To people needs eng-sub; When he finished to save his data in PC, then started to drink beer with her "cheers!" ; How's your day? You've done well, I've also done well too, stop thinking about your work. You're so cute. I am good at listing for others and made an effort to be a good listener for you. If you have a friend who has trouble, how to cheer her up,,, I may have some approach. Stroking the head because I am not good to explain,,, I love Disney. High school teen may not understand what adults think. I had difficulty to spend time with my high school. I felt pressure to join the group in class. I try to find someone can understand with me. I was reluctant to make a friend but if you found someone, I would want to cherish. He/She may feel too. If you feel bit uncomfortable the place you are now, you may choose move to somewhere to protect may be an option. Thank you for being with me always. Love you.. .He starts brushing his teeth and starts talking about Christmas decoration and how to spend......Thanks