Txiv Neej Lub Peev Xwm Tawm. 12/28/2023

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Hmong Story

Hmong Story

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@payoaxiong415 Жыл бұрын
Remember that when you married into a family. Please do not cut their love for their parents. Always remember that they were born to love their family first and so was you. Don’t invite people to come live with you when you know that your heart is not big enough to accept them. Don’t get married if your heart is not big enough to love his/her family. Life is simple don’t find problems for yourself when you know yourself that you do not have a big heart to sacrifice many things to make it work around other people.
@jamesli100 Жыл бұрын
Why does the story teller always repeat quaj quaj like 10x eveytume she say it. Why doesn’t she upgrade her way of story telling.
@00ninja00 Жыл бұрын
Good advice!! Well said!! Men and women both. Men should support their wife and also love her parents and family and women should also support her husband and love his family and parents as well.
@touyang3403 Жыл бұрын
Paub kawg, pom luag toj kub nyhiab zoo saib kawg! Thaum Kub txog yug taw, tsis peem tiag2 ces dhia tsis dhau!😂😂😂😂. Thiab tsuas yog nkawm txij nkawm no xwb. Tsuav cov txiv muaj2 peev xwm coob heev😅
@muajtseebhlub2657 Жыл бұрын
People never change. They only improve to be better.
@nyc594 Жыл бұрын
To the son; you have a high education, learn to also have respect and self worth too. Your wife not allowing to attend your father’s funeral should have made you end it for good. This woman is not worth the pain and heartache. There are many women out there who will love you and your family.
@HleeWai Жыл бұрын
Weak men will never be able to leave toxic relationships. They’ll rather hurt all their family members for this type of relationship. I say just let them go through it and learn themselves. Stop hurting your parents, siblings and most importantly, yourself.
@yerthor4207 Жыл бұрын
Hau yau gub dev ce gub ntxiab Xwb os niag siab me siab phem ce yeej Kav Tsi ntev Ua tib zoo ceev faj tsam ntse2 ce ho muab tshuaj lo txov neeb niam tub ce yu ho ncaim lub ntiaj teb Ua ntej tu neeg phem lawm thiab os me niam tai aw ca yuav txau ntsai Ua luaj li os kom Koj tu me tub txhob tso2 siab rau nw poj niam os tsam luag ntiav neeg tsav tsheb tsoo yu ntiav neeg tua yu pov tseg yam yu Tsi paub dab thaum nw neeg seej2 lawm na muab nrauj kiag pov tseg cov poj niam zoo2 tseem tshuav coob2 Tsi txhawj nrhiav li os lo
@bgr4669 Жыл бұрын
Some people r addicted to the drama.
@yenglor691 Жыл бұрын
Educated men don’t act like that. You don’t expect your parents to fund your education.
@npauhmoob4746 Жыл бұрын
​@yenglor691 I don't know, but my daughter's 3rd years in college she didn't expect me to funds for her education, and young kids in these days I don't expect from them, as long as they're being able to take care of their family then I am happy
@maryly09 Жыл бұрын
The dil is too evil. However, as parents, u need to learn how to let your kids go and not forced upon them to take u in and take care of u too. This is the modern day and parents don't need to live with their kids til they die. However, in this case, the dil is the devil.
@MsBliaYang Жыл бұрын
Awesome fight!!!
@hlubtushlubkuv9881 Жыл бұрын
Tiam 21 no ces tsis txhob tos cov tub lawm vim lawv mus hnav taib tag lawm. Tim niam tais yawm txiv coob lawv tus ntxhais lawm. Yog niam tais yawm txiv zoo ces yeej nias tawv qhawv kom hlub niam pog txiv yawg thiab.
@vue83 Жыл бұрын
Qub neeg qub siab. Qub dev qub ntxhiab tsis muaj hnub yuav hloov siab los coj zoo los ua zoo.
@maryly09 Жыл бұрын
Lesson learned: don't sell your house and move in with your son and dil. If things don't work out, u have no place to live.
