Saw part 1, this is the Best Modding tutorial I have watched or read...and I have been for a few weeks. Now onto this video
@nicolesowers9224 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely amazing! Best tutorial so far! I love how well you cover every step. This has been very helpful!! Thank you for all you do! With both tutorials and driving!
@Faelandaea Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate it. I just wish I had time to create more before I went back to full time OTR, but hopefully someday I can manage to make more while out on the road (if I can get a laptop worthy of the task).
@martf31292 ай бұрын
Great upload! Complicated process but you make it interesting and inspirational, and pleased you left the parts where things didn't go exactly to plan) Deserves hundreds more views and likes, thanks for taking the trouble
@FaelandaeaАй бұрын
@@martf3129 Thank you so much for the comment. If there is one thing I excel at, it’s things not going like planned. I know that I’m not alone in that, though and so I figure just keeping it real saves from having a video where it feels too “perfect “, which can actually discourage others who are trying to learn. For me, it’s easier to learn from someone who doesn’t try to look perfect or like an “expert “, so I hope this process helps you as well. Feel free to join my Discord if you ever have any questions. :)
@chacho10347 ай бұрын
Can’t wait tell you start uploading again 💯💯
@Faelandaea7 ай бұрын
Thank you. I am hoping this fall once I graduate I can go back to modding and video making.
@Jason-us4ye9 ай бұрын
I know I'm high, but you sound for real the most intelligent person on the planet!! In real time woah man!! tooo high 🙏❤
@Faelandaea9 ай бұрын
Haha. Thank you, mate. I appreciate that. :)
@starvr2 жыл бұрын
@Fealandaea Dravin Small tip for you. If you use local axis it would have helped you. Two ways of doing this, using the drop down at the top middle. Where it says global. And the second way is to press g to move, x to move along the global x, and x again to move along the local x axis. Of course, with will work in any of the axis x, y and z and any of the commands too, such as rotate and scale etc.
@Faelandaea2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I will definitely try this. One thing about 3D programs ... all the info is like drinking from a fire hose :)
@starvr2 жыл бұрын
@@Faelandaea Definitely true that. None of them are simple programs to use, a little at a time is the best way to learn.
@KnightOwlsGaming Жыл бұрын
So say if I want to add a custom 3D logo to the front of the grill will this process work as well or is it different? I followed these steps but this time when I go and delete the rest of the model of the truck and it only shows the 3d Logo in game it shows my logo but the grill is missing. Any ideas?
@Faelandaea Жыл бұрын
Yep. Using this process to add a logo to a grill should be easy stuff once you get used to the flow. I see so much grill decor in real life out here on the road, and there’s quite a few things I’d love to see on grills in the game, especially winter covers with art work for winter maps.
@KnightOwlsGaming Жыл бұрын
@@Faelandaea Yeah I got it figured out I mainly added the custom 3d logo as a bull bar and it worked great.
@southboundtp206710 ай бұрын
I have a problem. I setup Blender exactly the way you did. Model imported good but when I hit SCS tools, visibility then the first option followed by the third ball at top right the model turned white. . . what did I miss? ? ? I tried with both .dds and .tga same result.
@southboundtp206710 ай бұрын
I got it to render. Now to finish watching your tutorials 🙂
@VikingPlaysGames Жыл бұрын
Great Tutorial, i just can´t get it to work. I made a Custom Steering Wheel in Blender and exported/packed it the way you explained. But it simply doesn´t show up in Game. No Idea where i went wrong
@Faelandaea Жыл бұрын
My guess is it might be a missing parameter in the DEF files. Does your log say anything when you try to look for it? By "missing", is it not coming up in the mod list? Or are you able to activate it and it's just not showing up in the shop in game?
@VikingPlaysGames Жыл бұрын
@@Faelandaea I have not checked the Log yet, because i´m that smart to not think about that^^. I can activate the Mod in the Mod Manager and i also can select the Icon in the Shop. But the Slot on the Steering Column stays empty. But i need to re-install Blender with everything anyways now, because it constantly gives me a Phyton "Access Denied" Error whenever i try to Convert or Pack the Project since yesterday.
