Ambassador Andrei Kelin's interview to Jomana Hachim for Al Qahera News TV, 11 August, 2023

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Russian Embassy in London

Russian Embassy in London

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Watch the Ambassador Andrei Kelin's interview to Jomana Hachim for Al Qahera News TV.
Main topics:
- Ukraine’s stalling counteroffensive
- Prospects of peace talks
- Western arms supplies to Ukraine
- The European security architecture
- Economic situation in Russia and Ukraine
- Black Sea Grain Initiative / Russian grain supplies to Africa
- Yevgeny Prigozhin’s statements / Roots of the PMC Wagner’s Mutiny
- Russia-Africa relations / Peace initiatives of the international community
- The new geopolitical reality
- Ukrainian drone attacks in Russia
- Possibility of the Third World War
- The prospects of the settlement in Ukraine
- Evacuated Ukrainian children and Ukrainian refugees in Russia
Ambassador Andrei Kelin's key statements:
▪ Currently, Ukraine finds itself in a situation where it is essentially being sustained by the support of the European Union and the United States, primarily. Regarding the supply of weapons, the longer the influx of arms to Ukraine continues, the more protracted the conflict will be.
▪ I am confident that as soon as arms deliveries from the US and Europe to Ukraine cease, the government in Kyiv will be compelled to bring the conflict to an end.
▪ The UK, together with the US, began turning Ukraine into what's often referred to as an "anti-Russia" entity much earlier. This began quite some time before 2014, even before the Ukrainian Maidan Revolution took place.
▪ The UK strives to be at the forefront of organising campaigns to continue arming Ukraine. The UK’s negative role undoubtedly affects the entire conflict.
▪ Is there any disagreement in positions between the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States? No, as we understand it, the European Union is practically serving interests of the United States in this policy regarding Ukraine, as well as in all other directions.
▪ The Ukrainian economy has suffered significantly as a result of this anti-Russian stance in the struggle against Russians in Ukraine and the conflict with the Russian Federation on the battlefield. The current economic contraction stands at 34% of the GDP. Inflation has reached 40%, a substantial figure. Industrial decline is around 34%. Agriculture has seen a drop of about 30-35%.
▪ What's happening with Russia is quite the opposite. At the beginning of 2022, everyone predicted a collapse in our economy. In reality, over the course of a year, it decreased by only by 2%. We have resolutely reshaped our economy, although sanctions did have an impact, as Europe was our largest trading partner.
▪ Recently, there was a deal with Egypt in which we supplied 300,000 tons of wheat to Egypt at a price at the lower end of the market. We will continue these shipments. Last year, we supplied about 11 million tons. Many of them went to Africa. In these first six months, we've already supplied 10 million tons and will continue to work with countries that have a greater need for this, primarily in Africa.
▪ There's no need to exaggerate the significance of the Wagner Group in comparison to the Russian army. Essentially, it was a commercial project of an individual that received state support in its initial stages. Indeed, the private military company made a notable contribution, for instance during the assault on the city of Artemovsk, also known as Bakhmut.
▪ Of course, we appreciate the efforts of all parties, including African states. I know that a representative from Egypt was part of the delegation of African nations in Moscow. There's also the Chinese initiative. All of this is positive, but so far, there's no initiative that provides a realistic way out of this crisis.
▪ We don't know what happened in Jeddah; we don't have that information yet. It seems they were discussing Zelensky's initiative, which is entirely unrealistic. It involves us «leaving all of Ukraine's territories», leaving the fate of the Russian population to chance, as Ukrainian forces would immediately move in, leading to a bloody massacre.
▪ Ukraine should become a neutral non-nuclear state, as stipulated in its Constitution. Additionally, normal conditions should be guaranteed for Russian speakers and for Russia. And, of course, the existing territorial realities must be recognised.
▪ There can be no compromise here. In Donbass, in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, referendums were held. The overwhelming majority of the population in these territories expressed their desire to join the Russian Federation.
▪ We have a conflict with the government that sits in Kiev and pursues an anti-Russian policy. However, we have a respectful attitude towards the people of Ukraine. As for these discussions about child abductions, they are completely false. The fact is that around 5-6 million Ukrainian refugees have moved to Russia.
#Russia #UK #Egypt #AlQaheraNews #JomanaHachim #Kelin #RusEmbUK

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@saba-ka7747 Жыл бұрын
Где сегодня Нацист Дмитрий Валерьевич Уткин? В Петербурге ценят Габчика и уважают его во все времена. Почему словаки не говорят о Габчике, когда мы денацифицируем? Санкт-Петербург ждет ответа 23.2.2022 🇷🇺💣🔥🔥🔥
@TimothyWaldronSemple 10 ай бұрын
1 December 2023. Morning Dispatch for National Hockey League via Department of Defense. Neck protectors. That is all. Carry on.
