He seems pretty good at getting advertisers even if they temporarily fluctuate haha. Is it impulse or is it instinct and following it and trial and error you know? He earnestly tried helping Ukraine a nuclear war because of your service is a tricky decision to make. Who knows what’s prevented. I’d generally say one can trust Elons process while allowing for human errors because he’s still a human being and should be. Elon fans seem to get Elon a little more than Walter haha even with his two years. Walters Just a little off about his vision. It doesn’t make sense to contain Elon in regular boxes, he’s quite exceptional, highly creative and disciplined in certain ways, he trusts his impulses and instincts and some part of some truth is found eventually by him I’d say every time so far. Human Mistakes are healthy as part of the process, he course corrects well. It’s a great effort and I’m so glad for the author, although I think Walter could have used a little id say even more of an open mind in learning beyond diagnosing.