Apple iMac Late 2009 Upgrade to macOS Sequoia - Fresh Install Method

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@HenryMakMadi Күн бұрын
Very detail on step by step installation. I have a qiestion. You said you upgraded the original 500GB HD into 256 SSD. In other word, you took out the old HD and replaced a clean SSD drive into the old imac before the installation of openCore Legacy Patcher app. My question is there is no macOS on the clean SSD drive, how can you open the imac and still run on it? I am not understand on this part. Would you please explain more detail on how you install the macOS either Sequoia or Montery into the new clean SSD drive. I also decide to replace my old imac HD with a new SSD drive like you. Thank you very much.
@HenryMakMadi Күн бұрын
Hi, I just found out you have another video on installing the new SSD and ram. After upgraded the hardwares on clean SSD and ram. Would you show us how you start up the imac without the macOS ? I think you must have a boot usb drive to start it up. Would you explain how you did it, it is a very important part for a beginner like me to follow. Thank you very much.😊
@aoeaster 19 сағат бұрын
Thanks for your question. Yes, I boot up the system using the OCLP installation USB after replacing the HDD with an SSD. Here is a video where I demonstrated this Apple iMac 27-inch Late 2012 Upgrade to macOS Sonoma 14.4.1 I hope this helps.
@HenryMakMadi 13 сағат бұрын
@@aoeaster Thank you very much for your reply. Now I understand that you used the old imac HD to download the "openCore Legacy Patcher" installation into the USB before you upgraded the HD into SSD. Is that possible this bootable USB can be used for any old imac or old macbook?
@aoeaster 7 сағат бұрын
@@HenryMakMadi With the latest versions of OpenCore Legacy Patcher, the bootable USB is actually system specific, and you could specify a desired iMac or MacBook to create the USB for, during the USB creation. I hope this helps.
@bjarkekorsgaard 27 күн бұрын
Does anyone know where to get the Monterey installation (outside App Store)?
@aoeaster 27 күн бұрын
@vyxszm 27 күн бұрын
in websites
@bjarkekorsgaard 26 күн бұрын
@@vyxszmCan you do better…?
@davidambiguous4650 2 ай бұрын
Oclp Ventura would have been your best option .
@aoeaster 2 ай бұрын
Thanks. I could consider doing that in the future if the need arises.
@chris123457839 2 ай бұрын
Hi, when i reboot my iMac it does not give me the option of selecting the usb. Any ideas?
@aoeaster 2 ай бұрын
Try holding down the option key on your keyboard. Or you might need to recreate your installation USB.
@h-tudio4468 Ай бұрын
@EugeniaLoli 2 ай бұрын
You will get a lot more speed installing Linux Mint 22 on it, since it requires less resources than the newer versions of macos.
@aoeaster 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for the info. I might try that out if the need arises.
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