i used a dumb phone for 6 months. here’s what I learned.

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@ashtonwomack 2 жыл бұрын
would you try living without a smartphone? 📲 I'd love to hear about it if you do!
@ShayGlenn 2 жыл бұрын
TBH.. I'd love to... But having to have an app with a Covid pass to get in to places, get flights is making it really hard ☹️ means that I have to have a smart phone. I've been trying different minimalist launchers like indistractable that turns my Smartphone almost into dumbphone. I'll see how that goes 🙂
@catire98 2 жыл бұрын
It's very hard, but I do have the same phone you have when I want to disconnect but be available for those who need to contact me. So, the dumb phone is a backup or a phone that I use from time to time.
@rattsjcfanpage01 2 жыл бұрын
I would, but for disabled people, it helps them with communication, and nutrition.
@varshamehralive 2 жыл бұрын
I am trying the same। to save my time
@lepolder 2 жыл бұрын
사실 저는 스마트폰 사용하기 시작한지 몆년 안되어 flip phone 사용하던 시절이 꽤 많이 생각납니다. 터치스크린보다는 pad가 좋지요. 그리고, 왜 스마트폰 시대에는 전화기로 통화를 않는지 생각해 볼 일인 것 같습니다. 전화기쟎아요? 그런데 사람들이 스마트폰으로는 전화를 안해요. 전화를 걸면 사람들이 싫어할 것 같으니까요. 스마트폰 전 시대에는 안 그랬어요.
@P2J2 2 жыл бұрын
Stopped using a smart phone several years ago when I realized how badly it was messing up society. It was easily one of the healthiest decisions I've ever made.
@MrR40388 2 жыл бұрын
People mess up society. A phone is an inanimate object and only a tool. You could make the same argument about television. If it wasn't for social media,we wouldn't be having this discussion. A smart phone is just a device,what you do with it is what matters.
@beaware354 2 жыл бұрын
Smartphones track all you do on it
@josephliptak 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrR40388 P:eople are messing up society more than ever, because of smartphones and TV. People have become conditioned erroneously and they aren't even aware of it. A brainwashed person doesn't know that they are brainwashed because it's their reality in their bubble of illusion.
@PipoGirlTv 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrR40388 smartphones overhear your conversations to show you fitting advertisement
@user-dn8hd1de2d 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrR40388 I do make the same argument about tv. I went for 20 +years without having cable, just watched it for the DVD capability. It was heaven. Anything overused becomes a crutch and people on crutches diminish their quality of life...which then diminishes the quality of that society they are in.
@funnymonkey4456 2 жыл бұрын
I got a Nokia in January not knowing how long I would last but I can now 100% say I will never go back to having a smart phone. I deleted social media a year before to control anxiety and time spent on my phone, but found that I just replaced my time spent on instagram and snapchat with time spent on KZbin and streaming apps. My biggest issue with the thought of getting a dumb phone was also the inability to take photos, but I got a cache of disposable film cameras and an old digital cannon, and I find now that those methods of taking photos makes me cherish my memories more because when I am doing something fun I am enjoying myself in the present rather than pulling out my phone to capture every single thing I'm seeing, which inevitably leads to opening up other apps and distracting myself from the present moment. theres also nothing like using up a disposable over a month, taking it in to get developed and seeing a bunch of photos you don't even remember taking. That feeling is really special. I was also concerned about a lack of GPS but told myself that if my parents drove without GPS for 30 years I can too, and navigating myself through the Atlanta freeway to the airport with all of its exits and ramps going only by roadsigns despite the chaos and confusion was one of the most gratifying things ever lol. I've recommitted myself to hobbies like reading, crocheting and drawing and close friends and family have noticed how much more present we both are when we're together because theres one less smart phone demanding our attention. Having inconveniences in the virtual world is a small price to pay for living a more fulfilled and present life. If anyone is thinking about getting rid of their smartphone, do it!
@rses916 9 ай бұрын
❤ love this. Any update?
@rayderrich 2 жыл бұрын
The dumber the phone the smarter the user. I love that you did this and talk about it. Thank you!
@anonymous-cx7ng 2 жыл бұрын
People who never had a smartphone are not really smarter! but maybe healthier mentally and physically
@chrismiller5198 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen videos here on KZbin of young people who couldn't figure out how to use a simple rotary phone.
@MNkno 2 жыл бұрын
@@anonymous-cx7ng Not disagreeing deeply with what you said, but not having all the handy apps to rely on CAN make you develop memory, awareness of your surroundings, and see relationships and patterns that your smartphone would never let you see or think about.
@anonymous-cx7ng 2 жыл бұрын
@@MNkno internet is what made us smart we are literally smarter than our parents and more educated but we have more mental problems
@costakeith9048 2 жыл бұрын
​@@anonymous-cx7ng It's not having physical access to information that makes you smart, it's having that information committed to memory that makes you smart. The internet actually makes people dumber because they fail to memorize information due to it being so easy to look up.
@pastiyass 2 жыл бұрын
when i saw that you switched into another dumb phone and not a smartphone it was surprisingly wholesome to me, like, it shows that you really learned from that experience and you didn't go back to your older habits just because you "technically could", it just made me happy
@amiblack8294 2 жыл бұрын
I'm PROUD of you for seeing the value of not being manipulated by an Iphone and the value of just BEING without distractions, constant content, etc. This is how life was before these horrible things came into being and it was SO.MUCH. BETTER.
@danteerskine7678 Жыл бұрын
How can she be manipulated by an iphone when iphones are the most boring phones on the entire planet
@mrHello420__ 2 жыл бұрын
You should try to use the smartphone in the "extreme power saving mode" where only the device apps like contacts, camera etc. work. Because in our digital world it's just very convenient to have a mini PC on you everywhere you go. You just have to turn off the distractions.
@jesusavina8657 2 жыл бұрын
That's true I forgot we could even do that. The thing is though me and probly alot of people will eventually just go back to using it regularly like we're trying to stop. When something is so easy rite at your fingertips to go back to yea most people will most likely go back to being hooked to there phones and being on social media and stuff.
