Why Jehovah’s Witness are Losing Members: An Interview with James Beverley

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The Line of Fire

The Line of Fire

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Dr. Brown Interviews James Beverley on the state of the Jehovah’s Witness group and talks about his new book.

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@cyber.marshall Жыл бұрын
I was once a pioneer in this cult, and at a special school for pioneers, I was told by an elder of the cult that I was people's only hope. I asked him where I could find that in the Bible, as I had always believed that such was Jesus' place. He had no answer for me. I went from being a pioneer in the cult, to being avoided by JWs in a matter of months. I have now been fully led out by the grace of God alone.
@ExposingJWTeachings Жыл бұрын
They do not like a critical thinker !
@chrisdorrell1 9 күн бұрын
There is NO god grow up
@cyber.marshall 9 күн бұрын
@@chrisdorrell1 how do atheists disprove the resurrection of Yeshua? The fact remains, all they can do is deny it ever happened. That isn't evidence, that is just plain denial because they want to live a life of sin. Those excuses will get you nowhere on Judgment Day. Grow up, and realize that you have no justification for morals as an atheist. If we evolved from apes, we would have no morals. Thankfully, God is our moral lawgiver. It is up to each individual whether or not they want to grow up and obey him. You are no different than a rebellious child.
@victoriabodien8435 2 жыл бұрын
I was raised as a jw and I was always unhappy. Always felt alone, harassed, judged and not good enough. I had already been dealing with depression and it got worse over the years. And it was a little before I hit my teen years I started questioning their teachings and doubting it.. Now I'm an ex jw and I'm still dealing with depression but I'm happier and my emotional, mental and physical health is better than it was before. And I'm happier now than I was in the organization. Leaving was the best thing that happened to me. Now I don't feel so trapped, and controlled anymore. And it's a great feeling.
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you! There is room for you and God's love for you so much more than anyone can imagine. The sense of belonging is strong in all of us, and we like to feel supported by our beliefs. So many Christian churches to choose from.
@cghrios783 2 жыл бұрын
I started to listen to David Bercot also an ex witness but he has a videos here on KZbin that have helped me beyond words because I really want to keep on my faith and understand what I had wrong and he explains everything so thoroughly I actually realized things that did not make sense to me and when I would ask their explanation did not convince me so listening and reading the passages in the Bible (not jws) it all makes sense for instance how Jesus went to preach to the demons. Jws could never answer the question satisfactory and other things like this then I started researching on my own that’s how I stumbled on David’s Bercot’s videos. Everything that I thought true it is not. I dislike the time I spent “learning” with jws but my faith for God and His Son hasn’t diminished so I continue. Sometimes life seems glum but God is merciful and loving and just concentrate on the good and keep up your faith. God knows your heart. Don’t give up. Eric Wilson is another person who I watch. He shows the differences in jws teachings.
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you. Life still works outside of any religion, and God and Jesus live outside them too, everywhere, even still in the Bible. The Bible does not belong to only one church.
@cathymoses4700 2 жыл бұрын
Great work I would not last 5 mins in a kingdom hall. It must be depressing talking about dying and Armageddon every day zzzzzzzzzzz.
@doreenfernandes2431 2 жыл бұрын
🌿🌻Surrender your life to Jesus ! He will take away your depression. Focus on Jesus. God has invested power in the name of Jesus. His name is powerful !
@hudsonchalmers6504 3 жыл бұрын
When I had my first Cancer op, when I was still "barely in", the Anaesthetist a very kind man, said, it is unlikely you will need blood, but are you aware that your blood card allows you to have all the components of a sandwich, but you are not allowed to make and eat the sandwich. He further stated that they will honour my declaration. He also said he has experienced many unnecessary deaths due to this policy, and it sits very heavily on the hearts of all Medical staff. I said to him, thankyou, I never considered these points.
@Janice-d-witnessing 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, that is a fantastic analogy! Wise words.
@tammyg8031 3 жыл бұрын
I am going to use that analogy now
@mariaparente5309 3 жыл бұрын
Eccellent preaching work to that Neo- jw
@alexanderv7702 3 жыл бұрын
Medical Staff are the ones who perform abortions as a form of birth control.
@josephtucker9612 2 жыл бұрын
Blood is complex and unique. There are uncertainties and dangers associated with blood transfusion. Reference works state that there are some fifteen to nineteen known blood group systems. Regarding only one of these, the Rh blood group system, a recent book about blood said that “at the present time nearly three hundred different Rh types may theoretically be recognized.” Dr. Herbert Silver, from the Blood Bank and Immunohematology Division of the Hartford (Connecticut) Hospital, wrote that, considering only those blood factors for which tests can be performed, “there is a less than 1 in 100,000 chance of giving a person blood exactly like his own.” A person might decline blood simply because it is essentially an organ transplant that at best is only partially compatible with his own blood. At a meeting of the American College of Surgeons, Dr. Robert J. Baker reported that the ‘danger of adverse effects from blood is far greater than previously believed with one out of 20 patients developing a reaction.’ The textbook Hematology contains this table: Types of Transfusion Reactions Febrile Leukocyte antibodies Platelet antibodies Pyrogens Allergic Hemolytic (incompatible transfusion) Transmission of disease Serum hepatitis Malaria Syphilis Cytomegalovirus infection Gross bacterial contamination Cardiac overload Citrate intoxication Potassium intoxication Abnormal bleeding Incompatible transfusion Massive transfusion Isosensitization Transfusion hemosiderosis Miscellaneous Thrombophlebitis Air embolism Injection of foreign material You can contract a disease from as little as one millionth of a milliliter of infected blood. Professor H. Busch, a director of transfusion medicine, ended a report to a convention of North German surgeons: For its optimum biological value donated blood should be transfused within twenty-four hours; after that the metabolic risks increase because of changes in the stored blood. On the other hand, blood must be stored for at least seventy-two hours or else it may pass on syphilis. And even tests to identify syphilitic blood are not a safeguard, for they do not detect syphilis in its early stages. There is no need to describe here the damage that can come to a person receiving syphilis-infected blood, as well as the harm to his or her family. Bible-based objection to blood can be accommodated in most cases by the use of alternative therapies. If a patient has lost a great deal of blood during surgery or through an accident what fundamentally is needed to prevent shock and death is to replace the volume of fluid lost. A person might lose up to 1.5 liters (over three pints) of blood and still have over 60 percent of his red cells, an amount adequate for tissue nourishment. But the person needs more fluid in his vessels to keep the red blood cells circulating. The British journal Anaesthesia reported that non blood solutions do this more effectively than do transfusions of blood. Many persons believe that a transfusion will immediately enhance the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity, but a recent editorial in Anaesthesia made this significant point: “It is worth remembering also that the haemoglobin of stored, citrated red cells is not fully available for the transfer of oxygen to the tissues for some 24 hours after transfusion . . . ; rapid blood transfusion must therefore be regarded primarily as a mere volume expander in the initial stages.” Researchers at Ohio State University found that the reason for this is that chemical changes occur in stored blood. Their investigation showed that blood stored more than ten days “does not improve or may even worsen oxygen delivery immediately after transfusion.” And they found that the oxygen delivery was still below normal twenty-four hours later.
@thejordanangeles 2 жыл бұрын
i've been a jw my whole life & have recently woke up to the truth about this cult. i have my waking up story on my channel &&& also a secretly recorded elder's meeting where alllll they did was gaslight me & disregard my feelings & who i am as a black woman. soooo happy i'm finally free !!!
@Francisco-dg4zf 2 жыл бұрын
Was actually going to go listen to your channel, until I read what you said towards the very end about “disregarding your feelings as a black Woman “ , don’t feel like hearing any woke nonsense .
@cghrios783 2 жыл бұрын
@@Francisco-dg4zf I realized that jws lean left they talk about all the wrong things the right is doing but they don’t realized that is the left with their wokeness and their brainwashing in school or mandates or gay rights and abortion rights. I don’t understand that. Not that government is good none of them are good. All are greedy and corrupt but I never understood that about jws.
@Francisco-dg4zf 2 жыл бұрын
@@cghrios783 wow ! I thought I was the only one who has thought about that same exact thing lol I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who’s pondered on that huge paradox . It’s so weird that on the outside they seem to lean conservative, but as you said : they use the same talking points the Left uses to condemn supposed “Christiandom”. I have proven this myself by asking family members of mine that are still very much active some basic questions in regards to the current issues we are facing in the country with the rise of this extreme woke leftism and their answers are either extremely vague or they seem to be apathetic to the issues at hand . Ex: I asked that family member about the current Abortion issue and what their opinion was on the matter . The response : Let both sides of the matter do and say whatever and quit worrying about it . 🥴🥴🥴 I was thinking. To myself saying : is that it. ? That’s all you have to say ? I thought you guys where pro life ? Oh … and you will never get them to admit they are pro life for some reason they refuse to use that term . It’s such a paradoxical worldview they live in
@cghrios783 2 жыл бұрын
@@Francisco-dg4zf it’s funny how they say we don’t participate in politics (which really should be if they follow the Bible) but I know they always have opinions about the president (whoever he was on the right) but I think they confuse the word democrat with inclusion but they are ignorant about the facts (who did what) I would tell them well this president did this or that how can you say they are good? They did not like it. With abortion for instance when hillary and obama pushed for abortion at moment of birth, that was a shocker to them. Or immigration why should everyone come here without permission. But they would be happy about the supposed changes the left has been doing to combat it. When I said our economy is bad because we stop ourselves from advancing while all the other countries do not give a damn what they do to the earth. So many examples but more than anything I just wanted to know the truth, this is not it.
@tubegirljwd 3 жыл бұрын
Raised in this cult. Knew it wasn't "the truth" from a young age. Left about 15 years ago. Lost everyone but it was the best and most freeing thing I have ever done.
