American Reacts to 10 Facts vs. Myths about The Netherlands.

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@Supersly666 2 жыл бұрын
This tikkie situation that she explained is pretty extreme and not the norm to be honest. If someone invites you to their home, it's not normal for them to send a tikkie for the snacks. If you're eating dinner together, then maybe. If you actually go out for dinner or order in, then you should definitely expect a tikkie. If someone is throwing a party and want's a contribution, this does sometimes happen, then they will say it in the invite.
@jbird4478 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, that's definitely weird. Personally, I think it's weird for dinner as well, but I know that has become normal. When I invite someone I just pay though, and so do my friends if they invite me. Not every Dutch person is into this obsessive splitting the bill.
@Supersly666 2 жыл бұрын
@@jbird4478 Indeed same here, although I have seen it done before.
@elsvanzwoll 2 жыл бұрын
Yes when I go to lunch of something with bij friend. I pay or she says And the split the Bill And sent me a tikkie for my half. 👍🏼
@fermitupoupon1754 2 жыл бұрын
@@Supersly666 I have a group of friends where it's always like that. We fix a date to get together, decide on what we're gonna do and then agree upon an amount that everyone pays into a pool so that 1 person can do all the shopping. It's also a great way to have a BYOB-style party and getting "that person" to uninvite themselves because they can't get away with bringing 2 euro worth of crisps and cola from Aldi and then drink their way halfway through a 20 euro case of beer that someone else bought. The way she's phrasing it makes me believe like she is "that person".
@xxmilannathanxx 2 жыл бұрын
It's not the norm indeed but i know some people... i won't tell their names but:D it does exist haha
@nelleke19 2 жыл бұрын
Invite someone and sending a Tikkie for snacks, drinks and Netflix at home is not normal in the Netherlands. Maybe if that someone never invites you back and you have to pay all the time I get it though 🙃🙂
@mariadebake5483 2 жыл бұрын
It would be very rude
@arietrouwborst3304 2 жыл бұрын
You only send a tikkie when you go chilling with the boys, but not when you invite a single guest to your home
@BrutusMaximusAurelius 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, maybe at a night out but not this. Either you as a host provide or everyone brings something.
@Supersly666 2 жыл бұрын
@@arietrouwborst3304 Exactly this, yes!
@dutchman7623 2 жыл бұрын
When a group of friends want to have a party, they agree which house is available and how the costs are spread. Sometimes they bring drinks or snacks with them, or share the bill. When you are invited at someones home, you are expected to bring a small present, flowers, box of chocolates, or another small gift. Unless you know each other very well and both know that the next time the guest will invite you. When you are invited at a 'big party' like a wedding, you bring a present that relates to the occasion, if you get coffee and cake, followed by a full diner, and a party with drinks and snacks all evening, your gift will be larger than when you are expected to leave after the coffee and cake. Never ever expect to pay any contribution in any form whatsoever without being told in advance with the invitation. But when it's clear that it is an open invitation like: "let's have a drink on a terrace after work", everyone pays a share. Maybe the antennas of the lady in the video are not 'Dutch schooled' yet to make this distinction?
@rvb2986 2 жыл бұрын
The Dutch never make a mistake on Holland vs The Netherlands. They'll always say "Nederland" and will only use the word "Holland" when communicating with foreigners. The question about tolerance is difficult to answer. The Dutch are intolerant towards intolerancy because it is a threat to their tolerance. They've developed into a mostly non-religious country and this creates tensions since all kinds of less tolerant people are coming to the Netherlands. Which makes me wonder why you would flee one country and take the things that created that miserable situation along with you???
@richardhltrp1791 2 жыл бұрын
@baronvonlimbourgh1716 2 жыл бұрын
Tolerance doesn't mean you won't be an outsider in society if you are very different or that people don't have opinions about you or your values. People will defend your right to be different and leave you in peace but that does not mean they agree or encourage certain values or behaviour. Or choose to mingle with people they don't agree with.
@tjiddenl 2 жыл бұрын
Only people from Holland call the whole country Holland. Most none Hollanders never use it even when talking to a foreigner.
@saskiapanter Жыл бұрын
So, who are those intolerant immigrants you're talking about? I'm friends with a bunch of people who came from abroad, yep also from Islamic nations, intolerance is NOT what I got from them. Aannamens van jou!! Did you actually take the time to befriend a few, or are you just blabbermouthing extreme right politicians like wilders and bidet?
@franny4147yoursandmysecrets Жыл бұрын
Totally agree!
@51bikerboy 2 жыл бұрын
I think that sending a friend a tikkie for visiting you at home is more meant as a joke about the Dutch. I have never heard someone doing that, never ever!
@Googlium 2 жыл бұрын
Students do this often
@rogerelzenga4465 2 жыл бұрын
but i bet he got lucky.... so transaction completed no? :P
@DrCatdeJong 2 жыл бұрын
When me and my friends were poor when we were young we'd take turns visiting each other and bringing snacks and drinks, and if one of us really was broke we'd just bring actual food to make it through to the end of the month. No strings attached, if me and my bf were broke they'd do the same for us.
@casmckay8034 2 жыл бұрын
True we dont do that
@Almerepresentsm4rc0 2 жыл бұрын
Sitting in a circle is not some weird tradition. :D We're just all in the same room and instead of making small islands and excluding others we just sit in a circle to make everyone feel equal and included in conversations. Snacks on the salon table and everyone can access it efficient. But when its a busy birthday people will stand outside or inside. Free to go wherever.
@renateweber5167 2 жыл бұрын
@asphalthedgehog6580 2 жыл бұрын
That's why I hate birthday 'parties'.
@jbird4478 2 жыл бұрын
Healthcare is very different here, and not just in how it is paid for. Generally speaking, you don't go to a doctor here to ask for a specific treatment. You go there to tell him what's wrong and he'll advice you what to do. Something many Americans are surprised about is doctors don't usually give medicine for the flu. They'll just send you home and tell you to wait a few days. We also don't do 'check-ups' without a specific reason. That isn't because of the cost, but it's a different way of thinking. American doctors tend to think it's better to cure something as soon as possible, whereas Dutch doctors tend to avoid unnecessary medicine or treatments.
