【APヘタリアMMD】みんなで劣等上等【祝14周年】【World History】

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@べーべろーべ-m9v 4 жыл бұрын
こちらはニコ動に投稿した本人の投稿です😇 たくさんのコメントありがとうございます。 I am glad to watch my video from the various countries!! There's an amazing person who wrote an explanation in English(thanks Nicolas Vernola), and I'd like you all to see that comment . 追伸)ヨンスくんはモデルの規約の制約があり難しく…でも本音は春待ちの後に入れたかったですね
@ああ-s7b2r 4 жыл бұрын
@優しい佃煮 4 жыл бұрын
ざっくり書き出してみます。(途中までです) 0:06 古代組(エジプト、ローマ、ゲルマン、中国王朝、インド王朝) 0:19 ハンガリー王国成立(1000) 0:25 ヤゲヴォ朝成立(1368) 0:37 イスラーム諸王朝の台頭 0:46 ハプスブルク家の支配による神聖ローマ帝国の繁栄 0:52 大航海時代到来(ポルトガル→スペイン→オランダの順に繁栄し没落) 1:17 大英帝国が覇権を握る 1:21 ウェストファリア条約 神聖ローマ帝国消滅(1648)   鄭成功がゼーランディア城占領 清朝と鄭氏台湾の対立(1661)   オランダがアメリカでの覇権もイギリスに奪われる(1664)   カルロヴィッツ条約 ハンガリー割譲(1699) 1:27 北方戦争 1:35 アメリカ独立宣言(1776) 1:41 プロイセンの台頭、王国へ昇格 1:52 フランス革命(1789) 2:09 東南アジアで唯一独立を保ったタイ王朝
@大量消費 4 жыл бұрын
めっちゃ助かります!! ありがとう🥰 完成楽しみにしてます!!
@るぅた-h6u 3 жыл бұрын
2:14 イタリア王国 成立(1861) 2:17 ドイツ帝国 成立(1871) 2:20 大日本帝國 成立 明治時代(幕末・王政復古・文明開化)(1868~1912) 2:23 オーストラリア 白豪主義(1901) 2:26 第一次世界大戦(W.W. I ) 開戦 連合国vs中央同盟国(1914~1918) 2:39 第一次世界大戦(W.W. I ) 連合国側にアメリカ参戦(1917) 2:41 ロシア革命(1917) 2:44 ドイツ再軍備宣言 ヴェルサイユ条約の軍事制限条項をヒトラー政権が破棄(1935) 2:47 第二次世界大戦(W.W. II) 開戦 枢軸国vs連合国(1939~1945) 3:03 冷戦 開戦 西側諸国vs東側諸国(1947~1991) 3:23 中華人民共和国 建国(1949) 3:24 キューバ危機(1962) アフリカの年(1960) 3:27 ベトナム戦争(1955~1975) 3:41 銀幕ヘタリア 主題歌「WA!輪!ワールド音頭」ワールド8(イタリア・ドイツ・フランス・イギリス・アメリカ・ロシア・中国・日本)(2010)
@Kralamelo 3 жыл бұрын
Portugal going to America before Spain? You mean after. 1492 (スペイン→ポルトガル→オランダの)
@蒙さん 3 жыл бұрын
@@るぅた-h6u 「WA!輪!ワールド音頭」は草
@名前-o4p 3 жыл бұрын
@@るぅた-h6u 黄色のチャイナ服の子は中華人民共和国?
