Revelation 11 Explained - Measuring the Temple, the Two Witnesses & the Second Woe is Past

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Angels in the Glen

Angels in the Glen

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Revelation 11 Explained - Measuring the Temple, the Two Witnesses & the Second Woe is Past
There is much speculation regarding the two witnesses of Revelation 11 and the measuring of the temple of God. The key to rightly discerning the identity of the witnesses and the significance of measuring the temple is to understand that this entire chapter is about judgment. For example, what is the purpose of a witness? A witness provides testimony in a court of law. Witnesses give oral or written evidence to what they saw or heard. Why is their role important? Based on the evidence they provide, the court will be able to render a judgment. Credible witnesses to the scene of a crime frighten criminals. The criminals know that if credible witnesses take the stand, they will be found guilty. In Revelation chapter 11, we’re going to identify the two witnesses and unpack how their testimony causes their enemies to kill them. They remain dead for three and a half days. These are not 24-hour day periods, but prophetic years. This heavenly judgment results in a great earthquake, but it's not a literal earthquake. Rather, it’s a spiritual earthquake representing the most significant event in Western history. The second woe is past. Get ready! We’re about to discover an amazing truth about Jesus Christ and His heavenly ministry, because the mystery of God is finished. Join us to find out what this mystery is about and discover amazing truths as Revelation 11 moves us spiritually into the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary. #AngelsintheGlen #BibleStudy #BookofDaniel #RevelationExplained #endtimes #bibleprophecy

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@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
There is much speculation regarding the two witnesses of Revelation 11 and the measuring of the temple of God. The key to rightly discerning the identity of the witnesses and the significance of measuring the temple is to understand that this entire chapter is about judgment. To watch the full video and to get the resources, visit:
@rufusthenaturalman9205 3 жыл бұрын
Not a good explanation of the scriptures. Your spiritualizing quite a bit of stuff but the scripture is teaching literal. Find a teacher that believes the scriptures and does not spiritualized real events.
@AngelsintheGlen 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. This is only a trailer. The actual explanation can be found at our website. Unfortunately, a literal interpretation of Revelation 11 is one of the biggest errors in the Christian Church today. While the Bible should be read literally, a literal interpretation breaks down when one examines and critically studies the prophetic material in Daniel and Revelation. God uses symbolic language in these chapters extensively. Here is the point: The symbolic language points us to a greater [spiritual] truth that manifests itself in a [literal and physical] reality. For example, recall when Jesus said tear down this temple and in three days I will raise it up. The Jews thought He was talking about the literal temple. As we know, He was talking about a greater [spiritual] truth that was His [literal and physical] body. Earlier, Jesus says to Nicodemus you must be born again, but Nicodemus thinks that he must literally and physically enter again into his mothers womb. We know that Jesus was talking about the greater [spiritual] truth that to be born again is to become [literally and physically] alive to the calling of God. We can literally and mentally recognize the living and risen Savior and look to Him as our righteousness. One more example is the woman at the well. Jesus says to her that the water He gives no one will thirst again. The women believes that Jesus is saying that there is a literal and physical water that quenches all thirst permanently. However, we know Jesus was talking about Himself as the living water. The water was a symbol that points us to a greater [spiritual] truth that Jesus fulfills our deepest needs through the Holy Spirit which is [literally and physically] dwelling within us. The book of Revelation works the same way. For example… In Revelation 1:12-13 Christ is in the midst of seven golden lampstands. Is Christ literally in the midst of lampstands? No. The lampstands are defined in Rev 1:20 as the seven churches. Christ’s presence is with us by His Spirit and manifest to us in our literal and physical bodies here on earth. In Revelation 5:6 there is a Lamb standing, as if slain with seven horns and seven eyes. Is there really a Lamb with seven eyes? No. The seven eyes are the seven Spirits of God (i.e the Holy Spirit) as defined in the same verse. In Revelation 11:7 there is a beast that comes up out of the abyss and makes war with the two witnesses. Is there really an animal-like beast that kills the two witnesses? No. Beasts are defined as kings or kingdoms as defined in Daniel 7:17 and 23. All of the events described in Revelation are in the past. Revelation 11:14 says that it is the second woe. In our study, we identify exactly what the second woe was in history. It was a major event that changed the course of world events. We can only recommend that you consider watching our video on this study to understand the deeper symbolic meaning of these verses. However, first, we recommend going all the way back to our Daniel 1 video and watching our comprehensive series on the entire book. From there you can confidently go on to the books of Revelation.