@grandejohn4969 3 жыл бұрын
I read so many comments like this with the same outcome and having the same feeling. I’ve always wondered if it was a true religion ?! why is it when people who leave! feel free and let go from their shackles
@HappyBeeTV-BeeHappy 2 жыл бұрын
@@grandejohn4969 Bcuz they were in shackles.
@grumblegrim 2 жыл бұрын
@@HappyBeeTV-BeeHappy That's exactly it. It is a cult. I was raised in it too, similar story to op. They destroy a lot of lives and are far more harmful than any of their members will ever admit to themselves.
@HappyBeeTV-BeeHappy 2 жыл бұрын
@@grumblegrim True. And that’s bcuz people who like to dominate others can’t understand people not wanting to be dominated. They think that domination and being dominated are a complimentary and life supportive pairing. So to them, there’s something wrong with people who will not be dominated by something or someone. Having a mind and will of your own seems wrong to them.
@TheVelvetteButterfly 2 жыл бұрын
@@birdlynn417 What about just reading the bible?
@hairapypdx 3 жыл бұрын
I was born into this cult. I started questioning it all in my teens, but remember even at a younger age I knew something as not right. It messes up your mind. I got into drugs and hated myself. I started in a new fresh direction around 23 and never looked back. Happy they are falling apart. My Mom and one sister are still involved in it.
@karfomachet7265 3 жыл бұрын
your lucky , my friend killed them selves after being shunned
@ernestbrooks3569 3 жыл бұрын
@@karfomachet7265 believe me I wanted to but something kept me from doing it. God!
@karfomachet7265 3 жыл бұрын
@@ernestbrooks3569 so why did it not help my friend ? or are u special
@ernestbrooks3569 3 жыл бұрын
@@karfomachet7265 No special than you or anyone else. Perhaps your friend spirit wanted to go. My spirit wanted to stay.
@grandejohn4969 3 жыл бұрын
@@karfomachet7265 dude no fucking way honestly that’s what i felt like doing but because i was really fascinated about traveling after visiting Mexico and seeing another culture it just opened my eyes that there’s more to see than what these people say. Im so sorry for your friend i hope you guys see each other again man. My condolences
@hudsonchalmers6504 3 жыл бұрын
I was D/FD at age 77 for apostasy, whereas I had been discussing many points of disagreement with elders and circuit overseers ,and agreeing to disagree, until recently NO DISCUSSION WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE
@jbjoeychic 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Hudson, l hope your experience was not too traumatic especially if you have family members involved in that group. I hope that you also accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. With all of your knowledge of the Bible You ought to be able to separate Watchtower doctrine from the New Testament. Hudson l really hope you do good study of the New Testament and do not throw out the truth of Christ along with the Watchtower stuff. I do wish you well and wish l can help you if l can.
@hudsonchalmers6504 3 жыл бұрын
@@jbjoeychic Thanks Bron, I am fine thanks, have many Christian friends, fine people, bat as for me I am done with religion
@manfredmann5385 3 жыл бұрын
What were the disagreements?
@hudsonchalmers6504 3 жыл бұрын
@@manfredmann5385 Of Many, 1/. Only Baptised JW's will be saved, 2/. Jesus is Michael,3/.Dates, how do they know, 1925 specifically which they claim was not a prophecy, they BUILT a house.4/. 1975 was the publishers misunderstanding,5/. The elastic 1914..6/. Child Abuse, why not give up the files,7/. Shall I go on?
@tammyg8031 3 жыл бұрын
I was in this culture for over 50 years. I was a born in. Glad I am gone from this CULT
@andrewmyers2776 3 жыл бұрын
I left the JW's in 1984 when they changed their Bible, John 1:1-4. I have not been allowed to speak with my parents since. Who has blocked me from speaking with them? Well my parents. So sad.
@xsamitt 3 жыл бұрын
Very sad!!!
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
That's too weird.
@sergiopazmoore 2 жыл бұрын
That is crazy!
@RiskeFactor 2 жыл бұрын
Changed their Bible? Huh?
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
@@RiskeFactor What do you mean, changed their bible?
@dolam 2 жыл бұрын
I was raised as a JW. They always say that if you have doubts to do your research. But they only want you to do research in publications they provide. If a person sincerely does their research and comes to a different belief, and if they are vocal about it, the WT will disfellowship them (shun them).
@cathymoses4700 2 жыл бұрын
Go ahead celebrate christmas, eat that easter egg, go to birthday parties, do what you want in your own bedroom its no one's business.
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
Study higher criticism, it's the scientific analysis of the Bible.
@paulajay473 Жыл бұрын
Well that is not true I did research and still am even after I became a witness. And you will not be shunned for not wanting to join.You are disfellowshiped after committing serious sins and before disfellowshipping you get a chance to repent it, is really your choice just don't commit a serious sin .that seems easy enough. But if you do become a witness you can't be allowed to stay if you are committing adultery and you keep doing after you are counseled .makes sense to me
@mauriciomachuca1915 Жыл бұрын
@paula You will be shunned if after you get baptized, at some point you decide to leave. Even your own family-if they are TJs-they will stop talking to you. Just to clarify, you decide to leave because you don’t agree with some beliefs. It’s not that you have committed any sin.
@dolam Жыл бұрын
@@paulajay473 unfortunately, you picked easy examples to sort of justify. But if an active JW no longer want to be a JW, they will be shunned, no other option exists. That is coercion, plain and simple. It is very sad that a religion needs to resort to those tactics to retain membership.
@gaetanodetorrice5555 3 жыл бұрын
When I was in the Kingdom Hall back in the seventies it had the green Bible and I said ask my mom I said mom why can I use this Bible why do I need to use this one she used to say well they're the same it doesn't matter and I said no it's not I said the wording is different how can I talk to people if they have their own Bible and the proof things and I was only 13 when I asked that then I said why do we need to watch tower so we can study at meetings when we just use the Bible oh no we need to watch tower to understand the Bible that's what my mom used to say so I had a critical mind when I was 13 years old thank God now I'm a follower of Jesus Amen Brothers
@sledge1960 3 жыл бұрын
Best news I've heard in a while. I only hope many have found the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
@MrChinchilla_hn 3 жыл бұрын
I did, and I know some others like me that got it.
@anthonyshannon6744 3 жыл бұрын
Out of the pot into the frying pan. Smh
@sledge1960 3 жыл бұрын
@@anthonyshannon6744 Out of the darkness and into the light.
@7eyeswideopen177 3 жыл бұрын
After 65yrs I started to fade still believer though then something rocked the love of my life sadly at the same time he passed sway. So I am left with no one there has been no love shown not even a word of condolences at a time I have meeded them the most. I have committed no sin other then refusing to attend the meetings because of an elders actions. I'm not prepared to leave it in Jehovah's hands. And yes I personally know ones who have give their life to the blood policy. I am now in a state of shock
@alishaba- 3 жыл бұрын
Dear sister, I'm so sorry you have been going through all of that. My husband and I are fading now..we began waking up together to some Scriptural truths a couple years ago by Holy Spirit and reading Scriptures in context (I was born-in and am almost 30 now.) I have seen the lack of love/socialization lately too. My best friend (also JW) who I grew up with (and has no idea I'm fading) didn't even invite me to her wedding..I guess because of COVID but she didn't do it on Zoom either. (Gatherings are allowed in my state but the Organization has inspired fear into meeting in person with anyone not 💉) I can't imagine losing my husband and going through this alone. My heart goes out to you. ❤ I pray you find peace and joy and comfort in the true promises of the Scriptures and in following Jesus. 🙏
@alexanderv7702 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nica-Ra-Wata musica, your words offer no consolation to this widow. Maybe you may wish to offer belated condolences: let us do it together. We both offer our sincerest condolences for the death of your life's soulmate.
@trkstatrksta8410 2 жыл бұрын
@@alishaba- you are ridiculous. No one can stop you from attending anything on Zoom. It's up to you to get access. You need to stop exaggerating and lying to make yourself the victim
@alishaba- 2 жыл бұрын
@@trkstatrksta8410 There was no lie I told in my comment. I'll stand before Christ on that one. But if there's something I said that you don't understand what I meant, please feel free to ask and I will explain. I personally realized through a study of Scriptures and by God's Spirit that the organization was lying to me. I never once lied to or about the organization or anyone in it. I never even watched a single exjw video until after I was certain from the Bible that Jesus is the Truth and not an organization. It was God Himself who opened my eyes to realize I believed things as a Witness that contradict Scriptures. And all I had to do was simply ask Him for understanding and read His Word, instead of putting my trust in the publications of man. And if you don't realize yet that it is Jesus that is the narrow Way and the Truth, then I pray that someday you will. 🙏
@mauriciomachuca1915 Жыл бұрын
@@trkstatrksta8410I think you didn’t understand the comment the person you’re criticizing did. Read carefully and stop being so offended because someone says something against your sect.
@reneemartinez9286 2 жыл бұрын
When I left Bible study 📖 I did not care about loosing friends because I never looked at them as real friends ( I saw FAKE), so I did not get close or expect real friends- it was so easy to walk away because I see and noticed everything from the beginning!!
@exjwukmusicalescape9241 3 жыл бұрын
I recently escaped and got saved. I read crisis of conscience and Christian Freedom by Ray Franz. Jim Penton apocalypse delayed and some other exjw books before I believed the gospel and received the Lord Jesus Christ as my saviour. I had a lot of deprogramming to do and resistance to the gospel at first. Some big problems are the low view of sin and the annihilation doctrine tends to push some towards atheism or suicide if they don’t feel good enough. As stated the Translation is really biased towards the Arian Heresy every verse on the Deity of Jesus Christ is perverted and Jehovah inserted at places in the New Testament that hide the gospel and the need to turn to Christ for salvation. KJB was vital for me to accept that Jesus is God the Son.
