Tus Neeg Khib Lwm Tus Yog Tus Swb. 2/2/2025

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Hmong Story

Hmong Story

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Tus Neeg Khib Lwm Tus Yog Tus Swb.
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@menavue9633 Күн бұрын
Thank you for being a good role model for us. ❤
@NaNa-i7e8y 6 күн бұрын
ntxub tshaj plaw cov txiv yuav niam hlob niam yau
@Lifemoments54 5 күн бұрын
So tru, jealousy robs one’s peace and happiness
@kylesmommy26 5 күн бұрын
You and your brother are good people. May god bless you ❤
@nouyang4705 4 күн бұрын
It's sound just like my life. My step mom taught her kids hate me and brother exactly like that sad...😢
@DsDs-hw2zn 5 күн бұрын
Kuv muaj ib zaj zoo li no thiab os cov neeg siab tsi zoo siab tsi ncaj ces ntuj yeej tsi pab os
@chenli703 6 күн бұрын
This is true, I witness it firsthand when I married my wife which is the Niam second child. Niam ob would tell the younger sibling to hate the first wife’s kids.
@Bao-rf8bj 6 күн бұрын
Kuv yog niam loj tug peb niam yau txw nws cov mi nyuam ib yam nkaus. Thaum lawv tseem me ces peb niam yau yog tus ua phem rau peb. Muaj peev xwm lom kiag kuv niam laus wb los kuv niam yog ib tug neeg ncaij ncees nws txoj hmoov kuj duav wb, wb ho tsis tuag. Niaj hnub no nws 6 leej tub twb tuag 5 tug thiab nws tus ntxhais hlob kiag los rau lwm tus muab lov caj dab tuag lawm thiab. Nws txoj sia tseem ntev dhawv nyiaj mob niaj hnub quaj. Cov neeg paub txog peb lub neej nug kuv tias ua Cas kuv tseem hlub nws. Kuv hais lawv tias hlub los mas. Seb nws puas xav tau tias yog thaum ub nws lom wb es wb tuag lawm ntshe niaj hnub no twb tsis muaj twg hlub nws.😢😅 txoj kev yus ua zoo ces yeej sab rau yus tshaj os tabsis ua siab loj. Yus ua zoo ces yeej tau zoo thiab mog. Tus neeg siab phem ces tsuas tau thaum ntawd nkaus2 xwb. Tej laus ib txwm hais tias heev neeg muaj heev neeg tsim no yeej muaj tseeb nawb.
@NaNa-i7e8y 6 күн бұрын
yog koj niam tsi tuag CEG cov txem nyem yuav yug niam nrab niam loj lawv lm og zoo qhov koj niam tuag thiab ma vim koj txiv twb hlub koj niam swb e thiaj nrog koj niam nyob nè
@kaciewanh1986 6 күн бұрын
Tim nej txiv lob ntau tus pojniam tabsis tswj tsis tau tus phem & cov menyuam thiaj tsis tau zoo ntees. Tus tijlaug los liam li leejniam. Tsimnyog muab hlawv ua hluav xwb thiaj tsis poob nyiaj & nkim av faus.
@ShouaTojsiab 6 күн бұрын
Your father did this to himself for having 3 wives. Your half siblings are pure evil, taught by their mother. How sad. You’re a good person.
@lisvaj7375 5 күн бұрын
Evil parents raise evil kids…. It’s that simple. I’m glad you guys loved your nephews ❤
@chaivue4167 3 күн бұрын
Some people are just evil. You can’t use the excuse “my mommy told me to do it” when you’re like 60 years old
@enangthao8509 4 күн бұрын
The problem here is this horrible tradition of polygamy. The father is to blame here. He's also worthless as a father, unable to love his children.
@DhjkFghj-zz7di 6 күн бұрын
Thov kom koj muaj hmoo muaj hmoob muaj nyiaj muaj kub mus lawm yav tom ntej
@Hmoob_Thaib 6 күн бұрын
Kuv tug kwv lub siab phem nwg yeej lawm. 😢😢
@qaibphoojywglee7124 5 күн бұрын
Yog lawm tus neeg phem yeej swb txhua yam ❤❤❤❤ zoo kawg!!!!
@May-u1h2t 5 күн бұрын
Ua siab zoo yus yeej tag 100%!! Happen to me. Cog siab phem niam txiv tuag tag yus mob stroke thiab sib nrauj tag.