@鷲羽-h2k Жыл бұрын
蘭兄さん、振り付けなのか分からんが 1:14 で手がお金のハンドサインになってる。👌これね
@rukaruri 4 жыл бұрын
3:09 の冷戦の所めったゃ好き
@rukaruri 4 жыл бұрын
冷戦であってるよね?:( ;´꒳`;):ビクビク
@名前とかどうでもいいよ 4 жыл бұрын
@rukaruri 4 жыл бұрын
@@名前とかどうでもいいよ 良かった(〃´o`)フゥ…
@すおう-f8c 3 жыл бұрын
勝手に お先にbye が祖国なのは戦争しない(憲法9条)から来てると思ってる そうだったらなんかいいな(語彙)
@蝉時雨-x6e 4 жыл бұрын
2:47 枢軸が勢ぞろいしてるの珍しい…好きです ろしあさんが帝政とソビエトで衣装違うのも細かくて好きです
@user-odsn 3 жыл бұрын
1:16 個人的に好きな大英パート
@鯉淵絢 4 жыл бұрын
歴史は流れてきて、これからも流れていくものなんだなあ、と改めて思う。公式も再開したし。 「生きていた」じゃなくて、「生きている」。「生きていく」。
@amprca6351 3 жыл бұрын
やっぱりこうやってヘタリアに合わせて世界史を学んでいくのって面白いし、何よりどんな国がどんな気持ちで歴史を作ってきたのかが分かるヘタリアは偉大だと思う。 WW1・WW2などの戦争を習っている上で、「○○という国が悪い」とか、「○○はこうすれば良かった」とか言えるのは後から言えていることであって、戦時中なら絶対に言えない事だったはず。今、本当に平和な世の中にしようと、最善の策を練って頑張ってくれているこの国達に改めて敬愛したい。
@naru179________ 4 жыл бұрын
@ちゅーるん 3 жыл бұрын
@ヘタリアの朝菊最高だぜ 4 ай бұрын
@ayanooon 4 жыл бұрын
祖国が今日も美しい。 枢軸は愛しい。 そして全員かっこいい。
@桜舞-w7k 3 жыл бұрын
@あまくん-o9x 3 жыл бұрын
@Haranonaka_000 3 жыл бұрын
3:03 の春待ちのにらみ合い(合ってますか…?)のシーン好きすぎます…!!😭✨
@Joness_kr 3 жыл бұрын
@biwa660 4 ай бұрын
こんな4分足らずの曲で世界史とヘタリアキャラを両方おさらいできるとか神すぎて… 最後に日本で締めるの、色々な解釈があってどれも好きだけど、『劣等』と「列島」を掛けてるんだとしたら最高かよって思う
@手刀でラスボスと戦う俺 4 жыл бұрын
@珊瑚-r1z 3 жыл бұрын
@fukahorikawa7868 4 жыл бұрын
@mnpo0811 3 жыл бұрын
ざっくりしたキャラのお名前と登場時間です! (長文注意) 0:06 古代エジプト(埃ママ) 0:08 ローマ帝国(ローマ爺ちゃん) 0:10 ゲルマンさん(とロマ爺) 0:11 中国 🇨🇳(王耀) 0:16 インド 🇮🇳(印さん) 0:19 ハンガリー 🇭🇺(エリザベ-タ・ヘ-デルヴァ-リ)   スロバキア 🇸🇰(バキアくん) 0:24 ポーランド 🇵🇱(フェリクス・ウカシェヴェチ) 0:28 リトアニア 🇱🇹 (ト-リス・ロリナティス) ベラルーシ 🇧🇾 (ナタ-リヤ・アルロフスカヤ) 0:31 デンマーク 🇩🇰 (マー君) 0:32 アイスランド 