American Reacts To 20 Things that Germany WW2 invented And You Didn't Know About | German Video

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@Pjalphareacting 2 күн бұрын
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@tubekulose 2 күн бұрын
The pronunciation of the German names in this video is disastrous.
@stefanadolfspies 2 күн бұрын
elektro buuut
@tubekulose 2 күн бұрын
@@stefanadolfspies 😂
@charlesgrant-skiba5474 2 күн бұрын
This video requires a lot of corrections. 1. Not all Germans (and even the military) were Nazis. The peak period of the number of Nazis was 8 million (until 1945) in a country of about 80 million. Therefore, talking about Nazi inventions is incorrect. It should rather be inventions from the time of the Nazis' rule (or inventions used by the Nazis). 2. Contrary to what is said, Hitler and his closest circle did not rely on any wunderwaffe - "miracle" weapon (that was propaganda). Hitler only believed in the strength of soldiers and their will to fight, even in the absence of ammunition and supplies. There was no coordination of numerous projects, no central research center, no coherent financing system, improvisation and internal competition dominated, which resulted in the wasting of many important projects of military engineering. The Nazis asked for the impossible and in a short time. They had no understanding of science. 3. The role of television in the Third Reich was negligible, even nonexistent. The Nazis did not like television for many reasons and did not support its development. Its reach was very limited (it was designed for the 1936 Olympics). Later, it provided entertainment mainly to wounded soldiers in several clubs, mainly in Berlin. Nothing more. The thesis that the Nazi regime used television is a myth. 4. The so-called Volkempfenger (a radio receiver with limited ability to receive foreign radio stations) was only an adaptation of a solution that already existed in the USSR and was used by the communists. An old Russian joke says that this state radio cannot be turned off, but thanks to this the communists can hear what people are saying. 5. Megalomaniacal projects such as Ratte or Maus are further evidence of the temporary pushing of unrealistic projects, instead of focusing on important things. These were only the effects of currying favor with Hitler and trying to get money, although many knew that such "inventions" made no sense. 4. Three-dimensional films were more of an experiment than a real attempt to take over the minds of the masses. For obvious reasons, they were supervised by the Nazi party (like everything under their rule), but they never got beyond the experimental stage. No use was seen for them (also for technical reasons). They remained only a curiosity. 6. Both "flying discs" and "sex dolls" are pure hoax and "urban legends" and inventions, without any support in historical evidence, but constantly popularized for some reason. (People like to listen to fairy tales). 7. The first operational computer by Konrad Zusse also interested the Nazis little. The inventor had to keep it in his private apartment. The Nazis did not secure this invention, did not place it in any research center, and therefore it was destroyed during one of the bombings. 8. The cure for malaria cannot be called a Nazi invention either. Research on this drug was ongoing long before the Nazis took power in Germany and was one of many medical discoveries of that period. The fact that Hitler was ruling the country at that time has nothing to do with scientific research and its results. 9. Tabun, Yperite and other types of chemical weapons had no application. Hitler personally forbade their use, even during the final phase of the siege of Berlin. He was guided by strange logic and morality. Goering even signed an order prohibiting medical experiments on animals. 10. Ferdinand Porsche developed the first project of the "Volkswagen" in the 1920s, long before the Nazis took power. However, he could not implement it or develop it, because after World War I, Germany was economically ruined. Hitler revitalized this project, mainly for propaganda purposes. He never fulfilled his promises, however, because he was only interested in the war and not the welfare of the nation. 11. Fanta is not a Nazi invention either, but simply the result of the need to replace Coca-Cola (which the Wehrmacht soldiers loved). It was the result of the invention of the soda manufacturers who wanted to keep their business afloat despite the political crisis. For the Nazi leaders, this drink was indifferent. Most had no idea of ​​its existence.
@ralfbauerfeind8236 2 күн бұрын
@@charlesgrant-skiba5474 Also, the "Autobahn" was not invested by the Nazis. There had a few existed before. Instead, those were demoted to lesser streets, and lots of Autobahn was built in a prestige project. Back then, cars barely could drive more than a bit more than 100km/h...
