternity with Him and rumour has it He still has the scars on Him and forever will...those scars will he forever kissed by all the saints! I thank Jesus for being with me even tho i was still a sinner,i had my faith in God and even tho i didn't have as much peace as i have now, because my trust was in Jesus even before,i was comforted. I am almost 19 but i hope i never will be 19,i want to rather go up and be with Jesus! I am now with Jesus of course,He lives in me,i abide in Him and He in me,just as Jesus prayed to the Father that we may be one with Him as He is with the Father so are we. It's hard for me who was always persecuted to imagine this but i will have do many brothers and sisters in Heaven and i will actually be loved. Even if not hypothetically,Jesus is all i need and want! He is Heaven,not us or angels or the golden street or the giant castle i imagine there is in Heaven,none of that,Jesus is Heaven. There is a place completely without Jesus and it's called hell and that's how the world is without Jesus. I am sorry for long comment,i already said i get lonely,thank you if you read it to the end. God bless you everybody and God bless Israel abundantly,amen.
@vee10403 8 ай бұрын
What a beautiful testimony of your evolving relationship with Jesus Christ! This reminds me that being transformed takes us from glory to glory. It is a process. “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” -2 Corinthians 3:18 (ESV) Similarly, I’m not who I used to be and I’m on my way to becoming the person Jesus has called me to be. As you continue seeking Him, don’t forget that nothing (absolutely nothing) can separate you from the love of God. “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -Romans 8:37-39 (NKJV) God bless you brother!
@YeshuaSaves726 8 ай бұрын
@@vee10403 When i hear others testimonies,i think of mine as boring because others went through drugs or occult or something alike and found Jesus but it's not so with me because i kind of knew Jesus way before that,i don't have cool story to tell...or maybe i am underestimating my story. Either way,i am glad you liked it,Jesus is coming soon so see you soon in the clouds! I can't wait to have billions of brothers and sisters who will love me and i can't wait to have a new perfect body and i will finally not be lazy which is my greatest...con i think is the word! God bless you and God bless Israel,amen!
@emmanueleverett9856 3 ай бұрын
Grace and Peace sis. I had the same type of dream when we were changed we look more celestial than terrestrial. We were literally glowing looking like a light bulb. Funny thing is is what I saw everybody had white hair. Everyone were like Christ glorified body. And about the field I saw the same thing but apart from the field I saw the gospel being preached to a man who had to make a choice before it was too late. And a lady was urging him to come to Christ and he said " no that's all right". But from about a yard off I saw a man dressed in white with a booklet in hand and he said he you made your choice. Then I heard the sound of a trumpet that was so loud it was almost deafening. I felt like we were being lifted with force. Funny thing is as we were being lifted it was like we were being tickled we were laughing. That being said sis. You're in his hands sis.
@vee10403 3 ай бұрын
Wow, what an amazing dream!!! We are in harvest season and He is coming soon to collect His bride! It will be a sad day for those left behind. What an encouragement to keep sharing the good news of the gospel! God bless you!
@fisherofmen9212 Ай бұрын
Thank you, dear sister in Christ
@swagMan253 Ай бұрын
Please pray for Aeri Uchinaga, Kim Minjeong, Yu Jimin and Ning Yizhou. Pray that they stay chaste, healthy and that they come to Jesus 🙏 Amen!
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Yes, I will be in agreement with you on your prayer 🙏🏻 Amen
@katherinequintana4757 Ай бұрын
I have accepted Jesus Christ as my everything! Thank You Jesus for your sacrifice. Thank you for mercy and grace. I love You God!
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God! God bless you
@FullGaceMinistries-id8bf Ай бұрын
Amen my sister God bless you, what a wonderful step you made to be saved.
@justinaward3069 7 ай бұрын
Lord Jesus may your Kingdom come soon 🔜 ‼️⏳ let’s Be prepared, God bless you all 🙏🏽
@ethshorts1665 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing beautiful sister, just reminding me of my dreams about tribulations even when I was still young. Shalom❤️‍🩹
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
You are so welcome! You should share your tribulation dream. It could be a warning dream to those who have fallen away from the faith. Shalom 🙏🏻
@DonHeber-eq8sb 6 күн бұрын
Thank you dear sister in Christ,..I hope all is well.
@vee10403 6 күн бұрын
@@DonHeber-eq8sb you are so welcome! Thank you for watching
@Unktiontofunktion726 5 ай бұрын
What an amazing message! Praise the Lord! I was radically changed back in 2019/20 after a life(50 years old)of not living for Jesus. I was saved at a young age and always believed but lived for the world. Not anymore, Hallelujah!! Pray I finish strong and don’t get “swayed by the wind.” Maranatha Lord Jesus!🙏🙌
@vee10403 5 ай бұрын
Praise God! Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻
@consciouslobster9310 3 ай бұрын
I believe in Jesus , i believe he is the Son of God , I believe he died and rose again , and I believe he died to wash away our sins . Im ready and I hope i havent disappointed him . Please Lord I pray for my daughter and family members who havent taken you seriously , please forgive them for they have been blinded by the material world.