🇮🇸(17億) 0:34 ノルウェー 🇳🇴 (ノル君) 0:37 エジプト 🇪🇬 (グプタ・ハッサン) 0:40 トルコ 🇹🇷 (サディク・アドナン) 0:43 ウクライナ 🇺🇦 (とばっちり子) 0:45 チェコ 🇨🇿 (チェ子さん)    ルクセンブルク 🇱🇺 (ルクセン) 0:47 オーストリア 🇦🇹 (ロ-デリヒ・エ-デルシュタイン) 0:50 神聖ローマ帝国 (神聖ローマ) 0:52 ポルトガル 🇵🇹 (ポルトさん) 0:59 スペイン 🇪🇸 (アント-ニョ・ヘルナンデス・カリエド) 1:05 ベルギー 🇧🇪 (ベルベル)    南イタリア 🇮🇹 (ロヴィ-ノ・ヴァルガス) 1:06 北イタリア 🇮🇹 (フェリシア-ノ・ヴァルガス) 1:09 オランダ 🇳🇱 (蘭にいさん) 1:16 イギリス(大英帝国)🇬🇧 (ア-サ-・カ-クランド) 1:23 スウェーデン 🇸🇪 (ベ-ルヴァルド・オキセンスシェルナ)    フィンランド 🇫🇮 (ティノ・ヴァイナマイネン)    ロシア 🇷🇺 (イヴァン・ブラキンスキ) 1:29 スイス 🇨🇭 (バッシュ・ツヴィンクリ)   リヒテンシュタイン 🇱🇮 (リヒテン) 1:35 アメリカ(独立前)🇺🇸 (アルフレッド・F・ジョ-ンズ) 1:41 プロイセン (ギルベルト・バイルシュミット) 1:51 フランス 🇫🇷 (フランシス・ボヌフォワ) 1:59 イギリス 🇬🇧 2:04 ギリシャ 🇬🇷 (ヘラクレス・カルプシ) 2:05 モナコ 🇲🇨 (モナ子さん) 2:06 カナダ 🇨🇦 (マシュ-・ウィリアムズ) 2:07 モルドバ 🇲🇩 (モル君) ルーマニア 🇷🇴 (ルーさん) 2:08 ブルガリア 🇧🇬 (勃くん) 2:09 タイ 🇹🇭 (泰さん) 2:12 枢軸国 2:13 ドイツ 🇩🇪 (ル-トヴィッヒ) 2:14 南北イタリア🇮🇹(フェリア-ノ、ロヴィ-ノ) 2:17 幼少期ドイツ →ドイツ 🇩🇪(ル-トヴィッヒ ) 2:20 日本 🇯🇵 (本田 菊) 2:23 オーストラリア 🇦🇺 (濠くん)    ニュージーランド 🇳🇿 (新くん) 2:26 連合国・枢軸国 3:23 台湾 🇹🇼 (気苦労娘)    キューバ 🇨🇺 (玖さん) 3:24 チベット (チベさん)    セーシェル 🇸🇨 (セーちゃん) 3:25 ラトビア 🇱🇻 (ラトヴィス・ガランテ) 3:26 エストニア 🇪🇪 (エドァルド・フォンヴォック) (3:27)   香港 🇭🇰 (大英帝国の呪い)    マカオ 🇲🇴 (澳門さん) 3:27 ベトナム 🇻🇳 (越っちゃん) 3:42 枢連 ※()内の人名がひまさんにより言及されていないキャラはPixiv百科事典の「ヘタリアの人名・愛称一覧」から引用しております ※チベットさんが合っているかどうか不明です (髪の生え具合) 他に間違った表記等があれば返信で教えて下さると幸いです
@べーべろーべ-m9v 3 жыл бұрын
@RANA-hv5es 3 жыл бұрын
詳しいコメントありがとうございます。 2:13の‪√‬出てきた後に2:14あたりにイタリア兄弟が出て来てるんですが抜けてませんかね…… その後再び2:18‪に‪√‬きて次が祖国だと思うんですが 揚げ足を取るような形で申し訳ないです
@mnpo0811 3 жыл бұрын
@@RANA-hv5es ご指摘ありがとうございます〜!!!🙏🙏🙏 バタバタしてた時期に書いてたので見落としてしまったみたいです…修正しておきます!
