ARMA 3 - Modders Do It Better

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@aceofspades7469 5 жыл бұрын
Bohemia Interactive: “We have quite a bit of money now so what should we spend it on?” Concerned employee: “Maybe we should use that money to improve...” Bohemia Interactive: *buys decommisioned T-72*
@boruta1034 5 жыл бұрын
Wait, is that for real?
@quincyK1 5 жыл бұрын
@@boruta1034 Search on KZbin ''Bohemia Interactive T-72''
@stahl1624 5 жыл бұрын
And? The game has been out for years. A company can spend money on something other than a game that they made years ago that clearly doesn’t need more content from them 100% constantly. “It’s because there lazy”, Lmfao, the guy clearly has never had money in his life because you wouldn’t say something as dumb as that. If it needs to be explained to you as to why, you shouldn’t be making videos, period. You are putting mods, where people work on them, as and when they want to, with no deadline or commitment, and you are comparing them to paid workers whose time is literally money. Also, this dip shit is sayin these are things we have always wanted. Say's who? You don’t speak for me, and I am sure as shit you don't speak for the community, so it is very easy to say, “everyone”, because you can’t point to any single valid source for these numbers. Also, this guy who made this video, is the type of person that has just said, “why can’t this be a DLC”. For the same fucking reason it was done by modders you dumb cunt. People will not pay, for singular shit as DLC, when it could have free with mods, just take a look at the whole Fallout 4 bullshit. Also, you are talking about "gamers", who would literally argue the toss of, “It should have been in the game at the start”, forgetting that having shit like this wasn’t on the devs development list when they made the game. Here’s an easy example for you so you can better understand why saying what you just said is fucking retarded. You buy a house, it has no shoe rack in it, you go to the store to buy a shoe rack. You say to the store clerk, I want that shoe rack for free because the house that I just bought doesn’t have one. These ships have no integral part to the fucking game, and for you to state, that the company should have to pay the workers to create this shit, so where is the money coming from one they have created this? You would say, oh the company has plenty of money, they can do it, they are just lazy. Well dickhead, if that’s the case, can you pay my rent for this month because you can afford a computer? No? That is how retarded you sound because of how little of a concept of how the world works. You must be very young, and new to Steam, because not too long ago, people who knew nothing of how to mod, code, or create anything that resembled art, these same cunts, used the same bullshit quote when it came to speaking out against modders being able to get paid for there work. People like you, who use the term “everyone”, yeah, these same people, who went around saying, “All us modders are against this”, and “No one wants this”. Despite them not being modders, and just wanted to act like they where, and wanted to push an agenda, but still say like a cunt like you, “Oh yeah, geez, please like this mod, it really helps them”. Fucking kill yourself. The simple truth is, fucking learn how to do shit for yourself before crying like a fucking girl. If Mommy and Daddy did not tell you this, I sure as fuck will. Grow the fuck up, and learn how to do something, instead of blaming others for shit you can’t have. Why the fuck do you think people like me learnt how to code, and create our own mods? Dickhead. Peace.
@albanianantivirus6849 5 жыл бұрын
@@stahl1624 lmao
@Pt_Lacky 5 жыл бұрын
Kerberos Woo boy.
@devon4520 5 жыл бұрын
Couldnt have said it better myself Devil. 2k hours and probably 40 of those were from the base game assets and campaign. With all the DLCs. Modders put in so much time and work and get maybe a rare 5 buck donation. They dont do if for the cash they do it for the love. The love of military and war and all things. Props to those dudes. You deserve so much more
@DeadBaron 5 жыл бұрын
"They do it for the love" Those types of modders are a dying breed. Want something scary? Look up Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Microsoft's official, non-Java based minecraft. Absolutely FULL of giant map packs, skins, and textures that are very easy to make compared to Arma... but they charge $10-20 for map packs. Modders that used to make content because they loved to create now charge tons of money. The texture packs and skins especially irk me. You can literally make skins in MS Paint, and now you have to pay for it. If you don't care for Minecraft, you should pay attention. It's Microsoft and corporations testing the water for any way they can make money.
@colethewaffle7501 5 жыл бұрын
Dead Baron we aren’t talking about Minecraft though? And Arma has thousands of mods made by players who don’t charge? And are still being created and updated today. So your statement doesn’t really apply.
@DeadBaron 5 жыл бұрын
@@colethewaffle7501 read the full comment before you reply
@TheWorldEnd2 5 жыл бұрын
No, if you have 2k hours, then 2k hours of those were on base game assets
@maximilianschaffler9981 5 жыл бұрын
@@DeadBaron i know this is about arma 3 but you can apply any skin for free in bedrock you only have to pay for the custom skins with other shapes and stuff...
