I love how *dence* and *chewey* your VODs are. They're good second-monitor content, but they're great primary content!
@paranoiia810 күн бұрын
I wish someone make remakes of old Java game "Space Miner". Damn it was good, you had lots of drill upgrades, depth pressure and heat problem when going down and you had to keep in mind fuel to go back to surface. It had more gameplay than most of modern games now...
@Denkkar10 күн бұрын
You can recall individual workers by hovering and hitting R over them. This allows night-time mining since you can control miners precisely and avoid the worms.
@theassinthehat9 күн бұрын
Mmmm this made for a wonderful nap.
@thedthking14199 сағат бұрын
I'm in the top 2% of your watchers!!! I watch 9x the normal amount of your videos! In short I love your content bro
@HenryDaily41210 күн бұрын
Rock and stone brother
@bigby9210 күн бұрын
Ah yes, another pleasant AA after work surprise 🎉
@FreeSamich10 күн бұрын
Ok so this is kinda interesting, I had to look this up, but.. "Mine" could (I say "could" because etymology is not a precise science but fascinating nonetheless) originally come from a shaft or tunnel for digging up precious metals and minerals. Later on it describes tunneling under but also the act of laying/setting up explosives for the purpose of undermining (yes this also is related) an enemy's fortification (and therefore also "laying [land]mines"), and then it sort of jumps back to the actual origin of mining for resources because it involves both a process of using explosives but also digging, either by hand or with machines.
@hakaisuijin10 күн бұрын
AA. Have you tried Starbound with Frackin Universe mod?
@steelers5ty910 күн бұрын
Snowdrift, just in time for Christmas 🎄
@Mark-Troyer10 күн бұрын
Super cool game. Will you stream any more of this?
@1313113131313131231210 күн бұрын
Oh good..another live stream.......I am happy..
@ieatsand63789 күн бұрын
Is that title a BaronVonGames reference?
@Rockiestmage10 күн бұрын
@TheMillerMilitia10 күн бұрын
Another game AA is going to get me to buy : /
@JuuzouXIII10 күн бұрын
I got this but it's only fun for about 4-5 goes. It's far too easy even on most difficult settings