@wingtipsmith1 3 жыл бұрын
Thankful for you. So many things said of Jehovah in Isaiah that are also said of, or applied to Jesus in the new testament.
@The_Revealer_7 2 жыл бұрын
@@wingtipsmith1 Isaiah chapter 44, verse 6
@katemiele4349 3 жыл бұрын
He didn’t mention the most egregious and BLASPHEMOUS thing they believe and teach (144,000) they teach that NOT Christ but they are the Mediators by which prayers are heard. So the members that aren’t of this class prayers go through them to Christ. This was the straw that broke the Camels back for me, I left.
@youcanstickit 3 жыл бұрын
Lol, you're a liar. They don't teach that at all. They end their prayers with, In Jesus name. Do you just randomly pull BS out of the air and throw it around?
@lisalt4181 3 жыл бұрын
@@youcanstickit That's absolutely correct. They definitely do not teach that.
@TempermentalTart 3 жыл бұрын
Huh, nope their prayers are to Jehovah in Jesus name. Don't have to make up things. There are enough ACTUAL doctrines that are false.
@josephtucker9612 2 жыл бұрын
Can you tell me the Watchtower date and page I can find that on?
@josephtucker9612 2 жыл бұрын
@Want Justice Jesus is not the mediator of all mankind. (Hebrews 9:15) That is why he is a mediator of a new covenant, in order that because a death has occurred for their release by ransom from the transgressions under the former covenant, THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN CALLED may receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance. The everlasting inheritance OF THOSE WHO WERE CALLED is referring to those going to heaven to be kings a priest. The little flock is being addressed. (Why are priests needed in heaven? Is everyone going to be king? Who are going to be their subjects?) Only a little flock is given the kingdom (Luke 12:32) and there are other sheep (John 10:16) not of this fold. Christ sacrifice is for many. Not just those that were called. The 144,000 were bought FROM the earth. (Rev 14:3) (They go to heaven) These 144,000 were bought from among mankind as FIRSTFRUITS to God and to the Lamb (Rev 14:4). When God recieved first fruits from the Israelites it did not mean God recieved it all. Only a LITTLE flock is given the kingdom by God. Only God chooses not yourselves. "THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN CALLED" not those who have called themselves. There are two destinations. A resurrection in heaven and a resurrection on earth. There are those that will live forever in heaven and those that will live forever on the earth. Jesus and the 144,000 are promised to receive their inheritance in heaven. Others will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth. Psalms 37:29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it Luke 22:29 and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom Jesus is the mediator between "THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN CALLED" by God, this little flock bought from the earth, bought from among mankind, bought as first fruits to God and to the Lamb become kings and priests.
@gaetanodetorrice5555 3 жыл бұрын
I used to ask my wife I said when you have a Bible study with somebody and they're new why don't you tell them what happens when you become a Jehovah's witness and you want to leave before they make the decision where you lose your friends you lose your family why don't you say that you see how many become a Jehovah's witness she didn't answer me
@morningglory9288 3 жыл бұрын
That's something JW's will never tell their bible student. To tell them if you get disfellowshipped you'll lose all your JW friends and family, they'll never recruit new members. I was never told of their shunning practices when I got baptised.
@gaetanodetorrice5555 3 жыл бұрын
@@morningglory9288 that's for sure
@gaetanodetorrice5555 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I know that I was just being a wise guy thanks for the input have a good day ❤️👍😂
@useyourbrain2966 3 жыл бұрын
i got out in 2018 at 21, Sooo glad I opened my eyes
@cathymoses4700 2 жыл бұрын
JW's sound like there depressed all of the time, there will never be the end of the world. Have a nice life and screw the shunning.
@lufhopespeacefully2037 2 жыл бұрын
hi there,why doesn`t trinit appears in bible../////////////////////////////////////////////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mmmmmmmm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@Des7iny7 2 жыл бұрын
I got out this year, February, my birthday! Yes, I had a party! 🎂🍾
@monicarubopin6258 2 жыл бұрын
Good I like that
@cathymoses4700 2 жыл бұрын
Way to go! Have a nice life.
@SaraMartinez-su7dh 2 жыл бұрын
Soo good to see you Dr.Brown God bless and keep you safe 🙏
@sheiladavidson8305 3 жыл бұрын
Prayers my family wakes up. I know from experience how difficult it is to wrap your mind around it is NOT the truth. It is another lie.
@meixingprofit3753 2 жыл бұрын
JW not only don’t report sexual abuse, but they also teach the women to stay in an abusive marriage. I was in an abusive marriage and I was told to stay in it just live a separate life. I told them I don’t believe a God that loves me would want me to stay in a marriage with a man that be hitting me. I divorced my exhusband and I never got baptized because some of the stuff they say sounds crazy! My mother is a JW and the stuff she says and believes is unbelievable.
@jturner2577 3 жыл бұрын
It's good there loosing members.
@type1vagabond298 Жыл бұрын
@alanburchardt1045 2 жыл бұрын
Left in 2017 after 18 years my Lord and savior Christ Jesus opened my eyes ....no more blood sacrifices anymore false doctrine and professey iam so happy knowing the real truth of our lord and Savior Christ Jesus Amen
@rodrickwoodssr1498 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE Jehovah God but left the religion that claim to follow Jehovah God because the religion NO LONGER have love as the government none baptized members begin to out number the REAL baptized members! Yes, our religion was OVERTAKEN by the military! And these none baptized members are wicked and run MANY out of the religion...and even kill them if they can. The TRUE God, Jehovah is no longer with the religion as he left many of his people in times past for NOT loving him and each other.
@eatenbyjezebel5604 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! Amazing research. I do have a couple of thoughts, if it's not rude to share what I disagree on, It's just that, the nearly 100 thousand child abuse victims, me included, would dispute that they are harmless or nice or sweet people. The nicest sisters in the entire circuit still said I asked for it when I was raped as a toddler and forced me to remain silent while I was continously raped for years despite 78 adults being well aware, my own dearest friends begged me to repent of toddler fornication so that I could live forever with Jehovah's witnesses in a paradise that starts with burying the corpses of everyone who's not a Jehovah's witness, in nudity, with my rapist who was immediately forgiven and not reported to the police and hitler who gets a fresh start because "it's not for us to judge." It's also a little weird to see people split hairs. Are jws wrong? Absolutely, Completely wrong. Not only on the specific doctrinal issues unique to them but they are wrong for believeing in the authenticity of the bible as a book providing a historical record of a god. They're dumb for believing 8 million species of animals sprang out of an arks worth in the most rapid evolution ever described. Come the flip on. I was dumb, we were dumb, religion is dumb. Regardless, I realistically respect everyones beliefs with the caveat that I'm allowed to admit I'm scratching my head at some of the less realistic literalist interpretations and absolutely hate anyone of you that condones what they've done to me and children like me who trusted them and had decades of our lives ruined. I believe everyone is responsible for maintaining the pressure in regards to dangerous policy reform, if they won't report child rape and alert parents they become responsible for the crime, I will hold them responsible this year and sue them for terrorising me into repenting for a crime committed against me. That's all, thanks for another great video can't wait to see what you put out next.
@robinkish-miller2990 2 жыл бұрын
I too was a victim at a very young age. Bless you for what you have been through.
@gennaropannelli7138 2 жыл бұрын
Io sono un ex sono uscito da poco e condivido quello che hai detto lo riscontrato anch'io che hanno commesso dei crimini contro di voi e contro migliaia di persone che si fidavano di questa sinagoga di Satana, hanno infangato il nome di Dio proteggendo se stessi (LA WATCHTOWER AMERICANA SI È MACCHIATA DI GRAVI CRIMINI VERSO GEOVA E CONTRO PERSONI INNOCENTI COME I BAMBINI ,GEOVA GLI RISERVERA LA DISTRUZZIONE TOTALE ) noi soffriamo le vostre pene e piangiamo con voi ,IL NOSTRO AUGURIO È SIATE FORTI E CORAGGIOSI NEL PROSEGUIMENTO DELLA VOSTRA FEDE IN DIO .SALUTI DA L'ITALIA.
@JoshKemmerer 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry to hear what you suffered. May God bless you!
@laurab3192 2 жыл бұрын
Im sorry for the pain you've been thru. The main reason I dissociated myself from the JW is the CSA, I can't stand that 😡 I wish there's an everlasting kind of suffering for them child mol-est-ers, and for the hypocrites with double standards who blame it on you being a toddler. I'd kill whoever harmed my only child. How about your parents? How they didn't notice the abu--se?
@iheomagregory8044 2 жыл бұрын
May the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless and comfort you and everyone elsewhere in that has had this kinds of experience in Jesus mighty name.
@davidbruce8905 2 жыл бұрын
It’s important to note that Jehovah’s Witnesses treat baptized members very differently that non baptized people who may attend their services. It’s when you’re baptized that you actually become a JW. My mother urged me to get baptized as a JW when I was just 10 years old. I had no idea the ramification of doing such. Once I dissociated myself from the JW’s I was prompted disfellowshipped in my late teens. My mother told me then that I was “dead to her.” Now I’m 65 years old and my mother still in all these years won’t make contact with me. I can call her if I want, and she’ll be cordial, but there’s no relationship. On the other hand, she’ll call her sisters or brothers who are not JW’s (but not formerly baptized JW’s) and engage them or visit them often. A baptized JW who leaves is seen as apostate and must be shunned by all other JWs including immediate family members.
@eve3363 2 жыл бұрын
OMG that's so false!
@paulajay473 Жыл бұрын
That just is not true .you can leave whenever you want. If you are living an immoral life such as doing drugs your family can choose not to associate with you but that applies to non witness families also doesn't it .And you are not disfellowshiped for leaving. About disfellowshipping it Is not the first thing that is done, they are given counsel and they have a chance to come back. It isn't like they are just thrown away Jehovah doesn't want anyone to be thrown away we try everything to help them but ultimately it is their choice we have free will. We aren't brainwashed we have free will ,get that free will.
