Aromânii: Albania - prima parte (@TVR2)

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@mirceaamariutei8854 3 жыл бұрын
Rădăcinile sunt aceleași, cei care au invadat lucrurile au avut tot interesul de a şterge identitatea băştinaşilor pentru a deveni ei proprietari. FELICITĂRI celor care păstrează tradiția şi adevărul poate lumina!
@ruso4315 3 жыл бұрын
îmi place cum vorbește... au multe cuvinte de la țară de la. noi din Ardeal.. Dumnezeu sa le poarte de grija acol unde sunt ei
@gabinicola6959 3 жыл бұрын
Ce frumos! Este laudabila preocuparea autoritatilor pentru sustinerea scolii cu predare in aromana si pentru tot ceea ce inseamna conservarea culturii! Acum doi ani, fiind pentru prima data in Sarande, am fost impresionat sa vad statuia lui Nicolae Iorga pe faleza! Oricand ma intorc cu drag in aceasta tara minunata, Albania, pentru ca am dat la o parte prejudecatile pe care le aveam despre albanezi. Sunt niste oameni deosebiti, primitori, cu bun simt si cinstiti. In materie de arta culinara si servicii turism Grecia e in urma.
@cinevadinsighet 3 жыл бұрын
prejudecatile noastre fata de albanezi provin din faptul ca sunt (declarativ) musulmani, si au "furat teritoriul "fratilor ortodocsi" sarbi" , sarbi care isi trateaza minoritatea romaneasca mult mai rau decat Albania. Pacat....
@rogerius1 Жыл бұрын
foarte emotionant! merci mult!
@9_9876 6 ай бұрын
Aromâni vă iubesc! ❤
@ΝίκοςΜπέτσης-ΗΠΑ 2 жыл бұрын
I am part Vlach by origin. My family stopped using the language 4 generations ago and we indentify as Albanian . I am glad to see there is a regeneration of interest on learning Aromanian by the youngest generations. Vlachs of Albania contributed greatly on the establishment of the Albanian state and deserve more than be a “cultural” minority.
@thesecretlibrary890 2 жыл бұрын
Why you used that Greek script name?
@saebica Жыл бұрын
@@thesecretlibrary890 Because he's Greek?
@ljubovasiljevic6771 Жыл бұрын
Im to, im from North Est Srbija
@9_9876 6 ай бұрын
​@@ljubovasiljevic6771Vlachs from northeast Serbia are different from those from Greece, Albania and Macedonia. In Serbia they are speakers of Romanian and migrated from Romania 300 years ago. The ones more to the south have lived here for 1000 years and have their own language.
@viacheslavbraila3596 9 ай бұрын
noi romanii din sudul Basarabiei in Ucraina avem cuvinte asaemanatoare ( gini- bine, śapti- śapte, zîua-ziua)
@GeogeOprescu-kh6uf Жыл бұрын
Albania e o țară foarte mică dar are avantajul ieșirii la mare . Albania de azi e prosperă și la asta contribuie și aromânii . Să învățăm pstriotismyl de la albanezi și de la aromâni .
@dumitrupira4801 18 күн бұрын
@doce7678 2 жыл бұрын
Especially in the Middle Ages, all speakers of Romance languages ​​were called Vlachs, Blachis, Volokhs, thus differentiating them from speakers of Germanic or Slavic languages. It is still practiced today. Example: Hungarians call Italians olasz, Italy is in Czech - Vlachy, in Polish - Vlochy, Romanians, in Hungarian, are called olasz (pl), in German the term is Walach(us), in Ukrainian - Voloch. As for themselves, the Vlachs have always called themselves in their language (be it Aromanian, Istro-Romanian, Megleno-Romanian, etc.) Români or Rumâni. The situation is not unique in Europe. Germany is called Nemaeka by most Slavic peoples, and Germans are called Germans, Italians call them Germans, but Germans call your country Deutschland, and they call themselves Deutscher. The situation is similar for Hungarians, Austrians, Dutch, Swiss, etc. So Vlach is a generic name that FOREIGNERS used for the notion of "Romanian", and the territory inhabited by "Vlachs" they called Vlahia, Magna Vlachia, etc. That is, "Land of Romanians/Rumanians". It is a reason why all the Romanian state formations north and south of the Danube were called "Vlachs" or "Countries of the Romanians" in the Middle Ages. In this case, I wonder if any part of the Romanian race has the right to claim the name "Vlach" only for itself... Because "Vlachs" in the sense of foreigners or "Romanians" in the literary language, we are all even if, In the local language, we called ourselves "Romanians" (Daco-Romanians), i.e. Nordics, "Ar(u)mans" (Southern Romanians or Vlachs) or "Rumeri" (Western Romanians). However, we cannot say that the Vlachs are anything but Romanians. Let's not forget that there was a Land of the Vlachs called Vlachia, with Basarab the Great as its ruler. Greetings from Romania to all ethnic Romanians (so-called Vlachs)!
