One of the things I WisH people would Explain about why StarWars was sOOOOO Long Lasting and LifeChanging for EverYbodY because StarWars was 50 times BIGGER Than ANY Movie People Had SEEN up to that point... thAT'S WHY it was a Complete SHOCK. ... Before StarWars...AnY Movie only had about 5 Sets! ...maybe 1 monster, robots might be a whopping THREE , 2-3 matt paintings , maybe 5 spaceships etc. 2001= 5 spaceships , 1 computer Planet of the Apes= 1 ship, 50 costumes , maybe like 8 interior sets?? Airport 76 = 2 sets Capricorn 1 = 5 basic sets Silent Running = 3 robots , 3 spaceships etc.etc.etc. Godzilla = rubber suit guy stomping on trainsets THEN BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMO! S T A A A R W A A A A A R S 50 Sets, 100's of Aliens, 150 robots, 200 Spaceships, 20 matt paintings? BIG MusiC NeW Effects AmazinG Sounds ... They put in SOOOOOOOOO MUCH WORK 1977 ....That it Energized the Entire Creative World and the 1980's (and beyond) became AMAZING!!!