@peejcaj Жыл бұрын
@mvwj4047 Жыл бұрын
Wow nyab Dr yog zoo li ko ntshe siv tsis tau pob txawm nws yuav mus nyob nws yeej tau kawg tab sis tsis tsim nyog ua phem li ntawd rau niam thiab txiv pob tsis ntshai npam lov.
@kyaj809 Жыл бұрын
Nco ntsoov tias poj niam yus pauv tau. Koj niam koj txiv koj muab luag li hu niam hu txiv los yeej tsis yog yus niam yus txiv nawb. Yuav pauv yus niam yus txiv tsis tau.
@avang07 Жыл бұрын
@thevangkids7518 Жыл бұрын
Education is for your job only. It does not define your relationship with your family, friends or your community. Learn to humble yourself folks!
@NpaubXeemXyooj Жыл бұрын
Hais zoo kawg os
@puaspaubkub1989 Жыл бұрын
Tim neb es nkawv thiaj sib nrauj o
@zoolisxyooj8251 Жыл бұрын
Kuv ces ncaw xwb tsis ntau li. Tus kwv cas thaum koj tau thiab yeej es tseem rov zam na, lwm hnub ces koj yuav poob ib pua tsav yam rau poj niam. Yus tau Dr. Lawm khwv txau noj lawm tsis need ib tug poj niam Dr. los khoo yus txog ntuas yus txiv tuag es tsis pub yus mus pam os. Tus poj niam ko mas av tsis lim ces hloov tsis tau nawb, yog tuag yus dua tshiab saib puas hloov tau xwb good luck.
@linghua8351 Жыл бұрын
Daiduab no zoo nkj heev
@kaciewanh1986 Жыл бұрын
Tus pojniam tsis nyiam, tsis hlub, tsis pab, ntxub koj tsevneeg, txwv txiav tsis pub saib xyuas. Ces nws tsuas yuav koj thaum muaj nyiaj, muaj zog, hluas zoo nraug xwb. Thaum koj muaj mob tsis taus ces koj yog khibnyiab povtseg rau qhov ntuj. Txhob nkim sijhawm rau hom pojniam coj phem li no. Txhob cia siab zam txim cia nws rov los, tsis muaj hnub hloov yog av tsis lim. Tus pojniam ko los xyuas cai, npaj lub siab 😢phem rhuav tshem nej kom nej swb cai, puas tsuaj xwb. Pib nrauj ces ua kom kawg, nyob ntxiv ces poob haujlwm, teebmeem ploj tuag tshwm sim, nej yuav xav txog lig.
@DavidVang-xw3we Жыл бұрын
Kj tus tub ua tau zoo kawg li o kv tus nus nus mus yuav tau ib tug poj niam tub2 nkees thiab phem2 kawg li ua rau peb tsev neeg ma nyuaj siab tas li xwb o thiab tseem nyiag peb tej khoom thiab ma ntxim ntxub tshaj los peb niag nus nyiam2 e ua rau peb chim2 kawg li o
@tseemhlubtseemnco Жыл бұрын
Li no es thiaj tias txhob cia siab tag2 rau ib tug me nyuam txawj ntse tsam lwm hnub ces txaj2 muag rau cov yus tsis hlub.
@兰儿 Жыл бұрын
peb cov poj niam siab phem txhaj plaws tau tus zoo tsi paub hlub nyuam qhuav ntsim tau tus yuav niam yau 😂😂😂
@flickeringfire7098 Жыл бұрын
I want to hear the Nyab “Doctor” side of the story too🤣🤣 all stories got 2 sides and the truth.
@jothao7772 Жыл бұрын
Glad you finally grew up! Don’t let this lady wear the pants! A man’s worth is his authority, leadership, and ambition!!
@chuvang5487 Жыл бұрын
Nkim neb lub zog txhawb neb tus tub Dr hnav tiab cia nyab hnav ris kheev lam ntxov paub tias yuav muaj hnub no cas hmo yuav muaj nws ntawd tsis muab thau los hlob rau ntsaum noj ces hnub no twb tsis tau txojkev tu siab li no.
@kaimarro517 Жыл бұрын
I can understand the parents frustration when the Nyah won’t let them come visit or live with them. She shouldn’t have stopped her husband from helping with the funeral or contributing too. But if the kids have a high stress job like that, they don’t want to spend every weekend at a Hmong party.