@peterkeijsers489 2 жыл бұрын
Checkups: unless you're of a certain age! Women above 50-55 have regular mammograms, people above a certain age with conditions (e.g. heart conditions, lung conditions) that run in the family DO get regular checkups.
@jbird4478 2 жыл бұрын
@@peterkeijsers489 Yes, that's why I said without a specific reason. In the US they have this concept of routine check-ups, where a doctor or nurse just goes over various things like blood-pressure and breathing to see if anything might be wrong. Not everyone there does that obviously, but I've never heard of anyone here doing that.
@peterkeijsers489 2 жыл бұрын
@@jbird4478 Well, I've had a TIA a few years ago, and now I'm getting reguler checkups. Right here in the Netherlands...
@thestarlitwaters 2 жыл бұрын
@@peterkeijsers489 Rather specific reason. Hope you are well though.
@rosalindeschoonaard19 2 жыл бұрын
The flu is a virus, the kind of treatment ( read medication, specific anti- biotics) people want is NOT working. Tylenol / paracetamol will be advised to lower the fever and for headache/ muscle pain. Our mental healthcare is under pressure ( which I find concerning) but psychological help can be in our 'basic' healthinsurrance. Not all psychological help is free though. And a lot of times it is your first ' general doctor' or huisarts to help you to find the help that will fit you most. Psychiatric care is under pressure, but definitely in the assurance . That's also the reason why you get an appointment with a specialised psychiatric nurse who can shift who needs specialised psychiatric care or will be better helped with , for example contact with a social worker. Sorry for my long comment but as a ( former) psychiatric nurse I felt the need to explain 😅
@j0hnn13K 2 жыл бұрын
Fun Dutch weather fact, or maybe a fact around weather. Rain does not stop us from doing things outside, we have this old saying "you're not made of sugar, you wont melt" which shows the pragmatic nature of the average Dutch person. Don't be surprised to see people riding bicycles, doing their shopping, or just having a nice walk (without umbrellas) when it's raining, we can enjoy any type of weather. But ofc we also love to complain about the weather, that's like the national hobby or something hehehe. We learn to accept and even enjoy the weather from a young age on, as a kid you will play outside often regardless of rain or sunshine. When kids are old enough to safely ride their bicycles, they use them to go to school, sport clubs, to just get around town and visit friends or explore places, and again, weather is not going to be a reason to not do those things. The main thing to know about the Dutch is the fact that we are pragmatic people, we don't like to make a big fuss about unimportant things, and actually, it will only annoy us when people do make a big deal out of nothing. It's that mindset that started centuries ago, that gave us that "can do" attitude and we'll simply get on with the goals we set for ourselves. I do believe that most Dutch people are progressive minded, we want equal treatment for everyone, an inclusive society that is fair on it's people. We try to look out for one another, and to further that goal we've build in "safety nets" in our social systems, be it (mental) healthcare, welfare, and education, to ensure that people don't fall to the wayside. (ofc that isnt 100% fool proof, but in general it does work as intended) A last thing that describes the Dutch attitude, another sort of saying that goes : "Just be yourself" Those 3 simple words have a deep meaning, one we fully support because it basically the core of inclusiveness. Thnx for yet another fun video Charlie :D (ps, just noticed i was not even subscribed.. while i have watched countless of your videos... time to rectify that mistake and sub!)
@macmartin86 2 жыл бұрын
The thing with American's saying: "How're you doing?" is that you don't mean it, like you said, but when a Dutch person asks you, they are genuinely interested in hearing how you're doing.
@ElmoAsmussen 2 жыл бұрын
Not always. I think the American 'How are you doing' is similar to the Dutch 'Alles goed? (Everything ok?)'. When we ask that, we also just expect 'yes' as an answer. When we ask 'Hoe gaat het met je?', which is the actual translation of 'how are you doing?' we tend to be interested even if it is going badly.
@dutchgamer842 2 жыл бұрын
It's the same in the Netherlands as in the US. It's not a genuine question in the Netherlands either
@itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 2 жыл бұрын
When dutch people ask me "hoe gaat het?" most of the time I assume (depending on the tone and my relationship to them) they don't really want to hear anything aside from "goed hoor" either.
@dutchgamer842 2 жыл бұрын
@@itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 Alleen als een arts, ander zorgmedewerker of hulpverlening je vraagt "Hoe gaat het/hoe is het?" geef je een daadwerkelijk antwoord, wanneer het bekenden/familie zijn doe je dit wanneer ze al weten dat er iets is.
@PieterPatrick 2 жыл бұрын
@@itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 If I ask somebody "Everything alright?"... ...I want to know if he/she is alright. That is a important thing to know if you meet someone. But you don't care how another is feeling? That's not a nice thing. 🙂 I guess that's a modern thing? Or you are probably a Hollander. (I'm only Dutch and thankfully not a Hollander. 😛)
@raatroc 2 жыл бұрын
About the medical care. It's absolutely normal that in a healthcare system that provides for almost free medical care (except for the mandatory cost of the standard insurance) there are "filters". Imagine a hypochondriac that wants an MRI every week because he thinks he has some kind of obscure disease; this would really be a waste of resources.
@Johan91NL 2 жыл бұрын
It isnt free tho :P You pay for it with your health insurance. But the BIG costs (like that MRI) are filtered out.
@almanoor-bakker5964 2 жыл бұрын
@@Johan91NL en nou nog een keertje lezen wat er staat.....
@Johan91NL 2 жыл бұрын
@@torstenheling3830 I didnt say its free?
@pietergreveling 2 жыл бұрын
The average Dutch isn't stingy, we're frugal and save some for a rainy day, instead of spending everything we have and ofcourse we like a good deal! 👍🏻 And letting somebody pay for watching Netflix together, sounds pretty far fetched and i'm pretty sure that none of your Dutch subscribers has ever heard of this or experienced it and if so, than they have really sad "friends"! 🤷🏻‍♂️✌🏼
@dutchman7623 2 жыл бұрын
Unless my neighbor is at the door every evening because I have Netflix, empties my fridge, and leaves his marks in the toilet... Than it's time for a talk... Happened he could not watch anything at home because electricity was cut off. And than he asked whether he could take a shower, because gas was cut off as well. Did not charge him anything, but told him he had a week to fix his problems or f*ck off. He took my advise and did the last thing, and started to visit the neighbor on the other side. At least my problem was solved. So I can imagine situations in which something like a small contribution is asked to share something like a newspaper or a sports channel on tv. But in general, if you do not take advantage of someone else, no compensation is expected.