@RedSntDK 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, that's the move. In Denmark I pretty much have to use a smartphone because of how digitalised Danish society has become, but you can definitely choose to keep the phone in a 'dumb state' so to speak, which is preferable. Getting annoying beeps and boops telling me how the weather is, and thinking it's important to disturb me, drives me nuts. Just no reason to have it in 'time sink' mode all the time.
@mrHello420__ 2 жыл бұрын
@@jesusavina8657 You could try to uninstall all distracting apps, like youtube, instagrma etc. Then it would be still relatively easy to use them again, but you have a additional boundary.
@ChrisDecrease 2 жыл бұрын
I'm down with this idea, especially since using things like SMS and regular calling to communicate deprive you of truly-private communication. I use Signal as my primary app for messages and calls, so not having that available to me is… not great.
@itsROMPERS... 2 жыл бұрын
My phone allows me to easily control all notifications, so i don't have the feeling of being burdened by incessant interruptions. The worst thing is calls and texts from people i don't want to hear from, but at least i can block some of them.
@mciantar1999 2 жыл бұрын
This is a really interesting topic. As a 51 year old I remember life before smart phones so I really appreciate their benefits. Like most things it's about moderation. Don't become a slave to your phone. Easier said than done though.
@ufoclips1 2 жыл бұрын
I have seen a 2 year old throw a tantrum on a bus until his mum handed him a "pacifier fone",that he could already swipe and find a game,a chill went down my spine.
@aniket8350 2 жыл бұрын
@@ufoclips1 yeah i don't think kids under 15 should ever be using smart phones other than for studing or very strict time limits.
@ufoclips1 2 жыл бұрын
@@aniket8350 I could once again see addiction at such a young age,when the power goes off they will have no idea what to do,there`s not an app for that.
@mciantar1999 2 жыл бұрын
@@ufoclips1 that’s sad
@ufoclips1 2 жыл бұрын
@@mciantar1999 And very scary.
@bland9876 2 жыл бұрын
You needed to scan a qr code to get service at best buy? That's the dumbest thing because what if the reason you are in there is because you need a new phone. I'd be so pissed.
@sonjawalkerreactionscommen3501 2 жыл бұрын
Haha right? It's like: Customer: Hey... uh... I need help here, my phone got water damaged and can't be saved, I need a new phone, can you tell me where the iphones are? Employer: If you want service with us you need to scan this qr code. Sorry.
@SuperKeithers 2 жыл бұрын
hope you can elbow your way into talking to a real human instead of a robot ;D
@Auberge79 2 жыл бұрын
it's like the Corona story: you have to wear a mask to get the mask, so you have to get the first mask somewhere outside.
@fjtalleyauthor2242 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the point about navigation. I always worried that if I used my phone or my previous GPS to get everywhere, how would I learn my surroundings? Back in the day-and this is a long time ago-when I moved into a new area, I would get a street map so I could learn where neighborhoods were, or how to get around, and that served me really well. I find that I pay attention differently so I learn how to get places rather than listen to a disembodied voice telling me.
@haardikmanjani742 2 жыл бұрын
i really appreciate people like you because they are so rare these days..everyone is into their phones all the time rather than chilling out with your own self & interacting face to face observing little details around you while travelling...Having a smarphone is a really good thing if you know to use it the right way..even i dont use social media as such as there is just nothing out there worth my time..just ppl showing off & aimlessly scrolling..i follow really few creators that i think add value to my life
@ndv135 2 жыл бұрын
This video was quite interesting since I'm a 23 year old who has never had a cell phone, (by choice, I could get one if I wanted to.) When you tell people that they get absolutely flabbergasted. I don't really use much social media either, (the only real social media accounts I use are KZbin, Goodreads, and Reddit, with Reddit not that much.) Being the age I am I was present for the transition into most people having smartphones, and I can tell everyone who has one, the second you take those things out you become the most boring people in the world. I'm glad I saw this video though, because getting some cheap cell phone like a Nokia might be a good idea since I would like the travel, and it could help me stay in contact, and I didn't even know that they still made them. The whole QR code thing is really distressing to me obviously. I'm the kind of person who I bet would get addicted to a smart phone, and that it would give me lots and anxiety, and that there are places that effectively require you to have something that can scan a QR code. The assumption that you have a smart phone gets even worse though. I am going to have to wait a bit on travelling overseas because my government (Canada) have demanded that citizens have to have a specific app to get back in the country! It really is distressing that I effectively have a choice between ruining my life with addiction and anxiety, or have life be way harder in other ways of basic functioning. Hopefully more people stop using smartphones, because it might make more people think about exactly what they are demanding of people. Also obviously it saves a lot of money not having to deal with cellular internet and data. All you need then is a plan for home internet and home phone. It feels good not being connected to the wider world all the time, it makes you appreciate the world right in front of your face.
@dammar117 2 жыл бұрын
The ArriveCAN app is the most ridiculous thing the Trudeau government could come up with. It costs millions and just makes travellers' lives miserable, even those with a smartphone. As a Canadian citizen, try to prevent me from entering my own country.😡
@jo9732 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Canada has gone off the rails. You all need to vote in some more normal leaders I think.
@mhzprayer 2 жыл бұрын
Dont scan QR codes. Tell businesses it's a bad practice. The only safe QR code is one you can see the Url before scanning it. Except that's not how they work. Anyone can make a QR code with a URL that infects your phone immediately when scanned. You won't know until it's too late. Aren't you told not to click links in suspicious emails for the same reason? But you'll visit a site with its Url hidden in code that you have no visibility whatsoever of its address? Dont be easy targets. It just encourages more bad guys.
@dammar117 2 жыл бұрын
@@mhzprayer Wow, wasn't thinking of that. Thanks for the warning.
@anonymous-cx7ng 2 жыл бұрын
How did you write this then? With a laptop?
@ericaparsley8534 2 жыл бұрын
It's great to hear someone else saying things I've been thinking. People look at me like I'm crazy when I talk about what I don't like about smart phones. Maybe I'll take the plunge after hearing your story! Thank you.
@tracym4132 2 жыл бұрын
Do it! I used a Nokia for over a year. It helped me figure out exactly what I do and don't want from my phone. No regrets.