@beautyRest1 2 жыл бұрын
I’m still in, so true, they “demand” loyalty. Remember, you are baptized in an “organization “, they took the Holy Spirit out!
@vanessawalker2656 2 жыл бұрын
I heard that to when my mom dragged us into it in 1970 I was 10. They were telling us that Babylon the great (the end of the world) was going to happene in 1975 and they had me making a fool of myself telling people that especially my peers. 1975 came and went and here we are.
@ripcord8738 2 жыл бұрын
JWs stated that 1975 was the end of 6000 years of human history. They never said the end of the world was was going to be that year. How could they? Jesus said that no one knew the "day or the hour"
@vanessawalker2656 2 жыл бұрын
@@ripcord8738 I don't know I was a child then and that's what was told to me when I dragged into via of my mom. They never explained it like that.
@justinthyme5382 Жыл бұрын
Thank goodness for the overlapping Generations. PS. On the that issue please read Matthew chapter 1 lists 42 Generations none overlapping. They almost Never quote "This Generation will not pass...." what an embarrassing teaching is the overlapping Generations rubbish.
@userz9481 2 жыл бұрын
The bs is coming to an end...l hope this younger generation wakes up the the bs they're being fed
@duncanbryson1167 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you are referring to the 🐂💩 of ALL religions. There are no arguments beyond deism without a major leap of faith and faith is stupid. Belief ≠ acceptance Faith ≠ trust.
@duncanbryson1167 Жыл бұрын
@Chief Sitting American 👈🤪
@alaneevans 2 жыл бұрын
I listened to a lot of testimony of the Australian Royal Commission into child abuse. The overwhelming impression is a flood of stupidity about the issue. All churches came off looking bad. But right at the top was the Jehovah's Witnesses !!!!!! Their leader said that the witnesses believed that every incident must be witnessed by 2 or more people as if they were immune because of this. It most certainly impressed no one. Great talk by the way. I learned a lot from this. All the best. Alan
@ripcord8738 2 жыл бұрын
The two witness statement is scriptural. Matt.18:16
@misterauctor7353 8 ай бұрын
@@ripcord8738 No, it isn't. The two witness is unbibilcal.
@lostinvictory8526 3 жыл бұрын
If Russel came back 60 years ago he wouldn't recognize his organization, if he conformed and learnt all the new doctrine,then went away and came back again today he would have to learn another whole new set of doctrines. Only two of his doctrines are still the same.
@leigholding1397 2 жыл бұрын
I'm doing a one on one Bible study through them cause my local church doesn't do Bible studies. I'm dyslexic and other learning difficulties, yet it amazing what BS is in the new world translation, and how good I actually am at calling out the BS ... Belief System
@JerryJones1914 2 жыл бұрын
I am glad you was smart and wise not to go any further with them..
@hudsonchalmers6504 3 жыл бұрын
"MAYBE YOU WILL BE SAVED" So you are constantly sure you wont make it anyway
@clintfitzpatrick266 3 жыл бұрын
And, If you are ever disfelowshiped you are considered to be already dead. It`s a horrible way to die, dead on your feet while still alive.
@hudsonchalmers6504 3 жыл бұрын
@@clintfitzpatrick266 You are dead twice in their eyes, DF and Armageddon
@younisyohanne9450 8 ай бұрын
Great, frank discussion. Thank you, guys.
@sherrellsabree50 3 жыл бұрын
He doesn't really know much about the Witnesses. What he mentions is on the surface which most people already know. The deeper issues he doesn't touch upon.
@jesuschristsaves9067 3 жыл бұрын
@scottr22 3 жыл бұрын
the deeper issues don't really mater when these issues are so wrong and and unbiblical.
@scottr22 3 жыл бұрын
What's wrong with them is the deity of Christ, the bodily resurrection of Christ, the salvation by grace through faith and the name which is above every other name---Jesus. These are the deep things that they miss, They are a cult. They are Heretics and a false religion. Many and I mean many believe they are teaching the right thing, so that is what makes it so important to reach the faithful ones.
@InvestigadorTJ 3 жыл бұрын
@@scottr22 trinitarians are the cult members.. accepting The trinity over the Gosple that’s troublesome!
@scottr22 3 жыл бұрын
@@InvestigadorTJ The Trinity is Gods nature, the Gospel is Gods action reconciling the world to Himself. You do not pick one over the other. Let me ask you. Can you even define the Gospel ?
@shad-o-band 3 жыл бұрын
Two of my favorite people... James Penton & Eric Wilson! Being a JW is like living the Covid mandate world, guess we're all getting a taste of their lifestyle?
@IndianaJoe0321 3 жыл бұрын
Eric Wilson is a former witness but, sadly, he is not Christian. Rather, he is a henotheist. Not sure about James Penton as I have not read his material.
@55k3v1n 3 жыл бұрын
Yes unfortunately I have been shunned by radical Vaccinite movement
@The_Revealer_7 2 жыл бұрын
@@IndianaJoe0321 You are right about that. Eric being a henotheist comes from his religious background in the Jehovah's Witness organization. They are henotheistic in their belief system. Because they view Jesus as a god. Read John 1: 1 in their NWT bible. They do not deny the existence of other gods. The meaning of HENOTHEISM is the worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods. Personally, I believe it is a heresy. My Bible reference: Isaiah 44: 6 "Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God." KJV
@gaetanodetorrice5555 3 жыл бұрын
I know other channels that are fantastic Mark Martin and JW escape work Martin is reasoning with Jehovah's witnesses they're excellent
@mariaparente5309 3 жыл бұрын
Follow also one for Israel on KZbin. They are the best!
@gaetanodetorrice5555 3 жыл бұрын
@mickiecox6120 Жыл бұрын
My Spouse and I left over 40 years ago .However the one thing they are right about is Christmas Easter and Halloween having pagan roots ..So happy to be no part of JW organization.
@ericortiz1871 2 жыл бұрын
Born and raised a JW here in Chicago..walked away completely in 2019 ..it's so sad...when I tried to share things about "the truth" with my wife, she didn't want to hear it!...She chose JW culture over her own marriage!...Only a Cult like group will do that to people..INDOCTRINATION IS NO JOKE!...the God of the bible does not approve of that type of break up..Only the God of Watchtower agrees with that type of behavior!...
@jwtruths9983 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus said " I came not to bring peace but a sword, for I came to set variance at a man with his father, and a daughter against her mother, and her daughter against her mother-in-law, a man's foes will be those in his household, he that loves mother , or father more than me, is not worthy of me, and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Your wife is following in Jesus footsteps. Being born and raised a JW doesn't matter. She chose Jehovah over you. Did you divorce her?
@jwtruths9983 2 жыл бұрын
This channel has censored Joseph Tucker for posting answers. If they have to censor JW's it means they don't have the truth. If Joseph Tucker was wrong then debate, don't censor.
@rakelmacc5325 2 жыл бұрын
7:19 as an ex JW I can assure you “the average Jehovah’s Witness” is loving as long as those they profess to love stay in. If their “loved ones” choose to no longer believe and practice, they are cruelly shunned as though they were never born. Some have committed suicide over their shunning, that’s how “loving” they are. At the end of the day, all religious are a con. Just look around. “Man was created in God’s image’ we’re told. Yet, I have not punished my children still into their adulthood for the stuff ups they made when they were children. Let alone punish my grandchildren over the mistakes of their parents. How come we have more sense and mercy than God has if we were made in his image? I think some bad men created god in their image, not the other way around.
@TwoWheelWarrior 3 жыл бұрын
Way to go buddy!
@Subzero8586 3 жыл бұрын
Also they said in a few watchtowers that it is Highley unlikely that this system would carry on past the year 2000 also they used to celebrate Xmas at bethal there's pictures you can find online of it also they have removed Russell's grave monument in the last week they said because of vandalism but there was no vandalism at all I believe it was removed as it was causing a problem in there own religion
@jen7834 2 жыл бұрын
Yes indeed it was a Masonic pyramid.
@gailcullinan349 3 жыл бұрын
According to everyday JWs, they are taking over the world 🤣😂
@Rupunzelsawake 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. They think they are a "theatrical spectacle" on the world stage, that all world events revolve around them. They are the centre of their own good versus evil fairy tale .
@dalounajacques5118 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah right in their dreams 😂🤣
@gailcullinan349 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rupunzelsawake This is material.proof that they are psychotic and out of touch with reality, which is very serious indeed
@lufhopespeacefully2037 2 жыл бұрын
hi there,why doesn`t trinit appears in bible../////////////////////////////////////////////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mmmmmmmm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@SteamAllchill 2 жыл бұрын
Out of The JW cult since 2006
@wandasmith9180 Жыл бұрын
My close friend was a Jehovah's witness. Her fiance left her when she was pregnant. She had her baby, but the church and her family shunned her when she needed them most...To this day after ten years the church and her family are forbidden to talk or visit her.😢
@ripcord8738 Жыл бұрын
If she was "shunned"(disfellowshipped), it wasn't because she got pregnant and had a baby.
@wandasmith9180 Жыл бұрын
@@ripcord8738 Matthew 18:21-22... If you research Mr Taze your founder and that guy that came after him, they weren't sinless either.☹️
@misterauctor7353 8 ай бұрын
@@wandasmith9180 Ripcord is a JW troll if you are wondering.
@valentinoramirez8137 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up a JW . I was fooled so bad . They don’t believe Christ is salvation.