@Flankymanga 5 жыл бұрын
Yea but i would also like to defend Bohemia.... How many games with such a strong modding support do you know other than Arma? I think not many people realize how difficult it is to prepare the core game, utilities, documentation, apis and all the tools modders use. Sure BI could make better models. But i would personally like them to focus on the core game platform to be as open for the modders as possible. Thats exactly what they did and the Jets DLC was a third party studio creation. So BI was not even responsible for making the models and functionality. Sure they must had some overwatch . But lets compare BI to the other industry giants like Bethesda, Blizzard, EA, Activision DICE etc... they are nowhere NEAR the moddability of their products to BI. So sometimes i think how accustomed we have grown to be to this kind of openness of a software product like this game is and we fail to see that THIS is the diamond we were allways looking for among the rocks...
@bluntx123 5 жыл бұрын
Bohemia provides the support for these incredile mods. Some people may call it "lazy" to have the modders create the additional content, but without Bohemia creating the systems for the modders to use, there would far less modded content.
@NorthernerInSpace 5 жыл бұрын
I’m also of this opinion. I wrote a lot of mods for Arma 2 and the support BI gave to the modding community was great. They provided a massively open framework which we could use. Yes, Arma really only shines when you use mods, but it is only thanks to BI that this was possible in the first place. Also there isn’t really a game out there that compares to this. Sure there are games that do specific things better, but nothing has the scope that Arma does.
@binglee8000 5 жыл бұрын
All of this is very true
@Pr0c3lla 5 жыл бұрын
Outsourcing DLC development to modders/third party studios isn't the problem. The problem is Bohemia only releases half finished mediocre content compared to what modders deliver. Examples: Weapons Sounds, Particle Effects, Weapon attachments (nice military simulation lmao), server optimization and much much more. Its easy to say the modding community solves this, but public vanilla servers are still shit and boring because Bohemias "content" is half assed, unoptimized and way too expensive for what it delivers.
@frostyvr9805 4 жыл бұрын
I know of several other games with tons of modding support with way lower budgets, snowrunner even has mods on console, vtol vr is made by one guy, assetto corsa has tons of mods. Minecraft, fallout, Skyrim and several other games all have great modding communities plus awesome base game content that isn’t lazy
@Tank67_ 5 жыл бұрын
Bohemia needs to get Arma 4 content out already, Arma 3 is only alive because of the modding community.
@Rose.Of.Hizaki 5 жыл бұрын
Almost 6 years. Honestly, ARMA III had so much potential but its the same as ARMA II with new weapons added, slightly better graphics and added mechanics and mechanical fixes
@YourCaptainCody 5 жыл бұрын
@@Rose.Of.Hizaki I think you just described a sequel.
@aceambling7685 5 жыл бұрын
@@YourCaptainCody not a good one
@bareknucklebrice8009 5 жыл бұрын
arma 2/3 is still alive because of he arma community, dayz is now finally half way decent because of mods.. there is not ONE bohemia game that didnt DEPEND on the modding.. no one ever plays vanilla arma, maybe upon day one release but for the most part arma is a half assed broken canvas, that is painted fixed and completed by us always and forever.. bohemia is truly the kings of incomplete games
@Spade_1917 5 жыл бұрын
@@bareknucklebrice8009 I played ArmA 3 vanilla for years qq
@bustedcogitator8954 5 жыл бұрын
I mean for God sake in Arma 2 you could go inside the aircraft carrier like to the briefing room and everything I remember getting lost in the first campaign mission because I got lost inside of it
@azd044 5 жыл бұрын
@Nubbinz the standard aircraft carrier in arma 2 was the LHD but there was a Nimitz mod for arma 2
@Lexx2k 5 жыл бұрын
Arma 2 also had piss poor performance.
@JackalArtsmith 5 жыл бұрын
"you get stuff like the Freedom, which you have to buy" isn't the Freedom free for everyone and it's literally just the jets you have to buy?
@originalmin 5 жыл бұрын
That's right.
@carlvongames6926 4 жыл бұрын
you have to play for it to have a function
@DeadBaron 5 жыл бұрын
5:40 OH MY GOD the flight deck crew! That is just beautiful!
@xXE4GLEyEXx 5 жыл бұрын
I wish DCS had those :D
@Bad.Content 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely nuts how they got everything right, plane checkers and all, even the right color flight deck vests on all of them... EXTREMELY well done by the creator(s)
@lionschneider7113 3 жыл бұрын
The AI is Not working in my arma how can i fix this
@myyoutube_6516 5 жыл бұрын
Better AI. I think they need to put a lot of focus on AI.
@TheWorldEnd2 5 жыл бұрын
AI is resource intensive
@myyoutube_6516 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheWorldEnd2 Dose not mean they cannot improve and optimize the AI and game in general to get better performance to allow for more advanced AI. The way i think about it is look at all the AI mods over the years that greatly improve the AI to the point of them being able to clear building, flank ect now imagine what the devs can do with full access to the AI coding that moders cant get to.