@mithao1730 Жыл бұрын
Vim lawv hlub2 lawv cov tub lawv khoo2 lawv cov tub pab yus mas lawv ntsia2 lawv haig2 lawv ts puv ua vim ib tug tub ua hauj lwm thb lawv hlub2 ces lawv ts cia yus txib yus haig mug twg los lawv kom nrog mug coj mug twb ts paub yus puas txaus sb
@SGU.TF-141 Жыл бұрын
It seem like everyone in this story have so much expectation from one another and when you do there’ll be disappointment. Grandma you aren’t helping your son but making it more difficult by having him choose between his parents and his wife. Lastly, parents let them live their life
@amazinggrace8136 Жыл бұрын
I agree. This grandma should be ashamed of herself for telling his son to leave his wife and children for her that she’ll find him another.
@chouathao2122 Жыл бұрын
@@amazinggrace8136 don't agree. this woman is so petty and child-ish, she will find any reasons to control her husband. it's either her way or the highway. a doctor should know better.
@amazinggrace8136 Жыл бұрын
@@chouathao2122 i disagree, there’s always a reason she’s acting the way she is. It doesn’t just happen overnight and for no reason. That’s what happens when you are controlling of your adult children and live with them etc.
@amazinggrace8136 Жыл бұрын
@@chouathao2122 funny that your description of petty and childish, any reasons to control his son is what I see this mother.
@houavang4061 Жыл бұрын
Hais rau cov niam pog txiv yawg na, tiam 21 no tsis txhob txib2 nej cov Tub thaum tub muaj poj niam lawn . Vim tiam no tub noj nyab mis lawn na, ces tub yuav tau mloog nyab hais. Txhob cuam2 tshuam tub nyab lub neej thiab laud.
@MissPeachie Жыл бұрын
I don’t feel bad for parents like this because they do EVERYTHING for the child that has a doctor’s degree and leave the rest out. The other children may love them more but it means nothing if they are not doctors. I should know, my in-laws are like these parents too. My doctor BIL’s wife hates my in-laws but they love and respect her more. 🙄
@lovetoplaywithyou3530 Жыл бұрын
@chueyang5392 Жыл бұрын
Cov nyab zoo li koj hais koj ces kav tsij muab tso plig ua ntev nawb nws nyob lo haj yam yuav ua rau neb nyuaj siab xwb mog. Kav tsij muab tso plig kom sai li sai tau nawb !!
@poheu9307 Жыл бұрын
tus nyab ntsej muag aub tsis txuag neej tsa ntsej muag.kuv kuj muaj ib niag zoo li no thiab tiag. ntxub wb ob niag laus kawg wb twb tsis nrog nws nyob los nws yeej ntxub.
@khammoua7116 Жыл бұрын
Cov nyab phem2 li ko cas g ntsib cov niam pog phem2 o cov nyab ruam thiaj phem xwb neeg ntshe lawv g phem os cov nyab
@michaelf2700 Жыл бұрын
Qub neeg qub siab os niam tais aw. Nws yeej hloov tsis tau nws lub siab me siab phem ntawd li os.
@maitongvue5397 Жыл бұрын
Thov kom peb cov poj niam txhob coj li no ntxiv lawm nawb peb txhua tus yeej yuav txawj ua pog ua niam tais es yog yus ua li no rau cov laus mas yus zoo ua es yog yus ho tau ib tug nyab ua li no rau yus ne yus ho xav li cas no thiab yog lawv tsim yus niam li no nev yus puas txaus siab thiab no mas xav kom zoo2 nawb
@TubTxheebCaaj Жыл бұрын
Peb cov niam txiv laus tsis txhob lam muab peb tej khaub tsev muag nawv tsam peb tsis muaj tsev nyob. Ua doctor tsis tseem ceeb npaum li no tiag lov.
