May Allah give you good health and long peaceful life. Ameen. The knowledge you impart will save many souls.
@halimadiallo93777 жыл бұрын
@m.abdulmajeed6297 жыл бұрын
Excited for this new upload thank you! Learning a lot from Shaikh Imran Hussein.
@bajamatero14527 жыл бұрын
This is the best Islamic scholar regarding the end times. May Allah bless you dear Sheikh,thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
@yusufaminu45887 жыл бұрын
Great lecture sheikh. May Allah bless you.
@khairulazmidotcom7 жыл бұрын
Jazak'Allah for the upload and Sheikh.
@amin2.0137 жыл бұрын
Terima Kasih ya Shaykh for your "breath-taking: overview of world history!
@uwaiszaheer88327 жыл бұрын
May Allah bless you Sheikh Imran Hosain and all the people who put effort to get this out here. I've listen to many MuslimSpeakers on the subject of The End Times and to me Sheikh Imran Hosain makes so much sense. After listening we should take the references and confirm, to me this is correct and Allah Subhanahoowatha'allah knows best.
@sammyshoubaki27337 жыл бұрын
May God bless you and protect you from all evil .we love you and love your richusness
@ahmedmusthafa92127 жыл бұрын
Very Interesting MashaAllah
@FMHammyJ7 жыл бұрын
Always such a good speaker.....its too bad other Imams, ministers aren't....
@321bluff7 жыл бұрын
what a great lecture.
@BreakFix7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sheikh
@Pilgrimaur7 жыл бұрын
Long live Sheikh Imran hosein, brilliant and shinning man! Dear Sheikh, I would like to request of you to talk about the Daaba or the beast of the earth (دابة الأرض), thank you.
@dianewinchester29307 жыл бұрын
The beast of the earth will come after Jesus ALS passes away. He will brand people as munafiqs and kaafirs. So this will be before judgement day and wont be, I think, in our lifetime. However, Jesus ALS could be in our lifetime because there is so little water in the Sea of Galilee. And Allah Almighty knows best.
@azharali61297 жыл бұрын
DeathChoice __ The Beast of the Earth (Dabbah) will have a stick with him which it will place on believers foreheads and it will travel in the whole world. That looks close indeed. Allah knows best
@zakria27397 жыл бұрын
only Great mind Speak Great like Imran Hosein
@nasxtra7 жыл бұрын
Very insightful
@evenplatform7 жыл бұрын
Sheikh/Uncle, if you aren't already doing it, please excercise..I think 1 hour a day is sufficient..try to play sports and football..also only eat natural foods, nothing prepackaged..In this time, Allah gave some of us more control over our destiny than ever. So it is up to us to know what is best for the body.Scientific research shows daily exercise promotes good health.I want you to live long and this is my sincere advice.
@TheBloodclart7 жыл бұрын
The background noise is so distracting. A scholar of this calibre is being let down again and again by poor recording equiptment. Very frustrating. Anyway May Allah bless the sheikhs efforts. Ameen.
@Imrranist7 жыл бұрын
@charismaticherbs7 жыл бұрын
Salam sheikh plz dont get frustrated you are performing your sacred duty of explaining to the people the truth
@shehreenbees91767 жыл бұрын
Sheikh, pls guide with advice. If a convert finds very hard time to practice Islam in his/her home. Does Allah permit her/ him to move some other place where he / she could practice Islam nicely even it will wrath of his/her dear parents?
@amenstal1237 жыл бұрын
Pray in Last 3rd of Night and you'll find your solution.
@dinodefazio46237 жыл бұрын
Sheik Imran Hosein was sent by Allah to save us cause we are the people of the end times and we deffinately need saving
@sxb0805117 жыл бұрын
Lots of static type sound in the background, very annoying. Please fix it.
@amin2.0137 жыл бұрын
..."breath-taking" overview
@2008july47 жыл бұрын
Thanks for video ..Is there someone to tell me ..Does Axirat means The end of time? So It means we live period of the end of time?
