Are The Cults Breaking Apart?

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Permission To Exist

Permission To Exist

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Are the cults being broken apart as a side effect of the mandatory shutdowns?

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@daughterofgodwarriorofchrist17 4 жыл бұрын
You would love the book "quiet" about introverts vs extroverts and how extroverts put us down but how introverts are so incredibly valuable to society and make good leaders. And she talks about how we work better on our own rather than in a group
@heatherlynn3438 4 жыл бұрын
I have been isolated for over a year from my Narcissistic abusive family and my Narc ex. So my life hasn’t changed in this lockdown. It’s interesting to listen to and watch people’s reaction to just a few days of staying home. They act like they are withdrawing from a strong drug. I think that a time out isn’t a bad thing for people addicted to the world’s entertainment and social pressures who don’t know how to be by themselves. Or even rest! Once they have detoxed a while some might discover their own individuality apart from the cults and peer pressures.
@Elisabeth-hf1oe 4 жыл бұрын
So true. That's what I'm hoping too. So many people addicted to entertainment or social interactions could benefit from this isolation unexpectedly. That's my wish, anyway.
@catgolfer1 4 жыл бұрын
The survivor community supports you.🐈
@kookiecanuck 4 жыл бұрын
Castaway from a family cult structure as the result of the hostile takeover of a narcissist psychopath tyrant is probably more common than one would think. Research of more well publicized cults, Satan followers, witchcraft or just raging lunatic power trip tyrants like Jonestown are very similar. Scapegoats who don't bow down to the tyranny usually get the highway in non compliance of 'their way'...Do as they say or else....may even cause death
@reesedaniel5835 4 жыл бұрын
@@kookiecanuck You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death. Luke 21:16
@kookiecanuck 4 жыл бұрын
​@@reesedaniel5835 I'd be more Leary of the skull-skulduggery, treachery scheming, proven immorality, betrayal and terrorism proven by the run-wild Jezebel than the latest earthly plague, which probably wont encounter
@truecrimes1435 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, what an excellent thought! "Do members of these groups even have an identity to return to, once cut off from the group"? I think it's safe to say no.
@alexisgarcia1344 4 жыл бұрын
That is why, they'll fight to keep this old system in place. We can call this comfort or "what's been done before," or "if its not broken, why fix it?"
@spectacularrichbeautybrilli 4 жыл бұрын
Ha! We have evacuated our workplace, finally. Some coworkers (with and without family) STILL volunteering to report to work anyway. We now have the option to telework. They are robotically waking up at dawn and driving into work.🤤Some are even in the high-risk category (over age 65, illnesses easily compromised). I asked my AVID-Sorority-affiliated coworker, WHY are you reporting?! She claimed she couldn't just sit still at home. Hmmm,🤔 feeling LOST WITHOUT YOUR CULT, perhaps.😏I think there are some people who do not like to be alone with themselves. There are a million things that I could do at home...starting with sleeping late, Spring Cleaning...clearing out the toxic clutter, rearrange my closets, read a book, create a new project, discover new technology, manage money, clear out my email inbox, stretch, lift weights, try new recipes, purge unwanted items to donate later, make a vision board, decorate the house, plant some spring flowers, schedule future-check-up appointments ..and on and on and on.
@Andromeda_M31 4 жыл бұрын
My workplace is similar. We're a tech company so remote work is easy yet there are still people going into the office and management trying to shame those who don't. Finally our state is on lockdown and these people are inserting themselves into group chats giving orders. One guy was acting as if our on site network government inspection was still happening by calling the auditor to setup a time. They sent us a long email explaining it's postponed indefinitely and why. I told him back in mid February they're not going to do the inspection but he kept pushing and getting praised by management for pressuring the auditor. It was a complete waste of time. Some people (narcs) are just slow to adapt.
@carmelogiuseppe3805 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for that insightful thought. I stopped being apart of organized events like those you expressed three years ago. It always felt like pressure to be apart with them. I see myself as having no identity. This allows me the freedom to be and do my purpose on the planet effortlessly. This simply means I'm fully responsible for the energy I bring to the table and who/ what that energy is connected too. My energy is my most valuable resource and I issue it wisely. Cult like organizations do not serve the highest good of every individual involved . We all have something unique to bring to the table and cults do not facilitate in bringing that forth. Self inquiry does.