@valevisa8429 Жыл бұрын
Pe scurt,daca la origine Vlah a insemnat strain in limba gotilor,la slavi a fost folosit ca "vorbitori de limba latina",sau romani.
@GeogeOprescu-kh6uf Жыл бұрын
Tatăl meu avea un prieten care se numea Fărșerotu un om foarte discret și muncitor .
@Paul-dn8ti 13 күн бұрын
Dialectul aromân seamănă cu graiurile românești. Interesant este ca unii isi spun armâni ( aromâni) iar altii rmâni( români).
@MariusNicolaeToader 2 жыл бұрын
Etnogeneza popoarelor arhaice balcanice este mult diferită de variantele ”oficiale”!!!
@Danaceli95 Жыл бұрын
Unde pot gasi in limba albaneza?😢
@alexandravanson2366 4 жыл бұрын
As far I understand, aromanians are neither greek, albanian or rumanian but are claimed by all those nations to 'belong' to them. Unfortunately, those people always were in wars because of that
@ByMyselF27 4 жыл бұрын
Well, you can say so yes. They were hunted and involved into wars due to the usage of their language. Nowadays, It is silly indeed if you think about that but then there were no social media and the rights of people were inexistent in some Balkan countries (Yes even Greece).
@tavicsson 3 жыл бұрын
Aromanians do not live only in Greece or Albania, but in most of Balkan countries - N Macedonia, Bulgaria and since the 1920's in Romania as well (see later on why)... they are the followers of the Thracian people who were living in all the Balkan peninsula but also North of the Danube (i.e. present day Romania) before the Roman occupation . All these regions were Romanised some 2,000 years ago, and the followers are the Romanian people. However, due to the Slavic invasion in the Balkan peninsula in the 5th-6th Century AD, the territorial connection between the Romanians N of the Danube and the (A)romanians S of the Danube was lost, most of the previous inhabitants of the Balkan peninsula were subsequently Slavicized and the Romanized population (the Aromanians) retreated (or remained as such) to high mountaineous regions and dealt (mostly) with growing sheep, later on also with trade. The language spoken by Aromanians nowadays is a dialect of Romanian, the grammar is identical. Some words are identical as in proper Romanian, whereas others are, understandably, different, after so many centuries of separation. However, as mentioned in this documentary (made by an Aromanian lady living in Romania and quoting a historian also of Aromanian origin, living in Romania), some of these different words (than literary Romanian) can be found in regions of Romania, thus proving once more the initial identical ori gin of Romanian and Aromanian. With a little training by listening, a native Romanian speaker could rather easily learn and umderstand the Aromanian dialect. Anyway, Aromanian is a Latin language and has nothing to do with Greek, Slavic or Albanian languages (except some borrowed words) - this is an undisputable fact. Regarding history, after so many centuries of isolation from present-day Romania (as mentioned), after 1848-1860's Romanian intellectuals 'discovered' by travelling that in the Balkans there was a population calling themselves (A)Romanians and speaking a language very close to Romanian , and subsequently tried to help them maintain their inheritance by supporting churches and public schools in literary Romanian / Aromanian in their regions, oferring scholarships in Romania fir the young and supporting their political rights before the Ottoman(Turkish) authorities - at that time, the entire Balkan peninsula was part of the Ottoman Empire. As such, in 1912 the Turks officially recognised the Aromanians as a constituent nationality in their Empire, with a sort of an autonomy, including at religious level (Aromanians, like list Romanians, are Christian Orthodox). Unfortunately for Aromanians, with the quick fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI came the split of their homeland into the newly appearred or extended countries in the region, Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, what remained of European Turkey... their unity and power thus diminished and , moreover, they became the victims of the chauvinistic politics of these young states, which persecuted even violently those who had or attained to other ethnicity than the majority. (An exemple mentioned in this documentary is the Aromanian priest and teacher Papa Lambru Balamace, murdered by Greeks and filo-Greeks in 1914). (You may know that Macedonia and the neighbouring regions were a salad of nationalities, with no clear majorities). Another big blow to the Aromanians living in Greece was the colonization of the regions where they lived with Greeks who fled fromTurkey (Asia Minor) after 1920, thus creating additional pressure on them (they couldn't use anymore the land they previously used for grazing sheep). For these two types of reasons, many Aromanians (not only from Greece but also the other Balkan countries) emmigrated to Romania, with which they identified at that point (considering themselves a branch of Romanians), where they felt their identity was no longer in danger and where they also received for free agricultural land to cultivate. Thus, the proportion of Aromanian 'nationalists' diminished in the Balkan countries. After WWII the Romanian/(A)romanian schools and churches supported by the Romanian state and the local Aromanians were closed or switched to the official language. Apparently, from fear and then, in time, by conviction, many Aromanians now identify with the majority people where they live, the youth no longer speak the language... and especially in Greece, where they have no identity rights, those who try to advocate for the public use of the language are harassed - there was the case of an Aromanian lawyer in Greece some years ago who was even imprisoned for some time because he distributed some leaflets promoting the language...
