I bought a set of these last week. I came from Sprints and I considered Simtrec, Meca Evo, Ultimate +, OBP but to name a few. I am genuinely thrilled at my choice. The accelerator with the carbon formula plate and the pre load as hard as it goes feels really really good. A very robust and stiff pedal, I love the feeling. The brake is excellent too. The hydraulic dampening feels very nice and adjustment is very easy. The performance kit makes combinations pretty limitless, and the combo I have chosen gives me a lovely linear progressive pedal (medium spring then hard spring). I had as issue with my brake and a squeak noise. I contacted cube and the CEO messaged me, built me a replacement pedal personally whilst showing me the components he had chosen and then shipped it to me that afternoon. As far as customer service goes, it was exemplary. They are VERY expensive; but I knew that. They are the best looking pedals I’ve ever seen, they feel great to use and the customer service has been faultless. I’m really happy with mine.
@schadow0418 Жыл бұрын
I just bought a set, too. I’m coming from the Theustmaster T300 RS set, so these are my first loadcells. I fell in love with them at the Simexpo 2022. I was considering the Venym Atrax, ImSim Talento, Asetek Invicta, HE Ultimate+ set and the dentist’s chair Simgrade R7. Like you said, there’s literally endless possibilities with the performance kit. I didn’t know the performance kit already came in the box so I ordered another kit, so now I have 2 sets of everything. I went with the Soft cup, red (medium) elastomer, and the yellow (medium) spring. Haven’t had any issues with the pedals so far, didn’t experience that thing moving out of space on the throttle pedal, nor with that blue preload screw unscrewing itself. They probably inproved them behind the scenes since Dan’s amazing review just like they included the performance kit to come out of the box. Or maybe I just got lucky.
@StevenYanni Жыл бұрын
I’m glad i went with the SRP pedals. I love them and i have 0 complaints. I believe some of the things you mentioned here might’ve been disappointing to me at this price range. Awesome review as usual. Thanks man
@nmasson30 Жыл бұрын
I waited so long for these pedals, I won’t know any different now, but I am glad I went for the SRP pedals, after your review and 5% off code!
@grayzedynamics Жыл бұрын
Waiting on the simgrade vx pedals. Can't wait
@reviewforthetube64852 ай бұрын
Dropping off the brakes wuicker and holding at the last 5 to 10% can really help with hokding speed through corners though so dont kill that habbit to much 😉. It all depends on the corner. Some you hold longer others you drop off wuicker and usually dropping off s good bit before really helps nailing the corner without going to slow and holds balance very well. So when you get back on the throttle heavy it doesnt throw off the balance to much. Again all depends on the corner.
@michaelrobertson3976 Жыл бұрын
Awesome review again Dan thanks! I pre-ordered these last week. Hopefully they will provide an easy fix for the issues you mention but yeah… Glad to hear you would keep them on your rig!! I couldn’t go past the look of them
@kingdongo4388 Жыл бұрын
Very professional video 🤙🏽
@finnlbr Жыл бұрын
Hi Dan, nice review. I am pretty sure, that the blue parts are EN AW-6061. If you anodize 7075 in any color besides black, it will always get yellow-ish. So you will never get that bright blue you see here. The blue parts have a very sturdy geometry, so you might use a softer material. Just my two cents about that, might be wrong.
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
Oh interesting, I was just completely guessing here :D Thanks for the input!
@finnlbr Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki After watching the full review, the pedals don´t feel, like they are in a final stage.. many many good ideas, but some flaws in the basic design (the sleeve on the throttle, the cap on the brake spring). As a technical designer I wouldn´t be satisfied with the product at this price point. For over 1k, every part should be flawless and tested. I drive the VRS on my rig, which are perfect for the price and really well thought through (bought full VRS setup based on your reviews). For me, the Cube Controls feel like a more fancy version of a simple elastomere loadcell set (Sprints or BJ Steele), with a damper. Adaptability is nice tho, but not 600€-extra nice.
@Theoloop Жыл бұрын
Gotta get some simtrecs in!
@X3wili0 Жыл бұрын
Another great review Dan! IMO if you are able to spend so much money, go for the active pedals of Simucube. I changed the VRS with the R7 and they are even more amazing, the only upgrade I think about are the active ones; maybe next Black Friday 😅
@josephporfida7624 Жыл бұрын
If these were the same price as HE ultimate + and Asetek Invicta would you buy these? Have cube updated the pedals for these issues yet?