@fauzulhafizzamin71107 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum sheikh.. People are talking about september 23th 2017....what can u explain about tht? Can u make a explaination video about tht? Tqsm
@ilhantezel61257 жыл бұрын
How do you clasify deccal, is it human too
@ghettogo7 жыл бұрын
@bobshaniquacortezezluistyr41757 жыл бұрын
Dear Sheikh, how do you think the Muslim Ummah can prepare for the dangers that lie ahead? Specifically it's youth.
@dianewinchester29307 жыл бұрын
Check out his talk on the muslim village. It might help.
@muhdfadhilah21017 жыл бұрын
Im not a sheikh though hang onto to the rope of Allah that is all there is
@revelation23497 жыл бұрын
Sheik Imran ! People who roam this earth has become walking dead ■
@mirsofic29087 жыл бұрын
Asalamu alikum Sheik.
@mimiatropa36417 жыл бұрын
what about vikings. I think gog magog defination match with them. Normandy France named after vikings (norsman to normandy) and british monarchy can be trace back to Normandy
@MCNothing227 жыл бұрын
Have you really watched this video my dear ?
@وليغلبنمغالبالغلاب7 жыл бұрын
لكي يفهم الإنسان المعاصر الأحداث المريبة الجارية حولنا عليه أن يكون ملماً بمصطلح end of an epoch أي نهاية الحقبة التاريخية أو القرن الذي هو من الاقتران وقد وردت في بعض آيات القرآن الكريم حاملة لمعني الحقبة في تطور البشرية (والقرن قد يتكون من قرون أي أمم أو شعوب). والآية 31 من سورة المؤمنون (ثم أنشأنا من بعدهم قرنا آخرين) تدل علي أن إغراق قوم نوح (قبل حوالي 7200 سنة) كان نقطة فاصلة ونهاية حقبة في تاريخ البشرية. وكذلك فإن مبعث سيدنا موسي كان نقطة فاصلة وبداية لما يمكن تسميته بالقرن الأول للديانات الإبراهيمية The First Abrahamic Epoch. إذ يبدو أننا علي وشك مواجهة نقطة تحول كبري ونشهد عودة المسيح (ص) وبداية قرن جديد يمثل فاصلا بين نهاية القرن الإبراهيمي الأول وبداية القرن الإبراهيمي الثاني The Second Abrahamic Epoch. وتؤكد، والله أعلم، هذا القصة التي وردت في سورة الكهف عن معضلة سيدنا موسي مع العبد الصالح. فهي تبدأ بطلب من سيدنا موسي أن يتبع (عبدا من عبادنا ءاتيناه رحمة من عندنا وعلمناه من لدنا علما)، وتحذير هذا الرجل له بأنه لن يستطيع معه صبرا وتساؤله (وكيف تصبر على ما لم تحط به خبرا). والسورة تقدم لنا احداث ثلاث يطلب فيها سيدنا موسي تفسير منطقي للأفعال الغريبة التي يعملها الرجل. وتنتهي القصة بإستخدام العبد الصالح لعلم الباطن ليشرح لسيدنا موسي ما جري (ذلك تأويل ما لم تسطع عليه صبرا). لاحظ أن كلمة تسطع أقوي من تستطيع، إذ أننا نحن (بشر ما بعد حقبة سيدنا موسي) لا نتعامل مع علم الباطن. ومغزي القصة، والله أعلم، هو أن الشرائع من بعد التوراة، التي أنزلت علي سيدنا موسي، تشكل نهاية حقبة كان العمل فيها بعلم الباطن مسموحا به لتبدأ حقبة جديدة من تاريخ البشرية يعتمد فيها التشريع علي علم