@nocathedral 2 жыл бұрын
Something that has worked for me was changing my smartphone display to greyscale (on Android you need to unlock the developer menu for this). You lose none of the functionality, but I find that I don't check my phone so much.. it seems like a trivial thing but seeing social media feeds in black and white make them seem much more informational than entertaining.. so I still get easy access to things I need (e.g. checking maps or using QR code menus) but I find that I don't get drawn into videos or posts that will lead me to wasting some time on something that really adds nothing to my life.
@kpeyton3 2 жыл бұрын
I really like that idea! I might do that myself!
@ritamargherita 2 жыл бұрын
Same, it's so easy and really makes a difference. Some former Google and fb developers recommend that. The brain gets hooked on colours, especially red notifications. Keeping it in greyscale doesn't trick the brain into thinking that digital reality is real life. Phone BW, real life in full colour. It's not as healthy as a dumb phone, but it's certainly helps free your brain.
@vanglover6030 2 жыл бұрын
This is a wonderful idea.
@piggypooo 2 жыл бұрын
.You're missing out on all the groovy , trippy colors, mannnn. ✌️ ☮️
@emileconstance5851 2 жыл бұрын
I've never had a smart phone and I love it. Every 3-4 years I'll do a mental pro/con list, and not having a smart phone continues to come out on top by a large margin. You can't put a price on having peace of mind, or on real social connection.
@ANobodyatall 2 жыл бұрын
Before smartphones came out I usually had a book on me to read (during college/uni days anyway, or when on trips, say on the train). Books are a way better way of 'killing time' then the phone when waiting somewhere. Alternatively daydream or start doing a 'Kaiser Soze' reading of posters etc.
@aniket8350 2 жыл бұрын
I still carry a book. You can do both
@randomcommenterurl 2 жыл бұрын
Silly question, but how do you carry a book? Do I need to have a bag with me at all times? Moments like this make me resilient to getting rid of my smartphone
@slchance8839 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomcommenterurl i hold my book in my hand. There is a very cool eastern european coffee shop in nieghborhood full of great looking women and people from all over the world. I can usually hear 3 different languages when I have coffee. Nearly every time I go, people say "what are you reading?" "it's good to see someone reading." "i love that guy" (author Russel Brand, pic on back of the book) I travel a few times a year. I get the same responses at airports and train stations. Sometimes, a person is lonely and wants to talk. Other times, a girl is interested, but doesnt know what to say. I've even come to realize that certain books get more reaction than others. At this point, it's not just a distraction, it's a prop for starting conversation.
@nt5898 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomcommenterurlI have a e-reader from Kindle. Have tons of book in it.
@julieanderson7078 2 жыл бұрын
Very good for you! The thing that I liked hearing most was that you are paying attention in traffic!! So very important. I am in my sixties and cannot understand my smartphone. I would like a simple phone. Thanks for your honesty. So refreshing.
@jigsound 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting to hear experiences from someone who has transitioned between two different "phone lifestyles"! 😁👍 I've had a "dumbphone" since forever (the current one is a Nokia from 2009). In 2017, though, I had to invest in an iPhone for work, but it didn't turn out to become a replacement for my existing phone; it still lies on my desk without a SIM card, connected to the wifi and is very useful for the nowadays obligatory messaging apps, web bank, and work-related social media, for sure, but virtually doesn't leave the house at all. My brain seems extremely picky about letting new categories of technology define the normal for my daily life - but no complaints so far! 😅 - Eero
@dammar117 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just like you: I had my little Nokia since 2009 (It broke after 10 years and I replaced it with the new version, which of I don't like as much, so I might be getting a mini smartphone, certainly not a big one). Now I have a new job, for which I needed a smartphone, so I got a tablet with a SIM card and it's a separate line, so I leave it at home like you. I only use it for work and it's not with me 24/7. So, I totally agree with you!
@humayyyra 2 жыл бұрын
Watching this I wish I was in the headspace in which I could do this in my own life. Unfortunately I'm only at the point where I accept I have a problem. The addiction is real. Hoping for this in my future.
@bluffmasterhara 2 жыл бұрын
Be brave and try leaving the house without a phone, it's the most wonderful feeling! Totally disconnected. That's how I knew the world before the mobile phone. Everyone is just head down focused on their phones, it's really sad.
@jacksnyder7318 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up without any of this, phones were hardwired at home or phone booths everywhere. That being said, I like having a flip phone for emergencies, in the car. I've had to walk a long ways, in the old days, to get help with my car, I wouldn't want do it now, at my age, so a flip phone is good back-up. The smart phones are a new heroin, very addictive.
@allthingsmotherhood3206 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you! This is the reason I will not get a smart watch. It owns you, you literally cannot escape. Thinking of doing this.
@zaphot6056 2 жыл бұрын
I absolute relate to almost everything you say and I mostly agree, except that the drawbacks are much more huge for me than just having no camera on my phone. I need my smartphone as a 2nd-factor-authentification device for various things like bank transfers, logging into the intranet at work in homeoffice, etc. Also, not having access to messengers would massively impact my social connections and would make organization of the activities (school, sports, their friends) close to impossible, this all runs via messengers. I guess all the drawbacks from not having messenger access (Whatsapp, Signal) can also be done via PC, however you still need a parallel active smartphone to get this access. I absolutely get your point that we're spending too much time in front of our smartphones every minute we have a little downtime, but I'm more in favour of addressing this issue by self-control than cutting off any possible contact to a smartphone. Just put your phone away in the evening and put it offline, don't ever take it to bed. Don't instantly grab it when you're in a waiting room or have any kind of downtime. Not having access to messengers would massively impact my social connections and would make organization of the activities (school, sports, their friends) close to impossible, this all runs via messengers.
@SharonPiano8 2 жыл бұрын
Rob Braxman has a video on 2FA being a big tech scam.
@Shirumoon 2 ай бұрын
I totally get it and I think it's really... curious, how ignorant people are to different lifestyles. Not the girl in the video but the many arrogant sounding anti phone comments. Like you, I do online banking and even invest via an app, most people want to talk via text and what about travelling? Of course you can figure out your own city but the thought of arriving to a new country, having to ask random people for direction to a tourist office - which may be closed by the time I arrive - to ask for a map? And the same thing over and over again if I do a trip with multiple stops. Also (public) transport in many places straight up requires a smartphone. So did my last job even. It is unavoidable for most people nowadays to have at least a laptop if not a smartphone and while I would love a collective pushback to go back in time, it won't happen. We don't treat alcoholism by hiding all the bottles but instead look at what is driving the urge + face it heads on when it arises. Smartphone addiction imho is a symptom in most people and not the root issue. Social media certainly causes new root issues but it doesn't all stem from there.