@Johan91NL 2 жыл бұрын
You exactly describe what is called stingy lol..... We Dutch are watchful of our money instead of spending it all the time. Buying something cheaper, go somewhere cheaper. The average Dutch is absolutely stingy, big time. Compared to others. But not THAT stingy that we would let a friend or family pay for Netflix, in normal situation. Perhaps when you dont have Netflix and wouldnt get it alone. So that you decide to get it together as friends, so share it.
@pietergreveling 2 жыл бұрын
@@Johan91NL No, i described frugal! Weet jij niet wat het verschil is tussen gierig en zuinig?!
@thestarlitwaters 2 жыл бұрын
The particular date story of nexflix an "chill" sounds like the guy was a total shithead who didn't get the "chill" part and sending a tikkie out of spite, or just completely socially inept for sending a tikkie. Never heard of someone doing this tbh.
@dutchman7623 2 жыл бұрын
@@thestarlitwaters There must be something wrong with one or both of them. Or maybe we did not hear what truly happened.
@Googlium 2 жыл бұрын
For birthdays you only celebrate in a circle with family. And for some reason your grandparents/uncles/aunts always congratulate you with your parents/siblings birthday which is odd. With friends most people throw a party, so you basically celebrate twice.
@r.a.h7682 2 жыл бұрын
No the dutch do not make that ''mistake'' we do use holland for the whole country sometimes in tv programs like ''ik hou van holland'' we all know that noord holland and zuid holland are 2 provinces in our country, she is a foreigner so i dont think she is the one who gets it.
@Alexcool667 2 жыл бұрын
had t niet goed gelezen
@lidewijvos 2 жыл бұрын
The Dutch use it a lot to accommodate foreigners. We obviously know better.
@chubbymoth5810 2 жыл бұрын
You'll most likely hear them use it in the company of a southerners to nag them a bit and poke a finger in their sensitive spot.
@xxmilannathanxx 2 жыл бұрын
I am Dutch and actually because of vids on yt i now know the difference between the Netherlands and Holland. I never knew. I still think many people in the Netherlands don't know the difference aswel:)
@r.a.h7682 2 жыл бұрын
@@xxmilannathanxx are you 5? you dont know about noord holland and zuid holland? god schools are going down hill fast.
@jpfoto64 2 жыл бұрын
the reason why birthdays are celebrated in a cirle is becouse everyone gets included. it's like when somebody new walks in the are getting included with the people who are allready at the party. and so with every new arivel the circle grows. no one gets excluded. althou, these partys are mostly family party's were the everyone from all generations is present.
@dutchman7623 2 жыл бұрын
And one of the big advantages: all are part of the same open conversation and can freely join into the talks. No small group gossiping about other guests. So if someone wants to make a bad remark, say it publicly or do not say it at all.
@rogerelzenga4465 2 жыл бұрын
@@dutchman7623 Also, the BEST stories come up :D ive heard from a mate's mom that my mate put nail polish all over his body when he was a young boy (4 years old) even on his wienie... and she had to remove it with nailpolish remover :D never laughed that hard :D
@Lily_and_River 2 жыл бұрын
I think what people don't realise in the Netherlands is that often in other countries people stand around in groups or sit at a dinertable even or it's a bit of a mix. Instead of everybody sitting in a large group for the entire time. What Charlie said, they sit in a group when it's time to unwrap presents or something like that (although in many countries presents don't get unwrapped till after the guests leave) but not the entire time. I think the downside of sitting in a group like that, is that people often only talk to the person next to them and it can feel awkward to change places sometimes (depending on how formal a birthday is). On the other hand if one is in good company it can be really fun and inclusive indeed.
@dutchman7623 2 жыл бұрын
@@rogerelzenga4465 Yes! The box of Pandora is opened on those evenings with a few well known family stories, but also new ones about 'old days' or recent trips.
@sjoerdwillemsen7946 2 жыл бұрын
The tikke story is turning into a urban myth since ive heard that from alot of different people now, who all say it happened to a friend of them, and i know they dont hang in the same social circles.😂 The Amsterdam red light district is called "De Wallen", rough translation "The Shorebanks". That is because when back in history ships docked in Amsterdam after months at sea the first couple streets/houses they would see would be the RLD. So they could vent all their pent up energy straight when disembarking and not wander though the entire city making a mess everywhere. Quite genius accually when you think about it. 😉 Another funny tidbit: De Wallen is plural for Wal. And what was the original name of Wallstreet back when it was New Amsterdam? If you guessed Walstraat you are correct. Since there was a 'Wal' there, but that word is not easy translatable to english since if there was a 'Wall' back then it would be called Muurstraat.🤔 Even google translates "De Wallen" to "the Red light district" 🤣 And to mess with you even more "Wallen" are also the bags under your eyes if you dont sleep well.😏 Anyways ill shut up now, keep up the good work 👍👍
@asaenco 2 жыл бұрын
@lindaijland4759 2 жыл бұрын
About the wether. Its a safe opening topic for conversation, not personally and always an issue in the Netherlands 😁
@maartjewaterman1193 2 жыл бұрын
I think we use 'Holland' as a pet name for our our country.
@Erik-Griffioen 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, i think that's it. And makers of TV shows like to use it: Heel Holland bakt, Ik hou van Holland, Holland got talent etc. The Netherlands got talent probably sounds less appealing. With football (soccer) also. The yell is Hup Holland Hup. It just sounds better than Hup Nederland Hup, i guess
@Johan91NL 2 жыл бұрын
Its not a pet name, its a disgusting name for it. As Holland its the ugliest part of the country.
@jokermarc5300 2 жыл бұрын
@@Erik-Griffioen i think cause earlier we called the netherlands as holland, we be using it on all those programs etc, but since 2019(correct me if wrong on the date), the country officially dropped the name "holland" , as of now holland only reffers to the 2 provinces.
@Judith_Remkes 2 жыл бұрын
@@Erik-Griffioen It just rolls off the tongue easier. Especially in English, I think.
@mariadamen7886 5 күн бұрын
@@Judith_Remkes Because the monolinguals are missing tolerance and respect.