@Johnny_Thunder Жыл бұрын
Charging you extra for a 'performance kit' on top of the already extreme price is offensive.
@Ivanoskyao Жыл бұрын
Beautiful piece of kit.
@notdreadyet33 Жыл бұрын
Upgrading my CSP v3s this year hopefully. There are almost too many options. Almost. You mentioned something interesting between ACC/iRacing pedal setup that I think will help a LOT of people... Your threshold of 80% iRacing is essentially the 100% ACC brake pressure. Are you doing that with Deadzone in the ACC in-game settings?
@SlowInAndFastOut6 ай бұрын
Dan was ich auch mal toll finden würde das du ein Video machst mit deinen Top 5 oder 10 im Loadecell Bereich. Und eventuell im Hydraulischen Segment das selbige.
@SlowInAndFastOut6 ай бұрын
Die schauen ja mal nice aus👌👌 Für den Preis bekommst du hoffentlich die Elite im Loadcell Bereich.🙈 ok Heusinkveld Ultimate schauen auch nice aus. Ich finde sie am jedem Rig ist diese Pedale ein Fokus der dir vor der Wheelbase ins Auge fällt. Mit Performance Kit gibt es dann noch persönliche Anpassungen für jeden Sim Racer.
@dingusmagee3326 Жыл бұрын
Kashima Coat is what you're thinking of, and indeed it does look a similar color. And indeed is for the same purpose, to reduce wear(they also market it being "slippier", which in the real world isn't really noticeable, but is probably detectable on a dynamometer ). Source: I worked for Fox Factory for 3 years, the brand that made Kashima Coat famous on mountain bike suspension.
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
Exactly what I had in mind 😊
@dingusmagee3326 Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki spot on! However in my opinion it's all bs lol cool anecdote: fox isn't the only kashima user. Nitron shocks sometimes use it, and Endless brakes used it in the piston bore of brake calipers
@derekd4349 Жыл бұрын
My gosh they do look beautiful and purple could be cool :). I feel like you are paying an extra 700 dollars for something that is aesthetically pleasing though. Not on my radar, but, I could someone wanting these if you really care about how things come together aesthetically.
@anthonyhj559 Жыл бұрын
Have the simucube active pedals came in?
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
Tomorrow ... :) Will probably do some unboxing and first impression over on twitch tomorrow!
@Leynad778 Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki This will be interesting. I was watching both impressions-videos of 'GTGREG' (not listed, but searchable and posted a link on RD) and after 6 hours of tuning he still hated them for obvious reasons. I hope for SimuCube he got a faulty unit, because the crazy vibrations he showed were absolutely nasty. It wasn't ABS, but sounded like the ABS of this Asetek-puck on the Expo and he could trigger it by holding a specific brake-pressure. I've doubted the hole principle from the start just based on my basic knowledge about how actuators work (and by using 6 similar ones). The principle seems like going backwards from direct drive to gear driven transmissions in terms of mechanics and mocking the properties of material physics through algorithms if you can just use the real stuff seems ambitious...
@tobyreinhardt9022 Жыл бұрын
Yes, blue tie fighters!!
@Xzibitfreek Жыл бұрын
So, whats that on the top right on the wheel shelve, Dan? is that a wheel you might want to show us soon? 🤔
@munkywrench00 Жыл бұрын
Have you heard back from them regarding the 1) bugs and shortcomings of the software, and 2) the mechanical shortcomings like the loose adjuster on the brake?. Those seem like major oversights and should not have made it to production. Seems rushed an although I like the look of these, issues like that are a deal breaker at this price point (for only 2 pedals!)... also when is the clutch coming because without it, I won't buy them. Don't want to find out they decided not to (eg. for profitability reasons) after buying 2 pedals. No clutch no go, no positive locking no go, no good software no go.
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
No, haven’t heard anything unfortunately:-/
@marcusbunce3406 Жыл бұрын
Look great,, but I agree,, for over a grand for a set of pedals,, the elastomers should be in the kit,,,😩
@fettaheker Жыл бұрын
can you compare these with the simtrecs?
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
I think the simtrecs are a bit better.
@13guns874 ай бұрын
Are they better than sprints for formula? Just formula. One set is especially designed for formula. That's what interests me.
@andyholmes9485 Жыл бұрын
Thanks and great English for a non native speaker.
@GuppyMilk334 Жыл бұрын
Very nice looking pedal set. Price is kinda high for 2 pedals in my opinion. Software looks kinda out of place for this price range pedals.
