Thank you for your video. I am a fan of Japanese train from Thailand. I have many model trains. Hankyu 9300 is one of them. I bought it from Tam Tam Akiba in Tokyo. My family and I really like to travel to Japan. Hopefully, we have a chance to get there again.
京阪と違い110キロ以上の速度出せるのは京阪がカーブだらけで遅すぎて反省し改善のため直線にしたから。その改善路線を強奪しながら上品ぶってんのは腹黒い会社やで。 Hankyu was very bad company since they took over this rail way from its rival of Keihan line who built this railway very straight since their original Keihan line has too much curve that cause limitting speed. Hankyu is very Evil.