Thanks for sharing this. Makes the appreciation of your mv even more. Your parents must be so proud and 安慰with what you are growing up to be, what your values are and what you are doing for them.
Thanks for sharing. Good job. Banker boss's look with the freckles is very cute. I like pineapple rice too. Appreciate all your teams hard work for achieving such high standard performance. 👍👏😍
很喜歡你和團隊的認真; 很喜歡看到behind the scene; 很喜歡Money 的主題; 很喜歡每套衫的細緻; 很喜歡教主你的一切一切!🌻
@Alysallover Жыл бұрын
Thank you Anson and all your team member's effort. I love this catchy song and this playful MV very much. As a audience, is looking forward your new song everytime.🤩
好鍾意呀~每次睇BTS,見到你地用心製作,Money,好聽又好睇❤️❤️多謝幕後團隊,服裝化妝No.1,件件都着得lolo好靚好正,舞蹈員配合完美🥰🥰lolo,你真系越來越正,跳舞唱歌每次都帶無限驚喜比大家,每次演繹一個作品都有反思,有深深感受❤️❤️諗起你拍攝完就即刻同我地214,好sweet💟💟 Lolo🥰🥰見到開心仔拍攝,好enjoy,就是我地最想見到的,繼續食炒🍚做大隻仔,一齊繼續衝,奸爸爺💪💪💰❤️💰❤️ But 吾好睇咁夜,要好好食飯好好飲水同休息 Love u & Miss u ❤️❤️❤️
Money!money!money!聽了幾天,琅琅上口,歌曲旋律輕快,舞蹈活潑輕鬆,聽得人細胞也彷如要跟著節拍來舞動!教主不同造型的華麗服飾,高雅,貴氣,驚艷的都有,穿在教主身上突顯俊雅脫俗,就如看了教主一個加插入舞蹈的Fashion show 美不勝收!Mv載歌載舞,內容豐富,氣氛熱鬧,似是看了一場歌舞舞台劇!叫人賞心悅耳!愛不釋手! 感謝教主和團隊不眠不休,制作出這首完美的歌曲,讓大家帶來喜樂!