@TheWorldEnd2 5 жыл бұрын
@@myyoutube_6516 modders are using the base AI. There is no additional "AI" just commands on need to be bases. I thought you meant to improve individual AI. Like to the point where it can outsmart a player. That is extremely sifficult and takes a lot of resources. Then take into account how vast most arma maps are and the AI needs to be able to behave in all the situations it is thrown into. ArmA 3 AI is fairly advanced for AI in general.
@AlexSDU 5 жыл бұрын
My gripe about ARMA3 AI is that AI squadmates have the tendency to get lost or stuck, even when we were all walking together. It's like babysitting a bunch of kindergartners.
@benbrooks566 4 жыл бұрын
@ALegitimateYoutuber 5 жыл бұрын
Well one problem, most of the dlc isn't really about the stuff you get. The assists, vehicles and such are just nice things you can get yourself. it's more to do with the new code written in that adds in more possibilities, without ever interfering with missions, scripts, and mods. That is an extremely challenging task, something anyone that has ever done game dev work i'm sure will agree with. So we are just seeing the surface level stuff, but there is far more shit going on with each dlc.
@spadecake 5 жыл бұрын
Just look at animation and resulting collisions: players got cliped all the time into walls and rocks. With A3 they seem to have somehow patched it. Problem as soon as you run a shitload of mods; server starts to desync and looses frametime perf: You start again to clip like in A2. So my concern is that they might have fired the wrong devs and done patching instead of making performance-issue-systems.
@Fahreun 5 жыл бұрын
Almost 7k hours on this masterpiece that is Arma 3, but dude... i have like 300h on vanilla... The best part of A3 is the modded part.
@TylerMcCann-Barnes 5 жыл бұрын
Fah I’ve got 1.9k hours, 1 on vanilla
5 жыл бұрын
Bohemia's laziness when it comes to something they're charging for is outright awful and disappointing, at least the Nimitz mod is damn fine.
@spadecake 5 жыл бұрын
It's a communication issue from my opinion... On the fair side: DLC are designed to new comers. Mods are for people that wants more.
@Jorendo 5 жыл бұрын
Yet they gave great stuff for free, like Zeus. People love to bitch and moan about the DLC, but forget how much you actually get for free, especially compared to other companies like EA and Activision (they wouldn't even support their game as long as Bohemia does). Could things be done better, sure, but it's no deal breaker for me. The Aircarrier came with a whole package, we did get a few new jets, whole new system, etc. That's what i paid for. I can still use the mod and like Split 5555 said, it's mostly for new commers and those who don't want to play with mods (though that is like playing Skyrim without mods, who does that? O.o).
@Pr0c3lla 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheWorldEnd2 I bet you have 200h in a3 and pretend like you are one of the veterans lmao dude there are people with 6k hours+ shitting on bohemia because they cant get anything done properly. Everybody who has a basic understanding of the engine and modding community should know that bohemias content quality is basically useless shit a script kiddie could make with some mediocre artists
@JWalters388 5 жыл бұрын
At Bohemia's worst, at least they can be playable on both singleplayer and multiplayer. Unlike, Bethesda which corrupts every save game whenever a new mod is implemented or remove. With the constant updates for Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4, that broke the mods, just because they put crappy "mini DLCs" that no one wants to buy.
@spadecake 5 жыл бұрын
With A2 you can see that modding really works when devs(or their RunMode colleagues) stop breaking the engine every day.
@MateusLopes. 5 жыл бұрын
"Fuck you Freedom" now that's a phrase I haven't heard in a LONG time, LMAO
@TeTeT 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for covering the Nimitz in your video. As for the Freedom, which has become part of the base game, the Nimitz profited a bit from its development: The FeatureType setting that allows the carrier to be rendered at terrain distance, the dynamic airport configuration that allows AI and autopilot to land on the Nimitz, as well as the automatic wings down and tailhook code. Unfortunately BI and B01 don't share the secrets of making the carrier fall through proof, so we'll all have to live with the occasional crack in the road lod of the Nimitz here and there. On your observation of the importance of mods to Arma's success, let's not forget the effort it takes by BI to keep the game mod friendly. I'll also hope we see some more CDLCs that take the modding to a new level!
@andrewculley8524 5 жыл бұрын
For me the sound is a huge let down in Arma 3. The pathetic clicks of bullet passing over head etc. Load something like JSRS sound mod and it transforms the game. Bohemia need a kick up the arse, they've created some ground breaking titles in the Arma series but the modding community shows them up time and time again.
@19Koty96 5 жыл бұрын
but that is what bullets sound like... and it's not clicks - it's called cracks
@andrewculley8524 5 жыл бұрын
@@19Koty96 I can't comment too much as thankfully I've never been in combat. I personally prefer the louder crack and more bass in the shots of the sound mod versions.
@andrewculley8524 5 жыл бұрын
@ I said at the start of the comment "for me" it's a personal preference. It isn't just the bullet sounds either, the whole sound scape of the game is 100% better with mods which I think is the point of the video. I'm not here trying to point out what is realistic or what isn't realistic.