@LisaLee-k1c Жыл бұрын
Tej teeb meem no ces raug Leej twg Lee twg thiaj Paub xwb os tsis yog muaj me nyuam es thiaj li phem tus neeg ib txwm yeej siab phem os
@bvang8370 Жыл бұрын
Txiv neej muaj muaj peev xwm cas sib nrauj 3 zaug los tseem qhib qhov rooj rau pojniam rov los. Kuv xav tus muaj peev xwm yog tus pojniam... 3 zaug los tseem rov los nyob li qub. Ua zoo nawb, tsam zaum no pojniam muab lom tuag ces tag dawb vim nrauj 3-4 zaug ces pojniam ntse... tua vim nws xav tias yog nws tsis tau ces tsis muaj leej twg tau. Pojniam tsis muab nws lom los pojniam khwv tswv yim rov txeeb nyiaj, vaj tse, me nyuam ces thaum pib tus txiv twb yog tus yeej tabsis thaum kawg cas pojniam ho yog tus yeej vim qub neeg qub siab, loj2 laus2 lawm hloov ua zoo tsis tau lawm.
@pangxiong2273 Жыл бұрын
Walk away from the sons that always run to their moms. I'm a mil. I tried to raise a man for his wife. When he married, his wife is his number 1 person. As a mother, you teach your son to love his wife and his children. Parents need to step down and let your children live their lives. Cov leejniam zoo li tus no mas ntxhi khuj khuav rau nws tus tub. Yog leejtwg tau ib tug Niampog zoo li no ces nrog nej nyuaj siab. Vim nej tau ib tug boy xwb and not a man. I'm a niampog.
@tongher8912 Жыл бұрын
Hmoob lub neej feem ntau yeej zoo li no txoj kev cia siab ua xav tias u kawm tag DC xwb ces u mas txawm haib tshaj plaws li lawm. Ces u txawm yuav mus nrhiav kom tau ib tug doc ua u tus tav thiab ces thaum doc + doc ces thiaj li hla hlo dhau los mus ua dog lawm. Vim lawd xav tias lawd kawm siab dhau lawm ces lawv hnov qab lawv lub luag hauj lwm ua lawv cig tseg rau vaj tswv lawm ces lawv thiaj tsis siv lub siab zoo los hlub niam hlub txiv u mus ua nyab ces u thian tsis txawm hlub niam pog txiv yawg es hmoob aw. Txawm koj yuav kawm tag doc los koj tsis cas pees yuav nrhiav kom tau ib tug doc los phim koj is hmoob nrhiav tus kom zoo nkauj siv tau thiab muaj lub siab zoo xwb tau os hmoob
@จิดาภาแซ่ลี-ฦ2ท Жыл бұрын
@mallysunsan394 Жыл бұрын
Nco ntsoov tias peb kawm ntawv siab npaum cas los thaum peb los txog tsev peb tseem yog ib tug poj niam qes2 thiab yog ib tug niam tsev peb tsis muab txoj cai tias peb yuav los muab peb tsev neeg los yog Tus txiv quav yuam ua Tej yaj uas txoj cais mus tsis tau os kwv tij phoojywg
@alee6534 Жыл бұрын
A doctor degree is not for you to look down and disrepct others. It is a degree for you to make a living. If the individual is a highly educated individual, he or she should be humble and build a relationship with others.
@youaremyfriend1474 Жыл бұрын
nyab doctor yog nyiam huv nyiam zoo o nrog cov laus nyob g tau o tus nyab txom nyem xb thj nrog cov laus nyob thb thj tu tau cov laus xb o
@NancyChang940 Жыл бұрын
@christinabthao8825 Жыл бұрын
Tsis hais poj niam lo txiv neej yog peb hlub peb tus txiv thiab tus poj niam thov kom peb hlub lawv niam lawv txiv thiab nawb mog vim muaj lawv thiaj muaj yus tus txiv tus poj niam rau os
@hmoobxwb7119 Жыл бұрын
Hmong parents need to understand that their kids have to go live on their own so they know how to live
@ShouaTojsiab Жыл бұрын
Does that mean you forbid your in-laws from visiting? The case here is not that they don’t want their son and dil to live on their own.
@MissPeachie Жыл бұрын
Only majority of the boomers believe that. I think gen x and millennials are accepting that their kids need to fly out of the nest. We are ok with our kids moving out at 18+.