الظاهر فقط وهو من الأعمدة الرئيسة للقضاء الإسلامي. أي بمعني آخر بداية قرن أو حقبة جديدة (قبل 3600 سنة) من بعد سيدنا موسي (أي بعد التوراة والإنجيل والقرآن) لا يصلح فيها إستخدام علم الباطن وعلي الدولة والقضاء الإكتفاء بدلائل علم الظاهر. وبالمناسبة هذه القصة sets the stage أي تعد مسرح الأحداث لفهم قصة ذو القرنين التي وردت في سورة الكهف أيضا (قالوا يا ذا القرنين إن يأجوج ومأجوج مفسدون في الأرض فهل نجعل لك خرجا على أن تجعل بيننا وبينهم سدا. قال ما مكني فيه ربي خير فأعينوني بقوة أجعل بينكم وبينهم ردما). فذو القرنين شكل بردمه المخرج الذي كان يخرج منه ياجوج وماجوج (ويبدو أنهم ضرب من الجن) نقطة فاصلة لقرن سابق كانوا يمارسون فيه ال mind control اي السيطرة علي العقل التي عرفنا من العلم الحديث أن من علاماتها أن ضحاياها (لا يكادون يفقهون قولا)(الكهف 93). أي بمعني آخر (والله أعلم)، تفسير هذه القصة التي كان يكتنفها الغموض هي أن كل منا ذو قرنين لأننا نعيش (بعد حوالي 3600 سنة منذ سيدنا موسي) في مرحلة إنتقالية بين قرنين تتوج إما بتحرر فلسطين وإنتصار ملة سيدنا إبراهيم أو يُــعبد فيها الشيطان علي نهج السامري الذي اضل بني إسرائيل كما تريد الصهيوماسونية. وما الحركة الصهيوماسونية إلا فرفرة مذبوح تحاول منع المحتوم من قضاء المولي جلّ وعلا (ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين) (الأنفال 30). المفكر المصري الراحل مصطفي محمود تناول علاقة ياجوج وماجوج بالقطب الشمالي في الفيديو علي رابط رقم واحد. ومن أراد أن يعرف كيف كشفت الأقمار الصناعية علي مكان ردم ذا القرنين في القطب الجنوبي عليه بمشاهدة الفيديو الآتي بدءاً من الدقيقة 18 (وهو يحتوي علي حديت لرجل إستخبارات أمريكي عن ردم ذو القرنين فمشعوذي الصهيوماسونية علي إتصال بياجوج وماجوج المقيمين في باطن الأرض وهم يعدون المسرح لخروجهم عبر المشروع المسمي CERN سيرن (من أراد معرفة المزيد في هذا الصدد عليه بتقصي إفادات مهندس أمريكي قتل أحد افراد سكان باطن الأرض ووصف رائحتم بغاية النتانة (كما ورد في الحديث النبوي). هذا المهندس إسمه Phil Schneider وقد قتلته الصهيوماسونية.
@mirsofic29087 жыл бұрын
Asalamu alikum I don't see my comments except when i log in,,,is there a particular reason that is happening who so ever is moderating this channel may have made some mistake am i banned from commenting on this channel,,,,hope to see some reply sooner in this regard. :(
@OltezGolt7 жыл бұрын
I'm facing the same issue with two of my replies braadte (I suppose your a Serb). Unlike on your occasion, I can't even see them when I log in. They might've been removed purposefully (which I have no objections against) because as far as I can remember one of them might've opened room for argument with another user (only maniacs use comment sections for prolonged quarrels). And in the other reply I possibly went a bit too over the top with my humour.