@No-More-Idols 4 жыл бұрын
I purchased and watched both Revelation vids. Hopefully We don’t have to wait to long for the others. 🙏🏽👍🏽
@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
We're very close. Should be in about a week. Thanks!
@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your support! We pray that God continues to bless you as you study His word.
@AngelsintheGlen 4 жыл бұрын
John Brown just checking in to make sure you saw that all the revelation videos are now up on our website. Enjoy and God bless!
@MS88nyc 9 ай бұрын
In my opinion, this information should not require a purchase, it is not right to profit off of the word of God
@MS88nyc 9 ай бұрын
This is between you and God, but the question has been asked: is it right to profit off of the word of God?
@kimmanning2913 Жыл бұрын
"They've attacked the ministry of Christ Himslf."
@kimmanning2913 Жыл бұрын
Literal now. Blew it up!
@troyappleton2753 3 жыл бұрын
This seems to be a SDA interpretation. I would agree that the premill interpretation is also likely incorrect but the SDA view is equally dubious.
@AngelsintheGlen 3 жыл бұрын
Please go to our website and critically evaluate everything we say in this video. You are watching a trailer/introduction to the video, not the video itself. However we recommend starting with our Daniel 1 video. Our entire series is to prepare men and women for end time events. God wants His people to know exactly what must take place before Jesus returns. It's not a time to fear but to be ready.
@carllove7353 2 жыл бұрын
@@AngelsintheGlen yea,,, for a fee. you disgust me
@kimmanning2913 Жыл бұрын
I've had to resist this evil every step of the way. Seconds at a time for yrs. I'm gonna let your arrogance destroy you.
@gregpost8872 3 жыл бұрын
Thank You AIG
@jvlp2046 Жыл бұрын
In Rev. 11:1, when the Angel provided a measuring stick/rod and asked St. John to measure the TEMPLE, the ALTAR, and the WORSHIPER... Was the measuring rod/stick for measuring LINEAR DISTANCES and what UNIT of Measurements?... Not mentioned... The original Greek text never said, "COUNT" the Worshippers... but to measure the Worshipper... St. John did not provide any NUMERICAL Value of measurements in cubits or any ancient units/scale... unlike in Rev. 21:16, the Angel gave a Numerical value of 12,000 furlongs (approx. 240,000 KM.=150,000 Miles) for the measurement of the New Gate Walls, which is equal to the length and to the width or square shape in plan... Therefore, the TEMPLE and the ALTAR are not literal Stone Temple and Altar... just like in Beauty Pagent, they have measurement sticks/rods for Beauty, for Brain/Intelligence, and for measuring Talent/Skills... the same analogy... the TEMPLE represents the Body of Christ which is the CHURCH,... the ALTAR represents the THRONE of God, and the WORSHIPPERS, representS the Christians, the Bride of Christ... and the measuring rod/sticks represents the "HIGHEST STANDARD" of Worthiness of the Church, the Greatness of God and the Faithfulness of the People of God... Therefore, the measuring stick/rod represents the Highest Standard of Measurement for WORTHINESS, GREATNESS, and FAITHFULNESS... Amen
@AngelsintheGlen Жыл бұрын
Please consider watching our Daniel 8 (3 parts) and 9 videos (5 parts) as they provide the background to accurately discern the measurement of the temple in Revelation 11. For your awareness, your comment and interpretation are Biblically accurate, however we address why was the Church measured, when it was measured, and what Jesus Christ, our High Priest in heaven did at that time. This has important implications for us today and demonstrates how close we are to the soon return of Jesus Christ.