@alexmntlv4630 5 жыл бұрын
Nimitz, F18, CUP.... all based on arma 2 and before
@momolamote3402 4 жыл бұрын
Alexis Hernandez use cup only for terrain ,and for the us russian and some Arab forces use RHS and CFP
@wermyamy 5 жыл бұрын
How do I get the ambient units to work for the Nimitz? Are there any tutorials that I could watch?
@Lexx2k 5 жыл бұрын
"Modders do it better" ... except creating the moddable plattform in the first place, as well as spending millions of money on its development.
@safiuddin1997 5 жыл бұрын
If i remember you can refuel your plane with the hose near the weapons elevator bay u called
@not_falcon3832 5 жыл бұрын
Smell that air? That's home. Sea and jet engines. My kinda dive
@originalpastaman5470 5 жыл бұрын
To be fair for Bohemia and a potential Arma 4. Quite a lot of the lacking features in many Arma games have been because of the limitations of the "Virtual Reality" engine they have been using. And your comment claiming that DayZ standalone runs on Bohemia's new "Enfusion" engine is only a half truth. DayZ is still running on "VR", just with certain things added from the "Enfusion" engine. A potential Arma 4 would be built from the ground up on "Enfusion". Not just receiving better shaders and some quality of life improvements that DayZ got from "Enfusion". Things like moving ships with players capable of walking around within it, large DETAILED maps with far view's without the game taking a shit, and large amounts of AI again, without the game taking a shit, Is all due to the limitations of of Bohemia's "VR" engine. That shit is still running DirectX 7 on certain things. So while I do agree with you on the laziness of certain features such as the USS Freedom and the Liberty Destroyer not being fleshed out at all. And things of similar nature, and that Bohemia could definitely do a much better job in regards to those issues. A lot of the major issues that plagues Arma 3 stems entirely from the limitations of the "Virtual Reality" Engine. Which, here's hoping, will be remedied by the new "Enfusion" Engine.
@Jorendo 5 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't really want to call Bohemia Lazy, concidering all the things we have been given over the years for free by them and how they keep supporting the game, keep updating, keep adding to it. Try that with Call of Duty or Battlefield, in the whole life span of Arma 3 there been 4 or 5 new CoD games, of witch none had the issues fixed and instead of adding content for free having you pay full price again with the bare minimum of maps to play on in MP. Arma always been a game set up for mods, heck, they did early access on purpose so mod makers could make mods already and get familiar with how Arma 3 works with mods. Sure, there is always room for improvement. But of all the game studios out there right now, i would dare say that Bohemia is the least lazy of them all and keeps supporting their game and keeps provinding things for people. You even get a lot of the content from DLC for free, beside the new way they do community DLC. I find it more lazy to release the same game year after year without adding anything to it, but still dare to ask 60+ euro's/dollars for it and not carring about bug fixing as next year you will release a new version anyway. Or simply give up on a game cause it doesn't get recieved well due to bugs/early state it was released in. It would have been nice if they added more to it, but o well, i don't feel like i need to buy the DLC cause all the systems they added are added for free in patches. The planes i won't fly anyway cause i use mods with realistic planes...beside Arma isn't really a fixed wing game anyway, the maps are to small for that in my opinion. I buy the DLC cause i want to suppor the devs. They didn't ask the full price to begin with. I bought it for like 20 euro's when it was still in alpha and even on release it was only 40 or 45 euro's instead of 60 euro's. With the money from the DLC they can continue working on improving Arma 3 and funding Arma 4 so i gladly pay for that. I have put more then a thousand hours into the game so paying a little every now and then is well worth it for me as i have games i paid 60 euro's for and finished within 10 hours to never touch again as there are no mods to extend the life span of those games. Hell i didn't even put 100 hours into Skyrim, got only 40 or so hours in it and the majority of the time was testing if mods worked, then try to problem solve it again. But that is just my person view on it. Everyone can have their own view on it.
@SuspiciousFace 5 жыл бұрын
You failed to mention: *the reason the ARMA 2 even got a second wind in the first place was because of DayZ the mod for Arma 2 & Arma 2 OA.* DayZ the mod was more successful than ArmA 2 + Arma 2 OA ever were at any point in time. Even today, there's a spin-off of the ArmA 2 DayZ in ArmA 3 known as the Exile mod.
@CityWhisperer 5 жыл бұрын
You should have a look at the mod of one of the frigates of the Spanish armada. It's fully detailed inside, the weapons even work. Search it up on YT if you want to have a look.
@THEULT1M4TEA55ASIN 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe Bohemia should just hire the damn modding community.
@19Koty96 5 жыл бұрын
they did
@MrMattumbo 5 жыл бұрын
Great video Devil, it was really eye-opening seeing the difference between the Freedom and Nimitz in game. Such a shame Bohemia can't at least match what modders have already done for their DLC. Only time will tell where the franchise goes, but I hope that at the very least Bohemia will make a solid engine and base game for modders to improve on in ARMA 4, wishing more anything more than that is just setting ourselves up for disappointment I fear.