@stefanstock953 Күн бұрын
The very first idea of kinda Autobahn came actually from an Italian, if i remember correct...
@peterjohnson1091 2 күн бұрын
In June 1944 a V2 rocket reached an altitude of 175km well past the past the 100km Karman line. Becoming the first man made object in space.
@winny4765 2 күн бұрын
Horrible AI production. Please avoid such rubbish.
@gordondry 2 күн бұрын
This is a mockumentary with some bad photoshopping at its best.
@DamnOldAlready 2 күн бұрын
20 inventions and they start with Hitler. He never invented shit. And what is this american AI-voice sounding left over from WWII radio broadcasts?
@ralfbauerfeind8236 2 күн бұрын
More correct: 20 "inventions". As someone else pointed out, it is a mockumentury. I am not done yet, but it is one of those videos that might feature the Nazis on the back of the moon and/or Hitler surviving in Neuschwabenland/Antarctica.
@KarsonNow Күн бұрын
02:30 ...Symbols and Symbolism? What is the difference between the Swastika flag and the American flag? Go out and wave your flag or hang it on your house. The ideology behind it is what historians and the winners will later rewrite and evaluate history. ☝️🤷
@thorstenh.5588 2 күн бұрын
I """like""" these kinds of videos. Just show enough movie scenes with Hitler, German soldiers and battles and use the word "Nazi" every 5 seconds and your video will become more and more serious. Strangely, the omniscient narrator only said "Nazi" once in the "V2" section. Maybe because Wernher von Braun later became a celebrated NASA hero in the USA? In many other parts, the narrator pointed out that the technologies (submarines, jet fighters, computers...) were adopted by other countries after the war. Unfortunately, he forgot to point out that the US Army also conducted drug experiments on its own soldiers.
@twinmama42 2 күн бұрын
Concerning the TV set: yes, they developed a TV set by 1936 and the Olympic Games in Berlin was the first widely broadcasted event, BUT there were only a few TV sets around to actually watch. Even by the end of the war, 99% of Germans hadn't seen an actual TV set in a store, TV sets became available for the public only in the 1950s. My parents (born in 1931/33 resp.) bought their first TV set in the mid 60s. What was essential for spreading propaganda was the "Volksempfänger" (receiver for the people), a comparably affordable radio receiver that was in every other house, even in rural areas. My father's parents had one, my mother's parents already had a radio before the Volksempfänger became available. The Landkeuzer "Ratte" = land cruiser "rat" is another symptom of the megalomaniac tendencies of the Nazi's upper echelons. Chloroquine was developed after WW1 (in the Weimar Republic) and came on the market in 1934 (the second year of the Nazi regime). Ergo, it wasn't an invention by the Nazis. That is what irks me most. The video treats every German as a Nazi. Sure, there were many convinced followers of the regime, but the majority were under the bandwagon effect (not convinced but arranging with the system) and many were persecuted by the system (Jews, Sinti and Roma, communists and social democrats, homosexuals). I guarantee there were more Jews involved in the development of this medicine than Nazi supporters.
@Pjalphareacting 2 күн бұрын
well, that is some inside baseball. So, would you say having a tv back then was considered a form of high status?
@ralfbauerfeind8236 2 күн бұрын
@@Pjalphareacting To have a TV set these days was very expensive, but what was there to watch? If you could receive a TV station, it did not send 24/7, and there was no real entertainment. Also, the screens were rather small. Radio technology was developed way more, as it was cheaper and could reach lots of people this way.
@twinmama42 2 күн бұрын
@@Pjalphareacting in the 30s up til the end of the 50s? yes, definitely.
@valeriedavidson2785 Күн бұрын
The TV set was invented by John Logie Baird in England. The first regular TV service was introduced by the BBC in London in 1936. Hip and knee replacements were first carried out in England. Also cataracts and penicillin.
@valeriedavidson2785 Күн бұрын
The commentator did not tell you that the enigma code was cracked by the English at Bletchley Park.
