Рет қаралды 2,396
Pri Art Rebel 9 nenehno spremljamo razvoj novih tehnoloških dosežkov in razmišljamo o tem, kako jih učinkovito vključiti v pripovedništvo, ki ljudem približa mejnike preteklosti. Pri snovanju doživetij, ki vključujejo interpretacijo kulturne in naravne dediščine razmišljamo celostno in večplastno.
Zavzemamo se, da s svojimi domiselnimi pristopi pripomoremo h kakovostni interpretaciji dediščine, ki navdušuje.
#InterpretacijaDediščine #ImerzivneTehnologije
At Art Rebel 9, we continuously monitor the development of new technological achievements and consider how to effectively incorporate them into storytelling that brings people closer to the milestones of the past. When designing experiences that involve the interpretation of cultural and natural heritage, we think comprehensively and in multiple layers.
We are committed to contributing to high-quality heritage interpretation that inspires through our ingenious approaches.
#HeritageInterpretation #ImmersiveTechnologies