Muhammadﷺ ka Bachpan - Childhood of Prophet Muhammadﷺ - Seerat-un-Nabiﷺ - IslamSearch

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Childhood of Prophet Muhammad (S) - Muhammadﷺ ka Bachpan - Childhood of Rasool Allahﷺ - Seerat-un-Nabiﷺ - IslamSearch
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) was the son of Abdullah and Amina. His father, Abdullah, passed away a few days before his birth. He was born in the city of Mecca in Arabia. His forefathers were the chiefs of the tribe of Quraysh.
It was customary among the noble families of Quraysh that they entrusted their new-borns to country-women so that they might be brought up in the open and healthy environments. According to this custom, therefore, the mother of the Holy Prophet gave him into the care of Halima Sa'dia, a lady belonging to the tribe of Banu Sa'd.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) spent the first five years of his life with Halima and then she returned him to his mother, Amina. His mother brought him up with great love and devotion. When he was about six years old, she took him to Madina for a few days. On her return journey, however, she breathed her last on the way. After this his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib took him into his care.
Abd al-Muttalib loved his orphaned grandchild very much and was very kind to him. However, he too, expired after two years.
Now the Holy Prophet began to live with his uncle Abu Talib. Fatima, daughter of Asad, who was the wife of Abu Talib loved Muhammad (a) as if he were her own son. Abu Talib, too, was very good to him. When he undertook a journey for the purpose of trade, he took his young nephew along with him.
As Muhammad (a) acquired, under the guidance of his uncle, fair knowledge and experience of business, and was well spoken of by persons who happened to come in touch with him, some traders engaged him as their representative to conduct important business affairs on their behalf. Muhammad (a) so successfully executed these trusts that people were perfectly satisfied with his honesty. The people, therefore, respected him very much and used to call him Sadiq (the truthful) and Amin (the trustworthy).
From his early childhood he never took part in idolatrous rituals and never told a lie. He had excellent habits and an unimpeachable character.
Honesty and truthfulness command respect and honour.
आपका बचपन:
आपने अपना बचपन और बच्चों से भिन्न गुज़ारा। आप बचपन ही से बहुत शर्मीले थे। आप में आम बच्चों वाली आदतें बिल्कुल ही नही थीं। शर्म और हया आपके अन्दर कूट-कूट कर भरी हुयी थी।
काबा शरीफ़ की मरम्मत के ज़माने में आप भी दौड-दौड कर पत्थर लाते थे जिससे आपका कन्धा छिल गया। आपके चचा हज़रत अब्बास ने ज़बरदस्ती आपका तहबन्द खोलकर आपके कन्धे पर डाल दिया तो आप मारे शर्म के बेहोश हो गये।
दायी हलीमा के बच्चों के साथ खूब घुल-मिल कर खेलते थे, लेकिन कभी लडाई-झगडा नही किया। उनैसा नाम की बच्ची की अच्छी जमती थी, उसके साथ अधिक खेलते थे।
दाई हलीमा की लडकी शैमा हुनैन की लडाई में बन्दी बनाकर आपके पास लाई गयी तो उन्होने अपने कन्धे पर दांत के निशान दिखाये, जो आपने बचपन में किसी बात पर गुस्से में आकर काट लिया था।
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