@cellevangiel5973 3 сағат бұрын
At the end of the war, the Americans declared all German patent invalid so they could use it as they wanted. Part of the lend-lease agreement with Britain was that they, the British should give the Americans all information of new developments and inventions. Two I know are radar and penicillin. So how many more are there that the Americans did not invent? The cruise missile the Americans are so proud about is just a modern version of the V1. And the first rocket that ever lifted of in the USA was a V2, German made.
@blaumupi 2 күн бұрын
This Haunebu picture is fake!
@Pjalphareacting 2 күн бұрын
is it, really?
@blaumupi 2 күн бұрын
@@Pjalphareacting for sure!
@blaumupi 2 күн бұрын
@@Pjalphareacting The only historically verifiable circular German aircraft that may have contributed to the creation of this legend were the Sack AS-6 prototypes and their predecessors, which, however, never flew successfully.
@duke6321 Күн бұрын
It is very strange when one reports on "Nazi" inventions and assigns everything that was researched or developed before the rule of the Nazis to these tyrants. In addition, there are cheerful fantasy objects such as the ominous flying disc Haunebu and the Landkreutzer Rat, which have never been projected in the slightest. The video also talks about Horten H IX (229) using "stealth technology", which is total nonsense. The aircraft was a design of the Horten brothers, who had previously designed and used flying wing aircraft as gliders. Being invisible to a radar and the like was not a development goal at all. The aircraft was also largely made of wood. New bonding techniques have been developed and applied for this use of this material. This is much more significant than the fiction of the alleged stealth technique. In general, one thing is certain: the "Nazis" did not invent anything. However, they made use of the inventions of the scientists, tinkerers and engineers of their time and skilfully exploited the possibility of propaganda for themselves. What used to be radio is now the Internet. This is where modern disinformation finds fertile ground. Trump is a very prominent example of this... 😮
@alcapone9550 2 күн бұрын
3:14min it's the type XXI (21). (Venti (in Italian) = twenty, don't know where he pulled that 'venti venti u' out. Edit: 12:24min What do you think happens/happened in you mind after watching a movie like Pearl Harbor? Such "Hollywood movie scripts" have to "pass" the Pentagon first! 😂
@Rick2010100 2 күн бұрын
The 1930´s TV was extrem expensive and became popular with the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. The Olympics have been broadcasted live and due to the high costs of the TV set, bars and restaurants offered their customer to watch the Olympic son the their TV - the sportsbar was invented.
@mucxlx Күн бұрын
So funny the commentor always saying "Electro Boot" But its not boot like on your foot. It means Boat and is more pronounced like "boht"
@Jogi-e5u Күн бұрын
Die Kriegsmarine hatte ein sogenannte Electroboot, aber es hieß sicher nicht Vunti Vunti U, das ist kompletter Blödsinn, ein deutsches U-Boot hätte so nie diese Bezeichnung gehabt. Das Electroboot war der Typ XXI. Die Fotos stimmen auch nicht The Kriegsmarine had a so-called Electroboot, but it was certainly not called Vunti Vunti U, that is complete nonsense, a German submarine would never have had that name. The Electroboot was the type XXI. The photos are not correct either
@GrüneFarbe 2 күн бұрын
"I'm not a Nazi, I just didn't get anything else to wear from the people." -Helge Schneider in SS uniform
@ralfbauerfeind8236 2 күн бұрын
Sorry, this mockumentory is just ridiculous and sounds like Nazi propaganda. Stopping at less than 20% watched.
@Pjalphareacting 2 күн бұрын
propaganda, how?
@ralfbauerfeind8236 2 күн бұрын
@@Pjalphareacting Glorifying the Nazi time with fake 'inventions' that never have happened or are even impossible to do within the laws of thermodynamics, instead of showing the cruelty and hardships the people had to go through. War and all those things.
@d.7319 2 күн бұрын
@derkommentator9999 2 күн бұрын
@@ralfbauerfeind8236 fake? than tell me what exactly is fake here
@ralfbauerfeind8236 2 күн бұрын
@@derkommentator9999 I did not watch the video fully, remember? Alone the mentioning of Haunebu as "invention" is enough to not wanting to watch this video.