@jerryjohanan1940 3 жыл бұрын
Hi brother I got out in 2002. I'm so happy you gotten out of that cult
@cathymoses4700 2 жыл бұрын
I hope they lose all of there members. They wouldn't want to knock on my door. Have a nice life
@taaadaaa5256 2 жыл бұрын
Watchtower has Destroyed so many Lives
@cathymoses4700 2 жыл бұрын
Dont fall for this crap, go ahead celebrate halloween, eat that easter egg, sing the national anthem, go to uni, celebrate mothers day and fathers day and last of all watch some porn.
@runningonfullnostanks4523 2 жыл бұрын
Every doctrine of Jw's can be easily refuted with Scripture. “And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.” - Mat 8:11 (NKJV) :Here we see old testament saints in the kingdom.
@ripcord8738 2 жыл бұрын
Please tell me who you believe is represented by the "faithful and wise servant" at Matt.24:45?
@originalsue8323 3 жыл бұрын
Ray Franz reach the top and realize that the governing body is not Holy Spirit inspires, that is what he wrote in his book.
@MrNazarester 3 жыл бұрын
The shaking has started!
@billswing1445 3 жыл бұрын
I know where you're coming from, but what you're saying it's true about those groups. , But we have no right to judge one another. God is the only one that can judge us. So what you're doing, is you're really going against God. God said not to judge so love you Brothers and sister's. We are judged individually by God himself he is the only one that can judge us. It doesn't matter what anybody else does as long as you personally, are close to God. God chooses who lives and dies remember that everyone. ⚔️
@frankierays Жыл бұрын
Yes… you tell us what’s true. The hypocrisy is truly deep here. Tear down your cross, build yourself a bridge and get over yourselves.
@awalkthroughtorah6897 3 жыл бұрын
Being that all Protestant Catholicism is a deviation from the Good News that Jesus walked out and taught.... Jesus had nothing to do with man's traditions. He kept the Torah and showed us how to do it, died to forgive us so we wouldn't face the second death, and taught the basic Torah without the traditions of men's religion. If Jesus didn't celebrate it as a holy day, we should follow His example. If you keep holy days and Sabbath, you should keep them they way Jesus did. Not for Salvation, but because He died to show us the Way. God in the beginning is the same Jesus in John 1:1. Stop bickering over denominations that are all wrong and do Bible things in Bible ways.
@Cons2911 3 жыл бұрын
I know a few members. And all of them are really decent person. I’m not a religious person, but if I were to choose another religion, this one is far from my top list. I don’t know why or if it’s even accurate, but they have soooo much things that you are not allowed to do that to me doesn’t make sense at all. In everything we do, I believe that we should also think ,like apply common sense at least, otherwise that’s how cult gets us (not saying they are a cult of course but talking in general)
@JerryJones1914 2 жыл бұрын
Yes they are, a dangerous cult. Forcing members to kill their loved ones for their false blood policy..
@Cons2911 2 жыл бұрын
@@JerryJones1914 false blood? What is that
@JerryJones1914 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cons2911 False blood policy they wrote to kill people in this false religion they created for Jehovah's witnesses.
@JerryJones1914 2 жыл бұрын
You are not allowed to take blood to save your life. Many people has died because watchtower false blood. Policy is killing children and people in this stupid religion that I was..
@Cons2911 2 жыл бұрын
@@JerryJones1914 oh yes that one. Yes I even asked them, what if your mother needs blood to be saved., they said no, what if your leader needs blood they said no. I told them if it's my loved one, to hell with the religion. If that blood was given willingly meaning no one was hurt, why not. It's more of a sin to let the person die. Kick from the religion
@svlutz 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Dr.Brown, I would love to share my story with you. I am a new listener, enjoy your show.
@trainsupporter9088 3 жыл бұрын
On reddit (of which I am not a member) I see there is a large community of ex JW - nearly 66,000. My uncle got sucked into the JW. He was raised in a Lutheran home by a single mother (his dad,. my Grandfather had died of natural causes at a young age). My uncle never married and lived with his mom. He worked at the Ford Motor Company in the assembly line and was a very lonely man. A fellow worked, a JW, befriended him, and had him over for dinner many times at his home. He got my uncle involved and until the day my uncle died, he was an ardent JW. Here where I live (in the heart of the Bible belt), the JW are very, very aggressive and one can see them going door to door often. Their members are dressed up to the nines, are polite and kind, and have sucked many, many into their cult.
@slamtheleft 3 жыл бұрын
I love Wilson's content and he is directly sincere but he is not a Trinitarian, although says he is a Christian.
@randomxs3978 2 жыл бұрын
Years ago when I lived in the Pacific Northwest they would come to my house on a regular basis. I always refused their literature and told them specifically to please not come back. However, they ignored my request and would come again and again. It was very annoying. Finally, I told them that the next time they came to my door they would be greeted with me being completely naked. I guess they simply did not believe anyone would do such a thing (do they bath or have sex???). The next time they show up on my doorstep I did exactly what I told them I'd do. I threw open the door and stood there in my birthday suit. They never again came back.
@ripcord8738 2 жыл бұрын
When anyone requests to not be called on again, JWs comply.
@paulajay473 Жыл бұрын
You know that is not true if you ask us to not come back we respect your wishes.
@ripcord8738 Жыл бұрын
@@paulajay473 Right.
@vill7777 8 ай бұрын
Going to that Berean Pickett website former Jehovah Witness looked at his what we believe comes across some of it seems orthodox but comes to the person of god I don't think he'll hold to a trinitarian view of god so that's a red flag it seems like you reject some of his third teachings to watch tower but seem to retain some of the ideas of it
@oweltingzon4470 3 жыл бұрын
Let God be found True...tho every man a Liar..
@akatheheretic3014 3 жыл бұрын
Bingo !! 👍👍
@mavrosyvannah 3 жыл бұрын
Tho every man talking about the invention of a god is a liar.
@akatheheretic3014 3 жыл бұрын
@@mavrosyvannah Say What ?? 🤔🤨
@alexanderv7702 5 ай бұрын
I met Jim Penton, and other ex witnesses, in the Netherlands in 1990.
@michelledevine7863 3 жыл бұрын
They have betrayed their so called God a hundred times over .
@lufhopespeacefully2037 2 жыл бұрын
hi there,why doesn`t trinit appears in bible../////////////////////////////////////////////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mmmmmmmm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@lavernethomasbey6822 7 ай бұрын
So glad to be free. I did not spend the last 49 years waiting for Jehovah
@jeanwells2598 3 жыл бұрын
This a good question - why would want to be with organizations- who committed adulterous - this should be an eye opener to walk away - I think people are not aware on this in many religious- yes guard yur heart mind and soul
@jeanwells2598 3 жыл бұрын
Did yu know when yu join the JW - Russell’s was divorce because of a slave girl Rose - and also the pyramids of religion- I did not - then about the children being rape -( no authorities) this is crazy Religion - is a god religion by it works - look at what the religion does
@jeanwells2598 3 жыл бұрын
Hi I was talking how this person was treated in the JW - no one on this earth should be treat like this from no person that believe in god - all sects religious or organizations
@jakeroberts6274 3 жыл бұрын
Great video. Keep in mind Eric Wilson teaches a different Christ similar to JWs. So wouldn’t really call what he teaches regular Christianity either.
@katemiele4349 3 жыл бұрын
Michael Brown is a false teacher as well.
@katemiele4349 3 жыл бұрын
@@Trollaukinn Thank you save me the effort of looking it up.
@LibrePensador12 3 жыл бұрын
You should talk about the Pentecostalism, and many other Christians sects. Evangelicals are very divided, they're causing so much problems in many parts of the world. Your explanations of the word "cult" it's so vague.
@barbarawebb7185 3 жыл бұрын
Because it is an illogical ideology.
@genewooster2233 2 жыл бұрын
they could never answer my questions and make sense and another thing they remind me of is our government "money & control"
@ripcord8738 2 жыл бұрын
What questions?
@rodrickwoodssr1498 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE Jehovah God but left the religion that claim to follow Jehovah God because the religion NO LONGER have love as the government none baptized members begin to out number the REAL baptized members! Yes, our religion was OVERTAKEN by the military! And these none baptized members are wicked and run MANY out of the religion...and even kill them if they can. The TRUE God, Jehovah is no longer with the religion as he left many of his people in times past for NOT loving him and each other.
@audreypistor4610 3 жыл бұрын
You are wrong on one point they do sexually abuse children there are court cases proving that right now. You need to get more information on that point. This group does have this situation going on for a long time now. ..
@lufhopespeacefully2037 2 жыл бұрын
hi there,why doesn`t trinit appears in bible../////////////////////////////////////////////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mmmmmmmm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@kerisutt7579 3 жыл бұрын
It is so funny seeing Dr Brown defending his false prophet friends when they don't get their prophecies right as in Deuteronomy 18:22. But then has a different rule for the Watch Tower's Governing Body.
@rigatonijacobs 3 жыл бұрын
Sources? I'm sincerely curious. I'm here as an ex jw and their false prophecies helped me wake up.
@johncolage1651 3 жыл бұрын
ASKDrBROWN Thus the Holy Bible of which Jehovah God is the one Author was completed by means of his witnesses, even as it had been begun by means of them. Consequently, with no room allowed for Scriptural contradiction, it may be said that The Holy Bible is the Book by Jehovah's witnesses. As Revelation 19:6 exclaims, "Hallelujah!"
@JS-lc8er 2 жыл бұрын
Several years ago a friend who is JW invited me to go to their yearly convention so I did. It was the Most confusing and boring place I had ever visited and I learned they are the chosen they are the hundred and forty four thousand and only they know who they are and only they can take communion. It just did not make sense and I never went back .I still love my friend who has a big heart but they are confused.
@ripcord8738 2 жыл бұрын
The 144,000 are those that have selected by God to rule in the heavenly Kingdom with Jesus Christ. Luke 12:32;Re.14:1;Hebrews 12:21;Re.5:9,10;20:6 Their subjects will live forever on earth. Psalm 37:9,11,29;Matt.5:5;Isaiah 11:6-9 Hope this clears up the confusion.