@kult38 Жыл бұрын
I've been using my Nokia 6303i for the last 12 years or so. People either look at me like I'm crazy, or think I'm a drug dealer.
@noonespecial1178 2 жыл бұрын
I been using a dumb phone for years 3 or so my anxiety has been reduced great vid
@johndavidthacker 2 жыл бұрын
I've only eaten at one restaurant that insisted on me scanning for a menu. It's so stupid. Even if I have a smartphone with me, I don't have data and if the restaurant doesn't have public wi-fi, then there is still no way to scan the QR code. Plus, I would rather look at a large menu than try to read on a small screen. If I ever run into a restaurant that refuses to bring me a real menu, I'll just leave.
@driesvandenbroecke1697 2 жыл бұрын
indeed ridiculous
@driesvandenbroecke1697 2 жыл бұрын
@Judas Priest no they can't, the qr code for restaurants just contains a download link for the menu. But still who as a restaurant owner wants everyone on their phones
@Agapy8888 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t go to restaurants since kvd.
@myu5519 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with this; also since C-19 most restaurants (or cafe’s) now expect you to scan for track and trace (at least this happened for some time in my country before restrictions were lifted). In that case, I only go to restaurants that don’t have these absurd scanning requirements and one cafe (which is a local one, no Costa or Starbucks for me).
@kross199 2 жыл бұрын
I never owned a smart phone so if we make plans to try a new place, I will use my lap top to look up their web site so look at the menu before I go there. It is crazy to think that a restaurant would not have a few menus for people that chose NOT to have a smart phone.
@TheVCRTimeMachine Жыл бұрын
I have a dumb phone and I've never once scanned a QR code when I had a "smart phone." I've been to restaurants that have QR codes for menus and I just ask them for a physical menu and they bring one right out. It is still possible to survive just fine in society without having to yank a phone out and search the internet to help you get through every decision in the day.
@rattsjcfanpage01 2 жыл бұрын
I thought of a tip, for those who still use smart phones, when you get up every day, wait at least until 8am to pick up your phone, I try to use the bath room first every morning, before I pick up my phone. And I put timers on my apps. Some are turned off, until I actually need to use them.
@ashtonwomack 2 жыл бұрын
that is a great tip!
@rattsjcfanpage01 2 жыл бұрын
@@ashtonwomack thanks
@emaldon7 2 жыл бұрын
Great vid! Dumb phones are so nostalgic for me as well.
@Cruxis_Angel 2 жыл бұрын
I really wanna try this out. I've noticed not using my phone before bed and putting it in a different room really helped me sleep easier now. Feels like my brain can actually shut off before bed instead of constantly needing to consume something. Phones are an amazing tool but we're mostly slaves to it now. Too much consumption isn't good
@AnubhabKundu 2 жыл бұрын
Read my comment. You can really do it.
@Young.Supernovas 2 жыл бұрын
My phone recently broke and I think I might try this. I've already ceased most social media outside of KZbin and Reddit and I don't regret it. Thinking I might go all in.
@ogdrummer3826 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve got a Nokia 2720. I still have my iPhone but only use it for home stuff (essentially like an iPad/mini pc) as it’s got all the apps I need for work etc …. But when I’m out I don’t need any of that crap so I’ve reverted to retro phone. Great video 👍😊
@RandomRetr0 2 жыл бұрын
Ran into this randomly on the youtubes, and found this to be incredibly insightful. Thank you for doing and documenting this 👍🏼
@sefy76 2 жыл бұрын
While i'm a "techy" person and I do require a Smartphone for work (cause you gotta be available 24/7), I do know how to limit myself and use the phone to my own needs. That's the problem I think most people have now days, they "need" to be in the moment of what's hot or not, so they let the Smartphone take ownership of them. I use the phone as a tool for my needs, I only install what I actually use and i've blocked everything that I don't need. My phone is about 4 (almost 5 years) old now, hacked it to put the latest Android and i've modified it to do what I need. Like, I have Instagram but other then 3 photos I uploaded when I opened the account, I don't really use it and I just follow friends that i know and not every hot little item out there. Same goes for the WhatsApp or any other tool i've got, it's only being used when I need it and I don't "have to" answer everything immediately (unless its work). IMHO, people simply need to learn to control themselves, get control back to their lives instead of being controlled by what the "society" tells them is hip and hot
@charlottesimss9853 2 жыл бұрын
Self control is so hard for me, I often realize that if I'm not thinking or learning nonstop I will have a panic attack. I'm so used to constant stimulation that it's such a hard thing for me to learn to be chill. I just want to ditch a smartphone all together but I need to text often for work and send photos to my boss. And also holy shit I need a GPS. I've been thinking about buying an iPhone SE and putting on strict parental restrictions on it. I just want a small phone I don't have to worry about
@luvnotvideos 2 жыл бұрын
Great to hear this perspective! I just wish the "dumb" phones were slightly better. If they made one that only had 3 features: top-of-the-line camera, google maps, and excellent cell reception (in that order), I'd drop mine in an instant and switch. I take photos for my business, so need a good camera. I can't see standard street signs very well so depend on google maps as a 'heads up' for upcoming streets. Other than those two items, talking is just a minor bonus (lol). Maybe I should switch to a medium size tablet and a dumb phone? The tablet might be able to handle the camera and navigation duties and the phone just for talking? You gave me something to consider.... :D
@dusanrandjelovic2347 2 жыл бұрын
You can use a normal smartphone but put it into ultra battery saving mode and just enable the camera and maps, it's what I did (plus viber and whatsapp to communicate with family and friends) and it has made my life so much easier.
@Tegelane5 2 жыл бұрын
Those kind of dumb phones are no longer made but Samsung S5611 has good enough camera for photos and reception is good aswell but no google maps or even GPS.