@johnnydixon7784 2 ай бұрын
Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Jesus is LORD.
@vee10403 2 ай бұрын
Jesus is Lord!
@annatjiejoubert-ho4nm Ай бұрын
I am born again since 1979...but at the moment i feel very despondent. I need a fresh touch from God❤
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God on your salvation! I will be praying for you during this down time. . In the meantime, are you a part of a Bible based church? If not I would encourage that along with joining a small group and spending quiet time with God in His Word. God bless you
@terrygalyen5925 2 ай бұрын
Great job, God bless you for sharing. I enjoy hearing about our future with our savior! I love him so much! I get the message, of course the actual event will be in the blink of an eye. Won't it be wonderful! Lastly, our journey is continuous, praying, seeking, fasting,, loving, and staying in the word, the truth, the gospel! Thank you, God bless!
@vee10403 2 ай бұрын
Amen Terry, it will be in the blink of an eye. We are definitely living in the last days and we have time to get our hearts right and homes in order. Praise God for His Word and for the blessed hope we have in Him 🙏🏻❤️
@deninethomas8572 2 ай бұрын
I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior!!! Thank you beautiful sister for sharing your dream and hope with us! ✝️🛐🙌❤️🕊️
@vee10403 2 ай бұрын
Praise God! He is coming soon. Maranatha!!
@mzukisidlambewu-kc6dv Ай бұрын
Please pray for me to have a strong relationship and fellowship with God.
@IanBuell 2 ай бұрын
You are a beautiful person. Thank you for your testimony.
@FullGaceMinistries-id8bf Ай бұрын
Thank you for that dream God bless you. Maranatha
@angelatreasure4704 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing! God bless! 🕊️✝️🙏💞
@jeangarcia8673 4 ай бұрын
I accepted Jesus Chiris as my Lord and savior. My life is and stands for one kingdom of my Lord Jesus Holly Spirit my God Kingdom. Amen.
@Jesus_is_Lord_316 5 ай бұрын
And yes, "fiercer" is a word! :) God bless you.
@robsonrissotrainer Ай бұрын
I had 2 rapture dreams 4 months ago very real, I wish it will really happen soon
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
If you feel led to also post your video, you should do it. God bless you!
@vicu1111vicu 8 ай бұрын
@sajithomas5829 4 ай бұрын
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison
@dorismartin9413 8 ай бұрын
Thank you sister for being obedient to God- this dream is truly a blessing
@vee10403 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m so glad it blessed you the way it did me. Keep an eye out for a follow up video as I dissect the interpretation of the dream. God bless you sister!
@mr.2cents.846 Ай бұрын
Christ is KING 👑 ❤️❤️❤️
@thelightiswithinher5059 2 ай бұрын
I accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior ❤
@vee10403 2 ай бұрын
Praise God! Maranatha sister! ❤️
@user-bo4tq8ls9n 2 ай бұрын
Welcome to the family! 1Cor 1: 8-9
@red2thebone 8 ай бұрын
Ty for sharing! Amen! Waiting patiently for Jesus Christ! 🙏🏼🫂🕊️✨
@broaddaylight888 27 күн бұрын
I praise the Lord my God, I am a sinner in need of redemption, please pray for me as have been, for most of my life, under attack by satan and his minions... The last attack that I had to sustain was Satan getting me to meet this lady that managed to get me to accept having a cup of tea at her place so that I ended up catching turberculosis that she was suffering from... May the Lord have mercy on her soul. Cant get treatment from any doctor, its been over than a year and I cant hardly breath these days as this disease is eating at my lungs... Thank you for listening ... Bless be the name of Jesus, and the angels and the saints from heaven;;; < and the immaculate virgin Mary that I know from Lourdes and Garabandal. Amen
@vee10403 27 күн бұрын
I will be praying for your healing according to Isaiah 53:5 “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.” ~Isaiah‬ ‭53‬:‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@broaddaylight888 27 күн бұрын
@@vee10403 Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I appreciate... Ephesians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.God bless you...
@dragvarrenegade9363 8 ай бұрын
Jesus is my LORD and saviour, we will meet him in the air soon... Don't let the oil run out and keep working at spreading the word
@krisztiweitner7082 2 ай бұрын
Thank you dear sister for sharing❤ I am born again in 2009.
