I have been wanting to see Japan since I was a little kid and I will finally have the pleasure of going there in 2 months. I am very honored that ANA will be flying me there. This is my second time flying with them. Last time I took it, I went to Sydney, Australia from Chicago O'Hare via Haneda in May 2017.
I wondered what is this music when I boarded the aircraft. here it is! very impressive music that makes my mind exciting. also it emphasized my expectation about the trip. what a good music!
子供の頃からANA!CAの方のあの温かい目と言葉の節々からの輝きを忘れられない。ANAの全ては銀河につながっている。 それも、すべての搭乗者の内部にある銀河にさえ。。。 まさに、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン! 機内で観た時、とてもとても感動的だったことを思い出します。もちろん、一般席です。 彼らの努力の賜物と功績を称えると同時にありがとうを伝える動画、常にカスタマーフォーカスの歴史、心に響き渡る素晴らしいアコースティックサウンド、音色、曲、その他・・・。 絶妙!ぜひLiveで拝聴したい! ところで、この動画をどちらで手に入れられたのでしょうか? とても気になります。Thank you so much for uploading such precious movie! 搭乗時にはこの動画を機内で観ては、ANAがもたらすカスタマーエクスペリエンスを堪能したいです。 もちろん、一般席で!(^^)
I really like this music when flying with ANA, which is one of my favorite airlines!
@HDAviationVideos5 жыл бұрын
I flew with ANA for the first time a few days ago. My experience could not have been better. This music, which now I know who was the composer, made the flight special and left me willing to visit Japan.