@朝倉緋凪 3 жыл бұрын
@nicolasvernola2637 4 жыл бұрын
Now I try to interpret the scenes. I had to research lot!😓 0:06 Prehistoric Egypt was established approximately in 3100 BC until its downfall with the Roman conquest in 30 BC 0:08 Begun in the year 509 BC as a republic, then became an Empire in 27 BC 0:10 The downfall of the Roman Empire by various German tribes in the 5th century 0:12: Emperor Quin Shi united various regions into one imperial China in 221 BC. This ancient empire lasted until 1912. 0:15 Golden Age of India under the Gupta Empire which almost consisted of today's India ( 300 BC -550 AD) 0:19 In 1000 AD Magyars got Christianized and Stephen I established the Kingdom of Hungary. Slovakia was a part of this Kingdom 0:24 1385 Polish-Lithuanian Union because of the marriage between Queen Jadwiga of Poland and Grand Duke Jogalia of Lithuania. In 1569-1795 the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth existed. Belarus has been a part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1307 0:30 After Sweden left the Kalmar Union, Kingdom Denmark-Norway was established and Iceland was under Danish rule 0:37 Egypt accepted the Muslim faith in the 7th century. In 1299 Tribal Leader Osman (founder of the Ottoman dynasty established an independent principality that became a world empire in the following centuries. In 1517 Egypt got conquered by the Ottoman Turks. 0:42 879-1240 Kievan Rus (Ukraine) was founded by East-Slavic and Scandinavian tribes. This Slavic federation got weakened by Mongolians. 0:45 Count John of Luxembourg married Elizabeth of Bohemia and their descendants ruled over Luxembourg, Bohemia (Czechia), and the Holy Roman Empire until 1437. The house of Luxembourg was replaced by the House of Habsburg from Austria who owned the title of Holy Roman Emperors until its dissolution in 1806 0:52 1415 Age of Discovery: The beginning of the Portuguese Empire after the capture of Ceuta. Portuguese explorers like Vasco da Gama and Prince Henry the Navigator were pioneers of European discoveries in Africa, Asia, and America 0:59 1492: Spain was under completely Christian rule and Columbus discovered the New World (America) by order of the Spanish crown. 1:04 13th century- 15th century County of Flanders (Belgium) became one of the wealthiest and artistic regions under the Burgundian rule in Europe. 1504 The House of Aragon occupied the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily(Romano) 14th century to 16th century the Rennaisance spread from Northern Italy to all Europe and brought a cultural, scientific, artistic, and intellectual movement. North Italy became the place of artists and philosophers. 1453 Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Empire and Europe was scared of the huge Turkish expansion. 1415-1999 Portuguese Colonial Empire 1492-1976 Spanish Colonial Empire 1581 Netherlands was separated from the Spanish Habsburg and became the Dutch republic. Until 1672 Dutch Golden Age Netherlands became a wealthy nation with colonies. 1:16 In 1588 England's influence on the seas grew after Spanish defeat in 1588. Under Queen Elizabeth I England began to colonize the new continent of America 1:21 1648 End of the Thirty Wars Years and also beginning of the decline of the Holy Roman Empire 1661 Siege of Fort Zeelandia: the Dutch lost their control over the Isle Formosa (Taiwan). The Kingdom of Tungning was established but lasted until 1683 where it became a part of imperial China. 1664 England took possession of the Dutch Colony New Amsterdam which was renamed New York City. 1699 Treaty of Karlowitz ended the Great Turkish War in where the Ottoman Empire lost. It also represents the decline of the Ottoman Empire and its influence on Central Europe. 1:22 1700-1721 Great Northern War: Sweden and Russia fought over the control of the Baltics. Emperor Peter I of Russia gained control over Latvia and Estonia. Finland was a part of the Swedish Empire which lost its supremacy after the Great Northern War. 1:28 Treaty of Westphalia 1648: Switzerland gained independence legally from the Holy Roman Empire. Meanwhile, there were huge witch trials in Liechtenstein. 1:35 1776-1783 Revolutionary Wars in the American colonies which formed the United States of America and so its independence from Great Britain. 1:41 Under Frederick II the Great Prussia became a European superpower and the second German superpower next to Austria in Europe. Prussia developed culturally and socially. Moreover, it could expand his territories vastly through the Silesian Wars and the Partitions of Poland. 1:52 1789-1799 the French Revolution People.demanded liberty, equality, and brotherhood and spread their liberal ideas through all Europe. Napoleon terminated this era in France and established the first French Empire which conquered almost half of Europe. 