@daughteroftheking721 4 жыл бұрын
Great thought-provoking question, for self-examination!
@veronicamendez6340 4 жыл бұрын
Good point it's reality check to all . Very well said,
@sheenac.2988 4 жыл бұрын
I used to be in a sports group and they were very exclusive. I didn't like how they treated outsiders, so I stopped going to the group events. After some time passed, all of the group leaders stopped following me on social media around the same time and they no longer treat me the same when I run into them in public. You can tell they are holding a grudge for some reason.
@persiamotorman 4 жыл бұрын
Certain areas where Xenophobia seems to run very strong can make it seem like they are all in a mass cult that you are shunned from and will never be allowed to join. I live in an area like that, so I have always been doing things on my own. The "Quarantine" is just another day for me.
@gallomphrattlebone329 4 жыл бұрын
perception deception and distraction as a means of control
@ronaldgriffin46 4 жыл бұрын
Good points PTE....
@catgolfer1 4 жыл бұрын
The biggest cult? The Apple Computer Corporation. What a rip-off.🐈
@mismutt88 4 жыл бұрын
I know people in Dept up to their eyeballs because of their obsession with apple.. I can't stand them..
@AishaVonFossen 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not gonna lie, I have been having a hard time with this shutdown business. I know this virus is in full swing, and it will come down eventually, but I guess I'm speaking as someone who's spent a lot of time being forcibly kept indoors, aka isolated from the world (by first my Ndad and then myself, and if I was let out into the world by other narcissists, I was just a dog on their leash), and I've been trying to get out as much as possible on my own over the past few years. I moved out of my Ndad's house back in 2012, and ever since then, I've been trying to form my own identity and explore the world, even if it's mostly locally, in my hometown. I admittedly don't do a whole lot, but I do have somewhat of a life outside my home. I go to two jobs, I have counseling, I've been considering going back to church, I've made a few new friends, and there are a few cultural events that I always look forward to every year, plus a few more I've recently discovered. Needless to say, a few of those cultural events have been postponed until further notice, and I've recently been laid off from both of my jobs. I guess since I've spent a few years now being free of all narcissists who used to be in my life, I've been on this gradual ascension into a more exciting life full of new adventures and learning to love and take care of myself (the latter two things of course I can still do). And then this pandemic hit, and it feels like my exciting new life is slipping through my fingers. It's left me feeling somewhat melancholic. As I've become thirstier to just live a new life where I'm surviving and thriving, I suddenly get the rug pulled out from under me and am told to stay inside. What?! That has been my first initial reaction to all of this, and it's been kinda hard to come to terms with. I guess now I'm just someone who hates to be cooped up inside, especially after years of forced isolation. However, there are some really positive facts I want to keep reminding myself of. As for my jobs, I've been laid off, not fired, and they want me back as soon as this clears, they're all very nice people who are there for their employees, so I feel fortunate for that. One employer actually voluntarily laid me off solely to keep me safe. She's told me she's been worried about me, and that my health and happiness are too important to her to risk in any way, she's a very sweet lady. :) Another nice thing about no work for a few weeks to a month is that we can take a much needed break from the grindstone so we can tend to ourselves and the more important things in life, that rejuvenate our bodies, minds, and spirits. :) I still have my counseling, so that's definitely a good thing, that's one of the things I look forward to the most, weekly sessions in learning how to take care of my brain, spirit, and heart. As for my few new friends, I can still see them, we just have to be careful to stay out of heavily populated areas; that and we can still keep in touch via other ways, and/or we don't need to see each other every other day every week, a few days indoors by myself doesn't hurt me. As for the cultural events I love going to, one has been postponed, so maybe it will happen later, and for one I want to attend in August, there may be a chance that will be postponed as well, but I'm holding out a little hope for seeing that one. And if it is postponed, there can always be next year to see all these things. :) I just gotta be patient. LOL Not to mention, some added benefits can be that I can catch up on sleep, that's a big one! I can also learn to take better care of my physical being, which I've started working on before the pandemic hit; more regular hygienic practices, more frequently