An awesome system of two non-linear differential equations

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Michael Penn

Michael Penn

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@allykid4720 Жыл бұрын
Dividing two eq gives: xdot x + ydot y = 0, so x^2 + y^2 = C^2. Plugging it back into the first equation and taking deriv of both sides gives: x** = - C^2 x, and y** = - C^2 y, therefore: x = C sin(C^2 t + ф), y = C cos(C^2t + ф).
@petraveryanov2572 Жыл бұрын
also got x^2 + y^2 = C^2 tight away, after u can put it in any equation and integrate
@Chr15T Жыл бұрын
Great. That's how a physicist typically works: using a conserved quantity. In this case, energy (or some function of it).
@tassiedevil2200 Жыл бұрын
@Ally Kid - Nice route to constant radius - but you have a typo - the coefficient in the two Simple Harmonic DE's is C^4, matching your solutions.
@ianfowler9340 Жыл бұрын
That's exactly what did. y ' = -x/y and take it from there. If you take his solutions, square both and add. x^2 + y^2 = a^2[cos^2(at^2 + b) + sin^2(at^2+b)] and this yields x^2 + y^2 = a^2[1] = a^2. Implicit solution but you can still solve for y. Newton always saw f '(x) = y(dot) / x(dot) where x(dot) and y(dot) were simply the horizontal and vertical components of the (tangent) velocity vector.
@khoozu7802 Жыл бұрын
U make a big mistake: To satisfy the equations for x'=-C^2 y and y'=C^2 x U have to put x=Ccos(C^2t+Φ) And y=Csin(C^2t+Φ)
@beanary Жыл бұрын
Missing for me - to give an illustration what the result means - moving on a circle with constant angular velocity
@swolf2004 5 ай бұрын
Yes. Also the angular velocity is proportional to sqrt(radius). And the physicist in me says that those are some interesting units.
@Pengochan Жыл бұрын
As a physicist one would immediately notice, that if x, y are cartesian coordinates for the vector r, then dr/dt is perpendicular to r since the scalar product (r,rdot)=0. So the velocity is always perpendicular to r, which will result in a circle, i.e. |r|=const. If one adds a 3rd coordinate we can describe rdot with a cross product of r x (something in the direction of z), the xdot ~ -y, ydot~x has this "crossproducty" feel to it 😉. In the solution there is a little hiccup due to the tan function, so in principle one would have to check nothing untowards is happening where cos(theta)=0. After finding rdot=0 (here the polar coordinate component, i.e. |r| of the above vector) one could put that in the derivatives for xdot, ydot at the top of the board and compare to the given equations to find thetadot=r^2
@idjles Жыл бұрын
And because he’s a pure mathematician he won’t tell you that that’s simple circular motion. that would require a physicist to notice
@tomholroyd7519 Жыл бұрын
It's x**2 + y**2! How can it not be a circle. Does doing proofs while rock climbing count as applied? (Does Teaching?)
@jursamaj Жыл бұрын
Not sure I agree. I'm more mathematician than physicist, and I knew it was circular motion as soon as I saw the DEs.
@andrewkepert923 Жыл бұрын
Yes, but with a caveat: although individual orbits are circular, the angular velocity varies, so it is not just describing a rotation of the whole plane. (That one is dx/dt=-y, dy/dt=x.). So maybe “simple circular motion” gives the wrong impression.
@idjles Жыл бұрын
@@andrewkepert923 the angular velocity in this example IS constant.
@tassiedevil2200 Жыл бұрын
@@idjles The angular velocity (theta_dot) epends on radius of the trajectory - goes like r^2 - this is not rigid rotation of the whole plane.
@davidwright5719 Жыл бұрын
Note this orbit is unstable. The linearized problem has a positive real eigenvalue.
