フレデリック・レイナルは、その技術とアイデアを思いついたのです。 16ビットのDOSゲームだから、それなりのものを作らないといけないという無謀な賭けだったんです。 やがてカプコンや三上真司氏もこのゲームを気に入り、真似をするようになった。 バイオハザードはFPSのはずなのに カプコンは、ゲームからパズルや攻撃シークエンス(犬が窓を割る)の一部を取り込みました。 私はフランス人ですが、Frédéric Raynalのインタビューから、次のことを知りました。 Alone in the dark 1』の後、フレデリック・レイナルはInfogramesを離れ、『Little Big Adventure 1 and 2』『Time commando』『Toy Commander』(セガ)を手掛けた。 Infogramesの上司との関係は非常に悪く(1991年)、彼によると、Infogramesは法的問題を避けるためにカプコンと取引をしていたとのことです。 レイナル氏の給料は高くなく(平均給料を大きく下回っていた)、希望する新型エンジンの予算はなかった。 上司はできるだけ儲けたいと考え、『Alone In The Dark (inspired by Lovecraft)』をアクションゲームにしようとした(『2』『3』はもっとアクションゲームになっている)。 よりよい『Alone in the Dark』を作る機会を奪われたレイナルは、Infogrammeを離れ、パリにすでにゲームスタジオを持っていた音楽プロデューサーの助けを借りて、Adeline Softwareという新しいスタジオを作りました。 フレデリック・レイナルが90年代に受賞したゲーム賞「ティルト・ドール」は、原作者に感謝することなくInfogrammeの社長が引き継いだため、フランスのゲーム界ではあまり評価されていない。 フレデリック・レイナル氏については、いくつかの玩具といくつかのインディーズゲーム(2Dark)を作りました。彼はいつも自分の作品が認められないことに失望していましたが、実はこれはメディアのインタビューに対するカプコンの回答が主な原因だったのです。 三上真司氏は常にAlone In The Darkを知らないと語っていたが、2016年にCAPCOMとの契約が切れた三上真司氏はAlone in the Darkを知っていることを認め、Fréderick Raynal氏はフランス語のインタビューでようやく三上真司氏の誠実な認識に感謝し、三上氏のチームの仕事は素晴らしいと感じていると語った。 日本ではあまり知られていないかもしれませんが、1997年に発売され、当時大きな反響を呼んだオープンワールドアドベンチャーゲーム「リトルビッグアドベンチャー2」はぜひプレイしてください。
Welcome to episode 2 of: Why is this in my recommended
@comedacoffee12 жыл бұрын
@Yohukashi_04176 күн бұрын
@8781nori Жыл бұрын
その場セーブが出来たから、時間さえかけりゃクリア出来た感じはしたな… やらんかったけど。
@帽子屋-o1q8 жыл бұрын
@yoshi46683 жыл бұрын
@kskmst86444 жыл бұрын
@azuritereaction13 жыл бұрын
man, if this is what happens in this game, I wish I would have continued this series!
@POLE764517 жыл бұрын
Yeah. I never understood that copy protection scheme. I'm glad it was removed from the CD version.
@西岡じん7 жыл бұрын
昔クリアしたことあるけどこんなに突発死ってあったのかw よく我慢して最後までやったな俺www
@ejr2313 жыл бұрын
1:43 - Did he get sucked into another dimension or something?
@satosin42009 жыл бұрын
昔は笑い話で済んでも 短気増量中の、今の世の中では マジ切れする奴多いだろうな
@ser4f5599 жыл бұрын
@kunichanhk07224 жыл бұрын
3:18 www
@POLE764517 жыл бұрын
Don't know about you, but Carnby being attacked by the Cthonian and the side effects of reading the Necronomicon really freaked me out. By the way, what did you wrote in the description. Sorry but I can't read Japanese (I wish though).
@TheJesperboy Yes. As a matter of fact, it's Alone in the Dark. The very first survival horror game, which pre-dates Resident Evil.
@bcc252816 жыл бұрын
Alone In The Dark It is PC Game released in 1992.
@ejr2315 жыл бұрын
Are you telling me is they'll follow you no matter where you run to? Or are you saying they won't. It's been a long time since I played this, so I'm not 100% sure.