@miztazed Күн бұрын
Stop watching this AI Videos. They are so wrong and crap.
@davidmarkwort9711 2 күн бұрын
Germany flew the first jet aircraft, it was a Heinkel. Both the Brits and Germans were developing the jet engine, but on 2 different paths.
@elvirabecker8616 Күн бұрын
But didn't the US use drums too?
@derkommentator9999 2 күн бұрын
imagine da klopft jemand eine Stange durch dein knochen😅
@KarsonNow Күн бұрын
09:20 why there is no mention of the fact that Enigma was cracked at first in Poland and Poland's intelligence has delivered their findings from the research to Britain. Only because of Polish mathematicians like Marjan Rajewski, Jerzy Różycki, Henryk Zygalski etc. was it possible for Alan Turing and British Bletchy Park later to be able to read the Enigma codes.
@valeriedavidson2785 Күн бұрын
@@KarsonNow Nonsense. The Polish did early work on cracking the German enigma machine but that early work was a long way from the final result and brilliant input of Alan Turing at Bletchley Park, who was a genius.
@KarsonNow 18 сағат бұрын
@@valeriedavidson2785 Polish resistance and secret service handed over the deciphered Enigma along with methods and algorithms, until then the British had not cracked the Enigma code. In the meantime the Enigma was further developed and additional cylinders were installed. Alan Turning further developed the methods for decryption and the Turning Bomb was built. Nevertheless, many see the successful beginning of this in Poland, i.e. as a basis (mathematical solution approach). Quote Wikipedia about Alan Turing research: "Turing also designed the Bombes, which were named after him. They were successors to the Bomba developed by the Pole Marian Rejewski and were used to determine the keys of Enigma messages."
@valeriedavidson2785 2 сағат бұрын
@@KarsonNow The Polish did some initial work on the enigma machine but they were a very long way from cracking the codes. Alan Turing was a genius and without him it would not have happened. The Bletchley Park intelligence centre shortened the war by at least 2 years. They also provided the intelligence to the Russians about German movements and intentions. The whole thing was kept secret for many years on Churchills orders. The first programmable computer was made there.
@markalexander71332 2 күн бұрын
In practice yes maybe. But there was a brilliant Britt he invented a other jet propulsion.
@Kamil0san 27 минут бұрын
It can be said that the jet propulsion tech was invented by both german and british scientists more or less in the same time, but if the first flight counts then the german jet planes were rather earlier, the first british jet fighter was the Gloster Meteor and the first flight was in 1943, the HE 280 first flight was 1940 primely pulled up to air by an HE 111 and by own power in 1941, ME 162 was in 1941, ME 262 was in 1942.
@bigmichael6156 2 күн бұрын
5:58 WTF WAS THAT ???
@FrankStaack-hr4wr 2 күн бұрын
thank you for showing
@Patschenkino 2 күн бұрын
🛸 The mysterious German flying saucer is a fascinating topic. The work of Igor Witkowski and Dr. Axel Stoll on the _'Reichsflugscheibe'_ presents an intriguing narrative about potential WWII-era innovations, including projects like the _'Haunebu'_ and the mysterious _'Die Glocke (The Bell).'_ Witkowski, a Polish historian, claimed to have uncovered documents suggesting the development of these advanced technologies by the German Luftwaffe, with _'Haunebu'_ referring to a flying saucer-like craft and _'Die Glocke'_ allegedly being a powerful, secretive device. While these ideas have sparked interest, they've also faced skepticism from historians and experts who question the authenticity of the sources. Whether these accounts hold any truth remains a mystery, but it certainly opens up avenues for further research.😏
@ralfbauerfeind8236 2 күн бұрын
@@Patschenkino Dr Axel Stoll was at best telling phantasies he had read somewhere and added his own reasoning which was set on his speculations and made-up science, not real science.
@pixelbartus 2 күн бұрын
@@ralfbauerfeind8236 "Muss man wissen!"
@ralfbauerfeind8236 2 күн бұрын
@@pixelbartus "Und wer weiß das? ... Wieder keiner." 😂
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