I miss them so much. I've been listening to their music for over a decade now, and no matter how many times I replay them, their songs never get old. Wish they could come back one last time. It would make me so happy
@michellenoirstudios Жыл бұрын
Aqua Timez has some of the most profound lyrics in my opinion. It is truly a blessing to have found their music.
BLEACH死神代行消失編のテーマソングとしてED映像含めてガッツリハマってる名曲ッスね。 (一護を含めた)完現術者達の愛憎入り交じる屈折した在り方と、そこからの再起・回心というテーマの骨髄をこんな情緒あふれる歌詞に仕上げたのはスゴい。 個人的には、銀城の過去を含め、“完現術者達の精神性”が重要な要素として活きていた後日談小説「Can't Fear Your Own World」にも通じてる様に思う。