@dougbell9543 Жыл бұрын
To interpret the allegorical picture language of the sacred Apocalypse in a literal fashion is sheer hermeneutical folly. ✔️
@SolidHawk 5 ай бұрын
Israel sacrificing the red heifers brought me here... Daniel 8:14 "2300 days" after the red heifer sacrifice is 9th of av 2030. Which leads to revelations 11:2 "42" months... Leading to luke 21:24. End times are here... 2030 New World Order
@nickpillitu9042 3 жыл бұрын
revelation is a difficult book to understand because it's a vision that John had of the future. Measuring the temple is spiritual, John has a mission he is part of the "comforter" so he has to gather the people of God (those that do the work of my father not the religious people) in fact carry on saying don't measure the outside of the temple that is for the gentiles. the two witnesses are the two witnesses of John, people gets confused at this point because they read only verse 3 and verse 4 was only to use extra ink. God doesn't speak of Itself in third person, if anyone speak of himself or herself in third person is considered mentally ill . fire will proceed from their mouth (two witnesses) means no one can outsmarted them and they are heaven's protected ( they stop the rain) ps Nicodemus understood perfectly what Christ is teaching, he was saying how the spirit reincarnate.
@nickpillitu9042 Жыл бұрын
@Bobby Nicodemus understood born again as a physical rebirth but he can't get his head around about the spirit. In fact Jesus reply "you are a great teacher in Israel and you don't know this" the image of God is the spirit not the body, because the body dies...
@jerome423 2 жыл бұрын
I would be careful with your significant adjustments based on your interpretation. Keep in mind, the word of the lord is there for all of us to read and understand... Your intense bible studies may just be over complicating things. I certainly don't claim to know any better, but you are playing a serious game when you're letting everyone know they are wrong, and you know better. Make sure you are 100% right, as I don't think God would look kindly on those leading people astray. 😉
@AngelsintheGlen 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your note. We understand that teachers will be under a more strict judgment. James 3:1 Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment. We are humbled and zealous for the truth and are passionate about deep bible study. The word of God has been twisted and obscure over the centuries; truth has been suppressed. God is bringing new light into the Church to prepare His people for His soon return. Our ministry is about guiding men and women to understand the events that must take place before Christ returns. The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation can be understood with clarity and are vital to our walk with Christ at this time in the Church's proximity to Christ's soon return. It's not a time to fear but a time to be ready. Please consider critically evaluating our teaching starting with our Daniel 1 video. Examine everything we say with the closest scrutiny. Compare and contrast what we are saying with your own Bible. Place the highest standard on us for Biblical clarity, accuracy. Test us and determine if we are theological consistent with the cross of Christ always keeping Christ at the center of our exegesis. We welcome any questions or disagreements. If you disagree, please tell us why using scripture, not what man may may say. For example, the theme of Daniel is found in the first two verses. The entire book of Daniel is based off those two verses. Without understanding the theme one cannot fully appreciate the prophetic material in Daniel 7-12. And without understanding Daniel, one cannot confidently and humbly go on to Revelation. God is moving upon His church. We are entering into end times rapidly. Not because of current world events, but because the prophecies tell us where were are at in the great timeline of redemption and how close we are to Christ's return. We explain all this and more in our series. As an example of a deep Bible study, go to our website and critically evaluate our Blue Stone study. The title might not be inviting for a deep Bible study, but in it we discover amazing truths about Jesus Christ which are vitally important for living in end-time. You be the judge. You can reach out to us directly on our website.
@kevinjackson2361 9 ай бұрын
Amen brother, teachers will be judged more harshly.
@nickswicegood4316 7 ай бұрын
Hello again I have another question regarding the 1260 days/years of revelation 11. Is this a proper platform for some more conversation?
@AngelsintheGlen 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment. You can contact us at our website:
@truthseeker7211 3 жыл бұрын
TRULY disappointed in this video. I wanted some IN-DEPTH thought on the measuring of the TEMPLE, not your Dispensationalist, past rhetoric ... Revelation is about the FUTURE, NOT PAST...
@AngelsintheGlen 3 жыл бұрын
This is a trailer video. The full, in-depth, detailed examination of every verse in Revelation 11 is found at the link below. We demonstrate with clarity that the events of Revelation 11 are in the past.
@theloudcryministry 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you Truth seeker. The book of Revelation had been for too long look at as being in the past, but it's not. There is this video of Revelation 11 Unsealed that has a futuristic application, which makes more sense. We know that Matthew 7:2 helps us to understand that the form of measuring is a form of judgement. Revelation 11:1 starts with the judgement that begins in 1844 and continues to tell us what will happen in the future. If the same person (which is Jesus) as been giving us Prophecies. In the book of Daniel we see there is a beginning and there is an end. Why is it then, when we read the book Revelation, that principle ends? Is it a different person that is giving us these Prophecies in the book of Revelation? NO. Look also at another video of this speaker on NO MORE PROPHETIC TIME. Hope you will be blessed by it. God Bless.
