Рет қаралды 10,928
Formosa residence terletak di tengah kota dan pas di jantung kota nya .. Apartemen ini ada di kota batam , yang mana di kelilingi oleh tempat-tempat hiburan, pasar,toko-toko dan tempat2 kuliner serta sekolah, tempat ibadah,pelabuhan international dan juga Shoping mall besar yg ada di kota batam.
dan harganya juga sangat terjangkau .
untuk info lebih lengkap,silakan hubungi nomor hotline dibawah ini 👇
Alamat: Citi plaza Formosa Hotel Blok G No .1-2 Nagoya Batam
Hp: +6281275609119
WA: +628127086967
Formosa residence is located in te center of the city and in the heart of the city.
This apartment is located in the city of batam, surrounded by entertainment centers, markets, shops and culinary places or food court and schools, places of worship, international ports, and huge shopping malls in the city of batam, And it's also very affordable.
For more information, please call the hotline below 👇
Address: citi plaza Formosa hotel g no.1-2 Nagoya batam
HP: +6281275609119
Wa: +628127086967