Arrow Shelf Tutorial | How to add a cork arrow rest to your bow

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Dan Santana Bows

Dan Santana Bows

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@Gauchooriental Жыл бұрын
Arrow rests explained in a way that made this topic understandable. That technical level is not seen in other bowyer videos! Congrats Dan! Also your cousin is a show on itself!!!
@MarcosTopolanski Жыл бұрын
:) dificil seria intentar al menos pensarlo, la noche que la famila se junto, habia varios shows en simultaneo!! jajaja. Unas vacaciones todos juntos y no habra silencio alguno! Sera que somo de mucho hablar? jeje Abrazos!
@bifbofbadoo8971 Жыл бұрын
What a warm and relaxing video 😊 The guitar was simply next level and the tutorial was a perfect blend of art and expertise. The final montage gave me goosebumps. Genius!
@DanSantanaBows Жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you!
@aurorachacon1128 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully done, what an artisan!
@MarcosTopolanski Жыл бұрын
Primo!!!! estoy realmente muy emocionado, impresionado por las imagenes! es toda una obra de arte que creaste donde hay una, dos... muchas otras obras mas. Poder ver al detalle, escuchar claramente cuanto trabajas con la lima, y escuchar la musica. Cada cosa en su perfecto lugar! Congrats!!!!
@DanSantanaBows Жыл бұрын
You breathe life into the videos! Thank you as always
@acyutanandadas1326 4 ай бұрын
the bow is the mother of all stringed instruments
@sarangunya Жыл бұрын
very nice handle section, dan...well done, as always ;) i like the preparation of the leather for the handle the most...looks so nice in that vitage style...keep on with your great work
@patriciataubin3103 Жыл бұрын
A perfect combination of art and technique_ excellent video Dan
@ianbruce6515 2 ай бұрын
Your videos are so relaxing and mellowing! I don't like having a strike plate on my bows, so I make the leather of the handle an inch higher. When the leather is stitched on I make a slightly curved slit in the leather, one inch down, in the location I want the top of my arrow shelf. Then I put an appropriately shaped tool in the slit and pry and stretch the leather untill there is just the right shape pocket for my laminated leather wedge and I glue in the wedge with contact cement. This makes an inconspicuous arrow shelf that uses the top of the handle wrap as a arrow plate. The leather that I use does not get torn up by the arrows--it just buffs up to a shine over time in the arrow pass area.
@cantorii6385 Жыл бұрын
Dan, its amazing video -as always, and beautiful leatherwork
@matthewmo8858 Жыл бұрын
Very informative Dan. My kiddos have trouble keeping the arrow in place with the self bows. This may be a good addition until they get the hang of shooting off the knuckle.
@jetjohnson1106 Жыл бұрын
Hey Dan what type of string do you use for stitching on handle wraps?
@DanSantanaBows Жыл бұрын
I use waxed linen but anything strong will work
@sammurphy5079 Жыл бұрын
Yes!! Your back! 🙌🏻
@MrMoose1995 Жыл бұрын
Hi Dan, thank you for your inspiring video. As a beginner I would have used hardwood or horn for the arrow rest, thinking that it would be more durable than cork. Why do you recommend cork?
@DanSantanaBows Жыл бұрын
If the arrows are well matched you shouldn’t be hitting the arrow rest anyway. With horn or antler when you do get contact it will be much louder and deviate the flight path more. Contact with cork or leather will be slightly dampened. The biggest advantage is that drawing an arrow over cork or leather is quiet, while with horn or antler this can be too noisy for hunting
@thephoenicianarcher5267 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful brother good job 💪🏹
@Muttland Жыл бұрын
Muy interesante
@ncaticha Жыл бұрын
@ParkourEh Жыл бұрын
One could create something like this with wood too perhaps? How long does a shelf like this last do you think?
@DanSantanaBows Жыл бұрын
Wood is fine, cork is just quieter and easier to shape and mold. Ultimately if the arrow shelf is wearing out there is an arrow tuning issue that needs to be addressed
@jillatherton4660 Жыл бұрын
@Hermes7TrissMegIstus Жыл бұрын
Nice. ⚡🔱🦅
@BubuH-cq6km Жыл бұрын
😎 👍🏼
@Mackieadventurestv 2 ай бұрын
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