@billswindle8311 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing, sister. God bless you ✝️🙏
@jairahale6835 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the encouragement and being obedient. ❤
@wits2014 6 ай бұрын
TY sister! Great dream/info! God bless you!
@lastcallflight777 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your obedience sister! Jesus is coming so soon!
@larsbjrndrnen7259 8 ай бұрын
Thank you sister! See you soon!
@setttingoursails 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and encouraging testimony
@itstimewatch Ай бұрын
I saw this video on my timeline and felt the encouragement to watch. What a testimony! And an interesting dream. I love your obedience to wait ánd to publish. It looks like this video was the blessing I was waiting for today and again it came in a way I didn't expect. Your dream date and upload date confirm things for me. With your permission I'll explain why in a video.
@itstimewatch Ай бұрын
For now a strange question: is 4 September 1973 relevant for you?
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Praise God that it was a blessing to you! Jesus will come quickly for His bride, the church, and I feel compelled now more than ever to shared the good news of the gospel.
@angelhavenministry Ай бұрын
@ritapoirier1870 Ай бұрын
@vee10403 Ай бұрын
Hi Rita, I am in agreement with you in prayer. Also, are you attending a church? If not, I would recommend a Bible-based church so that you have fellowship with other believers. God bless you and your family!
@shavingwithrich1846 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@tonyyhap3370 8 ай бұрын
Hi Sister Veronica?? 🤔, I Accepted The Lord Jesus on Monday January 13th, 1975 in Panama 🇵🇦, that's where I Come From, The Lord has at times Revealed to me that especially recently, He spoke to my Spirit so Clearly as if it was an Audible Voice, telling me "Very Soon I will be Coming for You", but I do Ask to Pray for me, I Love ❤️ the Lord, but I'm Aware of my Shortcomings and Imperfections 😧😔, I've Confessed them to the Lord asking Him for His Forgiveness and Like the Thief on the Cross Asked Him, I Asked the Father, that on the Day He sends His Son to Go and Get His Bride The Church, To Please, Not Forget About Me, I Don't Want to be Left Behind. And So, I Ask You to Pray for Me, Thanks So Much, My Name is Tony 😊
@vee10403 8 ай бұрын
Hi Tony, I will be praying for you! Are you a part of a bible-based church? If so, I would encourage you to continue fellowshipping with other believers, as well as staying in the Word of God. None of us are perfect, but God looks on the heart and it sounds like you have a tender heart towards the Lord ❤️ God bless you brother
@tonyyhap3370 8 ай бұрын
I wanted to share this with you, Tonight as I laid in Bed and closed my Eyes, I felt led to Recite the Words of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 "16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words." And as I Awoke I Believe the Lord Placed this Song in my Heart "I know the plans I have for you, You're always on my mind. And all the thoughts I think toward you are lovingly designed ... To bring you through and give to you a future and a hope. They're for your peace, they're for your good, The plans I have for you." The Lord Placed this Song in my Heart as I Awoke, To Encourage Me, and that He does have Plans in His Heart and Mind Toward Me 🤗 This is a Song written by Marty and Misha Goetz "The Plans I have for You", you can Watch the Music Video on KZbin
@mommaof6 4 ай бұрын
Hi Tony, Psalms 51 God will not reject a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. The blood of Jesus covers you. You are clothed in His righteouness. There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. 1 John 3:20 If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything Last month sitting on my bed feeling like a failure & talking to the Lord. I heard these lyrics start playing in my mind...🥹 🎵Clothing me in white Bringing beauty from ashes For you will have your bride Free of all her guilts And rid of all her shame And known by her true name🎵 Song is called "Ever Be" God bless🙏❤
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когда повзрослела // EVA mash
EVA mash
Рет қаралды 4,5 МЛН
What God Will Do to the Narcissist When He's Had Enough
Kris Reece
Рет қаралды 260 М.
Judgment Dream - Flood on our Land
White-Winged Dove
Рет қаралды 2,5 М.
Jesus Told Me JUSTICE is Coming!
ISN – It's Supernatural! Network
Рет қаралды 540 М.
My Rapture Dream
Рет қаралды 43 М.
Rapture dream follow up. Another dream from the Lord!!
Christi Brower
Рет қаралды 6 М.
After Rapture Dream- what it feels like to be left behind
Рет қаралды 10 М.
Two Rapture Dreams! Jesus Christ Is Coming
Рет қаралды 1,7 М.
Jesus is coming! #rapture dream #jesusiscomingsoon #rapture
Christi Brower
Рет қаралды 9 М.
I Thought My Mom Was Saved, UNTIL God Showed Me This…
Supernatural Stories
Рет қаралды 396 М.
Вечный ДВИГАТЕЛЬ!⚙️ #shorts
Гараж 54
Рет қаралды 14 МЛН