Thanks so much for posting that as I really want to get one and information is a bit more limited here in Australia. Great pictures and video clips guys, much appreciated.
@woosdom6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. A lot of great info and I enjoyed it.
@curtiszambrano62996 жыл бұрын
Did u play the crystal castle game n if u did...did u feel the tracking ball was good with it,.....cuz I have tht game n sometimes feel u gotta really focus on moving the bear around
@patham576 жыл бұрын
Great review, one of the best and most honest I've seen on these Arcade1up machines. These seem perfect for me and I've got the Centipede pre-ordered. If I like it enough, and I think I will, I can see adding another down the road. In fact, all they have to do is release that Space Invaders cab I've seen floating about in Europe here in the states and I'm all over that one. Space Invaders is my all time favorite game and that cab looks awesome.
@roguelyrics84276 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great review! Did you get a chance to play Missle Command or Crystal Castles, and if so, did they look smaller on the vertical Centipede screen?
@Dtoolman6 жыл бұрын
Man, ya'll need a better camera or something. The video has blur and jitter. Also the audio is off... :)
@arcaderepairtips6 жыл бұрын
Sorry, this was pulled from our Live Show stream last night. That's part of the reason it is a bit jittery.
@fallinqUP6 жыл бұрын
You also see the microphone hanging. Lol
@cheeseum98526 жыл бұрын
So, from your experience, it sounds like the spinner on the Asteroids cab does not maintain it's spin like the arcade original. Is this correct? Am trying to decide between the Centipede and Deluxe (Centipede and Asteroids combined) cabinets, I'm assuming that the spinner on that cab will be the same as on the asteroids cabinet, and if the spinner isn't that good, that may push me towards the Centipede cab, as Tempest would be the main reason I would want the Deluxe. Thanks for your video!
@geraldjohnston57815 жыл бұрын
you will need to replace the spinner for true tempest play
@leofreihofer6 жыл бұрын
Great review on the Arcade 1up cabinets. Waiting to play on in person before buying one. The 12 in 1 looks to be the best one at Best Buy. Hoping for a NFL Blitz & NBA Jam cabinet. The audio was really muffled and it looked like a Skype call. ;)
@cosmicsurfer49636 жыл бұрын
That was a good honest review and I'm going to get one because I'm not a gamer and it would be fun to have something like this around to play. How many units you think they're going to sell at Christmas time to people buying them for their kids because they're fun & retro? It's gonna be insane I think because for smaller kids these are just the right size to stand up to and play without something boosting them up to reach the counsel.
@marcorubio34966 жыл бұрын
I love those two cabinets in the back. Ms.pac man and galaga. I would love to own those two. They are so iconic.
@dtown-fi5xs6 жыл бұрын
Are you able to swap out the spinner on the Asteroids with a better one?
@wagner521696 жыл бұрын
I’d like to know this too. He mentions in the video that controls could be swapped out. I’ve seen another video that stated modding the controls wouldn’t be difficult because standard arcade controller parts/connections are used. My question is: where can I find a Tempest spinner of high quality?
@captaingun6 жыл бұрын
Was there any input lag on the arcade1up Street fighter cabinet?, If so, how bad is it?
@arcaderepairtips6 жыл бұрын
I didn't notice much lag at all. Felt like playing the original for the most part.
@darktetsuya6 жыл бұрын
16:57 haha oh man the king of kong thing, LOL! from what I've seen I definitely want to get one of my own! though whether I should get one of the first wave or wait for one of their second wave titles (heard something about a konami 4 player cab (X-MEN/Simpsons/TMNT) I know y'all probably can't say if they are or not but I'm hearing that may be one for next year!!) that or maybe the final fight one! But I mean 3-400 bucks (depending on where you go) you put it together yourself and it works right out of the box... I still think that's a better deal than getting a random cab off craigslist and still having to do a bunch of extra work (broken joystick, monitor issues, new power supply etc.) and maybe it's only one game so I think that's at least somewhat of a better deal!