@chiliayang5832 Жыл бұрын
Tsis txhob cia cia siab rau peb cov tub thiab ntxhais tau doctor nawb lawm tsis hlub yus li os😢
@yerlor8328 Жыл бұрын
​@@chiliayang5832 Mloog mas cov niam pog zoo li pog no mas yeej yog hom ua tub nyab sib sib nrauj xwb os vim niam pog pheej cuam tshuam nkawv thiab ne nej mloog puas zoo li ntawv os
@chaivue4754 Жыл бұрын
Yes but don’t cut them from their parents. Don’t put your spouse in This position.
@maimuasmua1407 Жыл бұрын
Ca tus pog tus yawg no siab zoo ua luaj li na kuv naim pog lawv ce ib tug qaib ib qeb xwb lo yuav muab rau yus ce kom them nyiaj tib is mam thiaj tau ho
@mariesiong8354 Жыл бұрын
Nej tus nyab txawv dhau lawm os
@lnchannel1186 Жыл бұрын
Nyab dr los tsis cia siab! Tej tub los Txhob hlub2. I’m glad your son finally stood his ground!! And I hope your nyab changes for good
@MySunshine71 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I really hate all the parties, jingle bells, and funeral that was expected for us to attend every weekend. It's like you work all week and want to spend time alone doing your own things but then you have to go wasted on something you don't enjoy doing as a nyab. I am not like this nyab in the story but I can feel the burden of these events that our culture is doing. I want to have the freedom to choose where or when I should go on my own terms and not get criticized for not being able to go to these events. Hmong culture sometimes sucks!
@MengYang-j7g Жыл бұрын
Wait til it's ur funeral 😅
@bgr4669 Жыл бұрын
Then do what I did & marry outside of the race. No jingle bells, funeral, parties every weekend.
@MySunshine71 Жыл бұрын
@@bgr4669 Hahaha, too late. I'm a 75' nyab in my 50's. As much as I hated it I'm still putting up with it because I'm stuck in between the old and new generation.
@maryly09 Жыл бұрын
No one forces u to go. Jus remember that if no one shows up at your events, or funerals, don't be tu siab that no one comes to help.
@esfkk Жыл бұрын
It's america, I work too hard to waste my wkend off to tend to others when i dont have or feel the energy to. And I don't want a traditional funeral for myself anyway. I have decided long ago I don't want to be bury, instead I'd like to be cremated so my bones are not left underground and only get dung out eventually in the future to come.
@peachyan4574 Жыл бұрын
To the son. Why would you want to take her back. She will not change. She will revenge later in life. How you going to have a peaceful marriage. You will always have this in mind...should we have more kids or never, you will always cross your finger as long you two still married. Right now she have no ways to g et your money that's y she still around begging to come back. If you man enough, move on . I know cuz of the kids. If she can change its a bless. Good luck.
@puaspaubkub1989 Жыл бұрын
Yog vim li Cas neb 2 tug laus ko es nyab ntxub neb npaum Cas los neb yuav ua ciaj ua tuag yuav mus nrog nyab nyob na neb nyob neb tsi tau los lawv lub neej es txhob luav kua lawv o hloov thiab lau hmong kuv li kuv tsi ntshaw nrog nyab nyob li o yus nyob yus lawv thiaj xav hlub yus nawb
@tubvajchannel1935 Жыл бұрын
Leej yawm txiv tau pes kiag tog pojcuag niam tais yawm txiv lawm lawm ces tu ntxhais yeej phem kawg nkaus lawm....
@7kangher Жыл бұрын
Their kids will treat them the same someday.
@lamduan2489 Жыл бұрын
tus nyab poj dab no siab them npaum no cas niam pog g pe ntuj kiag kom niag nyab no yuag mi nyuam kom daug kom nws tshuav tuag xwb mas thiaj nim qhuav haum o
@123RCKD Жыл бұрын
listening to these types of stories, all i can get is that don't be a clingy mnl, let them live their life, and work my whole life for me, to take care of me when i am old. We chose to have children, not the child choosing us. So I don't believe they owe us anything but we owe it to them to get them to adulthood.