@ana-mariaatonoaie2784 3 жыл бұрын
@@tavicsson thank you. Very clear and really insightful!
@alexandrutarlescu2963 3 жыл бұрын
@@tavicsson Best comprehensive explanation for greeks,albanians,bulgarians,serbs and other God loving nations yet Lies loving nations as well.
@marincalmic2630 3 жыл бұрын
Not really. It is one thing to claim that so-called ARomanians are not Albanians or Greeks, which is true, but other one is to assert that they wouldn't be Romanians, which is untrue. Their dialects are one of the most valid argument that ARomanians without any doubt are Romanians. Another strongest argument of this fact is their self-denomination [in their own vernaculars] as ''Rãmãni''', rarely even as ''Rumãni'' (or more distortedly as ''Ar'mãni'' with an extra, unetimological initial A) exactly as self-denomination of the rest of the Romanians.
@gregorz228 2 жыл бұрын
Am un prieten Albanez macedonian
@luciancasu101 5 жыл бұрын
2:02 se pronunță Șciptari, nu Șchiptari, crainica lu' pește.
@enaner1370 5 жыл бұрын
Lucian Casu şchiptari 😊 fii atent cum pronunță ei acolo...
@scrippythecaru 3 жыл бұрын
depinde de unde sunt albanezii....în nord se pronunță șciptar și în sud mai degrabă șchiptar
@marincalmic2630 3 жыл бұрын
Depinde de dialect, forma sud-centrală (actual standard) e mai aproape de Șciptari, cea din nord (standard istoric, inclusiv Cosovo) si extrem sudica e mai aproape de Șchiptari.
@saebica 2 жыл бұрын
Se pronunță Șiptar, cu r ca-n engleză
@diturigramshi1132 3 жыл бұрын
This Vangjel Shunti has betrayed the Aromanian cause. By being the chief of Aromanians of Tirana , he made possible in exchange of money that many corrupted , mafios Muslim Albanians to study in Romania. He bacame rich this way.
@ljubovasiljevic6771 Жыл бұрын
Mihailo Pupin, marele fiziciana, a fost arominul vostru, stramosi lu sunt veniti de la Corcea
@dorinameres3100 2 жыл бұрын
Aromâni parcă au limba amestecată cu ; română, albană....
@liljanakordha9940 2 жыл бұрын
po perse nuk jepni acetare .si ta mesojne te tjeret
@danielpandelea5335 4 жыл бұрын
Limba Dacică reală
@hytoxaka8195 Жыл бұрын
Limba traca*
@fatosmulla8421 6 ай бұрын
Ma che dacia lingua dacia e scomparsa non era lingua latina lingua dacia la lingua che parlano adesso i vllachi e una lingua vecchia rumena anche perché i rumeni sono latinisati
@лалалалалали Жыл бұрын
@vasilesandulache3813 Жыл бұрын
Iar tu ești un mucan spurcat cu păr pe limbă!
@danielrosca8301 4 жыл бұрын
În 200 de ani ocupam ca România tot Balkan pana la mare și formam Dacia Superior
@KarlosAtos 2 жыл бұрын
90% Cigani..🤣🤣
@hytoxaka8195 Жыл бұрын
@@KarlosAtosapoi ma bine murim😂😂
@fatosmulla8421 6 ай бұрын
Nessun storia del europa scrive qusto che dici tu
@duskojowcewski643 Жыл бұрын
If they are ROMANIANS, why you put translate, ROMANIANS dont understand their Vlach or Aromanian language?
@saebica Жыл бұрын
Because it's the Romanian propaganda to make Romajians believe we're Romanians..
@duskojowcewski643 Жыл бұрын
@@saebica Who are actually Romajians?
@saebica Жыл бұрын
@@duskojowcewski643 Romanians are Getae-Dacians, a Thracian tribe
@duskojowcewski643 Жыл бұрын
@@saebica U told me Romajians, who make propaganda to who?
@saebica Жыл бұрын
@@duskojowcewski643 Romanians say Aromanians are Romanians and Greeks say we are Greeks. We're Thracians
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