@0raj0 2 жыл бұрын
You may try a KaiOS based phone. They are something between "dumbphone" and a "smartphone". They do have some basic apps like navigation, good web browser, usually 4G connectivity, but the OS is much simpler than on a smartphone and they have regular keyboard instead of a touch screen. If navigation is the main issue, you can also try to use a standalone navigation device. They were quite popular before smartphones and they are still sold.
@zwanorama Жыл бұрын
Thanks Ashton, for this. You are doing the right thing. Being at 57 years young, I also grew up in a time without smartphones. I work in IT and iPhones are my daily work. I help people install it, next to laptops etc…. So I consider myself a bit older but not a Nono in tech. I recently bought a Nokia 225 4G for when I go out. I do own a smartphone (android) and my work phone (iPhone 13) and my android I use as a sort of tablet in home. WhatsApp I check once or twice a day. I never had social media. (Except KZbin 😅) I think social media and influencers are poisonous. Especially for the young people. Recent studies show an decrease in overall strength within the youth. There is less sports and more staring into the phone. And an increase in non movement and obesity. My opinion is that this is on the account of the smartphone use, for a significant part. We were always outside, climbing, playing football, do all kinds of energy slurping things etc…. It is a better base. Also a lot of parents are staring into their phones like zombies, and therefore giving a bad example for their kids… Parenting is different these days… my kids are a bit older but I always give them advice in this. Look around, talk to people, put the phone down, act like a human… (yes dad….of course dad….hahaha) So. My opinion is that smartphones can be very handy (banking, navigation etc…) but personally I do not need them. I refuse to get sucked in, into the big tech profits I bring cash and my card. And I know where I’m going…😄 Cheers.
@ranns2805 2 жыл бұрын
I remember years ago going into an AT&T store to check out new cell phones. This was at the time the beginning of Smart phones. The clerk asked me if I wanted to buy a cell phone that would get me on news stations, etc. I told him - why do I need that, I can just go home and use my desktop. I wasn’t convinced to buy a smart phone, but low and behold eventually I got convinced. Now, many years later I keep asking myself why I have a cell phone that costs $700+ when all I do is look at the news or emails. I think I am going back to a dumb phone!
@aaanawaleh 2 жыл бұрын
Coldfusion’s recent video on dumb phones led me here. Great tips and insights!
@marinathea990 2 жыл бұрын
OMG, that was so insightful! Thank you, great video!
@mciantar1999 2 жыл бұрын
Ironic that most people wouldn't have seen your video without a smart phone.
@Pooflo2 2 жыл бұрын
People without a smartphone wouldn't need to see this video as they wouldn't use one
@_ClericalError_ 2 жыл бұрын
I'm watching it on a desktop computer. Phone screens are tiny, my computer has a 32" screen, much better for watching KZbin.
@SilverGirl-925 2 жыл бұрын
@@_ClericalError_ Same here. Desktop computer and a dumb phone is the way to go.
@MissyQ12345 2 жыл бұрын
But Mark, I am watching this on my kindle. I have an only slightly intelligent phone. I couldn't see this on there. So, umm...
@mciantar1999 2 жыл бұрын
@@MissyQ12345 I did say most people.
@wilson8979 2 жыл бұрын
Also flying with a smart phone is so much easier, easy check in, check flight status. Check in at parking. Also, the gps, but a stand alone gps should work. I think for flying it is a really helpful to have a smartphone. Checking email plus texting. I don’t take pictures or share pictures, I don’t hardly text, I don’t hardly share pictures. I have never used Uber or food delivery service. I would say gps and for flying. And work related things. For work, we actually do a group text. I use an app for my job, but I don’t have to. It makes it easier for me. I actually have an I phone but I literally try to not be on my as much as possible. I think if anything I will keep my I phone, but not upgrade for as long as possible. That means I will have to replace the battery ever couple of years I’m sure.
@jjgems5909 2 жыл бұрын
I’m 32 and I definitely remember life without a smart phone. I didn’t get a smart phone until about 2012 but the part about driving without navigation. I still don’t even use navigation much until I totally don’t know where I’m going. But i remember I used to pride myself in knowing my way around places lol.
@omaralborotzo8906 2 жыл бұрын
I love hearing about your experience so much and appreciate you taking the dive and offering to us the brief on your test case. Your driving forward a train of thought in your research that’s so meaningful to me. I was shopping for a flip phone, but I’ve come into grips with being able to talk myself out of some of my tendencies that make me anxious, some that you mentioned, but not all which you didn’t mention. Your perspective and you sharing it, I hope, will drive digital minimalism ( how you put it). Amazing.
@pdraggy 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't had facebook/ twitter/ instagram (not that I ever had one)/ tiktok w/e on my phone in years and it makes my life SO much better. All I'm saying you may not need to go cold turkey and dump your smartphone. Not trying to argue, good for you if you feel you have or want to that's all up to you... and really unhooking from all former reliance may be the goal in the end but... I'll just suggest that you can just disconnect from 75% of apps or more :) if you feel you can. But whatever you do I DO suggest everyone (if you can- not say if you are you're companies' social media manager :)) do something that steps them out of their 'comfort zone' just to see if you like it! Proud you did so Ashton!
YES about the anxiety. I downgraded last summer (2021) to a dumber phone and fired social media accounts in Feb 2021 and my life changed for the better. Turning off the notifications a year or few before really helped with that transition. The notifications are insane and not welcome. I have a life and connections with others is the cherry on top not the main course. I will get to the desert, so to speak, when I'm ready.
@robertbarton1344 2 жыл бұрын
I've been tempted many times to do exactly what you did. Thanks for the video and sharing your experience.
@EmerRaga 9 ай бұрын
I switched to the same Nokia 225, and I’ve also lost the “want” to just pick up my phone to check Instagram or Twitter in between tasks, it’s also helped me be able to focus way more. Best switch!
@Serai3 2 жыл бұрын
I can't imagine voluntarily enslaving myself to one of those insane toys. * shudder * P.S. What you're experiencing with this phone is the same as what I experienced in 1995 when I permanently severed my TV connection. It was like magic - all the anxiety and fearfulness I felt fell away. All that blaring BAD NEWS and ADS BASED ON FEAR and all of that was gone, and I realized the world was more or less okay and I didn't have to be suspicious of everyone. It's amazing the lock media can get on our minds.