washing my hands, and keeping on cultivating the habit of not touching my face. LOL I know what it means to be someone who spends a lot of time alone, so I can just go back to that for a while, get to know myself a little bit better by being by myself. And it's not like I have to stay inside the house all the time, I can go out for walks or something, I used to do a lot of that, maybe I can pick that back up; again, I just gotta stay away from heavily populated areas. And for some time indoors, I got my roommates, we can watch movies together, I can read to one of my roommates, I can invite a few of my friends over, and I've been trying to motivate myself to write fiction again and finish a few books I started eons ago. Honestly, fiction writing is the career I really want, not working at a restaurant. LOL So it's not like we have to be completely shut out from the world, or without anything to do. I believe it is possible to maintain some sense of normalcy in our lives, we just have to be careful of who or what we come in contact with. Obviously I will be pleased and relieved when we get to go back to our normal lives once this pandemic is brought under better control and a vaccine is found, but I hope we can all remember that not all is lost, and we can find joy with each other, ourselves, and the things in our lives that bring us joy and we can still access. A few days ago, my mom emailed me an uplifting letter from her church about this, which started to lift my spirits, so much that I actually cried because I was comforted, especially after being so melancholic, disappointed, and afraid. The letter reminded us that we believe in a God who works miracles, can heal the sick, halts plagues in the midst of His people, provides for our physical needs, brings the dead back to life, encourages us, protects us, gives us peace, loves us deeply, and He will sustain us and see us through. I know not everyone is religious/spiritual, but for anyone out there reading this, I hope this helps you in some way. :)
@reesedaniel5835 4 жыл бұрын
People have given away their power to satanic psychopaths by believing their lies. This whole thing is a HUGE DECEPTION. They needed our fear to implement their pre planned "solution". MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, THE SAME POWERS THAT WERE BEHIND 9/11 ARE BEHIND THE CORONAVIRUS. Because no one stood up and demanded accountability to them for the previous “Swine flu” and “Ebola’ etc etc..scares, that gave them the green light to now turn up the heat to yet another ‘plandemic” and with this one the Globalists have been given consent by the public (giving in to fear and panic) to pull out all the stops. Pathetic. The actual sicknesses are just regular flu being diagnosed as "coronavirus".... This is a virus of the mind. A virus of fear. A virus of control. The sheep are just going to give up their civil liberties to all the corrupt governments across the world. Through the strategic use of propaganda/ fear mongering the masses has lost their ability to think clearly about a given situation. This psychological operation has made people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them like taking candy from a baby.
@reesedaniel5835 4 жыл бұрын
It's like a narc throwing a tantrum and spreading lies to gather as many "flying monkeys" and "dupes" as possible, just on a much larger scale!
@level_ken5231 4 жыл бұрын
With so much drama in the USA, It’s kinda hard being me Narc free from day to day...
@ssmith543 4 жыл бұрын
This would be great! I guess I'm in an alternate reality. I've talked to my one neighbor who I always talk to anyway. Things are getting more tense with the other neighbors that can't stand each other and we are going to war soon.
@holidayholly7446 4 жыл бұрын
My neighbors are drunk and fighting every night. Live entertainment, I guess. 🙄 Stay safe.
@Andromeda_M31 4 жыл бұрын
@@holidayholly7446 alcohol is an immunosuppressant and even the WHO said to stop drinking because it's causing the virus to become fatal in those who are heavy drinkers.
@holidayholly7446 4 жыл бұрын
@@Andromeda_M31 That makes sense.
@newlife6879 3 жыл бұрын
If you make your definition of cult so broad then friendship is a cult as well because if you turn your back on friends stop going out then they can drop you.
@Mike-xt2lh 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting !
@Elisabeth-hf1oe 4 жыл бұрын
Yes! There are many unexamined cults, such as those you mentioned, sports related activities. I would like you to give us your point of view on them. I am involved in one of those cultish groups and I don't think it is breaking apart necessarily but it's gonna be challenged in many ways. And yes, oh yes, the most active members do seem like they have nothing going on in their lives apart from the cult activities (now vanished). It's painful to watch but also, I think, a necessary lesson they have to learn in life.
@alysa7364 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes MeetUp groups seem like cults.