@shmuelzehavi4940 7 ай бұрын
Another approach The system of differential equations is: x ̇ = - y (x^2 + y^2 ) y ̇ = x (x^2 + y^2 ) By multiplying the first equation by 2x , the second one by 2y and adding the both we obtain: 2xx ̇ + 2yy ̇ = d/dt (x^2 + y^2) = 0 Integrating this equation we get: x^2 + y^2 = r^2 = x(0)^2 + y(0)^2 Therefore, we obtain a family of concentric circles with the center located at the point: (0, 0) and the radius, r determined by the IC. The original system of nonlinear differential equations reduces therefore to the following linear system of differential equations: x ̇ = - r^2 y y ̇ = r^2 x We define now a complex variable z by: z = x + iy and obtain the following first order linear equation: z ̇ = ir^2 z The solution is: z = rexp(i(r^2 t + φ)) , r = √(x(0)^2 + y(0)^2) , φ = atan2⁡(y(0) , x(0)) Finally, (x,y) are given by: x = r cos⁡(r^2 t + φ) , y = r sin⁡(r^2 t + φ)
@zachariastsampasidis8880 Жыл бұрын
multiply first by x second by and then add to get zero. this implies that x^2 + y^2 is constant. so then returning that to the original pair of equations gives us the harmonic set of equations satisfied by the sine and cosine functions
@odysseus9672 Жыл бұрын
I knew things were going to end up more complicated than necessary the minute you busted out tan(theta). Just use the fact that the position vector (x,y) = r * rhat (by definition). You then get that v = (xdot, ydot) = rdot *rhat + r*thetadot * thetahat. Your differential equation then becomes v = r^3 thetahat. From that you immediately get that rdot = 0, so r is a constant, and thetadot = r^2, so theta = r^2 * t + c. It makes a nice rotating vortex that shears with greater speed as you move outward from the origin (theta = k*t + c would be a solid rotating disk with no shear away from the origin). If you must have x and y, you have x = r*cos(r^2 *t + c) and y = r*sin(r^2*t + c), where r is to be considered as a non-variable initial condition.
@andrewkarsten5268 Жыл бұрын
Depends on what you mean more complicated. Your method involves using vector calculus, while his only requires basic geometry and basic calculus II understanding. What is “simpler” depends on perspective.
@Jaeghead Жыл бұрын
5:40 You can't argue like that, just because a function is 0 at a point doesn't mean that its derivative is 0 as well. Instead we can just integrate the equation to get that r^2 is constant, which is all we need for the proof (by continuity r must also be constant, but we don't use that fact).
@Happy_Abe Жыл бұрын
True but we these equalities hold for all values of x and y so the solution r=0 isn’t saying that when r equals 0 it’s satisfied, it’s saying the solution would be r is identically always 0 which would in fact tell us the derivative of r is 0.
@Jaeghead Жыл бұрын
@@Happy_Abe But that was not what he was trying to explain, he was essentially saying "For all t: r(t)·r'(t) = 0 ⇒ r'(t) = 0 or r(t) = 0 ⇒ But if r(t) = 0 then necessarily r'(t) = 0 ⇒ We can conclude r'(t) = 0 for all t" and that logic isn't sound. He never assumed that r(t) = 0 for all t, all he knew was that either r(t) = 0 or r'(t) = 0.
@Happy_Abe Жыл бұрын
@@Jaeghead r(t)=0 here means it’s always 0 not that it’s 0 for some t and we need to solve for what t. The function r itself equals 0.
@Jaeghead Жыл бұрын
@@Happy_Abe But he never concluded that r(t) = 0 for all t (and obviously you can't as there are other solutions), so he had to explain why there couldn't be a solution with r(t) = 0 at some points and r'(t) = 0 at other points (i.e. a mixture of both cases).
@Happy_Abe Жыл бұрын
@@Jaeghead the equations that got him to that conclusion were for all t so this shows either r(t) is always 0 or r’(t) is always 0
@QuantumHistorian Жыл бұрын
With experience, some D.E. you can solve just by looking at them. This one screamed _"circular orbit!"_ at some dark recess of my mind. Checking a few key values shows that it goes counter clockwise. With that, parametrising a solution and solving for any remaining constants is easy. Of course, all problems are easy if you already know the answer lol.
@jursamaj Жыл бұрын
This. As soon as I saw the 2 DEs, I knew it was circles. This is so since at any given r, the DEs simplify to x•=-ky, y*=kx, which is circular motion. A moment's thought shows increasing angular velocity with increasing radius. A bit more thought yields the angular velocity going as r^2, as that's the k factor the DEs were simplified by in the previous step.
@abrahammekonnen Жыл бұрын
Really cool problem. The hidden geometry in the problem is very nice. Thank you for the video.
@touitcha Жыл бұрын
Actually this system can be solved exactly the same way even replacing "(x^2+y^2)" by an arbitrary function f(x^2+y^2). Multiplying the first equation by x and the second by y and summing will still lead to x^2+y^2=r=const and therefore f(r) is also constant.