@ClawsTM 5 жыл бұрын
I suppose due to the people who mod arma actually play it and care and understand what new content is needed. Its always been one of the things that makes pc gaming the better alternative to console, games kept alive for years due to mods. BF2 PR mod for example. The advanced movement mod should be in vanila arma, only vaulting is a bit tiresome now. Maybe they could make it stamina / loadout related.
@ThatDude-qw1sg 4 жыл бұрын
Can these carriers be driven as well as driven while having aircrafts take off or land accordingly? Is the real question too. All in all they both seem to have decent work put into them.
@OhItsThat 5 жыл бұрын
The Freedom is free isn’t it? I didn’t buy the jets DLC cause I think make believe military stuff, especially aircraft, is lame. However, the Freedom is in the editor and can be used without any purchase of anything. The only thing I like about the Freedom Vs the Nimitz is deck size. The Freedom is pretty big compared to the Nimitz.
@MK84 5 жыл бұрын
Yep Freedom itself is free along with the Liberty DDG as part of the platform update. The jets ie F/A-181, Shikra and Gryphon are not.
@Rexxie44 5 жыл бұрын
Remember back when Arma 3 was promising Red Faction Guerrilla tier building destruction? The video is buried out of existence now but they did test it in game before.
@amazingman63 5 жыл бұрын
Modders have always been the ones to keep games alive
@TheLukio 5 жыл бұрын
Wait a second - Freedom was made by a mod team (in cooperation with BI) as well wasn't it?
@chortlesg.3641 5 жыл бұрын
Bravo Zero One, which included modders such as Joshua Carpenter (Saul from the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, F/A-18X Black Wasp, and Su-35 Flanker E addons) and Dennis Kahl (LordJarhead from the Dragonfyre and JSRS mods)… and the USS Freedom was part of the game update accompanying the Jets DLC, and thus just as free as the Nimitz mod.
@sageg58 5 жыл бұрын
Freedom you dont have to die, its free
@maxelsoro6292 5 жыл бұрын
To be honest if some 1 make a mod to driving a aircraft carrier like ford class super carrier and super battle ship and not static stay that will be awesome
@highadmiral613 5 жыл бұрын
It's not really possible to have moving carriers in the Arma engine, you wouldn't be able to land on it. Something like a destroyer has been done but it's not a very quality mod.
@maxelsoro6292 5 жыл бұрын
@@highadmiral613 hmm I see but I am waiting some 1 do my request a mod for arma3 Like a customize ch47ph with a 30 mm cannon on a nose of helicopter
@highadmiral613 5 жыл бұрын
Max Elsoro You can do that with a script, just look up addWeapon script for arma 3
@maxelsoro6292 5 жыл бұрын
@@highadmiral613 Ohh hmm yeah I will try thank you for your advice
@spadecake 5 жыл бұрын
@@highadmiral613 It is possible on single player only. How to do it? 1 - remember the BF1942 carrier, no one was moving : only fixed positions. 2 - build an invisible surface which has physics 3 - on next frame change the size of this surface to mimic a movement So there are only 2 elements: A 1 block vessel (actually into spanish mods) and a surface you need to modify every frame. Problem: it is not viable due to an obvious lack of performance. Scripting language might not be fast enough for continuous movement It has to be in the game without scripting. Collisions are also an issue. The invisible surface you can stand on is a mod which allowed you to stand on top of a moving car.
@ninefx9724 3 жыл бұрын
Which Nimitz mod is this? I can only find the one without the doors to the sides in the staircase
@m96k3y7 5 жыл бұрын
Anything - Modders Do It Better, Unique, Perfected, Passionate. :P
@turtlegaming4427 Жыл бұрын
How do you even spawn the big vehicles
@AdozenBABYdogs 5 жыл бұрын
You want to know of a killer mod? ITC Air Systems is an awesome mod that adds in WORKING MFDs to your jets. It also pairs with the F/A 18 F, which has a fully immersive cockpit
@zulicurah9414 5 жыл бұрын
Yeee Firewill is awesome! I'm happy to say I support him on patreon!
@JRCOBRA 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah not paying for mods.
@Notsurewhattopicknow 5 жыл бұрын
I do agree here. And the work the modders does put in. Is usually on their own time, things they do for fun or becuase they really want the things in the game. That makes it even worse the actual developers seem to want to put even half of the effort as the modders.
@armanicrompton787 5 жыл бұрын
Forget America great again it’s now ‘Let’s make Arma Great Again’
@sammolyneux2536 5 жыл бұрын
Any chance of a restart to MSO?
@silentdeath213 5 жыл бұрын
Devil, can we get a master list of mods you use for ARMA 3?
@TheCerealkiller148 5 жыл бұрын
Hey devil, have you ever thought of playing on one of Liru's ops?
@Sir_Gugharde_Wuglis 5 жыл бұрын
Is the gear not retractable?
