dsl, mais normalement je suis du genre allergique au " québécois"... mais la!!! ca dépend ce que l'on vit, mais je me suis mis a pleurer comme une MADELEINE en pleine job....tres tres bon, et super performance...snif, snif.... merci annie!!!xxxx
@baka121315 жыл бұрын
jvais le jouer samedi ste toune la jai trop ate je vais jouer avec la chanteuse en plus jaime trop c chanson c cool que tu les mi
@teeworth14 жыл бұрын
torktt (and XschindlerX): I think she is saying that she has cried a lot since he left; and she has nothing better to do now than to try to get him (the person who left her) out of her thoughts/head; the worst she can do is to hope that he comes back. She wants to forget about him today, and tomorrow, perhaps! She was the one that wasted her time, and she, basically, wants to stop thinking about him.
@sutcak14 жыл бұрын
@BlondinetteAudreey18 : Les paroles apparaissent en cliquant dans la description de la vidéo. Merci!
@XschindlerX14 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Anyone here speak English? Can anyone tell me what she's singing about?
@teeworth14 жыл бұрын
@torktt torktt (and XschindlerX): I think she is saying that she has cried a lot since he left; and she has nothing better to do now than to try to get him (the person who left her) out of her thoughts/head; the worst she can do is to hope that he comes back. She wants to forget about him today, and tomorrow, perhaps! She was the one that wasted her time, and she, basically, wants to stop thinking about him.
@vivie049 жыл бұрын
ouff si on aime une personne et que ca ne marche pas..tout à démolir, pénible.