@Retro_Care 2 жыл бұрын
Ok Charlie, you dont fool me, your dutch :) Its great to see someone that educates him self about "the world" in general. Love your content and hope you will visit NL one day my friend.
@Roel_Scoot 2 жыл бұрын
Immidiate termination of a job is called: ontslag op staande voet, and is possible in the Netherlands, but only if the boss tells the employee the reason which must be a valid and severe one like theft, fraud, utterly incompetence or refusing to work without a reason. The employee have no right to unemployment fee (WW) from the government. The employee has two month to ask a judge to undo it.
@WolfkingSybren 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulating everyone in the livingroom, at a birthday party is kind of a nice thing, actually. It is a way of bonding with all the special friends and loved ones, so that after congratulating you have the open door for making conversation, and meet people you maybe haven't met yet. It is also nice for the birthday person to see everyone getting along, making conversation ( Americans call it LOL) The circle is so funny to hear mentioned;-) Yes it is more practical: usually there are 1 or maybe 2 tables in a livingroom...everyone is circled around these tables so we can put our drinks down or grab some bitterballs...I never thought of it being weird, but I do like to compare it to ancient generations celebrating in simulair circles, with a fire and being close to best friends
@onehandcowboy 2 жыл бұрын
saying "Gelukkige Verjaardag" to other people is to congratulate them to "survive" that person that long (lol)
@justcallmepoh 2 жыл бұрын
As a dutch guy I love your vids keep up the good work
@computeraddic675 2 жыл бұрын
I have a brother who is 1,99 meter!!And i am Dutch ofcourse.That brother was born in the time off the world war 2!So a not pleasant surprise in that time,because he tended to eat a lot more than the others..And food was limited at that time.
@TTTzzzz 2 жыл бұрын
I think you got 9 out of 10. I love the way how you 'defend' the Dutch. I think you are being Dutchified! Good luck with your plans!
@lhjmhdj 2 жыл бұрын
@@ItsCharlieVest but you do need some working knowledge about Ajax, PSV and Feyenoord and their rivalry to be really called dutchified properly. So still some work to do 😉
@rogerelzenga4465 2 жыл бұрын
The Dutch weather chitchat is more or less us complaining :D, complaining when its too hot, complaining when its too cold, wet, windy..... the dutch have more words to describe the weather than inuits have words in their dictionary :P Also You have become a Honorary Dutchy, you know about this country than returning tourist knows in 10 years....
@MurrayDagostino 2 жыл бұрын
We dutchies love to complain about everything, not just the weather.
@henkmaat8410 2 жыл бұрын
I’m realy realy incredible proud of YOU Charlie Vest, what you al know & stil remember about our Country!
@Supersly666 2 жыл бұрын
You can certainly get a full blood check via the general practitioner aka huisarts. But if it's without medical reason, you'll have to pay for it yourself.
@chubbymoth5810 2 жыл бұрын
Traditionally birthdays were a way of families to meet up and tell the latest stories of their lives. Coffee and cake being shared with the chairs in a circle so everyone can listen in and comment while the kids play outside or on the attic if it rains. Those are the adult parties though, the kids party make the child the focus and few if any relatives will be around. The difference with a funeral is the occasion and amount of laughter. But chances are, there's an afterparty to honour the person.
@Jila_Tana 2 жыл бұрын
Birthdays : I am too lazy to move to every family member to congratulate them as well and do it from a distance, just wave to the room and say 'congratulations to the family' and sit down.
@Ellen1600 2 жыл бұрын
Me too🎉
@marcusfranconium3392 2 жыл бұрын
On tollerance well it goes both ways , the Dutch are tollerant with in reason , but they also expect others foreigners to abide to the same standards. For example we have many muslim and eastern europeans( mostly slavic peoples) well they re not that tollerant towards others For example Turks and marocans demand tollerance but do not give it to others with other life styles for example the gay comunity . slavic peoples of poland hungary bulgaria ,romania balcanregion, well they are not tollerant about the gay lifestyles , with different skin colour , sertainrelgions . But all demand tolerance of the dutch people for their life style . And that is where most dutch people will grind their teeth . As tolorance goes both ways and is not a one way street. On the employee stuff . there is more to it , the employer must give you 3 official written warnings , several talks give the person the opertunity to improve ( there might be some social stuff going on at home that influances his her work. ) Give the opertunity to change a job inetnaly or extra course or schooling . before one can gets fired. Unless you steal commit fraud well good luck its bey bey all pension freedays hollidays gone. I have seen it happen , some one worked 40 years for a company 3 months before retiring it came to light he opened an acount years ago to store funds if some projects needed it . He never took any thing for him self , but it was considerd fraud . tax office bank all came down like a hammer on the company . he lost his job . The office manager said if he just had informed him he could have made it an official acount and none would have happend . Still it was considerd fraud , and he lost his job and pension and all benefits . Your well protected but go to far and you are left out in the cold with a record no one will hire.
@dutchman7623 2 жыл бұрын
This goes for everyone. There are communities in the Netherlands where tolerance to other minded people is very limited. Jehovah witnesses, strictly reformed Calvinists, vegans, far right and far left thinkers, woke people, and many more. I have colleagues of many nationalities, and usually its not the nationality which causes any problem, but the mindset. I must correct you on something: when you get fired, with cause, your employer can hold you accountable for damage caused. And can refuse to pay outstanding obligations until a settlement is reached. This can be done by mutual agreement or by a judge. This only involves the employer employee relation and payments unless the damage done extends into juridical prosecution. But accountability has its limits, when the employer doesn't check the books and puts full trust in he employee, that's the fault of the employer and his accountancy. Pension rights however can not be confiscated, because it is not property of the employer nor the employee. They belong to the pension fund which is a separate institute, and have no value only when getting at a certain age or work inability. Unless of course pension rights have been acquired by fraud in itself.
@Maximus-n7v 2 жыл бұрын
@@dutchman7623 Very well said!!
@marcusfranconium3392 2 жыл бұрын
@@dutchman7623 Well the pension funds can be confiscated and canceld . I didnt know that either but its true , and in particular with goverment conected companies, its a complex regulation but it hammers home. as its also determined on how long its been going on , verry complex isue and with the social benefits /taxation /pension funds etc all beeing part of the goverment runs offices .
@thestarlitwaters 2 жыл бұрын
@@dutchman7623 Correct!
@itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 2 жыл бұрын
I've had the occasional situation where I had to grind my teeth at immigrants who demanded respect and tolerance but did not reciprocate.
@mickeydejong8950 2 жыл бұрын
celebrating a birthday in a circle is something the older generation (I'm talking 70+) people used to do. Nowadays it is a lot more laid back and people mingle.....
@deesdanmaar 2 жыл бұрын
About the weather and how it can change... I am a member of the choir "Canto Felice", and because we exist for 5 years, we made a videoclip (releases the 2th of july 2022!), when we shot the clip the weather was awesome! High temperature and lots, really lots of sun! But one week later, we did the soundrecording for putting onto the video, and, how bizarre, it was snowing and very cold! Yep, that's the Netherlands... and I like it 🙂
@DonDadda45 2 жыл бұрын
9:45 I love how much knowledge you have! In some languages, NL is actually just called "Holland" so a lot of people get confused. Also many many natives I met also call it Holland from time to time so I don't think its much of a biggie to say.
@lindaraterink6451 2 жыл бұрын
With big sports events it is Holland and allowed all the other posibilities it is the Netherlands.
@Pietervandebuurt 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of these things i as a Dutch guy disagree with, a lot of them are really stereotypes and not everyone does that, like birthday sitting in a circle, the tikkie thing is really not a thing in my surrounding, we just pay, and another day someone else pays.
@xxmilannathanxx 2 жыл бұрын
It's indeed very stereotype but it makes me laughing out loud:D
@Johan91NL 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with pretty much all of them. The typical things people think about us Dutch is absolutely true. Except for the drugs stuff tho.
@Pietervandebuurt 2 жыл бұрын
@@Johan91NL Its offcourse on average, if your an average person, yes i think you agree with them. I personally dont agree and feel like a lot of them are more for the ''older people'' then the young.
@Johan91NL 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pietervandebuurt What dont you understand that this is about the Dutch..... not about you or me personally lol.... I didnt say I am like this. I only said that i agree with the general statements for the Dutch.
@Pietervandebuurt 2 жыл бұрын
@@Johan91NL So what am i ? I am Dutch lmao and so are a lot of people i know.
@AwoudeX 2 жыл бұрын
2 brothers run a daycare company with some addons (it's a mixed business, with some health care etc.) Last week they tore out some really old concrete that was ugly and cracked and even the rebar was sticking out here and there, well they hired a crane and a dumpster truck to get that stuff out. Then they filled the hole themselves with proper white sand, egalized it and layed H-shaped bricks all by themselves. I mean, one of the brothers doing all that is the financial director for the company with 80 or so employees. The best part of the place i work at, is that there is a competence hierarchy. I'm electrician and if i have advice on how to do things, most of the times it's used. I cannot express enough how rare it is to work in such a place.
@nielsjensen4185 2 жыл бұрын
The northern part of Europe is traditionally farming countries. For farmers, the weather is extremely important, so, we've gotten used to talking about the weather as small talk. For the Dutch, the weather is furthermore extremely important due to their placement relative to the sea level. The other industry that has been present in large amount near the shorelines of the northern countries is sailing-related activity And when you go sailing the weather is of extreme importance since bad weather can literally kill you.
@030Rk 2 жыл бұрын
That was a strange guy she dated with. Let her pay for Netflix and snacks? Haha, nobody here is like that. Dutch guys are gentle, ofcourse.. We use "Tikkie" when we're going out with some friends (for example: pub, club, dinner or festival) and 1 member paid everything. It's a good system XD. "Going Dutch", right? Btw, i like your videos! You have to go to Utrecht some day. cozy city in the middle of the Netherlands👍
@macmartin86 2 жыл бұрын
As a Dutchy, I agree, this is the first time I heard of this. As far as I know nobody sends a 'Tikkie' for snacks and Netflix, that just doesn't happen. So in this case, it's a weird guy and this is a rare case.
@lindaraterink6451 2 жыл бұрын
Probably a guy that expected to be 'paid' differently for his generosity and didn't get it and got all salty about it..
@vrie4844 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is not a mistake that the dutch say “ Holland” because it is (often ) easier to say than “the netherlands”
@florisnr11 2 жыл бұрын
I am dutch and i can say that ticky is only user for the Young people that go out and pay as a group. Most people dont have ticky i dont have it. Also about the use of the word Holland, whe say that also to foreners becose alot of people dont now what the Netherlands is. And no one sent a ticky for netflix thats nuts.
@Johan91NL 2 жыл бұрын
Its ''Tikkie''. Tikkie is used a lot here, sure 60+ you dont see it that often. But for presents, for eating out and whatever. Its super easy. And you dont need the app to be able to use it. A lot of Dutch people also say Holland to other Dutch people.
@florisnr11 2 жыл бұрын
@@Johan91NL ik ben 54 en heb 4 volwassen kinderen en die gebruiken geen van allen tikkie. Ik zie het maar zelden dat het gebruikt word.
@randolf84 2 жыл бұрын
the Dutch congradulate all people on the party as a form off respect and to introduce you to the people you dont know.
@TheTekknician 2 жыл бұрын
Did I actually spot "The Undutchables" in the background? I LOVED THAT BOOK! :)
@Random_user_8472 2 жыл бұрын
Tikkies are mostly used for buying a gift together for someone, like with a wedding, or the birthday of a colleague. You have a nice voice btw bro, you should do late night radio! Greetings from a Dutchie living in Peru!
@Xxlongbow 2 жыл бұрын
1. its just a tradition. you celebrate your day of birth, you enjoy it together as a friends/family member. have some snack and drink a beer. talk a bit and you shake hands with everyone and greet/celebrate it with everyone. 2.talking about the weather is just a thing we do. its also a way to start a conversion. but dont wanna hear everything whats going on. 3. i think we r quiet tolerant but we argue when ppl try to change our way of life. its all about values.