@SuperSilver316 Жыл бұрын
Dividing the two equations will give you dy/dx = -x/y Solving this ODE gives you the expression y^2+x^2=2D = C Plug that back into one of the original equations, take a derivative and you get second order ODE’s who’s solutions gave to be superpositions of sines and cosines. Would be cool to have some initial conditions to evaluate these constants.
@manucitomx Жыл бұрын
Thank you, professor. Very straightforward.
@andrewkarsten5268 Жыл бұрын
I found the answer in a slightly different way. I used complex numbers. So take z=x+iy, then z’=x’+iy’ (yes I know, glossing over some complex analysis stuff, but just follow me here). Then, z’=x’+iy’=-y(x²+y²)+ix(x²+y²)=i(x²+y²)(x+iy)=i|z|²•z. Now, converting to polar z=re^{iθ}, z’=r’e^{iθ}+iθ’re^{iθ}, we get r’e^{iθ}+iθ’re^{iθ}=z’=i|z|²•z=ir²•re^{iθ}=ir³e^{iθ}⇒r’+iθ’r=ir³ by factoring out the exponential everywhere ⇒r’=ir³-iθ’r=ir(r²-θ’). Since r,θ∈ℝ for all t, so are their derivatives, so r’=Re(r’)=Re(ir(r²-θ’))=0 giving r=a is constant, and substituting back in gives 0=r’=ir(r²-θ’)=ia(a²-θ’). This means either a=0, so we are always at the origin, or a²-θ’=0, giving the linear formula for θ with respect to time. Plugging this back in to z=re^{iθ}, and using Euler’s equation to convert back into Cartesian coordinates, and taking the real and imaginary components to get x and y respectively, we obtain the solution provided in the video.
@mjmasterz Жыл бұрын
Vvv nice
@AstroTibs Жыл бұрын
You can tell from looking at the diffeq what the nature of the solution is. x² + y² = r² dy/dt ∝ xr² dx/dt ∝ -yr² This has the hallmarks of a rotation. Indeed the paths are circular CCW rotations, and their rates are proportional to r². If the terms were √(x² + y²) = r instead, then the rotation rate would be proportional to r, and the field would rotate like a turntable.
@excelelmira Жыл бұрын
-> Look at the set of equations. -> Try to plug in x=y=0. -> Works. -> Problem solved.
@nzeches Жыл бұрын
Actually it seemed quite obvious looking at the equations that (cos t , sin t) was a solution, because x2+y2=1. From there you can derive all solutions, and going polar seems quite an obvious path. Also note in your last step that a2x2+a2y2 = a2(x2+y2) and x2+y2=a2
@andrejgrebenc3235 7 ай бұрын
Suggested solution is partial. It is not only the function of t, but of g(t).
@carstenmeyer7786 Жыл бұрын
With polar coordinates *u := (x, y)^T =: r * ( cos(𝜑), sin(𝜑) )^T* and the rotation matrix *Rot_z(𝜑) := ( cos(𝜑), -sin(𝜑) // sin(𝜑), cos(𝜑) )* you can decouple the system: *[ r' ] [ x' ] [ -sin(𝜑) ] [ 0 ]* *Rot_z(𝜑) * [ ] = [ ] = r^3 * [ ] = Rot_z(𝜑) * [ ]* *[ r * 𝜑' ] [ y' ] [ cos(𝜑) ] [ r^3 ]* Multiply the system by the inverse *Rot_z(-𝜑)* from the left to obtain *r' = 0, r * 𝜑' = r^3* The first equation clearly leads to *r = R = const.* If *R* is non-zero, we may divide the second equation by *R* to get *𝜑 = R^2 * t + 𝜑_0.* Writing both into *u* yields the solution.
@Nikolas_Davis Жыл бұрын
This is how I solved it, although I cross-multiplied the 2 equations by cosθ and sinθ instead of using matrix multiplication to decouple them. I find this method much easier, faster and clearer than the way Michael does it here.
@carstenmeyer7786 Жыл бұрын
@@Nikolas_Davis Thank you for the feedback! While the complete decoupling may be more systematic, I'd say Michael's way is more "basic": It does not use as many tools like *Rot_z(𝜑),* but relies on "eyeballing" which terms to eliminate to simplify the system. Of course the "eyeballing" is mathematically equivalent to the decoupling via *Rot_z(𝜑),* but I imagine the "eyeballing" may be more intuitive for some viewers.