1:59 In the 19th century the British Empire reached its climax and reigned over one-fourth of the world population. English became the dominant language globally. 2:04 Greek War of Independence 1821-1832: Greece separated itself from the Ottoman Empire and was recognized as an independent kingdom by the European powers Franco-Monegasque Treaty 1861: France confirmed the autonomy of the Principality of Monaco. Until today Monaco has no military, as France is in charge of. Canadian Confederation 1867: Canadian territories were united and received autonomous rights from the UK: Constitution, a government, and his justice system Romanian War of Independence 1877-1878: Romania gained independence from the Ottoman Empire and in 1881 it became a kingdom with King Carol I of Romania. the Treaty of San Stefano 187 Bulgaria also gained his independence from the Ottoman Empire and one year later established its kingdom. The Kingdom of Siam (Thailand) formed alliances with many European powers as England and Denmark. King Rama V modernized its kingdom and reformed the justice system and the social system. 2:14 Italian Unification 1861: the establishment of a kingdom with King Victor Emmanuel II. 2:17 German Unification 1871 : the establishment of an empire with Emperor William I. 2:20 (1868-1912) Meiji Period: Japan opened its borders to the world and got rapidly industrialized and transformed from a backward country into the most progressive and powerful Asian power. 2:23 The foundation of the Commonwealth of Australia(1901) 1907 New Zealand received the title "Dominion " after rejecting joining the Commonwealth of Australia. 2:26 World War 1 (1914-1918) 2:39 1917 the United States joined in the First World War and demonstrated its economic and military supremacy. 2:41 1917 The beginning of the Russian revolution. The communist leader Lenin took control over Russia. It is also the beginning of the Russian civil war. 2:44 1935: I don't know what the video means with this year. I live in Germany and this year is not important as 1989 or 1871 which are remembered by many people. In this year, the Nuremberg Laws, Antisemitic laws against Jews were legislated. They may want to imply that the Jewish population got persecuted from this point. However, maybe they meant 1933 and 1935 is an error, as in 1933 Hitler and the Nazi Regime come into power and it is the beginning of National Socialism. 2:50 Second World War (1939-1945) 3:03 Cold War (1947-1991) The world got divided into two fractions: Countries supporting capitalism (led by the USA) and countries adopting the communist ideology (led by Soviet Russia) 1949 USA founds NATO, a political-military alliance that still exists today. As the Soviet Union felt threatened, it founded the Warsaw Pact, a counter alliance to NATO. 3:22 1949 Chinese nationalists fleed from China to Taiwan after the Communist had won the Chinese civil war. The Taiwanese government claims until today that it is the rightful "China". 1953-1959 Cuban revolution: The Cuban dictatorship was overthrown by Fidel Castro's movement in 1958. The island accepted the Socialist-Communist ideology. Cameroon declared independence from France in 1960 and Seychelles from the UK in 1976 1991 declaration of Latvian and Estonian independence from the Soviet Union. 1997 China receives Hong Kong from the UK and 1999 also Macau from Portugal. China promises both administrative region to have its governing system. 1955-1975 Vietnam Civil War: the conflict between North Vietnam supported by the Soviet Union and South Vietnam helped by the United States.
@べーべろーべ-m9v 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent 😳I appreciate your explanation in English!! Danke schön🥰 1935 means German re-armament. I emphasized 1935 because I learned in Japanese school that the British response to German re-armament was one of the cause of WW2. But you live in Germany , you know more about the history of Germany than me. I am sorry for lack of the knowledge about it.
@nicolasvernola2637 4 жыл бұрын
@@べーべろーべ-m9v Don't worry. I really appreciate that you love history as I am. This video is wonderfully made and it is one of the best mmd videos I have ever seen. Maybe it is the best birthday present for Hetalia. Now I understand why it is 1935. Thank you ☺
@Sshunnn 4 жыл бұрын
just want corrections: 1955-1975 is not Vietnam Civil War, its THE “WAR AGAINST THE AMERICANS TO SAVE THE NATION"
@Kralamelo 3 жыл бұрын
1412 portugal, going america? pardon?
@Sweet_Squad4ever 3 жыл бұрын
@lamkrkw3306 4 жыл бұрын
@user-hf3hy8od9u 4 жыл бұрын
@名前とかどうでもいいよ 4 жыл бұрын
@タピオカタオル 3 жыл бұрын
@天鬱 21 күн бұрын
神だ😭うぽつです〜!! ヘタの二次創作でしても、史実作品でしてもめちゃくちゃ楽しめる…… 1:15大英帝国万歳! 1:34独立戦争
@Maca_2008 4 жыл бұрын
@アハパカ 4 жыл бұрын
@みずな-t4h 4 жыл бұрын
@塩鮭-l2u 4 жыл бұрын
@mma-sd7dw 3 жыл бұрын
@marinera-kuttoke 4 жыл бұрын
@Joness_kr 3 жыл бұрын
@赤吉-t8n 2 жыл бұрын
@背景さん Жыл бұрын
@レロたん 4 жыл бұрын
こんなカッコいい人たちがいるのね。 実に良い!