@Lily_and_River 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Charlie, you should totally do a video on differences between Dutch and American birthday celebrations! There are a lot more differences and it would be fun to see your reaction on those :)
@TheTwan85 2 жыл бұрын
An enemy of my enemy is my friend... That's why we like complaining about the weather, it's a common enemy! That Tikkie story is a little sus, I don't think the person would've sent that payment request if the date went well. It feels a little vindictive to me. About the birthday situation: I feel like this is a misconception, but maybe that's just personal experience. My friends and family will congratulate my parents and maybe a grandma or grandpa, but it's not like my friends will go around and congratulate each other... It might happen where someone enters and doesn't know who's (close) family so they don't know who to gratulate, and they'll just say something like "jullie ook allemaal gefeliciteerd" (congratulations to all of you as well) just to get it over with, but that's definitely not the norm as far as I'm aware 🤔
@Lilac.Affairs Жыл бұрын
I loved this reaction! About the weather conversation it is definitely a starter conversation, but the reason why we dutch people never say "how are you doing" as a small talk opener is because we Dutch people will literally tell how we are doing and be honest about how we feel. And then that small talk combo will turn out into a whole autobiography of someones live. Dutch people take that question serious, were as i notice in other countries it's said superficially and nobody seem to care how you actually feel. So when a Dutchie ask you how are you doing they expect you to share your feelings with them and how life is going.
@ronalddolman2654 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, the Netflix (& chill) example is hilarious even for frugal Dutch 'standards'. I have a strong suspicion that evening went a little differently than that person had in mind beforehand.😉
@keesdevreugd9177 2 жыл бұрын
Funny: I've been congratulating 'the circle' all my life, without realizing how weird that is. Because it is, of course. I guess somebody, once, a long time ago, started doing that as a joke and the rest of the natives, including me, just followed suit.
@lorrefl7072 2 жыл бұрын
Here in Belgium you also have red light districts in some town. Like in my town Oostende (coastal town of 72000 people) the brothels used to spread out over the whole city. But a decade (could even be 2, can't remember) Oostende decided all the brothels had to be centralised in a side street of the train station. The brothels were given a few years to move to this area, or quit. In Belgium we also have to get a referral from out "huisarts" (which means "house doctor" and is the family doctor/general practioner) to go see a specialist. When you get fired with a permenant work contract in Belgium you either doing a really, really shitty job... or the company is downsizing.
@evadoornewaard6559 2 жыл бұрын
Thr birthday thing is so true. First they'll walk up to you and be like "congrats with your birthday!" Then they'll congratulate your family, so if you live with your parents they'll be like "congrats with your child!" And maybe even to your siblings(if they're present atm); "congrats with your brother/sister/sibling!" Then they give you your present and then they will congratulate at least the grandparents as well if they're present. Or, well, that's how they do it in my family XD
@75krikkie 2 жыл бұрын
im from eindhoven the netherlands 47 and lived my entire life in eindhoven ... i just saw your channel for the first time....and i love it.. its a good representation of my country..pls keep it up 🙂 if you have any questions pls feel free to contact me. and if you are ever planning to come to eindhoven .. it would be an honour to show you around in eindhoven .. thx
@wolterrutgers372 2 жыл бұрын
Dit was weer een leuke video Charlie, en je baardje gaat lekker, ziet er al mooi uit, wordt alleen maar mooier, wel volhouden hé!
@dennisvanslingerland2258 10 ай бұрын
Hoi Charlie!!! Liggen jouw roots van vroeger in Nederland?? Je begrijpt de Nederlandse taal behoorlijk goed!!! En jouw uitspraken zijn zijn heel goed, woorden zoals: Gouda, stroopwafels en Nijmegen enz. !! Super!!!👏 Groeten van uit de westkust van Holland!
@icedogxd7900 2 жыл бұрын
I used to think that weather in the Netherlands isn't good but I take it back. because its good weather to be active and function. its not too warm or too cold its just average with a lot of rain.
@qazatqazah 2 жыл бұрын
In Dutch "Holland" can be used as a pars pro toto for The Netherlands, and het Nederlands Verkeersbureau (an agency promoting tourism) has done this for decades, but they have bettered their ways now. However, there is even a historical basis for using "Holland" as the name: the precursor of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was Lodewijk Napoleon's Kingdom of Holland - but it only existed for five years or so.
@palantir135 2 жыл бұрын
The weather here is less worse than you think. We certainly don’t get every season’s weather on one day. Along the coastal provinces it tends to rain more and there’s more wind. The high-sand-ground regions in mid-Brabant and the east are the driest and warmest places. The northern half is colder than the southern half.
@juultjeisdebestegames5644 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest I'm kinda surprised you know so much about the netherlands! Well with provices and such.
@lucasmansvelder7410 2 жыл бұрын
About the seasons in 1 day, someone made a picture at like 16:24. It was raining like hell. Then another one at 16:26 the sun was shining like it does in the summer. Honestly, the people who predict the weather are wrong a lot. That's how extreme it is sometimes
@gerbentvandeveen Жыл бұрын
I have been working for the same employer for 24 years now. And at the end of September, I had my first industrial accident. I just started working 8 hours a day. 5 days a week. That was more at first, and Saturday morning 4 hours. Now, I have more net per month. 3 months at home, work less and save more! That's just a reasonable existence. And had another storage per 1/23.#spakenburg
@Roel_Scoot 4 ай бұрын
The fact that the birthday person is stil living is something for everyone at the birthday party to rejoice, so congratulations for all can be a deal, but especially for the partner and children, father, mother and siblings and grandparents. Usually not everyone got congratulated but the next of kin.
@lbergen001 2 жыл бұрын
You actually passed the "inburgeringscursus". Lmao 😄 You know a lot about NL already. 👍👍
@gerardscheffer8848 2 жыл бұрын
She maybe had a point with the tolerance. If people are for instance really traditional (as we are not) they could have a harder time over here. Never thought about that actually.
@arturobianco848 2 жыл бұрын
I know i do it to. But thats because i usually don't like them very much wether they are dutch or foreign. Or better i don't understand them i know some very lovely people who are traditional but its just hard for me to be really close friends with them i accept what they are but like i said i don't really understand them and can't phantom why they wanna be that way. But i make a differnce to the ones that are born into it those are ussually okay as a person as to those who became ones those i ussually don't like.
@theo4281 5 ай бұрын
ok, this vid is a year old but i like to mention that Haarlem is the capital of North Holland. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands but they're also in our province North Holland. I'm from Haarlem. We lost the race to become the capital of the Netherlands at the time, but 150 years later we took revenge by taking the title of capital of North Holland. Amsterdam didn't pay attention and thought they were already the most important city. Now they are in the province below us. The tulips from Amsterdam come from Aalsmeer, which is part of Haarlem, lol
@infj4w511 Жыл бұрын
Wow shit, you know a lot about the Netherlands. You know much more about the Netherlands than I even know about any of my neighbouring countries... You really had an understanding of each of her topics. Fe, as soon as she mentioned the weather, you understood that we could have all of the seasons in one day, and therefore it'd make sense as a converstaion starter.