@mirsofic29087 жыл бұрын
Asalamu alikum,,,,No brother i am from Indian occupied kashmir, good to know a Serb follower of sheik Imran,,,sheik Imran has Now became a popular scholar with the mercy Of Allah,,,I remember 10 years back hardly anyone knew about him,,,Now the time has changed and Allah has blessed the sheik with following from All over the world and from All the religions of World,,,I hardly comment on sheiks videos as i am a silent listener i noticed twice that my comments were not seen after i logout,,,Now some how i can see them ,,,,take care brother and may Allah shower his mercy upon Sheik imran and his listeners and Guide us All to the straight path,,,,Ameen
@OltezGolt7 жыл бұрын
Wa 'Alaikum Salam bhai. Terribly sorry for the late response, I did read your message earlier but I was deprived of the suitable means to reply for a few days. In fact I'm not from Serbia either, a few friends of mine just taught me small phrases in their language. It is great to have come across you; my ancestors belonged to the Khwaja clan and they settled in Srinagar! When the partition took place seventy years ago, woefully, some of them were forced to leave and relocate to-what's now known as-Azad Kashmir. Much later, my grandparents (who were cousins) migrated to the UK from Pakistan (as to why and how it's a long story) after their first child (my pita). I was, consequently, born and raised there for twelve years. Ever since Kashmir split nobody in my family could care less about our kindred who remained in Srinigar; we have never gone back to search for them. Perhaps, if Allah has written it, one day I can accomplish that task myself - to go and find my long lost relatives. Good to hear that you could view your comments again 👍. May Allah S.W.T make Islam our way of life, and may he furnish our dearest Maulana-who is ever so close to my heart, I'd imagine others share the same feeling-with strength and safeguard in all his steps. Ameen.
@sadhriel7 жыл бұрын
Do understand that gog and Magog are living today all over the world and beast of the earth will mark them with disbelief on forheads. Turn to Allah
@anasibndawood66967 жыл бұрын
Sa'ad Deeq knows no that’s dajjal not the best of the earth. Incorrect
@theblackhundreds71247 жыл бұрын
Why does it say "35 comments" yet it shows none?
@almaghnatees7 жыл бұрын
Honorable Sheikh Imran Where exactly in the Koran does it explicitly indicate the return of Jesus and the appearance of the Mahdi?
@kibonohikari88787 жыл бұрын
Salam Sheikh do you remember the part where prophet Muhammad PBUH mentions "flying donkey" ? that actually not referring to literate meaning where donkey have wing and able to fly. Mr Imran i am too a muslim and no where what i am going to tell you as an act of feel superior in anywhere. I respect you and i also listen to all of your videos, but you have to also understand they are things in these world that can not be explain like different entity entirely different than the djinn race that created by Allah SWT.
@ameenrais39597 жыл бұрын
Was that boy wearing a provocative cap embedded with BR flag color an intentional placement?
@OltezGolt7 жыл бұрын
Why would it be (I'm not implying you're wrong)?
@SheikhImranHosein7 жыл бұрын
No Ameen. It was simply a childish affair. INH
@ameenrais39597 жыл бұрын
@James Crockett: it just caught my sight brother, & nothing more.
@OltezGolt7 жыл бұрын
Thought so; just a small one wandering around. No worries man, @Ameen Rais.
@Sesimegel7 жыл бұрын
you are wrong because yecuc mecuc (gog magogs) are ancestor of turks they are under the altai mountains look at the prophet zulkarneyn or dhul karneyn in the Coran. and the look at the turkish legendry destiny of ergenakon
@parvezshahidi47837 жыл бұрын
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would Allah still punish us for RIBAH/interest/usury even though the whole world is engulfed in it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Islam and Money Written by Imran Nazar Hosein, Graduate of Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland. Allah will hold you to account for that Riba which you can avoid even if you had to flee to the mountains sides where rain falls and take with you some sheep and goats. Imran Hosein - THE PROHIBITION of RIBA (Interest) [FULL VIDEO] This shaykh has deep understanding of the harm of RIBA. After listening to his lecture I understood why Allah SWT has declared war on people who deal with RIBA in society, because these people give power to control money to money landers/bankers who in turn put people in slavery and hardship and also can finance a war just by printing unlimited amount of paper money and kills those who oppose them. And the blood of those innocent people are also on the hands of those who give them RIBA/interest on loan money. Those who are willingly cooperate with them for a small worldly gain will be with Abu Lahab and Abu Jahal in hellfire for ever because they also financed war against believers. Allah SWT is not only very merciful but also stern punisher.
@aronkola44777 жыл бұрын
This guy talks a lot. Sometimes he's interesting. Unfortuneately he seems to follow the two-horned devil that imprisoned some poor people to death for asking for his help.