【アメリカの学生ローン問題】The student loan crisis in America & my debt

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Tomo & Dana

Tomo & Dana

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@amethyst0222 3 жыл бұрын
My husband is American and I am Japanese and live in the United States. So it's the opposite situation to you. My husband graduated from University last December and has been looking for his job ever since, but couldn't even get an interview. After all, even if he got a bachelor's degree, he couldn't find a job and had to do physical labor for the past year. We plan to go back to Japan and pay a student loan if the house sells. If the house doesn't sell, he can't return the student loan in a lump sum, so he said he couldn't move to Japan.
@keiwatanabe4516 3 жыл бұрын
貴重なお話しですね。 ありがとうございます。
@tomokid778 3 жыл бұрын
@新木茂-p2t 3 жыл бұрын
@SUSEYE7 3 жыл бұрын
応援してます! 頑張ってください〜
@shine110 3 жыл бұрын
Hello 🌺Dana 大学出るが当たり前…😱 取り敢えず大学推しって意味がわからない 何を学びたいかも、分からずなのに 何の職業に就きたいかも分からずなのに 取り敢えず大学に行けか〜 やはり国が違えは教育方針もガラリと変わるんだょね こんなに勉強して高学歴なのに職に就けない、借金返済の目処が果てしなく続いて結婚も子供も持てないとは驚愕OMG😱‼️‼️‼️ なんの為に投資、大金💰使ってるんだが分からないね 時間、労力、お金、を消費してるのに アメリカで生きるって大変だな〜
@ドビー1130 3 жыл бұрын
デイナかわいいわ😍 頑張って!
@mabuhay333 2 жыл бұрын
アメリカは、高校生から自立すると聞いていましたが、ほんとに厳しいですね!ただ、DANAさんの笑顔がKeepできていること良かったです! いいね たくさん おしますね!
@ショーンコネリー-q9h 3 жыл бұрын
@atotom4473 3 жыл бұрын
アメリカの大学の学費が、高いのは知ってましたが、想像以上に高いですね😂 日本の大学(国立)も昔に比べれば高くなりましたが、医学部、他学部修士で学費は 計700万位なんで文句言えないですね😅
@ショーンコネリー-q9h 3 жыл бұрын
@cona932 3 жыл бұрын
I'm almost crying😵
@kmdogSanDiego 3 жыл бұрын
This is big problem in USA I live in SanDiego,My daughter went top college,but But I didn’t support her(I’m single mom) Because I don’t believe college education I didn’t go college, But I have a success business in US College should be free Also They should teach about loan in high school
@samdagostino8730 3 жыл бұрын
Please tell me you don't have to pay Sally Mae anymore because of that settlement
@TomoDana 2 жыл бұрын
What settlement? 👀 I actually already paid everything off (minus federal loans which I don't have to pay currently) with my MIL's help, so I just pay her every month instead. So grateful!
@samdagostino8730 2 жыл бұрын
@@TomoDana There was an issue with Sally Mae convincing people to reconsolidate their loans into plans that would make them spend more. There was a suit taken up and they had to forgive the balance of the loans for everyone they did that to.
@廣-e1l 3 жыл бұрын
日本の学生の奨学金制度は借りるときは連帯保証人が必要で、もし本人が払えないときは 連帯保証人が変わりに返済するようになっており、それでも返済できないときは、 自己破産制度があり、この場合返済はしないでいいようになっています、しかし一旦 自己破産すればブラックリストに登録されて、社会的に悪い評価になり、会社にばれたら ヤバいことになります、しかも数年間はクレジットカードもつくれなくて、大変なこととなりますが 最近社会的にこの問題がクローズアップされています、貧乏人は大学にもいけないし お金持ちの子供は高学歴で就職先もいい会社に就職できる格差社会が問題になっています
@hya7330 2 жыл бұрын
こんにちは、いつも楽しく視聴してます。 最近バイデンが徳政令を出したらしいですね、これ借りてた人には嬉しいけど、現金で払っちゃった人はああ借りときゃ良かったーってなりそうですね
@satomifuyu3200 3 жыл бұрын
小学生の子を持つ親です。とても興味深く拝見させて頂いております。一つ質問があります。現在アメリカでは労働力不足でAmazonなどが労働力確保が難しく深刻な状況だと報道されていますが、それは肉体労働者に限ってのことなのでしょうか?動画ではアメリカでは良い職業に就けないとおっしゃっていましたので、そういった報道とは矛盾しているのでお伺いしたく思いました。Danaさんのように歴史など文系職を専門とした職業に就くのが難しいと言う意味なのでしょうか? 私は日本辺境の労働者家庭(多分教育貧困家庭)に育ちましたが、たまたま賢かった弟は東京大学博士号(歴史専攻です)を取得しました。日本で東大といったら凄いブランド力があるので、就職は簡単だと思っていたら、全く職がなかったのに驚きました。結局パートタイム教員を十数年やった後、やっと大学教授職に就けましたが、たまたま下積みを経済的に支えてくれた弟嫁が居てくれなければ物価の高い東京での生活はパートタイムの給料では難しかったのではと感じています(ちなみに、歴史で博士号取るような希有な学生は親も裕福でコネがある場合が多く、コネがある学生はさっさと教授職も決まるようです。今度アメリカの就職とコネ事情についても動画あげてくれると嬉しいです)。弟と比較し、偏差値の極めて低い高校で理系の資格を取っていた父は還暦を過ぎた今でも引く手あまたで、仕事に困ることはなく、東大博士号を持っている弟よりも生涯年収は高いのではないかと思われます。さて、問題は、私の子供将来についてです。父のように高校で使える資格をさっさと取って就職した方がいいのか、大学に行かせた方が良いのか、親としてどうアドバイスしていこうかという点です。もしDanaさんに子供が居たら、どちらがベターだと思われるでしょうか?長々と書いてしまいましたが、大学に行く方が経済的に困窮する時代になってきた気がしており、子供を持つ親としては悩んでしまいます。長々と書いてしまいましたが、とても興味深い動画ありがとうございました!
@TomoDana 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry for replying in English. Please use google translate if you need to. 🙏 I think the labor market has changed dramatically recently because of the pandemic. So many people have died, and workers have more power now, so many people are only willing to work better jobs with good pay now. Companies like Amazon can be pretty abusive towards their workers, and people are no longer willing to deal with it. In fact, a similar change happened after the Black Death pandemic. We are calling this huge change "the Great Resignation." Plus, jobs like Amazon do not pay enough to cover living expenses and student loan payments. If I had a child right now, I think I would recommend that they go to a cheaper college option, like community college. A lot of employers want to see a college degree, but the quality of the degree doesn't matter. However, I wish there were more options for apprenticeships and job training. I think this would be more helpful and practical for preparing young people for jobs.