@mikaeldk5700 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, you knew the difference between Holland and The Netherlands better than me 😀 I feel that in many ways that Denmark is the "Scandinavian Netherlands". I really hope that you will visit my country some day.
@mikaeldk5700 2 жыл бұрын
@@ItsCharlieVest Wow man, welcome to Europe!! I really really hope that you enjoy the Netherlands. I have been there three times, and I think Amsterdam is a beautiful city, but slightly more tourested (is that at word?) than Copenhagen. Anyway, I hope you will not be disappointed here. Just relax, and life will come to you. I really wish you all the best.
@steefwolf7727 Жыл бұрын
I want to add that yes we have basic insurance that you NEED to have, but if your income is under a certain amount you get "zorgtoeslag" which is goverment funded to help people. a few years back my insurance was 130 a month, but zorgtoeslag was 126 for me so basically my insurance costed me only 4 euros a month!
@stefanvanberge5601 2 жыл бұрын
It seems to be a typical Dutch custom. Congratulating the whole family, sometimes even the entire circle of friends of the birthday boy or girl. In itself it is not surprising, if you see congratulation as a synonym for 'I am happy for you'
@stonedmountainunicorn9532 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, You got Brabant
@lordlapswans 2 жыл бұрын
You are awesome Charlie ! You really know allot about our Country !
@patrickscholten222 2 жыл бұрын
love from the netherlands, you wil like it here for sure
@missitheachievementhuntres560 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Charlie, I'm just watching the newest Souls to Souls traveling video and at the beginning (second question), they answer what they did to make the move to the Netherlands easier, I share it because it might help you in the future. (it is the video part 2 of answering questions.)
@missitheachievementhuntres560 2 жыл бұрын
Question 4 or so about what they took with them might also be helpful :D
@WikkeSchrandt 2 жыл бұрын
The funny thing is that talking about the weather isn't usually a conversation starter here, it's often literally the full extent of the conversation. You'll see someone, talk about the weather and fuck right off without ever talking about anything else. I much prefer that over regular small talk, to be honest.
@MartijnHover 2 жыл бұрын
I am from Brabant, but I don't particularly mind if someone calls my country "Holland". 😊
@spectorial 2 жыл бұрын
about the birthday thing. think of it like ''all thes people help sculpt the birthday boy/girl tho what they are today'' and congratulating them is a form of a polite thank you
@gertvanderstraaten6352 2 жыл бұрын
I live in Nijmegen, very close to the German border. The Red Light District seems to get a lot of visits by Germans, judging by the numberplates of cars going there. Same goes with coffeeshops: a lot of foreign buyers. Technically they have to ask for your id but a lot of them don't. As for pshychologists: it is completely free but waiting lists are very long, I read the other day someone killed himself after two years on it. I had panic attacks and had to wait for almost a year, by that time medication had solved the problem basically.
@joostvanderlee9569 2 жыл бұрын
2. no, you dont have to convince them. you can just ask for a specialist. Sometimes you don't even have to ask, they will sent you to a specialist automatically. But GP's avoid unnecessary treatments and medicine, if just a cream will work.
@joostvanderlee9569 2 жыл бұрын
@@MickeyM2002 im not sure i understand
@joostvanderlee9569 2 жыл бұрын
15:23 Nobody does that. But if it happens, its extremely rare
@detectivepigeon5938 2 жыл бұрын
10:34 the Dutch definitely do not make this mistake.... if you ever find a Dutch person who doesn't know the difference I'm pretty sure he's officially not Dutch anymore
@wislaboy4435 2 жыл бұрын
The tikkie after Netflix and chill I don’t agree on haha , you would fit perfectly between the Dutch mate ^_^
@CalzNL 2 жыл бұрын
A GP can also send you to a psychologist directly. Also what she refers to as a nurse is more often a type of social worker or psychologist even. And its not really free as you pay health insurance
@henkmaat8410 2 жыл бұрын
Congradulating everybody who is at the birthday partij,is just an sign of decenty
@robvanosch9132 2 жыл бұрын
In the Netherlands everyone has a mandatory basic insurance, this costs between 100-150 euros per month, this depends on the insurance company and other factors . Next to that you have to PAY "eigen risico" (own risk) when you get medical care (some medical care is excluded). The least own risk you can choose in the basic insurance is 385 euros. You can increase this amount (max. to 885 euros) and then your monthly fee will go down. When you are young it is less likely that you will need medical care so you can take the risk of increasing your own risk (and paying less per month), but when you break a leg or so, then you need to pay more yourself. If you go to a psychologist and "spend" more than 385, you have to pay the 385. If you spend less, you only spend that amount. Same thing for surgery or other medical care. This is per year, so if you "spend" everything in january, you don't have to pay more own risk the rest of the year. So own risk is an additional fee you have to pay when you get medical care. If you don't get medical care that year, you don't have to pay this fee. Furthermore, you also have "eigen bijdrage" (own contribution), which mostly focusses on medicines. A lot of medicines are covered in the insurance, but there are medicines that are only covered partly or not at all. You have to pay the rest amount or the full price if it is not covered, which is called own contribution. Medicines that are not covered are not very common, but the insurance rates them as "non neccesary" medicines. Medicines that are partly covered are very common as well as medicines that are fully covered. The whole insurance system is very complex, the insurance companies make a lot of money so it all involves around money, so it can still be expensive sometimes. It depends on the choices you make with which insurance you take. But overall I am very pleased with the system. You don't pay crazy amounts of money for treatments or ambulance pickups (those are all free).
@jannetteberends8730 6 ай бұрын
A psychiatrist is mainly to diagnose somebody. And only treats people when they need medication. In my experience the MP directly refers you to a psychiatrist. Other healthcare workers are not allowed to give a diagnosis.