@charliebrown9971 2 жыл бұрын
I learned after stopping the use of my smartphone is it seems almost no one looks up anymore while in public or in private. All I hear from most of the people when you talk about the daily pains of life is neck problems. Then look at peoples posture now days. Horrible! People are starting to walk around looking like Quazimoto. I live in the mountains of N. Ga. and when you go walking the trails 80% of the people you pass are staring at there phone while in nature! Freedom is not in a box it is naturally right in front of you... God Bless!
@BoaStoryTV 2 жыл бұрын
I could not find a dumb phone that had the "silence unknown callers" , which i need because spam calls r the worst, so i ended up making my iphone really dumb by deleting literally every app, ultimately making my phone really dumb and boring.
@stevel1451 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Ashton for not having dumb music in the background
@peremptorypachyderm5884 2 жыл бұрын
I need my smartphone for work but my notifications for work are on only during working hours and have no other notifications on at all. Not even for texts except for those from my wife. I also have no social media at all. Not quite as good as not having a smartphone but definitely better than when I had all my social media, notifications, and news. Oh yeah… I don’t watch the news. I stay informed consuming long form news (not on phone or otherwise). No headline type news at all. I do need to become less dependent on gps so will definitely give that a try. Great video and kudos for taking this turn. Love to see you are a creative person too. A smart phone will kill that for sure!
@helend2790 2 жыл бұрын
Love this video. Since when is a smartphone mandatory? Since when is dealing with Google/Apple mandatory? I'm currently using a 4G Blackberry, but I have a Light Phone2 ordered, and will be sent out in the next shipment. I often go out without my phone to places. I do have an old offline Android device that I hotspot when I need it for things like 2 factor authentication for work or the like. There are a couple of great "dumbphone" and "digital detox" subreddits by the way. Don't be compliant in your own slavery. Throw away your smart phone.
@punkinpunker Жыл бұрын
Doing the same. Flip phone will arrive this morning. I have previously ditched my smart phone but returned for navigating, qr codes, shopping, 2 step authentication and my banking. This time I will keep my smart phone shut away for these of occasions. Initially I'm saying just no smart phone for Christmas, but honestly I think it will be good for me to have some time for my head and to fixes uninterrupted on my kids. I have enough other tech to get by ok. Its just a habit I don't want any more. Glad to hear it was a positive experience for you and we'll done for giving it a try. Have your thoughts changed at all since making this video?
@debbietodd8547 2 жыл бұрын
I am a child of the dial phone and party line era, I loved that a phone was on the wall at home and if you needed one desperately when you were out there was phone booths everywhere. I cannot believe how frustrated and angry some people get when they try to call or text you and you don't respond immediately! Back in the 70's and beyond you didn't respond to your phone until you were home and then there were answering machines after that. That is VERY anxiety inducing because I don't always have my smart phone with me nor do I want to be tied to it. When I needed to find a place before smart phone I would look it up at home on my laptop maps app and write it down, took less than 5 minutes. I would miss the camera as I primarily got a smart phone so that I only needed one device with me and not a phone and camera and the cost factor involved with 2. All in all I think your experiment is wonderful for such a young person. I resent the monthly cost of cell phones, especially here in Canada.
@asierlanchodiego7203 21 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this at a time I was contemplating the same switch, Ashton! (^_^) I am looking into cheap backup dumbphones at the moment because my relationship with You-Know-Whom is not where it should be and I have noticed how I spend hours upon hours on KZbin day after day. I am sick of phone addiction and your advice is sound. All I need to do now is decide which one to get. Pray for strength for this transition. Update: I have ordered a Nokia from Amazon. Let's see if it arrives home! So excited about this!
@ezioauditoredafirenze5453 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much from the video. 👍 I already have stopped using Facebook and turned off notifications from everywere and I feel way more free and calm. Now I got to a point that my phone is mute all the time. I just check it couple times a day for calls and messages that needs respond. I keep voice on only if I'm expecting a call from for example a doctor, a repair person etc... I do keep my bluetooth on since it's connected to my smartwatch which keeps track on my physical practicing and I have gotten valuable information via smartwatch app and in that way on my progress getting physically better plus the GPS on phone has been useful too since the smartwatch don't have that built inside. All in all, I take what I need from my smartphone and leave other stuff be.
@gusamaya3628 2 жыл бұрын
I congratulate you; your words have planted a seed in me to make the change; thank you
@webmasale 2 жыл бұрын
I've been thinking on doing this for the last couple of years, and I came across your video to take the leap. Thank you!
@dustinduff2418 2 ай бұрын
I sooooo want to get to this place!! I'm 40 so I started without phones in general and didn't have a smart phone until late in my 20's. Although I know I was much more ignorant at the time, the constant barrage of information feels like it's slowly melting my brain away and I'd love to go back! Tried the "Light Phone" for a bit but doing Real Estate the maps were atrocious and using the ipad for directions derailed the whole process. Would love any insight from any professionals who made using a dumb phone work when you need maps constantly
@sailorgunsveteran5260 10 ай бұрын
I've been using a dumbphone for 10 years now. I have more peace of mind than ever before. All of your points are valid and pertinent but can be worked around with other technologies. I've experienced the QR code thing in multiple stores and restaurants too, I figure if they don't want my business enough to accommodate me then they don't deserve my money. Good on you and thanks for posting.
@anastasia10017 2 жыл бұрын
i can't begin to explain to you how much I love a flip phone.
@tomrobla8981 2 жыл бұрын
I am 72 years old. I had a Nokia 3710 (3G,3.2MP) Flip Phone for the last 10 years. I was forced to exchange my Nokia for a 5G NORD 200 Smartphone due to 3G retirement (This was totally FREE). I carried the Nokia all the time without thinking about it. I was very happy with basic voice and text service. The smartphone is really BIG and I can't just stuff it in my pocket. I worry about breaking it. I worry about the battery being charged. The smartphone is super distracting. I have lots of anxiety about the smartphone. I have arthritis and have a hard time holding the smartphone. It takes more effort just to dial and answer the smartphone. I worry that in an emergency I won't be able to call for help.
