Can’t wait to see a new house build that be great nice cozy house
@kyleansel10212 күн бұрын
Loving this series so much, and seeing your channel grow so naturally. Keep up the amazing videos man!
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
thank you!
@jordansmith90132 күн бұрын
Maybe keep shaders off until you want to show off a new build so we can take a peek with the shaders without having them constantly
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
good idea!!
@nathanbingham27792 күн бұрын
I love these videos so laid back and relaxing gameplay it’s the best keep doing what your doing always such fun to watch
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
thanks :)
@nathanbingham27792 күн бұрын
@ no problem bro always waiting for the next episode right after I finish watching one just so awesome to watch and follow your journey
@TylerClarke-w2c2 күн бұрын
i just wanted to say i love the videos keep up the good work i think you trying to start a channel is great and i like how committed you are so keep up the good work pal
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
thank you very much!
@mor_wk92 күн бұрын
That's a really nice enchanting room. I love the purple in the walls and floor. It gives it a wizard-y vibe. Please please put a door there or a gate. Wandering creepers can go in there and then you walk in and everything goes kaboom. Don't ask how I know... I would love to see a new house! Maybe with a garden next to the house, but for flowers and plants, not crops. With a small pond?
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
good idea! and thanks for that idea too! :)
@fae_rai8437Күн бұрын
I swear to God, Rui. You going into caves never fails to make my blood pressure spike up. ;-; And the way you left all that iron ore and gold, and then, later in the episode, you go, "Oh, AnViLs ArE eXpEnSiVe." It made me chuckle. Also, you have like, a stack and more of unsmelted iron. More than enough, I believe. Anyway, the enchanting room came out really beautiful because of the amethyst. Purple is my second favorite colour, after blue, so I liked it even more. Also, ngl, I'm kinda glad you're tearing down the house and deciding to build anew. ;-; Also, there's something I think you might find fun (and obv, remove it if it makes your gameplay too much of a hassle). There's a "Shakespearean English" setting in the language settings, and I think it would be fun to try out. Thoughts? Oh, btw, you can also create a blast furnace to smelt a lot of ores quickly. It's the ore equivalent of a smoker. You craft it with five iron arranged like a helmet, a furnace in the centre square and three smooth stone in the bottom squares. Saves coal on large scale smelting. P.S.: Day 3 of asking Rui to grow a litter of cats. Please. I'm begging. Ooh, and parrots, if you find a jungle. And you can make a two-story house, and keep one of the stories for the pets. That would be so adorable. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
@itssruivoКүн бұрын
I know… OOPS!🤣 ooo okay I’ll check that out for episode 6 :) I’ll have to make a smoker and blast furnace in the next one too, thanks for the recipe! what if I went to find the black cat at the witches hut and made them their own little tower somewhere??
@fae_rai8437Күн бұрын
@itssruivo That is most adorable sentence I've ever read! Yes, please! 🥺🥺🥺
@parker19722 күн бұрын
The shaders look amazing!
@timidtiramisu2 күн бұрын
my week has been less than great, this upload was a pleasant surprise ^^ the shaders are gorgeous!
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
sorry to hear that but glad I could help!
@icemaven91282 күн бұрын
You went mining and good haul of diamonds I like where you chose to put the enchantment room.
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
thanks :)
@robertperreira90502 күн бұрын
If you want to mess with Redstone in the series, you could turn that Witch Hut into a Witch Farm in the future. I just built one and 20 minutes of afking netted about 9 stacks of Redstone and a few of the other witch drops. The biggest obstacle you would have if you built that sort of design would be getting the string.
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
I’ll look into it!
@SynfulTruth2 күн бұрын
I loooove that shader! Looks amazing! I wish Xbox could look look like this. Definitely keep it. ✌🏻
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
thank you so much! yeah I hope they add shaders for console players!
@Tipamisto2 күн бұрын
Agreed regarding the shader, I use the same and indeed improves the look & feel while maintaining the Minecraft style.
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
it’s great!
@Smallelukke62Smallelukke62Күн бұрын
Dude you found a achient city i promise
@josephrholgate2 күн бұрын
Enchanting now only uses 3 levels for a level 30 enchant… but obviously can only do a level 30 enchantment when you have more than 30 experience levels. If you look to the left when you have an item in the enchanting table it shows 1, 2, 3 which means that’s the amount of levels it will use to enchant your item The Mending enchantment you’ll only be able to find in the end on around or tools or through trading with villagers to get a mending book… not always easiest to explain in text form but hopefully this makes sense Great video again, always great to see your creativity in building.
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
ooo okay its all changed so much! thanks for the tips! :)
@josephrholgateКүн бұрын
@itssruivono problem 😊
@snowingfish12452 күн бұрын
hi i love this
@siphonVLRT2 күн бұрын
Enchanting is much more easy now since you need the levels to gain access to the high enchantments but to actually obtain the item enchanted only takes between 1 to 3 experience levels as well as the respective amount of lapis lazuli
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
yeah that makes it soooo much easier
@Smallelukke62Smallelukke62Күн бұрын
I know u gonna be a very Big KZbinr 🙂🙂
@Smallelukke62Smallelukke62Күн бұрын
There is a texture pack named fullbright so you Can Watch much better in caves
@cajuncajun25942 күн бұрын
The witches hut has a black cat you can tame
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
REALLY? I saw the cat but I didn’t know you could tame it!
@TechnologicalDifficulties2 күн бұрын
I think that the shaders look great but if it is taking away the gaming experience for you turn em off. My answers to your questions :) 1. I think it would be pretty funny if you recorded all of the mining and sped it up with some music in the back round 2. (This one is just my feedback) I think that the enchanting room would have more depth with some amethyst clusters along with the amethyst blocks (That might have been what you tried to do at first, you also might need silk touch I’m not sure) 3. I think a build episode would be nice to see! I love seeing your builds no matter what it is ^^
@itssruivo2 күн бұрын
thanks for the tips and suggestions, I think I’ll need silk touch tho!
@DoomWalker42Күн бұрын
I love the builds but the keyboard sounds are a tad too loud. It makes it unwatchable for me. Sorry for that. I don't mean to be rude. Nothing personal.
@itssruivoКүн бұрын
sorry! I’m saving for a new one so it’ll be gone soon :)
@DoomWalker42Күн бұрын
@itssruivo Sorry I didnt mean this to sound too harsh. Maybe it could help if you moved your mic or headset slightly farther away?