@zoolikuv 4 күн бұрын
All the torment and heartache for one single selfish man. Your father. I grew up with 4 stepmoms living in the same house, so don't tell me I don't know.
@ntxawmxyoojkwvtxhiaj 5 күн бұрын
kuv xa thov koj tus xov tooj thiab fe os kuv xa muab ib txoj neej neeg tuaj rau koj pab tham os
@gaosayvu6554 6 күн бұрын
Txiv neej ntshaw2 niam hlob niam yau thiab kom muaj menyuam coob2 tab sis lawv tsis paub os, niam hlob niam yau cov menyuam ces yog yeeb ncuab xwb os 😢
@bliathao5878 6 күн бұрын
Ab cov txiv neej uas ntshaws ntshaws ob peb tug ce thaum tuag yuav laug tsi tau lub ntees ce kuj tsi tsim nyog yuav niam yau
@NkaujNtxuam 5 күн бұрын
Cov neej muaj niam hlob niam yau ces yeej zoo li no. Yeej hais ncaj tias txiv hlub tus niam twg ces tog ntawv yeej muaj phlus dua. Yog nej niam tseem nyob ces nej yog tog nyav lawm ntag. Txoj kev tu siab ntawv lub neej li ko mas pab twg raug ntxub txhaug mas thiaj to tab nawb.
@MaoLee-zs9rl 5 күн бұрын
I blame the selfish father only bc he caused all this pain and jealousy among his wives…
@pimsaekue9177 5 күн бұрын
อย่าน้อยใจกับโชคชะตาของตัวคุณเองเลยทั้งหมดเป็นเพราะผลพวงมาจากความโลภมักมากในกามของพ่อคุณ จึงทำให้มีเรื่องราวต่างๆมากมายใว้เป็นแผลให้ทุกคน
@nkaujhmoobtojsiab9028 6 күн бұрын
Zaj dab neeg no mas cas yuas zoo kiag li kuv tsev neeg li os lawv aw..tutu siab li os 😢😢😢
@อ้อยแซ่ย่าง-ษ5ด 6 күн бұрын
@Seabird0075 3 күн бұрын
I have no sympathy for your father. He didn’t have any balls and he chose to love niam dag’s kids. He created his own death. May your dad rest in peace and find a better life next time. May God continue to bless you and your family. You found God and he taught you how to forgive and that is your peace.
@SunnyVue-g5x 6 күн бұрын
Kuv mloog koj tham nej puas yog cov xeem vaj dev na koj txiv los phem koj cov tij laug thiaj phem na
@zoolisxyooj8251 5 күн бұрын
Neb ruam zog lawm, phem npaum ko mas kuv tsis thab thab li os. Yog kwv tij kom kuv yuav ces kuv tsuas tias leej twg hlub ces leej twg them xwb. Neb ces ruam thiab swb tag tiam no lawm lau.
@phoebelor1173 6 күн бұрын
Cov niag poj niam lub siab phem li ko nws yeej yuav npam xwb2 li os vim lub siab phem muaj lub ntuj ntsia ntsoov tus neeg zoo thiab tus neeg lub siab phem os mi nus aws
@GaoshengLauj123 6 күн бұрын
@NaNa-i7e8y 6 күн бұрын
yog koj nian tsi tuag nav CEG zaj dab neeg nó yuav yog niam nrab niam loj cov mẹ nyuam zaj lm og. e txhob tu siab ntau zaug ntshe yu pom yu zoo thiab swb og
@numyej 6 күн бұрын
Cov niag yuav niam hlob niam yau yog cov niag ruam ruam tsis muaj hlwb xav.
@beelor6422 6 күн бұрын
Hmong funeral price is too crazy seriously
@tonyvang5395 5 күн бұрын
It's not the funeral. It's the greedy funeral places. Can cost 20k a day just to rent the place. Being informed is better then just saying to say.
@Kotaro1326 6 күн бұрын
Qhov ko ces tim nej txiv thiab tus es txhaum loj tshaj plaws ces yog nej txiv xwb os vim nws muaj ntau tus poj niam ua luaj.