@ohifonlyx33 2 жыл бұрын
I look up store hours, addresses, and phone numbers while I'm out so I don't have to drive all around. I also like to use it to listen to podcasts and audiobooks and nusic while I'm out.
@hughtierneytierney3585 Жыл бұрын
Before smart phones I recall enjoying sitting with friends passing round photos and enjoying them and the conversation they would stimulate. Ask these days to see people's photos and they say 'they're on xxxxxxx something or other image sharing site'. A whole lot of fun that begets! That is if they can even find where the pictures have gone: no files or folders, just 10,000 pictures in a big electronic picture bucket.
@delhatton 2 жыл бұрын
"addictive relationship" says it all. Been using a flip phone for many years. Never felt a need to go to a smart phone.
@stephenparry6811 2 жыл бұрын
imho the issue is the smart phone coerces the user into being a semi unconscious & passive consumer of content especially with social media platforms but in essence the smart is also a tool the pint is how you use & depend on it
@jayherde0 2 жыл бұрын
I used a ''Samsung Solstice'' II for about 15yrs. Love it! Just the basic apps for calls, text, calendar, notes, clock, camera etc. There are more, but I didn't buy a data plan. THEN, 3G went away 😞. It's a smallish phone with a full touch screen and a full keyboard when turned on it's side. Until I find a suitable replacement, I will carry two phones, Oh yeah, I bounce missed calls to the home phone with an answering machine..
@frekitheravenous516 2 жыл бұрын
I am in the process of starting a festival similar to burning man or others like it. But the theme is "pre-tech". There will be lights and power. Bands and food. It's all covered. But what will not be allowed (it'll be a 3 day event) are cell phones or any other device that can connect to the internet in any way. The entire event will be centered around getting back to basics, socializing with actual words and gestures, relearn or learn for the first time how to have fun just being together with others seeking fun. There's a lot more to it. But what i want to accomplish is showing the younger gens that they don't need to be handcuffed to technology to live and /or have a good time.
@wintersprite 2 жыл бұрын
I have a tracfone flip phone and spend around $20-$30 every three months to keep the service. I do have an iPod Touch and iPad for apps and stuff though. I have driving anxiety and also can’t always read a street sign until I’m almost on top of it so I do like GPS as it can help me figure out where to turn, etc.
@binathere2574 2 жыл бұрын
I have both types of phones. I bought a flip phone at the beginning of covid. It was annoying, but I do prefer it. The only thing is people smirk at you when you say you don't have a smart phone. Plus I can't interact with my daughter who is sending me pics in preparation for her wedding.
@historicalaccuracy15 2 жыл бұрын
Here's a suggestion that may help people that notice they're having issues but aren't ready or able or just simply don't want to give up a smartphone entirely: check if your phone has a "focus" mode that lets you have chosen apps turned off while enabled. I've been using my Google Pixel's focus mode for a little bit now and it's certainly helped though I've noticed myself slipping a bit recently. You can also have apps muted after you've used them for so long but I think it seems to work better (for me at least) to just have everything but what I need turned off until the end of the day, then I can take it off and see what notifications I might have gotten throughout the day that might've distracted me otherwise. Edit to add: Idk much about them but I know on Android you can get alternative launchers to load on boot for productivity that'll intentionally restrict its capabilities and give you a sleek UI focused on utility and productivity. I suppose that's just a more extreme version of what I'm talking about though if you feel like you need to be more steps removed from any addictive distractions in a full smartphone without actually physically switching phones
@fireofdreams5334 Жыл бұрын
I used dumb phone for 2 years when preparing for a medical competitive exam and those were my best peaceful and productive years of my life . Using smartphone for last 2 years and I found out that I lost my peace of mind , my focus and my ability to concentrate on things. I also have started feeling depressed because I started comparing my life to the highlights of people who share it on social media . Everyone on social media just focusing on materialistic things and chasing them like a slave . Now I wanted change in my life so I searched on KZbin for this and it was nice to listen to your experience on this . Now I am going back to my nokia phone . Peace ✨
@cryformycountry 2 жыл бұрын
Just bought a dumb phone after my i-phone died. I hate how the gov't ad businesses are tracking and tracing and now the Canadian gov't wants to make it mandatory for travel. I am pushing back!
@BastienSarolea Жыл бұрын
The new Xiomi F21 Pro (t( dumb phone with Android Play Store) looks to be the perfect transition phone for a lot of people! You can still send/receive decent pictures on Whatsapp, use Google Maps but the screen is so tiny that you don't want to, yu just can in case of emergency or if you're lost. Just ordered mine, looking forward!
@aaalicia2004 2 жыл бұрын
i'd love it if nokia released a dumbphone with an "app store" that has nothing more than message and taxi apps
@downstream0114 2 жыл бұрын
Writing messages "blindfold" is what I miss about dumb phones. It's so easy a child can do it.
@caneyebus 2 жыл бұрын
The old Palm phones like the 850 were perfect. Just enough capabilities to look something up online if you needed to without all the bloat that comes with smartphones.
@reecewoods1775 2 жыл бұрын
True true. I held off for a long time without using smart phones. Didn't get my first one until around 2016/17. Pretty much just forced to have a smart phone in this society for so many things these days.
@bedast 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve considered going back to a dumb phone, or a minimalist phone, but these days I kinda can’t. My phone is my continuous glucose monitor reader and I kinda need that. I can get dedicated reader, but my iPhone does a lot of other things that would require me to carry other devices for as well. It’s kinda become my Swiss Army knife device with the camera, music, managing my health, navigation, etc. What I discovered to be the more toxic aspect of my smart devices is how I use it. I started pushing away from social media. I limit the apps I use to those that add more function and work to avoid costly entertainment (ie “free” games that shove ads in your face and demand money). I have an iPhone mini and despite all the reviews complaining about battery life, keeping my phone utilitarian, I’ve had no battery issues. Unfortunately it’s challenging to keep this approach to a smartphone. There’s so much demanding my attention. It can be difficult to stay away from those distractions that turn a smartphone into a toxic device. It definitely takes willpower. But I’ve been able to do pretty well with it while it helps keep my pocket bulk down.
@8jerasikapark8 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed listening to this & learning so much. You have a brilliant perspective & you present it well.
