00:25 I always open with 5 vills on straggler, 1 vill on ovoo while I fugure out where to put my TC. 00:32 I press "T" to place the TC, instead of using the button below. 00:36 TO IMPROVE: I could start using "Q" to activate the Khan's maneuver arrow. 00:49 I always assign control group 2 to the Khan and 3 to the TC. 00:50 I misclicked somehow; I want the vills to deliver their wood and start on the sheep, but they go back to the tree. 01:27 TO IMPROVE: I could start using "R" to release the falcon. 01:45 Here I realize that those villagers were still on wood. I will use the wood to build a stable, and open with Early Horsemen. This may actually be the better opening vs HRE. 03:38 Nice, he has no defence on his gold yet. 03:46 The vills run away, but I can use the Horsemen to burn the Mine; meanwhile he cannot get gold here. 03:50 With control group 3 for the TC, I can quickly queue some vills while keeping my focus on the enemy base. 03:56 The TC is not rallied on the wood correctly. (There used to be a blue line to show the correct rally, I hope they fix this soon.) 04:47 Annoying repair ability from HRE. 06:35 Ha yes, I can kill this villager while idling a bunch more vills. Perhaps it was worth losing the Horsemen? 06:40 I will now build Mangudai/KHunters. My initial Horsemen made him go for Spearmen. 08:20 I always upgrade ranged armor when I send out my Mangudais. 09:40 Misclicking to build a Market (which I could have built much earlier). 11:20 Aaggh he's going Castle already. I sacrifice too much of my troops here, but I idle and delay him a lot. 12:20 Time to look at my villagers and build Pastures. I don't see that the wolf attacks my villager building the 2nd Market. 12:35 Scouting the rest of the map so I can prevent him taking the relics. 13:08 Nice! 13:36 Using the falcon to look over the wood line and kill a few vills. 12:43 Now I notice that my 2nd market didn't get build due to the stupid wolf. 16:14 I first want to send those vills to the deer, but then realize I already built enough pastures to put all food vills on sheep. 16:35 Gold is coming in too slowly and I really want to go Castle to deny the relics: use the Market to buy and sell. 16:58 Just a poke to distract. I see his army follow. 18:40 So he is getting that relic over there. Let's try to catch the others soon. 19:15 TO IMPROVE: I build enough villagers but I forget about the traders. 19:24 Using shift to rally a Shaman to the relic and back. 21:13 Hurrah, I got all the other relics, he got only 1. 21:33 Now I notice the idle vills on the gold. 21:33 TO IMPROVE: I could have given them a shift order to go build a Ger on the next gold before this one ran out. 21:36 I got enough wood, so I'll have them build a TC on the big gold. 21:46 Since I have so much wood, I'll drop a few more towers. 23:25 I accidentally add a crossbowman to my Khangudai (Khan+Khunters+Mangudai) group. 23:37 I'll check if the enemy built anything on the gold in the top corner. 23:45 TO IMPROVE: I maneuver my Keshik group too close to his base (HRE Outposts have insane vision). I should have used shift to move along the left side of the map. 23:52 Building Siege workshops on the Ovoo. I want Springalds with improved shutter triggers to hold the middle. 24:35 My Khangudai group is slow to join the fight (because of the crossbowman in the group), but I don't notice it yet. 25:04 Here I start wondering why my Khangudai are so slow. This fight wasn't very good for me. 25:21 Buying food to go Imp. 26:31 Spyglass also works for the Khan, not just for regular Scouts. And it's a cheap upgrade. 27:25 I know I cannot destroy his Swabia with this group. Just a poke to distract him and see if I can bait his troops. 27:51 I finally get that Crossbowman out of my Khangudai group. 28:50 Baiting his amry to my Towers+Kurultai. 33:21 The continuous attacks were too much for him. 33:49 I could have built a little more eco, I built too few traders (also due to that wolf killing the vill).