Anson is so talented and he's truly an inspiration~ 請你繼續走一條屬於盧瀚霆的路。你就是這麽耀眼,有魅力,氣質就是那麽獨特。不要與一般社會的刻板印象把你牽絆著,please continue to be you. love you just the way you are.
@yannisze4669 Жыл бұрын
This outfit is soooo hot!!!! I really enjoy watching Anson dancing~ can't wait to see the live performance in solo concert😍
@phangian411 Жыл бұрын
Dance Version 超正 ! 教主跳舞好吸睛,賞心悅目,Anson Lo 大隻咗喎 ! ❤
@clairechung3667 Жыл бұрын
#AnsonLo Happy birthday We will always back you up 唔好比咁大壓力自己,有時間比自己休息下放鬆下。你每一個作品都令我在生活上有動力,有能量去面對每一日。多謝你❤️