@dianacooke5079 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the sub titles.😊
@jackdunn3235 Жыл бұрын
We are looking forward to the next installment from the facist embassy London.
@TimothyWaldronSemple Жыл бұрын
27 September 2023. Dispatch for Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea (North Korea), Peoples' Republic of China, and Sweden via Department of Defense: Private Travis King. I echo the sentiments expressed by Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder in expressing my personal gratitude to DPRK, China, and Sweden for assisting us in the safe return of our warrior, and I also express my personal gratitude to all Americans who worked so hard to make this possible. BRAVO ZULU, Team. Lest any should fear they have delivered Private Travis King to some terrible fate, I hereby humbly ask the President and the Secretary of Defense for mercy & clemency for a confused young man who thought defection a better alternative to facing military justice in America. Furthermore, I ask the Secretary of State to deliver a gift of fine American-raised beefs to DPRK for the feeding of the North Korean People as a token gesture of our appreciation for the safe return of our warrior. Thank you for giving our warrior back to us. You didn't have to but you did, and we appreciate it, and we will remember it. Very Respectfully, In Christ, Timothy Waldron Semple 1st Lieutenant, United States Air Force IRR Commanding
@TimothyWaldronSemple Жыл бұрын
23 September 2023. Evening Dispatch: On Student Loan Forgiveness. CC: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. My vision for American education after high school is a true scholarship meritocracy of both universities & trade schools. In other words, if a young American is talented enough to get into a welding program or Harvard, it should be free. This is not so un-obtainable as the wealthy would have us believe. The Cooper Union is free, my Air Force Academy is free, Harvard & Yale and the rest of the Ivy League have such enormous financial reserves & endowments that they could likely cover tuition, books, lodging, and food for all their students. Do we want young Americans to start their adult lives shackled with debt, debt-slaves of the country they were born into? Who on Earth thought this was a good system? Young Americans are not naive marks here for your personal financial exploitation, o ye boomers - young Americans are the future of America, and we must invest in them by funding their education so that our nation will prosper and blossom. God save the United States of America. V/R, In Christ, TWS
@jackdunn3235 Жыл бұрын
"Our 3 day invasive is going to plan", "And im not bluffing"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@OLDCHEMIST1 Жыл бұрын
Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuehrer! No, no we are not fascists, Vlad, do not make people think we are Nazis by putting "Z" on our tanks!
@TimothyWaldronSemple 10 ай бұрын
29 November 2023. Morning Dispatch for Department of Defense. Ground the Ospreys in accordance with the wishes of the Government of Okinawa Prefecture. I think they need a tail rotor, a third rotor operating in a different plane that is offset 90 degrees from the main rotors. I want us to explore that competing design: a helicopter with two coaxial main rotors on top and a pusher propeller on the tail. I like extended range & airspeed, I like VTOL capability, but not at the expense of the lives of our Warriors. How many of our Warriors have these machines killed? Is there an experienced Osprey Pilot who will now plead for this aircraft, and vouch for it, and assure us that Ospreys are the future of USA air assault cavalry? I don't want to hear from the engineers or the companies, I want to hear from the Pilots. God save the Joint Force. God save the United States of America and all our Noble Allies. V/R, In Christ, - TWS
@TimothyWaldronSemple Жыл бұрын
23 August 2023. Evening Dispatch for POTUS, Department of Defense, Ukraine, and Allies: War Strategy. If Prigozhin did die to friendly fire, then Putin has weakened his regime by eliminating one of his few combat-effective soldier-inspiring commanders, war criminal though he was. If Putin has retaliated against Wagner leadership with a decapitating strike, then I assess with low confidence a new disruption in the regime may be coming, perhaps from the remnants of Wagner, and we shall wait for that opportunity to attack. We shall not let our next military opportunity idly pass us by, as we did when Putin retreated from Kyiv or when Prigozhin mutinied. Rather we shall seize all military opportunities from here until total victory. I have concluded that in this present trench-line-war infantry are better suited for defense than attack. Aircraft and tanks are better suited for attack, but I believe the best use of infantry in this present war is to hold and defend ground. Therefore I am content to hold ground and preserve the Ukrainian infantry until the next disruption in Putin's regime provides a decisive opportunity for a devastating attack. Two conditions must be met: (1) Ukraine must have sufficient F-16s and other air superiority fighters to clear the skies over their offensive and (2) a massive armored fist of tanks and mechanized infantry must be assembled to punch through Russian lines. When the next disruption in Putin's regime comes, this joint