@kaloa9007 5 жыл бұрын
I see several issues with Bohemia. 1. They think they will be able to squeeze as much time out of Arma 3 as they did Arma 2. 2. They think that they will always be able to just throw a mod creation tool kit to the community and their game will become amazing (DayZ Standalone is a massive show of them doing just that) 3. They refuse to talk about Arma 4 and when it may/may not come out. In fact, they almost have said that they will not make the game. 4. They are putting their resources into a failed battle royale game called Vigor in an attempt to get more money when to get more money they just need to continue making what makes them Bohemia. They need to make more Arma. 5. Arma is continuously lacking in what they DO give mod creators. Their mod editors and game engine are laughable compared to what some games provide. The only reason Arma is able to run off of mods is that the community can create way more then most games allow them to. But then the issue of Creators being hindered by the tools they are provided comes up. I've been playing the Arma series since 2011 and I have been very disappointed with what Bohemia has provided over the years. The only productive thing I think I've seen them do was the Eden Editor. The irony of that though is that I only can really use Eden to its full potential with the 3Den mod! It really is somewhat annoying, they just need to be more open. Maybe there is a language barrier or something, but they have demonstrated the ability to communicate with players in the past. Anyways, if you're still reading thanks lol.
@channelwright9137 5 жыл бұрын
BI’s dlc’s are usually high quality and look good but there is always something missing. Take the Cold War dlc, great map, great vehicles and lots of destructible buildings but no air fields.
@chortlesg.3641 5 жыл бұрын
From what I understand the lack of airfields was authenticity versus gameplay -- if the area depicted didn't have an airfield (within the boundaries chosen) at the time but rather a highway...
@stoneg6750 5 жыл бұрын
Rhs plus cup is what makes the game for me and mcc4 and Achilles for Zeus are also great mods
@spadecake 5 жыл бұрын
A3 beta was the time BiS got sold to the Investment Fund called RiverSide. They are specialized into buying mid sized companies and BiS got contracts with US Army (sure cash with Door Gunner training if I reckon well). Guess why you get half ass DLC and OP stuff update? > They are sucking the money out of the company.
@AG3624C 5 жыл бұрын
USS Khe Sahn (LHD 9) - i think many people saw USS Freedom as a step down from that. Although it was free, it's still strange to lose the internals (I think CUP added functionality as she was a static in Arma 2). Silly thing is we can do navy now, HAFM and nimitz prove it, so bohemia doesn't have an excuse for not refining it for ARMA 4.
@Cid_1 5 жыл бұрын
I just think it's gonna be tough to get the VBS stuff since Bohemia sold Bohemia Simulations BIS/BiSim to "The Riverside Company" for an UNDISCLOSED amount of money (that's a lot) in 2013. I have literally BEGGED Bohemia for a "Dumbed down" version of VBS Blue for Arma 3 & adjusting waves at sea,but they just say No can't do that. "Blue Lite" (or whatever they would have called it for Arma) would have made it SUPER easy for map creators to make terrains. Since one could just use google earth and take the topography etc from the location you want,and all you would need to do is make roads and place the objects. That feature alone could make a Map being made in weeks instead of months (or sometimes even years in some cases like "Jalalabad").
@cinchmccoy 5 жыл бұрын
Agree 100 percent all of my 1000's of hours have been spent using mods.
@ScottNguyenRCAC 5 жыл бұрын
@mees9704 5 жыл бұрын
in other obvious news water is wet
@praetoriancorps 5 жыл бұрын
if the base game of arma 4 is not gonna be content rich I hope they spend as much time as they can on the performance so that you can get more units vehicles etc in the map without the bugging out or causing fps drops.
@MultiGamingNetwork03 5 жыл бұрын
They're testing a brand new engine on DayZ SA. If that works then Arma 4 will have a brand new game engine. Instead of the crappy engine they've been using that's outdated and old.
@tweetdezweet 11 ай бұрын
Maybe people should compare BI's turnover with that of the big studios. They simply don't have the budget to do what some people are demanding. I quit Arma (modding) shortly after Arma3 came out because I spent about 30 hours a week building missions and mods for my community. BI is the only studio that really supports modding because they realize it is their life line. Hell, before DayZ came along Arma was so niche, it was a miracle they managed to keep going.
@channelwright9137 5 жыл бұрын
The HAFM ships and sub mod is also excellent
@tman4eva 5 жыл бұрын
This mod is awesome good job
@misiknuo 5 жыл бұрын
Arma do not have competition....
@Marcodu2583 5 жыл бұрын
That is the Big "problem" , That is the reason they dont move enough and left the hard work to the modders.
@19Koty96 5 жыл бұрын
what "hard work"; engine updates are by far the hardest part of this all...
@Marcodu2583 5 жыл бұрын
19Koty96 isnt easy make mod with the quality we can find in arma community and for free. Free content from community have lot more detail and realism than arma vanilla can offer. Bis is a company with more resources than a modder . They should to make things better . Fix the Ai and better content. Arma is what it is thanks to community.