@-POISON- 2 жыл бұрын
For home delivery, I always use my laptop to order. As for restaurants who use QR codes, I've yet to see one that doesn't have a regular menu as well.
@saddle8bag 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you. Never had one nor ever felt the need for one. More fun to watch people go out in groups only to stare at their phones together.
@NameName-rk6ov 2 жыл бұрын
Most of my peers won't even look up from their phones to have a conversation... I wish I lived during a different time bc you can bein a room full of people you call friends and still feel very lonely. I value personal connection... And can't seem to find many who feel this same way.
@lisarosaves7071 2 жыл бұрын
Very helpful! Thank you for posting this.
@sisleymichael 2 жыл бұрын
I live in the sticks. I have an old flip phone. There are many areas at the ranch where cell phones just do not work. I have to get on the highest piece of ground to get a signal. I have a land line phone for security reasons. A smart phone is not going to change my life. It is a tool I could not utilize. You mentioned a navigation system. I have one, it is called a map. I get internet via a satellite dish. Simple life, simple needs.
@ks0186 2 жыл бұрын
My personal solution is to delete social media apps and turn off notifications. Also make plans which reduce time I have to wait thus eliminating need to stare at phone. Good for you and hope this video helps people who need it.
@george6096 2 жыл бұрын
This is the best video I've seen on KZbin. 💜Agree 100%
@jelkel25 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I suppose I use the technology I require, I like eBooks so I got a tablet which is about book page size and cycling/hiking where if something goes wrong a dumb phone with a long battery life (and lighter, less awkward to carry) is better. The tablet will come with me in a rucksack when it may be used. If I'm going hiking somewhere more challenging I take a GPS device but only for emergencies sticking to old fashioned navigation so I'm not deskilled and you can't always rely on GPS tech. There's the occasional inconvenience but mostly the internet can wait till I get home and I'm ready for it.
@Rue_1.3 2 жыл бұрын
I have a smartphone and I leave it for hours untouched, a lot of time I just stay in line and don't scroll, notifications can be turned off (at least on android). It's not a smartphone's fault if its owner decides to be distracted, becomes addicted, etc. Everyone can use a smartphone (and its advantages) like a not smart one, they just have to choose so.
@sansdecorum4600 2 жыл бұрын
Good video and spot on. I've noticed that most young folk have next to zero situational awareness as they are forever staring down at their phones. Entertaining enough watching them walk into stationary objects, falling off bicycles and such, but not so much when operating a moving vehicle. Beyond the obvious hazards while in motion, too many times a traffic light changes and one can clearly see them in their car looking towards their lap instead of moving. Sure, laying on the horn might jar them into action, but not always. Add in text neck, carpal tunnel syndrome and not being able to find their way home from the market without GPS, and it doesn't bode well long term. Yes, I am composing this on a smart phone and it is a fine tool when used wisely. To that end, the "Do Not Disturb" function is wonderful and a similar function would be great to disregard telemarketers and weasels forever badgering one to sell them their house.
@electraspy 2 жыл бұрын
I have a really really old “smartphone” that is indestructible, but as the years go by the Apps it once had (used or unused) are not simply not compatible to it anymore. As this happens, I just let it go… no portable Pinterest… no KZbin… no games… no music stream… no navigating Google maps… no shopping sites. It’s just phone, text & pictures… if I’m in a pinch I could turn on data to search a location, find hours or something… but it’s so rare, it’s just a portable phone in case of emergency. It’s never in my face, never distracting me & its better the person I’m with, feel they are most important to my time. Now it’s also… how long can I possibly go with this old thing!?! ;)
@BaronEurchild 2 жыл бұрын
Just got my first smart phone last week!
@Korilian13 2 жыл бұрын
I've been making some steps towards this. I turned off all notifications on my phone and have deleted some real timesuck apps like instagram. Tbh. KZbin needs to go next, but I've reinstalled it twice so far.
@ne1711 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely think that a feature phone and a portable laptop is a good combination. I used this.
@maryberry6067 2 жыл бұрын
I still love to still use paper maps. And enjoy the adventure
@moniquedefranca5759 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. My current phone is getting older and start giving problems. Im so going to get a dumb phone. I can watch youtube on my laptop if I wish too. I know how to so basically everything with my phone but choose not to anymore. I removed or disabled many apps on my phone. I found a shop that sells updared maps. I use that now and remeber the road better if I use a map instead of mindlessy following the gps on my phone. Im taking my life back.
@g.leegander 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you got a chance to take a break to see a difference; can't help but notice in waiting rooms anywhere people just usually are doing something wth their cell. I've had my little flip-phone (I'm a boomer), and now I need to send pics to my claims adjuster and this will not do the job - it is not one of the 'in vogue' brands and this computer will not talk to it, so now I have ordered one of those 'smart ones' so I can take care of this. And you are right about the picture quality and the conveniences; life seems to want more and more 'smart stuff' doesn't it? For me, it's kind of like deciding what I really need with these devices, and then deciding how much I am going to spend, because they are definitely not edible!!
@bronzedragon18 Жыл бұрын
I have a Nokia 2720 Flip . I keep it a emergency phone ( It's a smart feature phone.) ,yet I can use it with no issues,,,
@carlosibarra3317 2 жыл бұрын
Smart, wise, pretty centered person; respect and success for you. Great video.
@karinapraxedesbarnett7155 Жыл бұрын
Great, great video. I had read the digital minimalist book and was amazed. I wasn’t brave enough to flip the switch. I was just talking to my husband how having only 2 kids equals to so many needed APPS to keep track of things. Soccer, 2 schools, etc. They officially communicate via apps. Class Dojo App, Remind App, Twitter and TeamSnap App. And don’t forget FB. Parents groups, School bus groups. Crazy! My family is in a different country, so I am thankful for FaceTime and WhatsApp. 20 years ago I had to constantly buy international phone cards to call them from a pay phone. The other thing is the calendar with appointments. I was curious to know what you use. I still use a Filofax A5 size to write my appointments, like dentist, Doctor’s appointments, and activities my children have. Mostly all of my appointments. I see most people today pulling their google calendar on the phone to schedule anything. I don’t do that. I pull my Filofax and write. Curious to know what you use for a calendar. Thank you again.
@trtrhr Жыл бұрын
Filofax A5 size
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