@Nadavot Жыл бұрын
A nice way to way to solve this could be to define z=x+ iy This gives (dz/dt)=iz |z|^2. And (dz*/dt)=-iz* |z|^2. Together this gives d|z|^2/dt=0.
@tassiedevil2200 Жыл бұрын
While I agree with the physics and applied math folks about the missing insight that the time derivative of the 2D vector r (= x i + y j) is orthogonal to that vector, more to the point of the exposition, once it is established that r_dot is zero, could return to the x_dot DE and the polar expression for x_dot - (top of the board) to see by substitution that theta_dot = r^2 without all the tan(theta) stuff. (Edit - just noticed @Pengochan had pointed this out earlier) Can also arrive at theta_dot = r^2 first by substituting the polar expressions into both DEs and see that the r_dot terms (and all the trig functions) can be eliminated by mult. x_dot eq by sin(theta) and y_dot eq by cos(theta) and subtracting.
@wolfmanjacksaid Жыл бұрын
Would love to see some DEs that result in Bessel function solutions!
@Falanwe Жыл бұрын
You can get the right intuition for this problem if you see (x,y) as a vector V. V.V' is obviously 0, so ||V|| must be constant
@JoelRosenfeld Жыл бұрын
I feel this is kinda a cheap problem. Without the x^2+y^2, it’s the ODE for a circle. This just happened take the equation for level set for the solutions and threw it in there.
@chengkaigoh5101 Жыл бұрын
What if we divide the 2 equations to give dy/dx=-x/y and intgegrate to get x^2+y^2=constant,which can be substituted back in
@andrejgrebenc3235 Жыл бұрын
Symple solution x'/-y=y'/x where prime is time derivative
@PeterZaitcev Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the will to demonetizing videos, but KZbin, however, does not - even if you turn off the monetization, it will still show ads, show a ridiculous amount of ads, and will take all revenue by himself.
@davidseed2939 Жыл бұрын
are we allowed to guess. y=sint, x=cost
@stephenhamer8192 Жыл бұрын
Can we use complex nos and write: z'(t) = i .|z|^2. z? We then have (|z|)' = (z.z*)' = z'.z* + z.(z*)' = z'.z* + z.(z')* (am I allowed to do this?) = i.|z|^2.z.z* + z.(i.|z|^2.z)* = i.|z|^4 - i.|z|^4 = 0; whence |z|^2 = a^2. OK, this is completely unmotivated Now write z(t) = ae^i.w(t), where w is some function of t to be determined. Differentiating, and c.f.-ing with the original DE, we have w' = a^2; whence w(t) = a^2.(t + T) Thus: z(t) = a.e^[i.a^2.(t+T)], which is Penn's result in complex form
@adiaphoros6842 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of the video by Dr. Barker where he derived a 3rd order differential equation whose solution set are all of the circles: (1 + (y’)^2) / y’’ = 3y’y’’ / y’’’ This seems to be a decomposed version of a more constrained version. For your next video, can you convert Dr Barker’s equation into 3 simultaneous 1st order differential equations?
@HeyHeyder Жыл бұрын
It seems a Hamiltonian system H=(x^2+y^2)^2/4
@lucasdeoliveira5316 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've seen this system in the context of dynamic systems. Maybe in Dominic Jordan's on differential equations or Strogatz's book on chaos.
@pwmiles56 Жыл бұрын
On the face of it, V=(k/2)(x^2+y^2) would be the potential energy term in the Hamiltonian for 2-dimensional simple harmonic motion. The kinetic energy term is T=(m/2)(xdot^2+ydot^2). But this system allows elliptical orbits. Somehow I feel that teaching applied maths from a pure maths perspective isn't the greatest approach.
@CTJ2619 Жыл бұрын
the diff ran vids on mathmajor are awesome
@chimetimepaprika Жыл бұрын
At 5:30 that if/then arrow looked like a gradient nabla and I was like, "WHAAAAAAAAAA?"
@johns.8246 Жыл бұрын
How about an initial condition like x(0)=2 y(0)=0 ?
@The1RandomFool Жыл бұрын
Just to let you know, I didn't put a comment in before you fixed it. I waited.