@19Koty96 5 жыл бұрын
you seem to not understand how this works making mods that simply add content is _easy_ compared to changing the actual engine they run on
@Marcodu2583 5 жыл бұрын
19Koty96 they dont need to change arma3 to a new engine , just they need to create a new game , a new Arma4 in a new engine and fix bugs , ai issues and put more effort to create better addons . They are a game company with all the resources to create a new arma in conditions
@alexpaww 5 жыл бұрын
What mods are those? Can you put stuff like that in the description?
@MrBubonicChronic 5 жыл бұрын
holy fucking balls, that was and F-8 Crusader.
@Hazardbone 5 жыл бұрын
That take off protocol was awesome
@hetznaz7902 5 жыл бұрын
the Wasp and the Nimitz are 2 of my fav static objects in game (the wasp is nice when combined with the LCAC mod)
@327legoman 5 жыл бұрын
To be fair @TheDevildogGamer , the power of modding means that people who really enjoy it can spend hours creating assets and getting things to work as a hobby. It's extremely powerful to have modders making things for your game in the form of mods, but it can be extremely problematic for companies and developers, which has resulted in many titles stripping mod support from their game. Theoretically companies like Bohemia interactive could release DLC equal in quality if not better then mods, but more often then not they're going to cut corners, due to the simple fact that all those assets and functions being made take a lot of time, time which Bohemia has to pay people for, or have to buy and customise from an asset store to work in their bulldozer engine. It's a bit of a miracle modders exist in the first place, but in part they exist because modding is a good step in the ladder to getting into the industry and getting paid, with a fun reward. Companies making DLC's that don't live up to mods is just something people will have to live with, as the only other option is to remove mod support entirely.
@willlasdf123 5 жыл бұрын
Can you post a list at some point that has all of the best real world assets that you use in your play throughs? Not a big fan of Black Ops still "future lit" rehashing of existing weapon systems that come in the base game and haven't found a great comprehensive list on Steam. Thanks!
@robertmantell1700 5 жыл бұрын
Where do we get the A-7 Corsair II??
@b-52eggbeast88 5 жыл бұрын
@C.Brock3rdID 5 жыл бұрын
For the most part, you're right. And there has always been room for improvement at Bohemia. But if they sold all the good stuff for $12, they wouldn't be able to get 8-figure contracts from the Pentagon and other militaries. And people do still play Arma 2, lol. Old habits die hard....
@RantingRando 15 күн бұрын
I was gonna start trying to cook this dude but then I realised this was 5 years ago, way before I started playing a few weeks ago in the (apparent but not truly) year of our lord 2024.
@pilotmanpaul 5 жыл бұрын
Cold War DLC doesn’t even have Air Assets. Not gonna buy till they do more about it since a majority of the vehicles in it are available for free.
@seansantee 4 жыл бұрын
So what nimitiz mod is it?
@mcaskil 2 жыл бұрын
its called USS Nimitz
@WallGnome 5 жыл бұрын
This seems dishonest. The way BI has done DLC for this game has always been the same, even for the Planes DLC that this carrier came with (for free). The DLC's are always a way to finance platform improvements. The platform is improved to implement new functionality, or expand upon a system, for free. You can buy some assets to finance these continued updates. In case of the Planes DLC, what you get for free is the sensor system (proper radar, proper LOAL), changing weapons on aircraft, some improvements to plane flight mechanics (IIRC). And, this carrier model. What you can buy is some additional planes. So just like the mod, you didn't have to pay for the carrier. And just like the mod, you didn't have to pay for the improved sensor systems etc. They've continued support and improve this game with no expectation of additional payments for nearly 6 years now. I don't see that as lazy.
@stoned_kakapo8736 5 жыл бұрын
to be fair, OFP wasn't shit without mods, it was good by itself, but the mods squeezed as much replayability out of it as possible.
@marten7715 5 жыл бұрын
Bohemia should focus on constructing a solid and well function base game, the mod community will fill out the rest. ArmA 3's problem is that bohemia seemingly tried too do to much and over expanded, arma 3 wound up with a bad engine, bad content, and a bad DLC structure, if bohemia wants to win the community's full support they should focus and making a strong well made and community supported game instead of trying to cover everything and doing a poor job of it. Bohemia should shift focus on content to the community and simply make arma a strong, enjoyable base to start from.
@cobra800hp 5 жыл бұрын
having used and owned VBS 2.0 it has so much content that it blows your mind so many missions and scripts that you can use to add ambient Ai to missions so easy like the deck crew on nimtiz. been a fan since A1 but i dont know if i would even come back for Arma 4
@smygulf 5 жыл бұрын
Modders are the ones that are now starting to make DayZ SA playable again. Cudos to u modders
@MrMaitland79 5 жыл бұрын
Arma 3 needs to rest and Arma 4 needs to arrive.
@Mike-m3w7d Ай бұрын
Whats the mod?