@swatts585 Жыл бұрын
Those who do not remember the past .....are condemned to repeat it.
@Keepitoriginalministry Ай бұрын
Don’t measure the temple because God is going to expand his kingdom. Basically he is going to take over the world.
@kimmanning2913 Жыл бұрын
Vs. 19 Yes.
@kimmanning2913 Жыл бұрын
Vs. 18
@MS88nyc 9 ай бұрын
Not sure how One can justify making people purchase sermons. I am very intrigued, but I will not spend two dollars on this… This should be absolutely free, this is regarding the word of God, you cannot put a price on this, it is not to profit off of. Literally by engaging in this it completely destroys your reputation, and now I will question everything you have preached
@AngelsintheGlen 9 ай бұрын
We recommend you start with our FREE Daniel videos. If you find that our free Daniel series is compelling and you are convicted by the teachings we provide from the Bible, then (and only then) consider watching our Revelation videos. The small fees support the ministry to market across the world. It's a way for those who have been thoroughly blessed by the Daniel teachings to partner with us (in a very small way) to help spread the truth to others. Our entire series is to help men and women understand the events that must take place prior to the second coming of Christ. It's not a time to fear but a time to be ready.
@AlMerrymBintImranaway 11 ай бұрын
Its measurements eith one line or two
@craigmayberry1147 2 жыл бұрын
f its spiritual, then why different sets of measurement for the Temple and for New Jerusalem?
@AngelsintheGlen 2 жыл бұрын
Please consider watching our series beginning in Daniel 1. We explain the significance and difference between the literal and the spiritual application of scripture. One item to note. The spiritual application manifests itself in the real, tangible, and observable world. The spiritual application is not a concept or idea per se. For example, when Jesus said to tear down this temple and in three days He would raise it up, the Jews thought He was talking about the literal, physical temple that took 46 years to build. We know that Jesus was talking about His body. His application was spiritual and He was speaking that His body is the temple of God. Unfortunately, the Christian Church has many errors when it comes to the proper application between the literal and spiritual. These errors appear mostly in the interpretation of Daniel and Revelation which are largely symbolic and must be properly discerned. We make this very clear in our Daniel series. But please, critically examine everything we say using your own Bible and God given reasoning skills.
@robertszontagh1297 Жыл бұрын
A weird, speculative hermeneutic. A whole lot of cherry picking historical events and a whole lot of eisegesis.
@AngelsintheGlen Жыл бұрын
This is simply a trailer to introduce the topic and thesis. Please consider watching the full teaching, critically evaluate every word we say. Hold us to the highest Biblical standard and hermeneutic, as well as integrity to history and alignment with Bible prophecy. Just as the learned scholars in Ancient Jerusalem missed the first coming of Christ, so too is God's Church in risk of missing the signs of His second coming. The Jewish history of misinterpreting the prophecies is being repeated again in the Christian Church writ large. However, we recommend you start with our Daniel videos before moving into our Revelation series.
@robertszontagh1297 Жыл бұрын
@@AngelsintheGlen I realize this video is just. "teaser" to go into a more in depth study, but as someone who has studied Daniel and Revelation a futurist perspective makes more sense in my thinking than angelic craftsman beginning around 1800 ushering in a time of regathering spiritual Israel. Just seems really "out there" and I'm not sure I'm interested in a deep dive of that theological and hermeneutical swamp. But we'll see.
@AngelsintheGlen Жыл бұрын
@@robertszontagh1297 We are historicists. And we explain why preterism and futurism cannot be a hermeneutic that fits the time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. When one closely examines the scriptures, both break down rather quickly. We explain this briefly in our Daniel 3 video and demonstrate it in our Daniel 7, 8, and 9 videos. You could probably just watch the first few minutes of our Daniel 3 video to get the gist. If you find it compelling, you can decide if you want to go any further. Just a thought. Thanks for your comment.
@robertszontagh1297 Жыл бұрын
@@AngelsintheGlen Sounds good. Thanks
@kimmanning2913 Жыл бұрын
Randy and Parker Made it literal. I blame those who let them in and allow us to live with mess. I'll throw them out. Both of them.
@kimmanning2913 Жыл бұрын
Mark of the Beast.
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