@boonsawanthao7720 Жыл бұрын
Dr dog 🐕 🐩 xwb thiab li tsis thank xav
@myprecious6751 Жыл бұрын
Your son obviously haven't learned his lesson. He should've gotten a restraining order against her. Why would he take her toxic arse back. Not very educated after all.
@hlubyang4072 Жыл бұрын
Tu niam pog koj ua niam pog yuam kev lawm os nawb....koj ua cuag li koj muaj tib tug nyab Doctor xwb....koj yeej tsis xam koj tej nyab hlob ua ntej li....txhob coj li koj thiaj li tau kev hlub lo ntawm cov nyab...kuv ces yog tu niam pog coj li koj thaum kawg kuv tsis kam so pob tw....txhob hlub tu neeg txawj ntse xwb....yuav tsum hlub tu neeg muaj lub siab zoo siab dawb....tu neeg kawm ntawv siab lawv saib koj qaij qaij....lawv saib koj tsis khuab qhov muag....
@chaowilson1127 Жыл бұрын
@khamyang5128 Жыл бұрын
High education but no common sense 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@lovetoplaywithyou3530 Жыл бұрын
I don’t feel bad for Hmong parents who love their son only.
@amazinggrace8136 Жыл бұрын
I don’t feel bad for the controlling childish parents either.
@tshajhawj6632 Жыл бұрын
Tseem try dab tsi os. Hmab tu hlua pluam tsuag2 mus nawb. Tus nab los noj koj lub zes qaib lawm ces nws yeej yuav los noj tas li kom koj lub zes qaib qe tag li os.
@Sassy_Nailscape Жыл бұрын
Just because she have a doctor degree, doesn’t mean she has to set so high standard for herself!!! She want peoples to put her on top first! Thats so stupid!!!
@Anonymouspx Жыл бұрын
The son said it very well. Being a DR means caring about someone no matter what. She does not deserve to be one at all. Hope she changes for the better.
@monkeybanana9269 Жыл бұрын
Being highly educated doesn't mean one has morals. Just mean they have a skill set that can earn a living and pay their bills. Being thoughtful is a personality trait.
@00ninja00 Жыл бұрын
@@monkeybanana926999% of older hmong people don’t understand this and all older generation worship educated and doctoral people like gods. You said it very well. A doctor only means they have a degree in a skill set to earn a living for themself. Nothing more. Having a doctor degree means this person is well educated, but doesn’t mean they are smart. And you’re absolutely right, educated people can be toxic and evil with no morals. People are born smart as well as born with good hearts.
@bradyoung1477 Жыл бұрын
Dude, you are a doctor. Finalize your decision and stay with it. Don't be a lady. This is a problem why your lady is controlling you.
@lovetoplaywithyou3530 Жыл бұрын
How lucky to be born a Hmong son! All the supportive that the son get.
@hmoobxwb7119 Жыл бұрын
Right but but the parents expect ALOT in return tooo…we should love them but they expect a lot more in return
@Karena312 Жыл бұрын
Hmong parents don’t treat them kids equally.
@amazinggrace8136 Жыл бұрын
It’s a curse in this situation.
@00ninja00 Жыл бұрын
Not in modern hmong society. Educated daughters are now praised and worshipped like they are princesses and queens. Perfect example in this story. The father of the daughter willing to put his face on the line, his Neck on the chopping block, and bow down on his knees to the other family and beg them to take his daughter back. How many parents get on their knees and beg the other family and wife of their son, to take him back after he screws up and his wife leaves his dumb arse?!? Lol
@pahouaxiong6142 Жыл бұрын
Cov menyuam peb cias cias siab hlub hlub, peb tsis noj tsis haus, tshwj zias tej mi nyiaj rau ces. Txog thaum kawg peb yeej tau Lis no xwb tiag?
@wanengthao4816 Жыл бұрын
Haib kawg me nkauj hmoob koj zaj neej neeg Tus neeg hais los yeej zoo2 thiab haib2 ntxim hlub kawg Ua tsaug
@ThePrincessWorrior Жыл бұрын
Txiv neej lub peev xwm “dab tsi qhov twg” tawm ne, zaj no na lawv? Tsis hnov hais muaj txiv neej lub peev xwm li as. Hnov hais mommy ua txhua yam xwb 😂
@moobvue Жыл бұрын
Dr or not Dr remember we still have the Hmong in our blood.