@mitri5389 5 жыл бұрын
there is little value in having a carrier in arma which has hanger space, and other unnecessary features. 1) the point of the carrier is to have planes land and takeoff, rearm and refuel or to even change planes for other missions, you dont need 20 or more aircraft to do this. you could just have a spawn script to spawn what ever aircraft you want. 2) I rather have other players focus on ground combat then trying to man a ship. no point in having players doing redundant and mundane task. the whole point of arma is combat. 3) large moving ships in arma 3 would have had little value. arma 3 maps dont have the area to fulfill such assets. 40 x 40 km is still fairly small for such ships. the point of these ships are to support other assets like aircraft but all these assets conclusion is to facilitate the infantry.
@Orvz475 3 жыл бұрын
How can we make our own ship mod like that in ARMA 3?
@ahjk 5 жыл бұрын
Hey there Devil, I agree on your assessment that bohemia could have done more with this DLC. Your statement about bohemia and VBS is incorrect. Bohemia separated into two companies one is for VBS3 and the other supports Arma. VBS3 for the the US marines does not have naval carriers. Just LHD's and LPD's.
@kirito1267 5 жыл бұрын
on top of that, the licences they have for stuff in VBS is because its a military simulation for the US military, not a game sold on steam
@DeftLead 5 жыл бұрын
That's because modders care about the community and the Devs care about your money
@doubleo2551 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like modders are a blessing and curse. A blessing because of what they bring to the game but a curse because Bohemia is kinda like "Fuck it, the modders will fix it".
@LegionOfEclaires 5 жыл бұрын
Arma 4 will more than likely improve on a lot of things from Arma 3 but just like Arma 3, it will depend on the modding community to create content for it to survive. Bohemia can create a strong base game but I don't believe they will put much more than minimum effort into things after they release that base game...
@truenewtype2239 4 жыл бұрын
100% support the mod community!!!! Wise advice from Devildog, I feel the same way...
@johnwig285 5 жыл бұрын
Just bought Arma 3 last week lmao. Still figuring out how to install mods 😂😂😂 felt like a noob wondering how to do basic shit like parachuting trying to press spacebars & random keys when all u had to do was scroll.
@Shizostereo 7 ай бұрын
2 years since Reforger release and there is still nothing even close to Nimitz. Adelaide is getting better though. I hope, Strider will keep improving its exterior
@JayDKBGames 5 жыл бұрын
For a business they have to weigh the time it take to add xyz feature, thats why they'll neer be able to out mod the modders or even add all the requested and wanted features. Unless the community is willing to pay more then $59.99
@lilkris3008 5 жыл бұрын
From what I understand the freedom was free added with the jets dlc but available to everyone along with the destroyer and new flight mechanics agree the Nimitz is much better though
@Brian-mu6fe 5 жыл бұрын
Devil honestly modders have no limits and could be exNavy and make exact replicas of our defense systems and then publish the content for free.
@FireTeamGaming 5 жыл бұрын
modders are doing one thing and arnt working to deadlines or expectations BI is there job is to make a game not just a carrier
@njenga5 5 жыл бұрын
do you play arma
@FireTeamGaming 5 жыл бұрын
@@njenga5 yes i have 4964 hours and thats proof
@MultiGamingNetwork03 5 жыл бұрын
ALL of Bohemias focus is on Arma 4 development right now which is why the Creators DLC exists. They're testing their new engine on DayZ and if it ends up stable enough on there then they'll focus on getting the said engine into Arma 4. Yes, modders do it better but I ask those of us who play Arma. Do we want a shitty unfinished game like every common FPS that exists? Or do we want the devs to focus on their new game with time and patience?
@LesserPandaVT 5 жыл бұрын
Bohemia doesnt necessarily add things from their bread and butter is because of contacts (most likely)
@-_Nuke_- 2 жыл бұрын
@kennethschlegel870 5 жыл бұрын
*goes to general quarters* Me: triggered!!!!!
@Foxtrop13 5 жыл бұрын
and in arma2 you can have a moveable carrier, but they fucked up with the new physix system, it wasnt optimal in arma2 but it was doable
@johnredcorn1801 5 жыл бұрын
the Nimitz is a big ass ship
@7Deer7 5 жыл бұрын
Dayz was originally a mod made for arma 2.
@originalmin 5 жыл бұрын
4:20, wrong the Freedom was free for everyone.
@redfarley7878 5 жыл бұрын
DayZ standalone runs 1000 times better than arma 3 ever even thought about running, there is also way less bugs and it look WAY WAY better. This is coming from a guy with 5k hours in arma 3 and only around 1500 in DayZ arma 3 is my jam, but I will say that as soon as people start making mission mods and ai mods, they already have all the other mods you need, so as soon as they make mission mods it's on like donkey Kong
@Matthew-pr3ss 5 жыл бұрын
Bohemia messed up how they introduced DLC on this level for Arma3. Yeah I understand all games do it these days but the setup of DLC in Arma2 was way better.
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