@ayanooon 4 жыл бұрын
@塩鮭-l2u 4 жыл бұрын
@デビルちゃん-b9p 4 жыл бұрын
みんな かっこかわいい! ❤
@空気-y9m 4 жыл бұрын
@田島春-f5s Жыл бұрын
ロシアとアメリカの『こんなもんじゃない!』が凄く良かったです! 鳥肌立ちました!
@はたらく人間 3 жыл бұрын
定期的に見に来てしまう… 個人的に特に全てが好き
@mnpo0811 4 жыл бұрын
@rerewai1658 4 жыл бұрын
KZbinにもあったのか! 好きです
@lol-jk6os 4 жыл бұрын
this is amazing! thank you so much for doing this,this gives me real feeling that this fandom is alive,thank you one more time! 🧡🤗🤠
@moka7483 3 жыл бұрын
@秋-p6z 3 жыл бұрын
@oishii856mo 2 жыл бұрын
@三好-p3t 4 жыл бұрын
@くふ-t5s 4 жыл бұрын
@泉鏡花-u8n 2 жыл бұрын
@ARGhostie 3 жыл бұрын
This is so unbelievably fucking cool! Combined with the english explanation comment, I can just how much detail went in to this, so many tiny tidbits of history, incredible!
@べーべろーべ-m9v 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching! I'm glad you mentioned the history thing!
@Poochypeach 3 жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS-!! WOW--this is the most underrated video I've ever watched-
@はちみつ-m6d 2 жыл бұрын
@ほし竹内 4 жыл бұрын
@nizikuwa42 2 жыл бұрын
@jennyz2 4 жыл бұрын
Gosh I love it soooooooo much !
@AmJt-ql5rl 2 жыл бұрын
さすが、レベル段ちだわ~!( ≧∀≦)スゴーい!
@arttech-lopo 3 жыл бұрын
When pitched, the “male singer” sounds like T.M. Revolution, who here agrees?
@かしこ-h9p 2 ай бұрын
@mmog 3 жыл бұрын
@本田椿-o2w 5 ай бұрын
0:51 ポ、ポポポルっポルトガルさんッッ
@fic7996 4 жыл бұрын
Re lindo el Francis
@なひょい-c4v 4 жыл бұрын
@yoru_46 4 жыл бұрын
@蒙さん 4 жыл бұрын
@マリー-d4e 2 ай бұрын
みんな魅力的すぎて尊いけどさ、やっぱ俺はマシューが好きだってわかったよ 冷戦コンビと独立戦争メリカも好きだがなぁ!!!
@nizikuwa42 2 жыл бұрын
@Joness_kr 3 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/aWm3hnqIasmahNk 一応振り付けの元を……()
@ララーラララララ 2 жыл бұрын
@akanechan_369 4 жыл бұрын
@おしるこあおじる 4 жыл бұрын
@polliet7785 4 жыл бұрын
2021啦------已經是15年的糾纏不休 lietpollllllllllllllllllllllll prussiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 我每組都舔爆阿阿阿 選曲 渲染 建模 各方面都無處可挑剔 都給我跟著圓圓的地球跳起來
@塩鮭味の納豆御飯 4 жыл бұрын
@ようつべきっずひっとう 3 жыл бұрын
#ヘタリアオールスター #史実寄りapヘタリア
@АринаФедорова-ы6ъ 3 жыл бұрын
Зачем нужны уроки истории, когда есть это видео?
@べーべろーべ-m9v 3 жыл бұрын
Спасибо 😊 Надеюсь, это видео поможет вам в учебе!
@hoshikiraa9193 3 жыл бұрын
Can i have the link of this cover song?
@べーべろーべ-m9v 3 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z6Pai5ytn76cfLc Here you are!
@miraimarko9256 4 жыл бұрын
@キャスター-z4w Жыл бұрын
@Spardhax 4 жыл бұрын
Wtf germany...
@izl3978 4 жыл бұрын
that was a very interesting mmd model haha
@fiorest3581 4 жыл бұрын
ikr xD
@Kralamelo 3 жыл бұрын
the nazi clothes are the cooler military clothes im not saying being nazi is cool
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