@justinthyme5382 Жыл бұрын
@@ripcord8738 hmmm . where are the Great Crowd Rev.19 v1.
@justinporter458 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible the greatest Cult Manuel ever written, I,m a ex jw ,I,m now a born again atheist and I've never been happier. Justin porter ex jw
@dianesicgala4310 8 ай бұрын
I was caught in this evil cult for about 19yrs. I am from the U.K. Have lived in Northeastern Pa for over 54yrs ago.I been out for nearly 10 yrs. It did me so much damage.
@user-lo2cd5lt6j Жыл бұрын
This is the problem with new generation… they are all trained by society to be followers. Thus their children inherit their parents weakness and strive to follow straight down the the same improper way of living and fearing of any form of change life may pitch at them! Good luck everyone strive to be a better person than today!
@davidralphs4 2 жыл бұрын
Pentecostals and evangelicals are a lot like JW's as they tend to be of a lower socio-economic class(income and educational attainment).
@exjwwokeup1617 3 жыл бұрын
With 52,000 VIEWS I’m hoping those are ALL EX JW’s!
@lufhopespeacefully2037 2 жыл бұрын
hi there,why doesn`t trinit appears in bible../////////////////////////////////////////////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mmmmmmmm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
@MrRklewis 3 жыл бұрын
During the pandemic, Jehovah's Witnesses baptized over 241,000 people and studied the bible with almost 8 million people. Which is 4 times there usual numbers. And all this without going from door to door. I kinda think that they are alright. By the way, how many people did your faith baptized and how many people did you study the bible with?
@toddpacker7058 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah they’re growing pretty quickly, not sure what all the ding bats on here are saying. I work for the US Treasury, they have to report numbers accurately and evidence in order to maintain tax exempt status.
@Jollygreen-y6z 2 жыл бұрын
@@toddpacker7058 ,tax exemption gotta have that so that the governing body can live fat.
@toddpacker7058 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jollygreen-y6z buts it’s the law tho, they’re only following the law. A religious, non-for profit org, or charity org, even the super money bloated Bill and Ex-wife Gates foundation pay zero in taxes. You’re a little thick headed aren’t ya?
@governingbodylanguage2025 2 жыл бұрын
🤦🏻‍♀ From 2000 to 2021 JWs baptized ~5.9 million, but increased by ~2.7 million. They lost 3.15ish million members. The death rate does not account for this great loss. Check it out in their own literature. Do you remember the special talk in 2019 or 2020? That recording from headquarters just keep saying to baptize kids to make it through Armageddon. They scared kids into the dunk, and finally got good baptism numbers again, then it dropped the next year.
@MrRklewis 2 жыл бұрын
​@@governingbodylanguage2025 Geez, you really do not know what is going on, do you? The bible plainly says that the devil was hurled down to the earth and he will wage war with God's people. He will not wage war with his people or with false religion. Think man! The Catholics numbers 1.2 billion members. The Muslims number 1.8 billion members. That is 3 billion people who think that they are serving God. And 3 billion people that the devil should be attacking. Jehovah's Witnesses number just over 8 million members. That is 1/10th of 1% of mankind. But who do you see the devil attacking? Not the Catholics or Muslims. Where are all the hate videos attacking them here on You Tube. But you see videos after videos of people attacking JW. Telling their sad story of why they left the faith. But people leave different faiths every day. But the devil is not concern with them. They already belong to him. If anyone understood the bible and knew that in the last days the devil will be attacking God's people; then it should be easy to see who are God's people. Remember Saul before he became Paul. He used to attack God's people. He was passionate about attacking them. But when he had an encounter with Jesus and realized that what he was doing was wrong; he stopped attacking God's people and became a follower of Christ. But wait a minute. Now that Paul knew that his former faith was a false religion, then why didn't he attack them. Since that is what he does. It was because Paul was now under a different spirit. God's spirit. And God's spirit led him to preach about the Kingdom. God did not tell Paul to attack his former faith. But it was the devil's spirit that led him to attack God's people. THINK MAN! This world is about to end. And the attacks will increase. And there will be the weak ones who will leave the faith. So what side of history are you on?
@ayopriest7986 2 жыл бұрын
They will continue to, as long as the holy spirit open believers eyes to the occult's secrets
@stephanmeijer 3 жыл бұрын
Unfortunate that I didn't hear anything about group dynamics in the definition of cults in the intro. I don't think cults are properly defined. See also BITE.
@GoatlikePersonality 7 ай бұрын
I grew up in the JW cult. I will arrange a #allreligionsmust protest in Amsterdam 20 april.
@AH-bm4ts 3 жыл бұрын
Since this book is written by a non-JW, some JWs might be open to reading it.
@aaronr847 2 жыл бұрын
most ex jw's throw away the baby with the bath water.... Scripture is something learned without involving religions of man... it exists on its own. Scripture teaches that everyone should test things, even trusting no man, nor even ourselves - if we read and study it at its depth.... understanding that it was never written in English too - we can all come to so much more understanding...
@melmcc8708 2 жыл бұрын
I left JWs in my late teens when I noticed it was more worship of 'organisation' than God. My faith in God did not stumble. My friend though is still blinded by it even though she is currently disfellowshipped because she became so spiritually sick. She seem to not be able dissociate God from the org and wants to be reinstated. She said that phrase to me when I told I was not going back "throw away the baby with the bath water". She believes salvation is only found in the org. I cant seem to wake her. I told her I cant be blindly following a man made organisation, how they police thoughts and dont allow for spiritual growth because the limitations they put on peoples minds. I told her we are suppose to test them, I quoted scriptures about testing prophets. I dont know what to do for her.
@aaronr847 2 жыл бұрын
@@melmcc8708 Thank you for the reply my friend. My father is still that same person whom you are describing here. It's a very long story of course, as it is for so many of us.... I left the same time as you. A person has to wake up on their own it seems. If you still care for that person and they still listen to you as a friend, I'd suggest to never give up. I still feel that we have a Father that loves us and wants us to understand Him for what His Word teaches. Unfortunately, we live in a world run by the synagogue of satan, including mass religion and governments made up of those who promote great lies. Many people are hesitant to look deeper into the conspiracies of our world, but I believe that that truth is certainly in plain sight, if one wants to see...
@melmcc8708 2 жыл бұрын
@@aaronr847 Yes I came to understand alot is not what it seems in this system which the org hardly touches on, all you get told is that satan is ruler of this system but they never delve into it any deeper of how everything is corrupted and the leaders of the world legit have their satanic rituals and the depths of deception they go to fool the public. Kinda like seeing through the glasses from 'They Live' but the works of darkness are being exposed every day thanks to the internet. Which is funny because its highly relevant with the bible. They're not staying awake.
@some_old_guy1976 3 жыл бұрын
Better question: Why is it Christianity absolutely is loosing members overall in droves yet still manages to gain new denominations?
@some_old_guy1976 3 жыл бұрын
Sad but true more people today believe that Aliens are here to save us than Jesus. Truth be scholars agree the 1st century followers of Christ were close family & friends
@some_old_guy1976 3 жыл бұрын
This group became known as the “poor ones” aka Ebionites and had writings of their own, including a shorter version of Mathew in Hebrew. All of what we now know of them outside of a bit of archaeology is written in & by the So called church fathers because the same church ordered this Jewish Sect to be banished & their books burned.
@randallwittman2720 5 ай бұрын
Im not sure where you get your information from...but to the best of my knowledge growth has been an average of 2.5% per year over last 4 years. A slight decrease in growth during covid . 😊
@stopcensorship7365 3 жыл бұрын
They are in a steep decline due to access to information they can no longer control.
@culizocolonense 2 жыл бұрын
This is same reason why a lot of people are leaving islam.
@Anonymous-ik5fh 2 жыл бұрын
I just checked and theyre membershop is in incline....
@stopcensorship7365 2 жыл бұрын
@@Anonymous-ik5fh decline?
@stevenlemken7920 2 жыл бұрын
I would highly recommend kingdom of the cults by Walter Martin which deals with jw teaching as compared to Christian doctrine
@stevenlemken7920 2 жыл бұрын
Would also note jws did not exist until 1931 they are splinter group from the Bible students Rutherford as their second president
@adkjani1 3 жыл бұрын
Watchtower also strongly discourages higher education. It's rare to mind a JW with a college education. Most JWs are poor. It's sad.
@sledge1960 3 жыл бұрын
Here in Belfast from 1971-1978 I went through Grammar School education with the son of the head man of Watchtower Society in all Ireland. His son then went on to university and is presently a university lecturer. Bear in mind that the Watchtower Press at that time was telling their people that the world was going to end in 1975. The hypocrisy is staggering.
@sledge1960 3 жыл бұрын
@devolver You've got it. They're selling a bill of goods. They're hustling gold bricks and the Brooklyn Bridge. When they knock my door, I don't see poor lost souls, I see the deceived who are taking others to the same Hell they are headed for. You only have to talk to them, I have had them agree with everything I tell them then they send the pastor and his wife to my door who between them can't answer the same questions I asked their followers. It really is pathetic.
@LibrePensador12 3 жыл бұрын
This is very common with fundamentalists churches. Evangelicals Pentecostals have almost the same mindset. University not necessarily makes you smarter. Mormon have a high value for higher education, but look at them, they believe in a comic book.
@sledge1960 3 жыл бұрын
@@LibrePensador12 I would describe myself as a Fundamentalist Pentecostal since all manner of nutjob has latched onto the term Evangelical. I do take issue that Pentecostalists somehow in your mind devalue education. Since God's Word encourages the faithful to improve our minds I fail to see where you get this notion. Please expand on this as I am anxious to know why belief in the Gifts of the Spirit, as taught biblically, in some way makes those like me like the JW cult?