CAUTION: You are now entering the Japanese part of KZbin
@SPANK0DOOLY0HAPPY14 жыл бұрын
@bcc2528 そうだったんですか。ご指摘ありがとうございます。返事遅れてすいません。
@syusyuyu14 жыл бұрын
@hilarioph16 жыл бұрын
Well i see this on video game magazine back in 1992. But we do not have that on the pc of this. We have Alone in the dark 2 on the pc disk kit. And this one was made into a movie back in 2005
@gamekoneta7 жыл бұрын
@Kyadellack12 жыл бұрын
イェア"ア"ア"ア"ア"ア" そしてこの荒ぶるヤムチャ死亡のポーズであるwww
@Kitsune44X15 жыл бұрын
The movie was loosely based upon "Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare," which was released a good while after the original Alone in the Dark Trilogy. ;)
@MatthewDebnam16 жыл бұрын
Alone in the dark ---> Alone in the dark: The new nightmare ---> Alone in the dark 2 Movie Victorian Carnby ---> Modern Hip young non-victorian Carnby ---> Asian modern hip young non victorian-carnby.
@ChinyereDonBlow14 жыл бұрын
Looool this is tooo funny... ahahaha... I just started to play that game again with the DOS Box.... it's fun but I have to really train how to play it.
@hikaruf96699 жыл бұрын
@bcc252811 жыл бұрын
@sorlagsm15 жыл бұрын
classic! thanks for upload =)
@bcc252817 жыл бұрын
クロックタワーとはちょっと違いますよ。 ただ、歩いている時の孤独感は似ているかもしれません。
@λ77083 жыл бұрын
自分用 1:35 DEN★
@Lilymm2bunnys17 жыл бұрын
Love the ghost sound when you disturb them....yooouuuyyoooouuuyyooooouuuuyyyyyoooouuuuu...
outstanding. Very misterious game. They ought to keep the mustach guy.
@schtolteheim14 жыл бұрын
The Game Over sequence should have been shown; it is beautiful.
@OCPrunsthecops17 жыл бұрын
Speaking of Corridor 7 & AITD, I had a demo which had all of these games...now there was this one game where its all text & there is a picture in front of u, u go to a house where the light is on, u go inside & there r these 2 girls who stab u (they seemed to be vampires as they show off their fangs) any1 know this game??
@itstheit17 жыл бұрын
PC version; MIDI music (probably to conserve space; this game was available on floppies, once upon a time; remember THOSE?) following POLE7645's walkthrough, especially with the actors reading the texts, I can understand your very valid opinion
@POLE764517 жыл бұрын
Yeah. I loved this diary (my favorite document in the game). It reminded me of "Le Horla" by Guy de Maupassant. P.S. I made a playthrough on my channel.
@zyuudonohimazinn13 жыл бұрын
@toujinman6 жыл бұрын
腹が立つゲームだった。。。 懐かしい。
@OCPrunsthecops17 жыл бұрын
It wasn't Hugo although I checked it out on here & pretty cool thx 4 that. The game I'm talking about had the same thing where u start outside of a house but u don't c your character, it was a text based game where the game gives u the picture of what your looking at then a text message of whats happening then it asks u what u want 2 do, so u type something in like "enter house" or something like that. The game is not comical in any way, its actually creepy like this game & resident evil.
@azuritereaction This is the first one, you did like the second or third one.
@hilarioph15 жыл бұрын
Is the better way when they talking about the alone in the dark movie. But why they based in the Alone in the dark the new nightmare? This game has been set in the 1920's but i think this movie has been base in the alone in the dark the new nightmare. I wish they going to make a seaquel for the 2005 alone in the dark movie. We cross our fingers
@ejr2315 жыл бұрын
Is it possible to escape the deadly spirits (after you touch a ghost)? As in flee the room and run like hell in the opposite direction. Or do they follow you no matter where you may run to?
@MarmotStarpax2 жыл бұрын
it's possible. i've seen speed runs where they just run like hell after touching the ghosts
@如月スカーレット8 жыл бұрын
@ばうりんがる3 жыл бұрын
@Gamerkid211216 жыл бұрын
This game apparantly knows how to (beep) with you. Alot.