@halsoy Жыл бұрын
These are probably the best looking pedals out there imo. I wonder if the carbon pedal face would be better with maybe an aluminum backplate with treads for being mounted from the back, or inserted treads in the carbon. But then the plate would have to be quite a bit thicker maybe. Just writing as watching. It's weird they do that with the normal pedal faces, but not the carbon. Almost feels like an afterthought.
@regibson23 Жыл бұрын
How do they not have lock nuts on those adjustment screws?
@SiskoMilo Жыл бұрын
This vs VRS? As it is without any modifications or quickfix.
@Elternbrief007 Жыл бұрын
Did i miss something or is there a typo in the title?
@Acekrusty Жыл бұрын
Dan, What’s your top five brake pedals. Thanks.
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
Simgrade VX Pro, SRP GT-R, Simgrade R7, VRS DFP, CC SP01 I would say as of now
@kOBR4one Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki tried Asetek?
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
@@kOBR4one yeah, invicta are also great pedals, but I prefer more travel these days. Forte are not good.
@Acekrusty Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki thanks.
@kOBR4one Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki thanks for reply! Tried the travel kit aswell?
@MarkFisch Жыл бұрын
Hey what is ur daily driver when it comes to sim pedals
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
Simucube Pedals, but from normal passive ones I always liked the VRS pedals
@MarkFisch Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki thanks I’m looking to upgrade my v3 to maybe VRS or the Sprints hard to decides especially when micro center has sprints in stock.
@damado26 Жыл бұрын
How do they compare to the SRP?
@d3Rm0Nk Жыл бұрын
Replace knob with nuts, got it
@galaxian_hitchhiker Жыл бұрын
VRS pedals would kick these pedals asses with almost half the price
@boosivemotorsportofficial Жыл бұрын
These are the best looking pedals around imo. Bloody expensive though!
@mateusznowicki9638 Жыл бұрын
Well, software looks like a joke. Besides that - since the axis of rotation of the pedal arm Vs "axis" of rotation of the feet is that far apart isn't the sliding of the feet on the pedal face an issue or isn't it uncomfortable?
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
felt fine to me!
@Pzero619 Жыл бұрын
Can you mount them inverted?
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
@Pzero619 Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki definitely getting these! At first was waitin on the Invicta separate but man I really love the static on these. Plus besides the active pedal, it seems like you think these are second-best lol. And after I have dbox and Simucube ultimate then active pedals will be the investment but I need some quality now these CS V3s ain't cutting it!
@jeanpierrebendezu99 Жыл бұрын
Did they fix the issues?
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
Haven’t heard back from them
@munkywrench00 Жыл бұрын
@@DanSuzuki thats a shame..
@Bigheadedwon7 ай бұрын
Expensive, software needs tons of work. And they don’t even offer a clutch. But I suppose with how much they already cost with only 2 pedals a clutch would make them $2k I will say they look really nice though.
@kev257dog Жыл бұрын
little typo in the title lol
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
Thanks 😅
@gabox01 Жыл бұрын
So both the throttle and brake pedal have serious design flaws. It's a steal for 1.5k.
@tehsimo7 ай бұрын
I absolutely hate that they spend a ridiculous amount on machining for a fancy design, then pass the price onto the consumer. They look sweet, but there is no consideration to the price performance ratio.
@Vchan21 Жыл бұрын
@wandrinsheep Жыл бұрын
Those are some pretty big oversights for the price, extremely overpriced
@HugoVanArt Жыл бұрын
Will you be going to give these away? 😂
@jeeziRacer11 ай бұрын
I had them, for 2 weeks that sleeve is unbearable to drive with for any long period of time… Asetek invicta pedals wipe the floor with these. That’s a genuine honest answer, don’t buy them for that amount of money the quality isn’t there
@liono510 Жыл бұрын
They cost to much , to be adding mods to make them work
@WaskiLP Жыл бұрын
This a bit of a joke, ngl xD
@moddok Жыл бұрын
they cant be serious with this software lol
@sheep7255 Жыл бұрын
These immediately suck, because I'm poor and can't buy them. sarcasm
@DanSuzuki Жыл бұрын
You described the Internet very well 😅
@jeffmattel7867 Жыл бұрын
With all these high end pedals hitting the market how do the HE Ultimate pedals compare? The HEs are pretty old, but their price is still comparable to all the new pedals or even higher. No HE fanboys please.