@LibrePensador12 3 жыл бұрын
@@sledge1960 most Pentecostal I know are uneducated people. Most of them reject science. I prefer Jehovah's Witnesses, they're open to have a discussion, they're very educated people --not necessarily academic-- they have good morals. I don't want anything with Pentecostals, I used to be part of a Pentecostal church, and I don't want to get back to that church.
@jerryjohanan1940 3 жыл бұрын
I got out in 2002 and that was the best thing that ever happened to me
@saraabraham5486 3 жыл бұрын
I got out in 2016, the best thing that ever happened to me
@unclesalty7778 3 жыл бұрын
I got out in 2019 the truth has set me free , Jesus!
@marisanmendoza3260 3 жыл бұрын
@Leah-fw5kn 3 жыл бұрын
I got out in 2014, praise God 🥰
@tamay101 3 жыл бұрын
Me too
@housefamily9784 3 жыл бұрын
This video has SOOO many views to prove that there is a huge community of EX-JWs watching KZbin videos.
@manfredmann5385 3 жыл бұрын
Its what happens when u are not chosen by JAH but instead Satan's, ie his way that this system goes. From pagan holidays, demonic system and government. You all are following the steps of the rich man, Pilate; in due time u all will know personally the Angel that killed the 185,000 assyrian soldiers in one night. That'll be u all, government, all unrepentant gays and the rest cheating on wives, with false religion. My GOD is the ONE that King David calls JAH in the Psalms. David has war all who's God not JAH. Enjoy the reckoning... I shall clap vigorously.
@jaywill6865 3 жыл бұрын
@@manfredmann5385 Troll comment. How could one clap to a bad situation.
@tammyg8031 3 жыл бұрын
Yep!!!!... tons are leaving
@cluny 3 жыл бұрын
What are you sharing ? No idea.
@Northwind82 3 жыл бұрын
And current JWs
@Bad80y1 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent interview and as a recent ex JW that was in the organization/cult I’ve got a lot of dark stories within my family being a physically and mentally abused child of a father who served as a elder (leader of the Congregation) for close to 50 years. The double life he led was horrific and the religion is entirely focused on fear/doomsday theology that basically threaten’s their members and weaponizes taking away their families if they question or commit a act of sin like your guest explained in a excellent truthful manner. In the last 3 years Watchtower has sold over a thousand Kingdom Halls at bottom prices and take the money in many cases to pay off with gag orders the hundreds upon hundreds of cases of Child Sexual Abuse they have badly lost. I could go on and on, but the warning James Beverly gives to get out of the cult and for others interested in studying with the possibility of joining the organization to avoid them, as a veteran JW I urgently agree with all his warnings.
@gennaropannelli7138 2 жыл бұрын
@@birdlynn417 quali occhi ti ha aperto riguardo alle profezie ,tutte le date che sono risultate false che non si sono mai avverate sopratutto quella del 1975 che ha rovinato migliaia di famiglie ,E adesso dicono che alcuni avevano compreso male la profezia del 1975 quando ci sono riviste che lo confermano, ti rendi conto che non è una religione ma una società che va a braccetto con BABILONIA LA GRANDE ha dato merito a l'ONU in una svegliatevi del 8 SETTEMBRE del 1991 (CONTROLLA ACCERTATEVI DELLE COSE PIU IMPORTANTI I BEREANI SONO ANDATI A VERIFICARE SE LE COSE STAVANO VERAMENTE COSI E BIBLICO )CHE L'ONU PORTERA PACE E SICUREZZA ETERNA E 1992 SI SONO ASSOCIATI ,APRITE GLI OCCHI CONTROLLATE ACCERTATEVI DI OGNI COSA .DA L'ITALIA .
@gennaropannelli7138 2 жыл бұрын
Le sale VENDUTE in tutto il mondo ammontano più di 6200 FILIARI e sale congresso per risarcire le vittime di pedofilia sui minori in Australia in Inghilterra Belgio America, Olanda Nuova Zelanda La polizia ha fatto irruzione nelle FILIARI per accedere a documenti segreti sulla pedofilia nascosta, stanno affrontando centinaia di processi in tutto il mondo soprattutto in Australia, qui anche in ITALIA I GIORNALI PARLANO DI PEDOFILIA NELLE CONGREGAZIONI E ANCHE LA TELEVISIONE NE DANNO NOTIZIE ,Ma il 90x100 dei T G si rifiutano di credere solo pochi che come me si sono accertati come fecero i Bereani si accettarono se le cose stavano veramente saluti da Italia.
@aronburrell3792 2 жыл бұрын
@@birdlynn417 REAL BIBLICAL PROPHECY?! You mean like the 8 times they set a date for the return of Christ?? Lets make one thing perfectly clear, under mosaic law, every Jw prophet would be stoned to death for the false predictions they made. Duet 18:22 New World Translation "When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.’ On another note Charles taze Russell claimed to be fluent in Greek in Hebrew, he was tried in court and they proved he didn't in fact speak Hebrew or Greek, he is a liar and a false prophet. The LORD's name is not "Jehovah" it is יהוה‎ YHVH the Hebrew language doesn't even have the "J" sound, the "J" sound it is from Germanic language.
@jen7834 2 жыл бұрын
@@birdlynn417 Hi . Try Parable if the vineyard channel or other Torah observant Christians although I can’t recommend any other channels. PV Also believes in the end times prophecies in revelation , YHWH and Jesus as seperate beings aka Jesus as Gods son, everlasting life in paradise on Earth as bible teaches. No governing body or big money making corporation or other witness stuff which is very off putting. And studying straight from bible as well as lost books which is really fascinating. Was once a witness for 5 years and the controlling measures they impose, some of their beliefs aka Jesus has already returned invisibly to name a few are questionable and leaves their followers open to being deceived, which is what Christians are warned against.
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
@@jen7834 Thanks, Jen, I only studied with JW for 4 months, then totally left any studies with them. I found bible study interesting, until all the "other" weirdness that they teach outside of biblical teachings and truth. What a strange cult, I think it attracts people who are lonely, and who don't have a family, and who want to be told what to think. I am far from that and much too universal to surrender my mind or heart to such a controlling cult. The Parable channel looks interesting to me. Thanks.
@Dragontron20 2 жыл бұрын
I legit left ON New Years 2017. It was hard dealing with the shunning but I now know my Creator for who He really is: my Father.
@chrisdorrell1 9 күн бұрын
There is NO god please grow up
@Dragontron20 9 күн бұрын
It has been 2 years and am now a theist/agnostic. I wish i had left religion sooner honestly.
@chrisdorrell1 9 күн бұрын
@@Dragontron20 check out our humanist community
@gaetanodetorrice5555 3 жыл бұрын
It's a work based religion it's a corporation disguised as a religion that's basically what it is
@stephaniemcknight4347 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, Dr. Brown: I stumbled upon your video and absolutely enjoyed it for it's truth and pointing out what I did not know. I was a JW for 36 yrs. (I am now 76), 10 yrs. ago I was too sick to attend meetings. So, without me knowing it, I fade out. I began watching ex-JW videos out of curiosity, and I am glad I did. I was DF 32 yrs. ago, was reinstated one year later, and never forgot the pain of shunning, the loneliness and the deep pain in my heart. I was never the same. I've learned a lot, especially from your interview here. I am glad I'm out.
@cathymoses4700 2 жыл бұрын
Stephanie so happy for you your health is more important. Blow over Jehovah!
@eddyvideostar 2 жыл бұрын
@@cathymoses4700: To Cathy Moses: You can't type things like that. Jehovah is God -- and will provide the strength to realize the new system of complete healing.
@christinesotelo7655 Жыл бұрын
I understand, Stephanie. I’m 74 and I lost family too years ago. Never got over it but I have Jesus Who sees us through with Great Love though the experience of losing loved ones pops up in dreams and quiet moments. Be at Peace for you are loved. ❤
@nineteen8486 Жыл бұрын
Idiot Jehovah is the god of freemasonry …
@veronicaowens4745 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. My Dad was an elder he passed away two years ago. Before he passed away he didn't want to go after his death my brothers and I found letters he wrote to the society begging to be resinstad as an elder because his grown children not living at home was not witnesses. They were holding this against him.
@anniesavedbygrace 3 жыл бұрын
Australian Royal Commission CASE STUDY 29.
@christianmarx3249 3 жыл бұрын
i got out this week. im happy for the next yearbook number revealing.
@blessingsaflow4854 2 жыл бұрын
May the Lord Jesus Christ help you rebuild your life
@christianmarx3249 2 жыл бұрын
@@blessingsaflow4854 naa i pray to satan now
@willbs155 2 жыл бұрын
@quantumrobin4627 3 жыл бұрын
Religious folks walking away from a lifelong scam gives me hope for humanity
@sledge1960 3 жыл бұрын
I agree, religion is a dead loss, that's why I and many like me have a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Religion really is a scam, Jesus Christ is the genuine article.
@josephtucker9612 3 жыл бұрын
@@sledge1960 But you have no personal relationship to Jehovah which is the God of Jesus. “I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God,” (John 20:17)
@sledge1960 3 жыл бұрын
@@josephtucker9612 Oh but I have sir, since Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'mashiach is the second personage of the Triune godhead He is thus unquestionably God. You take John out of context. You stopped reading too soon. John 20:28 - 'And Thomas answered and said unto Him , My Lord and my God'. Continue reading until the end of the chapter. Now that's from a translation of the scripture whose translators are academically qualified and whose credentials are given in the Introduction to the text. If it was good enough for Thomas, who walked personally with the Lord, it is good enough for me. As Isaiah said 'Come let us reason together'.