@TheRealPuddin Жыл бұрын
@@Faelandaea Same here. Followed your tutorial to the letter and as @VikingPlaysGames says, the mod loads without errors and the item shows up in with the icon in the shop and is selectable. But the object appears to be completely invisible, as is a setting wasn't correctly made in Blender before exporting. Any thoughts?
@Faelandaea Жыл бұрын
@@TheRealPuddin I am currently on the road but when I get home next I can try to take a look, if you'd like. I'm on Discord and you can easily grab either myself, or a couple of my admins, all of whom would be happy to look at your file to see what's wrong. :)
@TheRealPuddin Жыл бұрын
@@Faelandaea Thank you for replying, I really appreciate it, especially as you are out on the road. Actually, I have since fixed the issue and I believe it may be to do with not selecting the .tobj file after creating it in Blender and replacing the entry to the original .tga file. If not, it might be related to the 'automat' folder. Either way, it's working well now. I learnt so much from your video as your explanation was detailed and unhurried. It's helped me make a few custom accessories for my truck already. Thanks man. Safe driving!
@KnightOwlsGaming Жыл бұрын
Don't know why but when I add the texture as a tga or png for the material it creates a drive letter, any idea how to fix?
@Faelandaea Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! You need to first place the image file in your project base folder in the location you want. A drive letter means you are trying to link to an image not yet placed in your project’s base directory. Remember, everything you are putting into your mod is based on your project’s base folder, and whatever structure of directories you place there will be how it is packed into your mod. I hope this helps.
@KnightOwlsGaming Жыл бұрын
@@Faelandaea I got it to finally work had to watch the video a couple more times but finally got it to work. For me I am making an accessory that hangs in the cab above the dashboard (toyhang). But thanks again for the help.
@Faelandaea Жыл бұрын
@@KnightOwlsGaming Awesome. I am glad you got it working. Modding is so much fun but man it can sure be a headache. Great work sticking it through :)
@KnightOwlsGaming Жыл бұрын
@@Faelandaea I would like to make a custom truck one day and learn how to extend the cab add other custom parts, but I figure I would start small and learn the basics
@marshalldaniels98362 жыл бұрын
p♥r♥o♥m♥o♥s♥m 😑
@HayesTransport Жыл бұрын
Of course, great tutorials and then they stop just after a couple… such a shame really. This is why I can’t learn anything because because I can stand to watch stop uploading.
@Faelandaea Жыл бұрын
Trust me I plan to continue. Just real world driving got a lot more hectic and now I barely have the home time to even go home and rest let alone stream or make videos. I am hoping that changes this summer, as I’m working on changing careers from trucking to IT and if I do that I’ll be coming off the road permanently, giving me time to get back to my channel a lot more.
@HayesTransport Жыл бұрын
@@Faelandaea nah I feel you on that, I’m trying to transition from hotshot to work for Roehl because I’m never home with hotshot, I really need help learning how to mod ats on a more personal 1 to 1 level more than anything, if I could find somebody willing to do that on discord I have a lot of models I could bring to the game
@Faelandaea Жыл бұрын
@@HayesTransport you are always more than welcome on my Discord. :) Even though I am almost always driving I am on voice a lot and there are modders in the server as well who are always full of answers. I am so fortunate with the company I just switched to as I’m home weekly now but it’s only for a 34 turn and burn until I can get finances caught up. The good news is they let me choose if I want more miles or more home time, so when I get caught up, I’m definitely going for that home-time. :)
@Faelandaea18 күн бұрын
@@HayesTransportComing back to let you know I restarted and updated my tutorial series. New playlist added.
@moktgaming755518 күн бұрын
these r great do u have a discord or u on discord
@Faelandaea18 күн бұрын
@@moktgaming7555 I do. I am working at the moment but new videos on my channel SHOULD have an invite link. If not I’ll post here later on with the link. If you look me up on the SCS forum the link is also in my signature. “Faelandaea”
@Faelandaea17 күн бұрын
@@moktgaming7555 Good morning! I am starting a new day and managed to find a moment to grab that link … Hope to see you on there!