@ndzaeumoua7006 Жыл бұрын
Yog vim li cas nej cov niam txiv nyob tim meka ko pheej xav nrog tej niag nyab thiab tus nyob ua luaj li mas,ua ntej neb twb paub tias neb tus nyab tsis nyiam neb lawm nas es tseem mus thiab mus nrog tej niag nyab poj dab zoo li ntawv nyob.😢pab neb tus siab kawg os 😢.
@PrincessBarbie-nd1qy Жыл бұрын
The DAUGHTER IN-LAW is nothing but BAD NEWS! I will never understand why they hate their husband MOM and DAD when all they do is treat you like a daughter to them! But you used them! There’s some in-laws PARENTS that don’t even CARE! But the son MOM AND DAD did care about the daughter in-law!
@maivang8072 Жыл бұрын
Ua zoo tsam nws tus poj niam ua phem rau nws nawb tshuaj lom nawb 😮ceev faj nawb
@MaiMai2389-m3q Жыл бұрын
Good job! Some parents deserve this kind of love when they give all their love, supports, and money to one child. I don’t fell bad at all for parents like this.
@souavang1561 Жыл бұрын
Cov niam Pog zoo li no yeej tsis zoo thiab. Yus nyob yus lawv nyob lawv. We all need our privacy and space. Lawv hlub tus muaj degree xwb, but at the end tus tsis muaj degree es lawv tsis hlub his yog tus taj tsob.
@kongmengsuavllee8387 Жыл бұрын
Suav daws los yog tej laus yeej ib txwm piv txoj lus tias qub neeg ces qub siab, qub dev ces txawm yuav muab da dej npaum twg los niag qub ntxhiab yeej tseem tsw li os tus niam tij aw. Ceev faj nawb tsam ib hnub luag Tau ko los yog luag yuav tau qib mog , txoj Kev li nej tus ntawm ko koj tus tub thiab peb coob tus yeej Tau ib yam li koj tus tub os, ceev faj tej zaub mov Thiab txhob cia nws tsav tsheb rau yus zaum ib sab na. Tej tus neeg li ko mas siab phem tshaj plaws li os nws tsis hlub txog lwm tus li os 😮😮
@nataliethao9025 Жыл бұрын
Umm... sorry but i would have not taken that kind of person back... period
@dianeonyxiong9457 Жыл бұрын
It's the daughter's parents fault that their daughter is acting the way she is. She is every parent's nightmare to have a daughter in law from hell. Tus poj niam phem li no , yog tus tub ua taus txiv ces muab pov tseg. Yeej yog tus tub los ua tsis taus txiv es thiaj li cia nws tus poj niam ua txiv. Lub neej tam sim no ces ntshe yeej zoo li no xwb.
@kaciewanh1986 Жыл бұрын
Son, you can marry another wife, but never have another parents. Don't let karma get you later. That cruel dr will never change only pretends to be good temporary. The sooner you let her goes the better, you will have better marriage, happy with your family. Don't give her chances, she's not worth.
@maivelasquez9024 Жыл бұрын
I’m glad the son was able to see the injustice and make it right.
@moonhlee186 Жыл бұрын
This is the 21st century. Please understand that your children have lives of their own and are just starting out their lives. America has a lot of resources and there are senior homes. I wouldn’t want my children to care for me when I’m older because I want them to live their life. I don’t want to be a burden for them.
@xaihlub34 Жыл бұрын
Kuv yog cov menyuam hlob es yog yus niam thiab txiv coj li no ces kuv hais yeej Kavliam lawm xwb vim ua cuag li muaj ib tug xwb, tsis vam cov hlob li.
@mosvaj1385 Жыл бұрын
Tus maum dev xwb tsis yog maum Dr. Tsuas ntshai tau cov nyab zoo no xwb
@baoyang6462 Жыл бұрын
Cov nyab coj li no ces ua li hais os ntshe dhau lawm cia tuag mam yoog pa xwb thiaj haum os Huab tais kiag twb yuav tsis taus lawm os .