@josephtucker9612 3 жыл бұрын
@@sledge1960 The development of the trinity doctrine was forced on Christendom by Constantine back in the 4th century. Constantine was a pagan king that knew nothing about the bible. He wanted to unite his empire so he decided the winners on issues Christendom had at the time. He decided the Father and Son was of the same substance but nothing was decided on the holy spirit at the time. He also decided that Jesus was a god-man as a compromise of Gnostic and Christian beliefs. As a result the trinity doctrine is contradictory to the bible. Since there was no trinity proof texts in the bible, trinitarians modified their Latin and Greek manuscripts when copies were made but those forgeries are exposed by earlier copies. That is why most of those forgeries are not in modern translations today. Colleges teach the history of the trinity. The students learns how it developed over time and begins to think the bible is a hoax. The trinity is a hoax. If you are a pastor teaching your flock the trinity then you are a false prophet according to the bible. Deut. 13:1-4: “In case a prophet or a dreamer of a dream arises in your midst and does give you a sign or a portent, and the sign or the portent does come true of which he spoke to you, saying, ‘LET US WALK AFTER OTHER GODS (Trinity idol), WHOM YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN, AND LET US SERVE THEM,’ you must not listen to the words of that prophet or to the dreamer of that dream, because Jehovah your God is testing you to know whether you are loving Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul. After Jehovah your God you should walk, and him you should fear, and his commandments you should keep, and to his voice you should listen, and him you should serve, and to him you should cling.” False prophets turns worshipers from the true God Jehovah that Jews worshiped to other gods like the trinity idol. THE JEWS HAVE NOT KNOWN THE TRINITY.
@josephtucker9612 3 жыл бұрын
@@sledge1960 Thomas had said (verse :25) that unless something happened he would “not believe.” What was it that Thomas refused to believe? Was it that he refused to believe that Jesus was equally God with the Father? If the disciples had learned, upon seeing the resurrected Jesus, that he was God, certainly they would have indicated this! But notice, neither before nor after receiving Holy Spirit (:22) did they kneel or do any act of worship such as one would certainly do upon coming aware of being in the presence of God! Notice that the disciples who had seen Jesus earlier did not tell Thomas that Jesus was God (:25)! This is an incredible oversight if they had really believed they had seen God! Certainly, if they had discovered that Jesus was really God when they saw him resurrected, they would have talked of nothing else! If, on the other hand, they had already known that Jesus was God even before seeing his resurrected form, then Thomas, too, would have already known about it and certainly would not have meant: “Unless I see ... the print of nails [etc.] ... I will not believe [Jesus is God].” No, the context of John 20:24, 25, and 29 shows that Thomas refused to believe that Jesus had been resurrected from the dead. Certainly, being resurrected from the dead does not make you God. Other persons in the Scriptures had been resurrected from the dead before (and after) Jesus, and no one, for a moment, ever suspected them of being God! In fact, being resurrected from the dead would have been used as evidence that a person was not God, since God has always been immortal and cannot die in the first place! Furthermore, Jesus’ statements before and after Thomas’ exclamation (“my Lord and my God!”) show not only that Jesus wanted Thomas to believe that he had been resurrected to life but that he could not possibly be God!! Jesus’ command to Thomas to literally touch his wounds and actually see his hands proves that he meant, “See, I am the same person you saw die, but now I am alive ... be believing that I have been resurrected to life” (not, “see, these wounds prove I am God ... be believing that I am God”). Notice that the reason given for Thomas to “be believing” is that he can see Jesus’ hands and their wounds. Likewise, after Thomas says “My Lord and my God,” Jesus reaffirms that Thomas now believes (as did the other disciples after seeing - Jn.20:20) that Jesus has been resurrected (not that he is God) “because you have seen me” (:29). Certainly Jesus wouldn’t mean, “you believe I am God because you can see me.” Instead, this is proof that Jesus, Thomas, John, and the other disciples did not believe Jesus was equally God with the Father because John himself has made it manifestly clear that “no one [no human] has ever seen God” - 1 John 4:12 Therefore, since no man has ever directly seen God (who is the Father only - John 5:37, 6:46; 17:1, 3) but men have only indirectly “seen” God through representations such as visions, dreams, etc., Jesus is saying: “Believe I have been resurrected and that I am obviously not God because you see me directly (and even touch me so you can be sure I’m not a vision or an indirect representation).” Thomas did not bow down, worship, etc. upon learning that it was really Jesus and saying 'my lord and my god.' He could not have just discovered that he was in the presence of God and acted the way he did! It’s also obvious that Jesus did not understand Thomas to be calling him equally God with the Father in heaven. But did John, in spite of the incredible contradiction of a previous statement like 1 John 4:12 and at John 1:18 that “no man hath seen God at any time,” somehow think that Thomas understood Jesus to be God? Well, no other disciple of Jesus ever made a statement to him which could honestly be construed as meaning Jesus is God! So, if John had, somehow, understood Thomas’ statement that way, he certainly would have provided some follow-up clarification and emphasis in his own comments. Surely John would have shown Thomas prostrating himself before “God” and worshiping him but he doesn’t!. So how does John summarize this incident? - “But these were written that you may believe [Believe what? That Jesus is God? Here, then, is where it should have been written if John really believed such a thing:] that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” - John 20:31 So it is clear from context alone that neither Jesus, nor John, nor Thomas considered the statement at John 20:28 to mean that Jesus is equally God with the Father. Remember this is the same Gospel account that also records Jesus’ last prayer to the Father at John 17:1, 3: “Father,.... This is eternal life: to know thee who alone art truly God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” - NEB. It is obvious from this scripture alone that Jesus and the writer of the Gospel of John do not believe Jesus is equally God with the Father. “I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God,” (John 20:17) Do trinitarians think Jesus was going to ascend to a trinity god? Jesus calls the Father his God but the Father never calls Jesus his God. Where in the bible do trinitarians get the idea that Jesus is equally God with the Father? Rev 3:12 says “...I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem that descends out of heaven from my God, and my own new name.” So after Jesus ascended to heaven, his Father is his God. As you said the expression “My Lord and my God” would still have to harmonize with the rest of the Scriptures. From the rest of the scriptures and the context we cannot conclude Thomas meant Jesus was the Almighty God.
@heatherwolffe3847 2 жыл бұрын
My mom became a JW 14 years ago. She has totally changed. I don't know how to help her out of this cult. I hate to see what's its done to her and how she has changed. I miss mom the way she was. She used to be happy, fun, and loving to all people. She isn't anymore.
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry. Maybe she felt lonely and now feels that she has a family to join and belong too. They are good at making you believe that you are loved and supported by the family of JW. But to throw away your own conscience for them is unspeakable.
@monicarubopin6258 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I'll pray for you
@doomslayer3076 2 жыл бұрын
The most dangerous thing to a high control group like the JWs is the free exchange of ideas. Get her to think.
@danielrendon8555 Жыл бұрын
Don't stop trying; study the Bible and prove her where she is wrong. One being why did they translated the Bible wrong.
@paulajay473 Жыл бұрын
That is not the fault of the witnesses. I am a Jehovahs witness and we have fun and we are kind to everyone, and by the way we go to movies, and concerts ,we have barbecues and we dance just like everyone else we just don't drink ourselves silly ,we don't swear or try to sleep with our neighbors husband. Maybe you need to be more supportive of your mother Maybe that is making her sad
@reinaldocruz1007 3 жыл бұрын
It's very sad to hear every time someone loses their way with this cults. May God bless you all...
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
People lose their way all the time. Come on, quit blaming the JW. There are people walking away from church every day, yet do not make the headlines that the JW do.
@candymonroe3890 3 жыл бұрын
He is right on a lot of this, but DEFINITELY guard your body and your children's. They do not like to call the police and make themselves look bad when allegations of sexual abuse happen. BEWARE
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
That is everywhere.
@kristinaallard7947 2 жыл бұрын
@@birdlynn417 doesn't make it right.
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
@@kristinaallard7947 Of course it is not right, no body is saying that it is. But to point blame on one religion or organization about this sick matter is rediculous.
@superdave1263 2 жыл бұрын
@@birdlynn417 Might be everywhere, but it’s prolific in “gods” organization, more so than in the Catholic Church. And the JW’s lied and tried to cover it up when before the Australian high commission. Do the research, your life depends on it!
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
@@superdave1263 I am not part of this organization that doesn't even call itself a church.
@CanadianLoveKnot 3 жыл бұрын
As a JW you can ask questions, but you cannot question the answer they give you. Once they give the answer from WT that's the end of the discussion. If WT does not supply an answer you are to leave it in Jehovah's hands, and not get ahead of the Governing Body which is leading group spiritually, and you are to wait on them, perhaps one day they will publish something that will answer it. If you push your luck, you will booted out of their book club!
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
I would still hold my own personal beliefs.
@livingoutloud4210 2 жыл бұрын
@@birdlynn417 then you wouldn't be a true believer according to Watchtower standards. You are essentially forced to conform. This is what leads to crisis of the conscience in many JWs and cause them to leave.
@birdlynn417 2 жыл бұрын
@@livingoutloud4210 I understand, thank you. There has to be room for individual differences, hobbies and interests. I like being my own self, not a clone to everyone else, yet do want a group to belong to too. But definitely NOT the JW.
@darrylholcomb9076 2 жыл бұрын
Correct. I love you delightfully humors answer! And yes, if your lucky, you'll get booted out of their "book club"!😄
@merryl55 2 жыл бұрын
They complain about the Pope, but the governing body is the same as the Pope. .
@sarahwever4072 2 жыл бұрын
I was born in August 26th, 1976 and wasn't supposed to make it to Kindergarten. Here we are 45 years later. So happy to be free of that Cult! Bible says hate what is bad...LOVE what is good. God don't like ugly! LOL
@lufhopespeacefully2037 2 жыл бұрын
hi there,why doesn`t trinit appears in bible../////////////////////////////////////////////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mmmmmmmm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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