In concept, other slicers could be compiled to run in the browser. It actually doesn't require that many adjustments to compile libSlic3r to WebAssembly (but because the Slic3r interface is Perl based it's not that easy).
@3DMusketeers3 жыл бұрын
COOL! Had no idea, but it does make sense! Kiri:Moto really has it for browser slicing though, it is very efficient and means you can use just about anything!
@SheikhAhmadShah2 жыл бұрын
My professor uses Cura, but it needs windows pc. With my chromebook, I was looking for good browser based slicers.
@3DMusketeers2 жыл бұрын
Kiri Moto is one of the few.. Looks like PS can be on a chromebook too:
@Razie12012 жыл бұрын
I had that exact same problem I didn't know what browser based ment for the OS
@3DMusketeers2 жыл бұрын
for Chromium, it will run fine for browser based, but I would try PS first.. Kiri Moto is not BAD, but it is not GOOD either.