force will launch a blitzkrieg attack to seize Azovstal Steelworks. I understand the valorous Azov Commander is returned from captivity to our ranks - keep him alive and well-defended. The recapture of Azovstal will devastate the enemy's morale and swell our own morale, and more importantly - it will sever the Southern Russian forces from Moscow, leaving them vulnerable to annihilation. It may cause the enemy to rout. Until then, preserve the infantry. Infantry hold the lines. Continue a war of attrition against the enemy with artillery & air strikes & most importantly drones. Strike Moscow hard every chance you get. USA leaders who previously urged Ukraine not to strike Russian territory were grievously misguided, so please disregard that. Strike Moscow hard every chance you get. Sink the entire Russian fleet at sea. I am very pleased to see the submersible/semi-submersible kamikaze submarine drone I suggested being realized. In my final analysis, a country where citizens are free to criticize their leadership, like USA, will always outcompete a country where citizens are murdered for criticizing their leadership, like Putin's Russia and every other totalitarian dictatorship. God save USA, Ukraine, and all our Allies. Liberty or Death! Very Respectfully, In Christ, Timothy Waldron Semple 1st Lieutenant, U.S. Air Force IRR Commanding
@TimothyWaldronSemple 11 ай бұрын
22 October 2023. Letter to the 46th President JRBJ via Department of Defense. Dear Sir: Christ Himself distilled all of the Christian faith down to two commands: love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves. So I can appreciate your heart for civilians in Gaza. However, Sir, this is not the totality of God's counsel to us. I have read the Old Testament, and I know the Roman Catholic Church reads scripture from both the Old and New Testaments during mass, and I admire this practice. Here is what I learned from the Old Testament, Sir. When Israel sins against God, they are smitten by their enemies. When Israel is righteous before God, there is no enemy on this Earth that can stand against them. I believe the Abrahamic Covenant applies today, for God changes not: whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by God, and whoever curses Israel will be cursed by God. Did not God richly bless USA after we defended Israel in World War 2? Therefore Sir I cannot condone USA facilitating any humanitarian aid to the city-state that attacked Israel. I think you are making a grave mistake that may bring down the very wrath of God upon us, the God of Israel who is the God of the Universe, the God that selected Israel as His own chosen people before time began. Not because they were the strongest and most numerous people, but that through them God might be glorified. Christ is Savior first to the Jew and then to the gentile. The Christians in Gaza have read the Old Testament too. Sir, do not give any aid or assistance to any nation that attacks Israel. Let USA be always and forever on the side of Israel, and let us always and forever be blessed by the God of Israel, who is the God of the Universe. Very Respectfully, In Christ, TWS
@douglaschalmers5265 Жыл бұрын
Very insulting that the interviewer Jomana Hachim has been silenced by the interpreter... rank sexism... but by who? 😐 Dislike
@nottinghillad Жыл бұрын
Ukraine is nominally an independent sovereign state. Is it not justified to defend that status? The UK also fought to be at the forefront in defending Russia during WW2. There was a British Military Mission to Moscow that saw the Northern Fleet supplied, the soviet army supplied, and trained to fight the invaders of Russia.
@OLDCHEMIST1 Жыл бұрын
And this was after the Russians had made a pact with the Nazis! Obviously this was a hypocritical treaty which both Stalin and Hitler had plans to break, it's just that Stalin was the less organized of the pair and had done more to damage the Russian Army.
@TimothyWaldronSemple Жыл бұрын
Вам больше не придется обсуждать с Хиллари Клинтон неправильно переведенные красные кнопки. Ты говоришь со мной. Я отвечаю. You don't have to talk to Hillary Clinton about mis-translated red "reset" buttons anymore. You talk to me. I talk back.
@TimothyWaldronSemple Жыл бұрын
Dilegua, o notte Tramontate, stelle All'alba vincerò
@mcai9mh3 Жыл бұрын
You can tell she hates the ambassador. What a clown
@OLDCHEMIST1 Жыл бұрын
Yes, he is! To support a regime like the pleasant one in Russia is an act of denying the truth, following the party line, accepting that the trumped up charges against so many people who are anti-Putin are justified and that the war in Ukraine is for the good of the country. You have to be mad or dishonest for that.
@jasonmudgarde286 Жыл бұрын
At least she doesn't constantly interrupt like most western journalists, Laura Kuensberg and the CNN woman for example.
@mcai9mh3 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonmudgarde286 yep she lets him speak his lies without interruption.
@jasonmudgarde286 Жыл бұрын
​​@@mcai9mh3Allowing a point to be made without interruption is a necessary part of dialogue. That's all I'm saying. Interrupting and just calling someone a liar does nothing to elucidate an argument.
@jackdunn3235 Жыл бұрын
​@@jasonmudgarde286A Russian bot is absolutely no position to lecture about edicate.
@just4visit Жыл бұрын
thank you
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