@koumoua2980 5 күн бұрын
Txhua yam no yeej yog tim koj txiv xwb. Nws khav2 es xav2 yuav coob tus poj niam tab sis ho ua tsis taus txiv es ho nyob yam niag neeg tuag tsis tu siav xwb. Tiag2 mas koj txiv los yeej ntxim muab ntim hauv ib lub box li koj niag niag tij laug thiab. Zoo siab tias neb ob kwv tij mus ntseeg Vaj Tswv es neb dim txoj kev nyuab siab lawm. Tab sis ntshe kuj npam neb lawm thiab vim neb tau los nta neb niag tij laug siab phem ntawv 3 tug niag tub 3 lub tshoob.
@yeebntshachannel9254 6 күн бұрын
Tej teeb meem ko CES yog Tim koj Txiv xwb os yus xav lob ntaub Lub nceb Cas ho kav tsis Tau koj Txiv lub ntees CES ua 24 xooj moos xwb los Tau lawm mas😢
@thaevang5369 5 күн бұрын
Koj 2 tug tij laug uas tsis koom niam ko yog yug los ntawm caj ces liam noob liam.
@caaspasvang7427 5 күн бұрын
Neeg phem ces cia nws npam nws ma
@hlubkojforever1901 5 күн бұрын
You be talking about all your mothers as the problem but the PROBLEM is only your dad for his txiv dev lifestyle.
@outlaw1267 5 күн бұрын
Did you listen to the story my boy. It’s the step mom that’s the problem.
@a2dazgod539 6 күн бұрын
50k to100k for a funeral? What a bunch of lunatics.
@userhlubyuamkev 6 күн бұрын
My b tch super jealous too
@chuvang5487 5 күн бұрын
Tus kwvtij raws li mloog hauv no mas koj tso lub ntsiab lus ntawm no haistias " tus neeg khib lwm tus yog tus swb txhua yam no yuam kev lawm" Raws li peb cov tuaj mloog koj zaj no mas tiag2 koj yuav tau hloov lub ntsiab lus li no ! tus neeg ruam li kuv tus kwv wb yog tus swb txhua yam mas thiaj li yog. Vim koj muab ntse rov sab qwb lawm ces qhov qab koj ntsia luag noj tab sis thaum txog qhov iab thiab qaub ces luag mam cia rau koj tus kwv neb noj los koj tseem qhuas tias koj yog tus yeej niag neeg ruam. Yog tseem muaj lwm tiam tiag li sawvdaws hais ces mus thov dua ntaub dua ntawv los ua neeg ntse me ntsis txhob ruam li tiam tas los lawm thiaj li tsis nkim zaub nkim mov thiab nyhav av dawb xwb.
@zouachang7857 5 күн бұрын
Tu yeej yog nws ho nws hmoov zoo ntuj muab koob hmoov rau nkawv 2 kwv tij nkawv thiaj li hlub tau cov neeg siab phem nas. Tu ntse yog nkawv 2 kwv tij laiv. Tug phem thaum kawg yog tu swb vim nws tseem yuav los them nws cov kev phem nws tsimmuaj cia rau lwm tiam dua tu phem yeej tsi muaj hnub yeej li nawb.
@cindichean 6 күн бұрын
Hmong funerals are ridiculously a waste of money. Should have taken al that money to live life…why spend so much in a person that has died, they can’t enjoy it. I don’t even want a funeral for myself. Just donate my body to science and get a tax write off. I’m dead, no need for my body anymore.
@tonyvang5395 5 күн бұрын
You say that. So put it in writing to science and sign it with a court of paper, so non of your family can touch your body after for anything. Just food for thought. 😅
@cindichean 5 күн бұрын
@ It has been said and they know my wishes. I have a will. Don’t worry. 😊
@outlaw1267 5 күн бұрын
Hmong funeral cost more than a hmong wedding. Azz backwards if you tell me.
@nouxiong3620 6 күн бұрын
Monkey see monkey do only…lawm siab phem heev vim lawm niam. Rau txiv neej hmoob ua muaj ib peb tug niam tuag ces zoo li no tus niam twg lo tsis quaj tsis nco
@kouthao3280 2 күн бұрын
Cov niag txiv dev ntshaw ntau tus vim siab hlob thaum kawg ces tuag li dev tuag xwb tsis muaj tus hlub tus nco. Qhov lawv nco tau ces yog nws txojkev destruction uas nws created
@SunnyVue-g5x 6 күн бұрын
Kuv mloog koj tham nej puas yog cov xeem vaj dev na koj txiv los phem koj cov tij laug thiaj phem na
@yilengyang3325 6 күн бұрын
Lawv ces Txawm yog cov noob nom es ntag mos
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