@sun-so2ux 3 жыл бұрын
アメリカの奨学金制度の実情をありがとうございました!勉強になりました。 ほんとうに学びたい人には世界中で学費は0にすればいいと思いますね! そして、願わくは学問の道を大きく開くには、何処でも勉強できるシステムができればいいですね。 つまり、さまざまな分野の現場で、先を歩く人達が後から来る人(ほんとうに学びたいという熱意の在る人)に無償で教え、伝えていくのが、ホンモノの勉強であり、世界的にもレベルアップできますよね‼️ まぁ、学問には学校は必要ないのかもしれません❗️
@neibrow1554 3 жыл бұрын
If the husband who got the student loan couldn't pay the student loan there, does the wife have to pay his student loan in the future? Let me know about that, Dana.
@TomoDana 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think so but I'm not 100% sure. It's a good question. I believe only the loan signer and cosigner (which for student loans is usually a parent) are financially responsible.
@neibrow1554 3 жыл бұрын
Well, a wife sometimes are his cosigner, does it means the wife is financially responsible there?
@hansasperger3376 3 жыл бұрын
Some states of United States are community property states. This means that every financial matters during marriage, both husband and wife are responsible for the debt. If the loan is made before marriage, the responsible party for the debt is the signer. Most states do not observe community property rule.
@saki-m9c 3 жыл бұрын
@貞男島田 3 жыл бұрын
In Japan, if you graduate from university, society will accept it for the time being, but I feel that university students in Japan today do not study much. Certainly it may not be as expensive as a university in the United States. Most students earn tuition from part-time jobs and study secondarily. Also, in Japan, university entrance exams are a little difficult, but there is also a problem with the system that most university students can graduate without studying once they enter the university. In other words, Japanese university students feel that when they were in high school, they put too much energy into college entrance exams and that was the end of their studies. In that case, I think it's better to get a job without going to college. In Japan, there has been a culture that values ​​craftsmen for a long time. For this reason, I would recommend a university if you have one because you will go to university and work hard to acquire advanced knowledge, but do not make your studies fragile, just acquire the name value of graduating from university. If there is, I don't think there is a need to go to university. Finally, there is a problem with the entrance examination system of Japanese universities. I don't think that the entrance exam does not need to be as strict as it is now. Make it possible for anyone to enter the university. However, graduating from a university should be as strict as a university in the United States. Students who do not study (dropout) should also be screened out. It was arbitrary and prejudiced, but I feel that the future of Japan is in jeopardy if it is not so much.
@TomoDana 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting points. I don't know how university is in Japan, so this is interesting to hear about. To be honest, I think graduating from university in America is easy too. As long as you try, you can generally graduate. I plan on making a video soon about the university entrance requirements/process in America!
@Bouvier_des_Flemish 3 жыл бұрын
@shinjokagama7521 3 жыл бұрын
You are a sweet lady but your finance is in shamble. Doesn't bode well for the future.
@mt-zb2he 3 жыл бұрын
we have totally same problem here in Japan. not all Japanese students can afford tuition fees, and repay the scholarship easily unfortunately.
@kmdogSanDiego 3 жыл бұрын
Btw It’s better than doctor school $10k a month for 6 years plus 😏
@TomoDana 3 жыл бұрын
True! Although at least if you go to medical school, you will definitely get a good paying job after.
@貞男島田 3 жыл бұрын
@ショーンコネリー-q9h 3 жыл бұрын
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