Translated the lyrics. There's a bunch of weird wordplay in the song but here it is at face value. 影、カげ、陰、かげ・KAGE・蔭・Ka・Ga・影… Shadow, shadow, shadow, shadow, shadow, shadow, shadow, shadow 影の無いヒトに逢っタ。 I met a person without a shadow. 影の無い、うつくしい人に逢っタんだ。 I met a beautiful person...without a shadow. 影のナイ、極く、スゴク、優しいヒトが居た。ホントに居たンだった。 A person with no shadow, quite, awfully kind, was there. It really seemed like they were there. 本当に異端ダッタ。 They were really there. 何故無くなったんだヨ・カ・ゲ…どうして…ドシテ… Why did they disappear...why... どうして何故やさしく、凄く、極く正しい人のカゲない… Why, why, did the kind, awfully, quite correct person with no shadow... …無いんダヨ…泣いタんダ (It's) not there...I cried... 影の無いヒトの躰のカラダの底からブルブルル…で、ブレて、 The bottom of the body of the body of the shadowless person shook...blurred... ブルルで、ぶれて、止まらなくなりましタ。 ブルルでぶれてるココロも宙吊りで Shaking, blurring, it couldn't stop. Shaking, blurring heart suspending in midair ブルブルブルで それから固まりました。 Shaking, and then it hardened. 顔も、腕も、脚も、心も、カオモ、ウデモ、アシモ…ココロも塊で、そして其れから The face, the arm, foot, heart, face, arm, foot, too..the heart was a lump, and then 「ハヤクコロセ」と叫びました。 "Hurry up and kill me", it cried. 苦しくてカタマリが濁って、カタチが無くなりそうな The painful lump became muddy, and then it looked like it's form would disappear 凍り付いた型血。 It's form froze. 「悪い夢デ有リマス様ニ」 "I hope you have bad dreams". 影の無いヒトに(は)問いました。 I asked the person without a shadow. ー答えませんー - I won't answer" 又問いました I asked again ー解りませんー - I don't understand - 又問いました I asked again ー忘れまシター - I forgot - 又問いました I asked again ー黙りまシター - I shut up - 又問いました I asked again ー泣き出しまスー - I burst into tears - 又問いました I asked again ーツカレマシター - I'm tired - 又問いました I asked again ー崩れマシター - I collapsed - 又問いました I asked again ー壊れマシター - I'm broken - 答えは・コタエハ・本当は・ホントは・知っているノニノニノニノニ…なのに、 The answer, the answer, even though even though even though even though I knew it... なのに問い続けましたノデス。 Despite that, I kept asking 其れは、カゲの無いヒトの影は「ワルイヤツ」が That is, the person without a shadow (said?) "A bad guy" とても、ドシテモ、正しく無い、恐しく「ワルイヤツ」が、 Very, at any cost, incorrect, frightening "bad guy" ヤツが・奴が・ヤツが The guy, the guy, the guy, 「フミツケ、タベテシマッタ」様でス。 "I stamped him down and gobbled him up", it seemed. 踏みつけ・喰べてシマッタ・踏みつけ・てシマッた・んダ Stamped, eaten, stamped... 影の無い美しいヒトの影ヲ… The beautiful person without a shadow... 影の無いヒトの傍から「ワルイヤツ」は離れません、 Right after the person without a shadow, (I) couldn't leave "the bad guy" 逃げません、ハナレマセン、ニゲマセン… Couldn't escape, couldn't leave, couldn't escape 傍カラ・スグソバ・後ろニ・真上に・ヨコカラ Right after, immediately, behind, just above, to the side, 傍から離れない、逃げない、ハナレナイノデス。 Couldn't leave, couldn't escape, couldn't escape right after. 影の無いヒト泪シテイマス。 日ノ当タラヌ鏡の前デ、さめざめと震える様 The person with no shadow, crying. In front of the mirror, quivering sorrowfully 泪シテマス。鏡ニナミダ映ります。とてもシズカニ映ります。 Crying. The tears are reflected on the mirror. Reflected so quietly. ンダッて、人は、影ある者。 But you see...people, they have shadows. 影無いヒトに在らずヨ。アラズヨ… People without shadows, don't exist. It's not so... 「ワルイヤツ」の人は、踏みつけ、喰べてシマッタ影を其のワルイ手を掌デ其の口に、ネジ込み喉を掻き "The bad guy", those people, the shadow that was stomped and eaten, the bad guy thrust it into the mouth by hand 毟り臓腑のワタの奥から拗くり出して嘔きだそうと、ハキ出そウトしていまス。大層苦しそうに、もが From the far back of the guts and plucked entrails twisted and almost seemed to be vomited up, he was trying to vomit (it) up. It looked so painful, and, キ嘔き出そうとうしている様ダ。ナカナカナカ影の無いヒトのカゲは出てこないデス。