@nouthao2896 Жыл бұрын
Hom nyab zoo li tus maum dev no xwb yog nej xwb os yog ncaj kuv ces yeej xa lawm puag ntxov nrhiav dua this tshiab zoo dua
@palombierva2934 Жыл бұрын
Tsis yog txhua tus kawm tau Dr, es yuav ntse txhua tus,nws tsuas paub qhov nws kawm tau xwb,neeg ntse mas ntse nruab thiab los,tus nyab qias neeg no kawg ntauj xwb,
@ntalua2534 Жыл бұрын
Yog tus Dr. No tsis nrauj mas nws pom dab xwb xwb li ntag vim tau poj dab los nyob rau hauv tsev lawm
@nouthao2896 Жыл бұрын
Niag yawm txiv los yog yawm txiv dev thiab thiaj li hu tau tej niag ntxhais dev thiab
@bliaxiong9563 Жыл бұрын
Cov no kawm tau qhov DOC xwb kawm tsis tau qhov TOR. Tus nyab no tsis nyiam niam pog txiv yawg ces kuj mus yuav Meka xwb. Nws yog ib niag poj niam siab me, siab nqaim.
@tuderlee6665 Жыл бұрын
Lub npe kawm tas doctor no nws tsis muaj npe zoo2 rau koj nawb nws yog ib txojkev nrhiav noj ntawm ibtug neeg xwb nws tsis muaj qab hau rau leej twg naw hmoob cov neeg doctor aw….
@17maukabtsab Жыл бұрын
Man I feel sorry for those two old folks.
@tiachang-sn5ic Жыл бұрын
Poj niam zoo lawv tsis nyiam Cov phem li no thiaj li zoo xwb
@MissPeachie Жыл бұрын
Yog kawg! Txiv neej Hmoob feem coob nyiam cov poj niam heev li no xwb.
@yervue559 Жыл бұрын
Tsis tas yuav vam lawv hlub yus li os
@flickeringfire7098 Жыл бұрын
Anyways “peb cov laus Txhob cia siab rau cov menyuam kiag li nawb, tsuav lawv muaj lub neej thiab lawv nyob lawv xwb ces Kavliam yus yeej meem nyob yus txhob tos lawv
@caaspasvang7427 Жыл бұрын
Yuav luag txhua tus nyab ntse2 yeej kawg zoo li tus nyab ko os so sad😢tus nyab ko mas nej tsi nrauj ces muab ib hnub nws yuav ua rau nej plaub hau dle kiag nawv
@nancypha3576 Жыл бұрын
Tus nyab ko yog nyab poj dab xwb os ntse nej tsev nreg ko tshuav tus nyab poj dab ko nqe es thiaj tseem yuav tag lo yuav dua tus txiv tsev aw koj ruam lo ntse na tseem yuav dua tom 2 poj niam hmoob tuag tag lo cas tseem rov mus khaws tus maim Deb xyob txiaj ko na nws tau kwv tws es lam lo dag koj yuav xwb ceev faj tsam ho ntes koj kawg nram meka lub tsev kawg neeg os tus pog ko ces siab phem tshaj qhov hais tau lam Kawm ntawv sia. Lo neeg tsis zoo ces yog poj dab xyov txiaj xwb tsis tag yuab os ab tdij nrauj ntsuag ntsuag mus tus neeg zoo nraum tseem muaj tos tos koj os
@lisvaj7375 Жыл бұрын
The only thing I don’t agree with about this story is the fact that everyone’s time is important even as a Nyab myself; if Im not available for an event, I am not going. I do not like last minute stuff and either does my husband. Hmong people need to understand last minute stuff does not fly with everyone especially the younger generation who do have an agenda.
@lucipalo9428 Жыл бұрын
Ib tug pojniam ua rau tsev neeg tawg, puas tsus ces yog tus nyab coj li tus nyab no. Txawj ntse rau yav ua phem.
@dejcagntxhee8387 Жыл бұрын
Nej cov nyab Doctor g npaum ib tus nyab zoo kawm ntiav GED
@Vaj2024 Жыл бұрын
So toxic, it is best to let her go and move on.
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