@darrenislar1053 2 жыл бұрын
I have learned to my own surprise that the government once made a decision (a few years ago) that The Netherlands should not be referred to as Holland, and that was made official. I need to say though that I have come accustomed to calling The Netherlands 'Holland'. As a Dutchman I can see why some people are insulted by that. Economically the emphasize is on the west (the Hollands and Utrecht), and in the other provinces they feel like they are looked down upon. I myself live in the South, not at all in the Hollands who make up the West. For some years I lived there. But wherever I live, I'm not insulted by calling the Netherlands 'Holland'. I've grown up with that name and I feel that a lot of Dutchmen are making a fuss over nothing. As for the rest, I like this video ... thank you :)
@bterwijn 2 жыл бұрын
12 provinces!!! we build a new one, Flevoland (God created Earth, the Dutch build the Netherlands)
@alexandergrofics1885 2 жыл бұрын
I believe they even started out with seven... 🤔
@adiranl486 2 жыл бұрын
it's 12 provinces!!! Flevoland has been one for several years now.
@BrutusMaximusAurelius 2 жыл бұрын
2 is so incredibly wrong. If there’s something wrong with you, a doctor will help you and the doctor decide the course of action. If there’s nothing wrong with you, why would you go see a doctor? Small exceptions of course for certain yearly checkups or when you’re at risk for something, like Illness in your family. I’m glad it made sense to you, you’re the patient, not the doctor.
@Johan91NL 2 жыл бұрын
She is right tho. You dont make an appt at a specialist. It goes through a GP.
@RickNL86 2 жыл бұрын
What she said about congratulating every person in the room during birthdays is BS. Parents and maybe sister/brother, that's it.
@lytsedraak 2 жыл бұрын
I was definitely congratulated for birthdays of my sister as well. Same happens at weddings though, my Belgian mother in law did not know how to react when she was congratulated with our wedding as well XD
@AlexSeesing 2 жыл бұрын
About the birthdays: We celebrate life. So, in the case of someone's birthday, we point that out to each other in the most merry way we can. This gal or lad made it to the next year! Let's celebrate this all together! Therefor we congratulate everyone. And it forces everyone invited to behave nicely. Don't try to show up uninvited though, bad things might happen.
@VivaLaViolette 2 жыл бұрын
I love your video's about the Netherlands. You have to visit us in de Achterhoek. That is a part in Gelderland. You and your lovely Lady can stay with us and we show you around. If you like, you can sleep in our medieval tent😁 We are my husband , our kid and our 2 lovely dogs. Our little dog from Spain and our Alaskan Malamute.
@VivaLaViolette 2 жыл бұрын
@AwoudeX 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding health care, your personal physician who keeps a file on your health care is a gate keeper. He or she prevents the specialists from getting swamped with people demanding their attention. You first go to him or her and get a fiat form. From my own personal experience when i needed a MRI, i got one immediately from my personal phycisian. My neck hernia was confirmed by it and then i also met with a surgeon, discussing wether or not to operate. They are known to want to cut into people and he wasn't really wanting in my case. He said i'd grow over the hernia and he was right.
@mauritsgeerts4759 2 жыл бұрын
About the birthdays: I've seen a lot of video's where they say that at a dutch birthday celebration, everyone congratulates everyone. As a 50 yo dutchman, I;ve never seen that happen. You would congratulate the parents, the partner, maybe the siblings, but surely not anyone else. Maybe it's a regional thing? I'm from the south, and as I said, this is one thing I don't recognize. If other dutchie's want to comment, please do....
@itsme4693 2 жыл бұрын
@ItsCharleyVest The Reason, why lot’s of people,call the Netherlands, Holland, is because of the haven in Rotterdam. Who is in the provincie Holland. In the time, when People go by boat/ship , (for honderds years) to the Netherlands, for traveling or buisness, you stop at first in Holland. Thats why for honderds of years, people call the Netherlands, ‘Holland’.
@djzrota 2 жыл бұрын
This may be off topic but you might wanna have some fun watching Flodder in Amerika. Of course it's best if you watch the prequal Flodder firs. I believe you can find them with English subtitles. It's funnier to watch when you know how to speak Dutch, though, but nonetheless worth the while =D 90's culture hell yeah!
@MLWJ1993 2 жыл бұрын
Old but gold! 👍🏻
@stephenvanwijk9669 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t let a date or guests pay for anything. I was educated by my parents to be generous to guests, but frugal for yourself. I like good deals, I spend less than I earn, of course.
@hagelslag9312 2 жыл бұрын
Fyi a psychologist isn't always fully covered. Depending on the type of healthcare, if you only have the 'basic' package which everyone has by default, it might have 5-10 appointments. But if you need more, you might need to pay for anything extra after that. I for once had to pay 700 euro when I went there, for half a year every week. It was worth every penny though.
@WolfkingSybren 2 жыл бұрын
Talking about the weather= saying "Hallo" I had 5 of these conversation-starters in 2 is true ;-) In case you didn't notice, yes I love these video's about the Netherlands..I feel a bit narcistic by saying that LOL
@elsvanzwoll 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, you know more about my country then i do 🤭😂
@petermaardananders6803 2 жыл бұрын
One can get fired, but to get fired on the spot nearly is impossible indeed. When an employer wants terminate a permanent worker he has to request a permit to do that and that is a hard thing to get. Then there is a minimal pay out fee that is 3 months wage per year of working there, I've been such a situation myself. That employer's permit was denied, I was adviced by theauthorities to go on sick leave because of the ruined relationship. The employment bureua and the Joined administration office(GAK) helped me to get a good pay off settlement and I can say this system really worked as far as I can tell. Btw im just 174 cm 'tall' lol.
@jimmymiata 2 жыл бұрын
Its not taxes you pay for healthcare in the Netherlands, you can see it as a membership to one of several, competing, insurance companies.The Dutch are obliged to be a member of one of them companies. On the other hand these insurance companies can't refuse any person whatever his or hers age or history is once you signed in you stay a member for at least a year, in January you can extend your contract. It gives you the opportunity to see what other companies have to offer. since the companies all compete to each other it can be worth while to dig in all offers and make the best choice for your situation
@albertbreetveld4872 2 жыл бұрын
and notice that your knowledge about the Netherlands has increased tremendously
@patbodemvondstengroningene.o 2 жыл бұрын
It really annoys me that the tourism sector in the Netherlands adverts with Holland . I don't understand how this has ever been decided. It's like you said just 2 provinces.
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