ズットズットズット It seemed like he wanted to throw it up. The shadow of the shadowless person wouldn't seem to come out. On and on and on and on... もがキ…ズットズットズット痛み…ズットズット苦シ もがキ、やっとハラワタの奥の憶の影を其の悪い手で握り Struggling...on and on and on, pain, suffering on and on and on, struggling, finally gripped in the back of the back of the guts of the bad guy 締めた時、サッキの罪よりモット深い罪が襲って来テ、罪の毒で躰がシビレ雷に撃たれた様に As it fastened, a crime far deeper than the crime that just happened occured, the poison of the crime struck the body like a bolt of lightning ビリビリリビビビリビリビビビリビリビリリリビビリリリー (sound of an electric shock) 遅すぎた後悔。ワルい薄汚いイヤラシ薄情な Regret that came too late. Terrible, dirty, disgusting, heartless 遅すぎたコ・ウ・カ・イ R-e-g-r-e-t that came too late. 「ワルイヤツ」はニンゲンですか、ヒトの型の魔法使いデスカ、 Is "the bad guy" a human, or a wizard in human form? ヘタクソな魔法使いデスカ、怪しい獣ですか、ケダモノ、除者ですか… An awfully unskilled wizard? A suspicious beast? A monster, a pariah? ケモノ…ノケモノ…ケダモノ A beast...a pariah...a brute... 血を吐くの赤いの、海の色蒼いの身を剥ぐの、憎いの、 The red of vomited blood, cut the body of blue from the sea, how hateful 罪の色 影色・カゲイロ・陰色… The color of crime...the color of a shadow...the color of injury...the color of shade... 片時も離れ無い「ワルイヤツ」が影の無いヒトの影に成るつもりなのですか。己の罪を The "bad guy" who can't leave for even an instant, planning to become the shadow of the shadowless person? Or 受け入れるつもりですか、 Are you planning to accept my crime? 罪・蜜・ツミ・ミツ…… Crime - Honey - Crime - Honey 罪のせいで時間が戻る、ジカンガモドル…ジカンガモドル Crime caused time to turn back, time turns back...time turns back 時間・戻る・じかん・モどる・ジ・カ・ン・モ・ド・ル Time - return - time - return - t-i-m-e-r-e-t-u-r-n 時間がモツレて、戻っテ、もがいて、交差して交錯して Time returned, returns, wriggles, crosses over and mixes ヒトとカゲ、人と影は互いに自らを縫い合わせハジメ People and shadows, people and shadows naturally weave together and begin 奇妙なカンケイに成りました。 A strange connection is formed. 明日の夜はアカルスギル月夜だから、二人の扉がヒライテ閉ジマシタ。 Tomorrow night, the moonlight will be too bright, the door for the couple will open and close. 「悪いのは誰ですか」「ワルイのはダレですか」 "Who is wrong?" "Who is wrong?"
@bisontebison62625 жыл бұрын
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
@a133m2104 жыл бұрын
@leonardovaleri34883 жыл бұрын
@@a133m210 ありがとう❗️
@flyingstonemon35643 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@gagago3022 жыл бұрын
This is a master class comment. You deserve to be praised.
I wish I could understand Japanese. The music is beautiful and unique. I imagine the lyrics must be equally wonderful. The way they "sing" it (whoever sings it) is intriguing.
@Lazarus_Kumi8 жыл бұрын
sorry for belated reply, but you can see the lyrics translated into English here:
@Wonky28 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot :D
@Wonky28 жыл бұрын
Wait, that's not the song from this video, the translation is for something else :/
@Lazarus_Kumi8 жыл бұрын
my bad :/ I don't understand Japanese either and was searching for translation online, that was lyrics to another track of theirs called "Hana", you might like that one also :D as for this one, I could only find Japanese lyrics : you can use the browser's auto-translation function, it's not precise, but hopefully, you can understand the content of the song :)
@Wonky28 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Hana is great too :D That's the first song I heard from this artist actually
"People with no shadow" or so the idea of this masterpiece - stumbled on it, liked it & will love it. Complexity of non-repetetive rhytm is exploding.
