Loading up on Sports Card Deals at the Front Row Card Show in Las Vegas!

  Рет қаралды 7,277

American Arbitrage Cards

American Arbitrage Cards

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Пікірлер: 35
@Bo_Nix_i_trust Ай бұрын
If ur seeing this have a good rest of your week
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
You too!
@sub4shark Ай бұрын
Thanks you too!
@sub4shark Ай бұрын
Thanks you too!
@Kane1313-jp8hs Ай бұрын
You too bud love from Texas
@Bo_Nix_i_trust Ай бұрын
@ thanks love from ND
@cloudsey420sufccards Ай бұрын
Sweet video bud 👌 Thanks for sharing. Have a good week!
@j_toledo419 Ай бұрын
So one of my way too many pc's is i collect players with my same last name lol Reminded me of it when you kept finding those Trey McBrides 😁👍
@chrismalone4491 Ай бұрын
lol same I found a lot of nba goats with my last name 😂
@simonssportscards2901 Ай бұрын
Safe travels to your new home nice pickups
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
Thanks Simon! Appreciate ya dude
@TGiannotti Ай бұрын
Awesome sauce videos
@Jayjrizzzy Ай бұрын
I was right next to you at the show on Saturday, didn’t wanna bug and say hi 😂
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
Say hi next time :)
@pthecardbandit9404 Ай бұрын
nice show awesome cards Im also a fellow card collector with my own Channel and im your newest Subscriber and Fellow Card collector
@MJSJ-4 Ай бұрын
The Trey McBrides and the Ed Jones were steals
@12slabs Ай бұрын
When the deal is fair there’s no need to negotiate
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
Here here!
@unfadedfire Ай бұрын
I dig your videos...I used to collect football ...had a great collection and it got stolen years ago..lately I've been thinking about restarting the hobby but the finances aren't there right now but it's nice to vicariously live thru your value box findings...I would of def picked up those Tyson Bagent, and Jaylon Johnson autos as a Bears fan
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
So glad you enjoy and can enjoy them vicariously. Hope to see you get back into the hobby, when the time is right 😀
@unfadedfire Ай бұрын
Appreciate that brother .yes I'll be a continued watcher if you keep doing these football bargain boxes...good stuff
@nathann2524 Ай бұрын
I have a ton of cards.... Mostly base type cards, some graded, and autos/relics. If I let you take what you want to sell on your whatnot... And we split it 50/50. You would basically be getting free inventory. I'm in Irvine California if you'd be interested.
@JunkCardDawg Ай бұрын
Love the vlog bro had a good time there with my kids I feel like we ran across each other you look familiar recently lol
@patrickbray7242 Ай бұрын
Saw a James cook that’s was missed👀
@7ThumbsUp7 Ай бұрын
John Collins is the only player to ever be on the trading block his whole career
@RealBarefootIsLegal Ай бұрын
I missed you over there. I am waiting for surgery - detached retina. I took this show off since I bump into a lot of people now and laying low until surgery next week
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
@@RealBarefootIsLegal sorry to miss ya my friend, rest up and heal and we will see ya at a show in the future :)
@RealBarefootIsLegal Ай бұрын
@@americanarbitragecards Did you hit that 10¢ card guy? I missed hitting him up. Best $100 I could spend.
@Cablev94 Ай бұрын
Went to a card show this weekend and this guy was asking for 30 on a card I showed him had 10+ sells for 5-7 bucks in the past 3 months and he wouldn't budge on the price. lol. Other than that I always add to my PC.
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
That happens sometimes…just gotta walk away from those cards
@PickSixCards Ай бұрын
What up
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
Hi 👋
@travisarene3011 Ай бұрын
what part of florida we talkin bout? im in south florida and know a good amount of the card show/shop circuit
@americanarbitragecards Ай бұрын
North east :)
@billbain4041 Ай бұрын
can i have the tyjae for 25? im a titans fan fav player :)
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