One of the communities not too far from where I live actually had the use of sirens banned during certain hours of the evening because it was negatively affecting the output from their dairy cows. Another community not too far from them got so tired of the over use of sirens at unneccesary times, that they made it against the law for ambulances to drive through their neighborhoods unless responding to a call that they put in. as vans1107 said, use it in intersections, yes. Think first.
@CardinalNews15 жыл бұрын
96th General Assembly State of Illinois 2009/10 HBO795 PARAPHRASED The exceptions herein (proceeding thru red lights, exceeding max speeds, disregarding direction of movement) granted to an authorized emergency vehicle, other than a police vehicle, shall apply only when vehicle is making use of EITHER an audible signal when in motion or visual signals. Audible signals shall be used to warn pedestrians and other drivers of its approach. Illinois law approves any combination of lights or sirens.
@vans110715 жыл бұрын
nope, not if theres no traffic, wouldnt be a bad idea to use the wail or air horn while going through a busy intersection though
@CyanoticFuture14 жыл бұрын
@medlife07 And technically,no community can outlaw use of sirens,as state law grants,and in Ohio requires,them to be used while in emergency response mode,and state law trumps city law.A community here tried to do taht same thing,banning siren use by anyone other then their own FD or PD,and even issued tickets for it.Needless to say,the tickets were never paid and thrown out quicker than they were issued and the ban was lifted,since noone obeyed it .
@medlife0715 жыл бұрын
Notice how the law states "EITHER and audible signal when in motion OR visual signals." Learn to read. When it is clear that there is no traffic on the road, as an ambulance driver, I have a little respect for the community. Unneccesary use of the siren is like rolling all the windows down and cranking the stero just because you can. We use warning devices with due regard and not with the "I have them might as well use them" mentality.
@drod16911 жыл бұрын
I was on that call
@SFprod15 жыл бұрын
YES IT IS THE LAW! Some medics dont want to bother the community but there is no such thing as code 2 guys! Going to suck when you hit a little kid in the street because there was no audible warning. FAIL
@CyanoticFuture14 жыл бұрын
@medlife07 Glad those crybabies dont live in Ohio.The cow situation,if valid,i can understand if thats hurting business,but whining because of sirens,boo hoo.In Ohio,it s against the law to operate ANY emergency vehicle while responding "hot"unless both visual and audible (sirens) are on,and if you get in awreck operating a vehicle w/ lights and no sirens,youll probably be found at fault automatically.