@depressedguy9467 Жыл бұрын
Well a nice example as it is not stable
@holyshit922 Жыл бұрын
@txikitofandango Жыл бұрын
I used x = r(1-s²)/(1+s²) and y = 2rs/(1+s²) and got the same result. There's some neat cancellations this way, and you get to use the double-angle formulas for sine and cosine, as well as a nice separable diffeq to solve.
@nikita__222 Жыл бұрын
Does it exist a real process which is described by this system of o.d.e.`s? Or - what are the possible applications of this solution to other math domains?
@Vladimir_Pavlov Жыл бұрын
dx(t)/dt= -y(t)*[x(t)^2 +y(t)]^n, dy(t)/dt= x(t)*[x(t)^2 +y(t)]^n => x(t)=C*sin(C^2n *t+ ф), y(t)= - C*cos(C^2n *t+ ф).
@SlamminGraham Жыл бұрын
"r is a function of t." "r is a constant." Okay.
@marcelozabani8939 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't defining y and x in terms of the same r(t) and theta(t) overconstrain the set of solutions? Maybe in this case it turned out alright, but is it correct in general?
@pwmiles56 Жыл бұрын
It is a perfectly good general method, given that x and y are different functions of r and theta. x = r cos(theta) y = r sin(theta) You need to be sure that r and theta exist for all values of x and y but that's not a problem here
@marcelozabani8939 Жыл бұрын
@@pwmiles56 Ah, thanks! I haven't done maths in a while, sorry. The way I see it, y=xtan(theta) doesn't bind either x nor y since tangents are surjective in R, so there clearly exists some theta(t) for any given x(t) and y(t). After that, some r(t) exists to bind one of the functions (and therefore both). Would you say that's a fair assessment of why this works in general?
@pwmiles56 Жыл бұрын
@@marcelozabani8939 Pretty much. The usual way of thinking is to check that an inverse transformation exists r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) theta = arctan(y/x) Actually one should use the four-quadrant version of arctan, known as atan2(y, x). You don't actually use the inverse transformation, it's just a check that r and theta exist for any x, y
@jay-oi5dj Жыл бұрын
Just looking at the equations I saw that if x=cost and y=sint, then x^2 +y^2 = 1 and our system becomes xdot = - y and ydot = x, for which cost and sint work. Makes me think that these equations were formulated after solutions were known and that it was noticed the pythagorean trig identity could be added without changing anything.
@unknownstoneageman81 Жыл бұрын
@8:28 Why secant² theta?
@fabiobiffcg4980 Жыл бұрын
(x²a² + y²a²)/x² (x²a² + y²a²)/( a²cos²(theta) ) [ (x²a² + y²a²)/( a²) ] * ( 1/cos²(theta) ) [ (x²a² + y²a²)/( a²) ] * sec²(theta)
@Happy_Abe Жыл бұрын
Why are we using dots and not primes?
@MarkWaller2 Жыл бұрын
It's a fairly common convention that dot means 'derivative with respect to t' (usually t = time), and prime means 'derivative with respect to x'.
@Happy_Abe Жыл бұрын
@@MarkWaller2 I know but I just wondered why because he usually doesn’t That’s more in physics and engineering
@pwmiles56 Жыл бұрын
The dot was Newton's notation, introduced in his Method of Fluxions (
@user-ts1bt7xv1y Жыл бұрын
x•(dx/dt) = - xy(x^2 + y^2) y•(dy/dt) = xy(x^2 + y^2) x•(dx/dt) + y•(dy/dt) = 0 (2x)•(dx/dt) + (2y)•(dy/dt) = 0 d(x^2 + y^2)/dt = 0 so we have x(t)^2 + y(t)^2 = C where C is a constant so (dx/dt) = (- C)•y(t) d[(dx/dt)]/dt = (- C)•(dy/dt) d[(dx/dt)]/dt = (- C^2)•[x(t)] and dy/dt = (C)•x(t) d[(dy/dt)]/dt = C•(dx/dt) d[(dy/dt)]/dt = (- C^2)•y(t)
@andrejgrebenc3235 7 ай бұрын
Why are you complicating. Eliminate x^2+y^2 and the solution is a circle.
@thomasheljeschrodingertama4874 Жыл бұрын
Very poggers 💖💖🤙
@samuelnewport4970 Жыл бұрын
Click bait thumbnail. Blocked your channel
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