@yatespeare5230 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a 68 yr. old female in Seattle and am now a part of the KZbin, avoidant personality cult.
@eh9618 4 жыл бұрын
Good thing i'm a complete shut in, i don't have to do change my lifestyle at all! I couldn't join any cult at all to begin with!
@FeelGoodWithin 4 жыл бұрын
Thankx so much 😍 😎
@reboundingfromnarcissistic5386 4 жыл бұрын
First comment!!!
@x7Votorious84x 4 жыл бұрын
This pandemic is a blessing and a curse. It has unveiled the curtains from everyone’s eyes to some form and for me I just left a insult factory in October that was infested with family and friends with blatant nepotism. There was a family member supervising every department. I barely made it out without saying something incriminating. Then a month later I see a work place incident in wilsonville, Oregon where a manager was shot and killed and I realized what kinds of people that position can cater to and the tactics used to get people to leave. I wish I found your channel back in October. I appreciate your mentality and content, keep it up.
@ItCantRainForever2 4 жыл бұрын
What's sad is the child abuse rate is skyrocketing. Jesus loves the little children. He's coming back.
@mgodfrey9854 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting thought. I studied religion and cults and the latter are most attractive to those lacking an identity, a personal ideology and role models. It’s a void that for some must be filled regardless of the price.
@Andromeda_M31 4 жыл бұрын
There's no time for narcs with this virus.
@teachersusanute199 4 жыл бұрын
Our school system
@newyorkval1478 4 жыл бұрын
After 9/11 people were all warm and fuzzy, too. For 2 months.
@SunandSunflowers 4 жыл бұрын
For a few months and its back to whatever they were doing before and having no empathy.
@Andromeda_M31 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think narcs will be warm and fuzzy this time because there's no supply left for them. During 9/11 they could draw a ton of supply from that situation.
@beautifulfreespirit4313 4 жыл бұрын
@feniksphoenix8026 4 жыл бұрын
I am a passive alcoholic in recovery, and so I attend Alcoholic Anonymous meetings. And I recognize this group behavior you describe over there as well.
@diplomat2623 4 жыл бұрын
I hope you are getting your Psychology degree! It’s your gift!!!!
@brigitb4850 4 жыл бұрын
Great thoughts! Your channel is becoming a source of inspiration for me. ✊
@holidayholly7446 4 жыл бұрын
This is just the beginning! I look forward to your commentary and perspective, even more than usual. 🧚 I hope we get through this with the least possible loss.
@holidayholly7446 4 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna think on the cult thing.
@alexisgarcia1344 4 жыл бұрын
The least possible loss? Do you mean loss of systems or lives? Changing an outdated system is going to expose all the weaknesses within it. There is going to be loss, in different ways. Human life maybe collateral damage as people continue to go out in public without concern for others.
@teachersusanute199 4 жыл бұрын
German Red Cross. I only realized when I left 2 years ago🙄
@delery2524 4 жыл бұрын
She said it right. I've been isolated for years now after my narc. Makes ya wonder about before the narc, though. How healthy were my associations and attachments anyway lol The time alone has been much soul-searching. But then again- I always have. Time to see if I can get a job during this vacation! Hee
@Andromeda_M31 4 жыл бұрын
I was isolated too for years after no contact with my family and ex. It's like nothing has changed for me.
@queencleopatrabeverly7914 4 жыл бұрын
Praise the most high 💪 🙌 Yeshua is coming repent
@scarletsummer3526 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. It's hard to face your self when your busy so. Much of the time. Everyone is having to now!
@reginawilliams226 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so thankful to have found your channel again! I couldn't recall the name of it and have always identified with you and found comfort when I had escaped the narcissistic family and head no idea what had really happened. I'm so thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for you and look forward to watching/listening to you again!
4 жыл бұрын
Always love your talking points! So thorough, refreshing, and extensive.💜
@HoneyGoldJasmine 4 жыл бұрын
@Elisabeth-hf1oe 4 жыл бұрын
Also, PTE please dig deeper into the relationship between codependency, lack of identity and submission to a cult leader figure... Those are the personality traits I identify in the most active members, those who maybe aspire to benefits and power from the leader.
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