@dragongamer26706 жыл бұрын
Getting a Double Screen Arcade Machine only for $220 which plays 1338 games! It looks very similar to this: So yeah you guys getting Ripped off - Totally. If I was to buy one of these arcade1up - I would rip out those crappy 17 inch monitors and put in an Actual System which works and that you can change the game settings - etc.
@TboneTenEighties6 жыл бұрын
@@dragongamer2670 That is the ugliest looking thing i have ever seen lol
@dragongamer26706 жыл бұрын
TboneNYC10 Yeah I know the thing is ugly - but the one I am getting isn't. Hence the word Similar looking. Again each arcade machine looks different depending on what you like. For example you might love the Simpsons arcade machine vs not liking the Teenage mutant ninja Turtles Arcade Machine. Unless you consider Cocktail machines ugly this is another great example: The point you are missing is.. YOU ARE NOT GETTING RIPPED OFF! like these arcade1up machines they only come with 2-5 or 12 games max. That is Really Sad.
@darktetsuya6 жыл бұрын
actually I saw some photos sounds like arcade 1up might have a variant of their own like that, it's a cocktail cab but has a split dual screen just like that so everyone gets their own view of the action... it's actually similar to the setups they use in Japan the candy cabinets you can rig them back to back and each player gets their own screen! and at least with the arcade 1up cabs all the games are legitimately licensed.
@dragongamer26706 жыл бұрын
DarkTetsuya Where? Also the sad part is I would just probably buy one of those to rip the guts out of it and put in my old PC which could be loaded with 10,000+ games. If you want to pay $60-70 dollars for old games which I already purchased or owned in the past. HAVE AT IT! Yeah at one point I had a complete NES Collection.
@jastald84436 жыл бұрын
One of these modded over to a raspberry pi would be neat. Be better if you could wire it up with jamma harness and a gbs8200 video board and drop whatever game you want into it and go.
@AIDevMan6 жыл бұрын
Is the yellow cabinet Q*bert?
@FrostyMikeGaming6 жыл бұрын
Yes it looks yellow to me too and my guess it's Pac-Man or Q*bert.
@howardmalone36 жыл бұрын
How where controls for defender
@desirelines96 жыл бұрын
How where indeed.
@roasty804 жыл бұрын
Over there
@danmanx26 жыл бұрын
Can you play Gauntlet with 3 players?
@jamescantrell56396 жыл бұрын
They have said Gauntlet is two player, but all 4 characters are playable. Doesn't make sense on a 3 player cab, BUT, that's how it is.
@danmanx26 жыл бұрын
Well. That completely sucks. I was hoping for 3 players on it. I wish that was known on the cabinet specs.
@jamescantrell56396 жыл бұрын
@@danmanx2 me too (not like I know 3 people) that would have been nice, but it is what it is. I will still enjoy it.... At least Rampage is 3 player.
@MobileDecay6 жыл бұрын
Yeehaw! 🤠
@Getoffmylawn_Gaming6 жыл бұрын
Am already sold on these, awaiting my own Centipede cab for review. Awesome content delivery and very engaging.
@roasty804 жыл бұрын
The screen really pops lol. This is backhanded promotion
@ferndogg3106 жыл бұрын
Buy mics
@patrickfitzpatrick72456 жыл бұрын
Great vid! But please spend a few dollars on a cam and mic =)
@mchamb706 жыл бұрын
Guy, great banter back and forth but the camera and microphone is terrible.
@mrchineseable6 жыл бұрын
Super Mario t shirt is such a shill. Does he work for Arcade1up?
@newbdakoda30806 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing!
@danshinn85066 жыл бұрын
It’s as if these guys filmed their video from a flip phone or something.
@Superdimensional6 жыл бұрын
invest in some mic's.
@RejectedManiac6 жыл бұрын
MAME in a cheap cabinet. No thanks!
@roasty804 жыл бұрын
On cheap controls and an lcd
@mikestein10246 жыл бұрын
Tmnt and mk nuff said
@ozwald56 жыл бұрын
@newbdakoda30806 жыл бұрын
I agree you're absolutely right!
@FindingTheSunRecords6 жыл бұрын
Funny how they don’t say anything negative about these arcade cabinets… here I will say it for you guys……… These Cabinets are Straight TRASH…!!!