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Arve Moen Bergset was born in 1972. As a five-year-old his family settled in Vinje in Telemark, a county with strong traditions concerning Norwegian traditional music. He has learned from many sources, the most important is Sondre Bratland who he began taking singing lessons from at the age of eight.
Arve Moen Bergset had his kveding (Norwegian traditional folk singing) debut during the broadcasted national gramophone prize show in 1987. One year later he won the Norwegian Grammy award in the category of traditional music for the record "Arvesølv". With the group "Bukkene Bruse" (the Billy Goats Gruff), Bergset was selected to be an OG musician, related to the 1994 Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway. This group is still going and have made three recordings.
He has as a violinist played with, among others, Oslo and Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1990 he won the first price in a national competition for young string players, and received one year later the second soloist compotition of the Norwegian Youth Orchestra.
Bergset studied violin with, among others, Lars Anders Tomter and Leif Jørgensen. In 1995 he received a "Higher diploma of chamber music with solo instrument included" at the Norwegian State Academy of Music. As a traditional folk singer and violinist he has won several prices and participated in many TV -and Radio productions. Bergset is one of the artistic leaders of "Vinterfestspill I Bergstaden", a music festival which appears once a year in Røros in Norway.
1- 'Mitt hjerte alltid vanker', Arve (14 years old)
2- 'Bruremarsj Fra Osterdalen', instrumental
3- Maria, Hun er en Jomfru reen', Arve (32 years old)