@DMask2482 жыл бұрын
Juste trippant !! Tellement bon,encore un son de magie
@flamingopinkpinkflamingo6 жыл бұрын
@杵と臼-i1g7 жыл бұрын
@ManjunathBC6 жыл бұрын
Wow so complex and profound. Never heard something like this before. Also the rhythms played are not random. It’s all planned. I loved the way they have assigned language syllables to each note of Tabla also Tabla notes said when played in the beginning. Who are these guys? Would love to do something with them one day before I die. Thanks for sharing this guys 🙏🏼
@antomjoam6 жыл бұрын
Of course, they made something really special and unique. Here you have them:
@borysslowikowski-framedrum63883 жыл бұрын
Manjunath, I'd love it if you guys collaborated!
@kerofan1012 жыл бұрын
@Robersora13 жыл бұрын
that's japan how i like it. seemingly from another planet.
Truly one of the best to ever do it... This music thing.
@cueva_mc Жыл бұрын
@daltonbarry67 жыл бұрын
I hope who ever disliked this video gets the help they need!
@zenspb Жыл бұрын
@ムラムラしてきた6 жыл бұрын
@neelmurgai87323 жыл бұрын
Is the tabla triggering the voice at all or is that all preset? Either way amazing stuff!
@greencurb11 жыл бұрын
@JoeyLevenson4 жыл бұрын
Damn, that IS some next level shit.
@DMask2482 жыл бұрын
Awesome !😉
@HombreAlterado9 жыл бұрын
@JohnRed11 жыл бұрын
2:57 is absolutely amazing.
@kyokotonashi13 жыл бұрын
@ViVi-n2e8y5 жыл бұрын
これみようとしたらメルカリの広告きたけど それじゃない感強かった
@ubahnrider133710 жыл бұрын
i love this
@Kasix51412 жыл бұрын
It sounded interesting, althought i think some notes are not well connected to the voices and stuff like that, definetly interesting. よくできました
@mxlxok34833 жыл бұрын
I can't figure out if the tabla is triggering vocal samples thru their mixer, or if this dude is just a straight up master.... Either way, sick magic
@TheGreatMaou Жыл бұрын
why not both?
@mxlxok3483 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGreatMaou nah I think the tabla dude has learned the pre-recorded vocals
@estefankarau7007 Жыл бұрын
@@mxlxok3483 Look in to his music, He goes by U-zhaan and has collaborated with huge members in the Japanese music industry, and has pushed the bounds of what songs the tabla is usually used, such as Hip Hop.
@surgodt Жыл бұрын
@@estefankarau7007 I came here to say that. U-Zhaan is crazy good. I love his collaboration with Tamaki Roy and CHinza Dopeness. Check out the album Tanoshimi!
@SY-rj6yu Жыл бұрын
I’ve red their interview once. Tabla player just memorize the score written by Asa-chang(left guy) and play it perfectly. No trigger with machine. Vocals are also edited along that score.
@flyingpancake65733 жыл бұрын
@gatspar4 ай бұрын
@EnokRoyet12 жыл бұрын
beautiful ♥
@ごねさらせ4 жыл бұрын
この曲好きな人SORMAのBagus Flyer良いかもです
@kiteofdark11 жыл бұрын
@estefankarau7007 Жыл бұрын
I know its been years, but look in to U-zhaan if you still like this.
@intrnationldarkskies12 жыл бұрын
love it
@doak16947 жыл бұрын
@kenjijinke4 жыл бұрын
世界観がすごいな。 タブラとサンプラーを同期させてるのか?
@ixplo Жыл бұрын
@Gredya11 жыл бұрын
@philbarbee11 жыл бұрын
got cha!
@cocoron2411 жыл бұрын
この曲好きな人はfishmansのLong Seasonも好きそう
@Ottrond3 жыл бұрын
hell yeah
@ligadgini9309Ай бұрын
what's the name of the song? can I find it on spotify?
@teddybreihan79384 жыл бұрын
Hoowwwwwwww does this work??? I am so curious.
@potionseller39322 жыл бұрын
anyone know what the blue box they have all their samples running into is? is it custom made? it looks like it has a custom design with their name and stuff... seems like a drum module of some sort that triggers samples based on the drum playing. but seems much more complex than other things ive seen that are supposed to do that
@cueva_mc Жыл бұрын
Looks custom, I'm thinking that the sequence of all samples are already predetermined, and every time it detects a signal from the mic it reproduces each sample. my guess
@rutgerzuydervelt50464 жыл бұрын
Are the vocal samples triggered by the tablas?
@takerunakamura25264 жыл бұрын
@horizonteimaterial67256 жыл бұрын
@abysspad6 жыл бұрын
How does this works ?? How can each hit can trig a différent sample?
@pedropablovitela92106 жыл бұрын
it doesnt. he follows the junray voices with his tabla