안녕하세요 辛메라니안 여러분 🙇🏻♀️ 오늘은 레/크/새!!!!!! 마치 새우탕후루 같은 바삭쫀득 달콤새콤꼬소한 ★레몬크림새우★ 한가득 만들었어요 🍤 명란밥이랑 할라피뇨치즈 불닭볶음면도 준비했어요오 💛 새우 손질하고 전분 반죽만 준비하면 끝! 생각보다 너무 쉽고 너무 맛있는 레몬크림새우! 새우가 아주 큼직해서 (손가락 두 개 합친 두께!) 확실히 더욱 맛있더라고요! 겉부분에 튀김옷, 그 위에 레몬크림소스로 코팅된 새우는 식감도 맛도 완벽했어요!!!!! 신선한 양상추와 매콤한 할라피뇨치즈 불닭볶음면도 곁들여서 먹으니 금.상.첨.화 ✨ 언젠가 크림새우를 한가득 쌓아놓고 먹고 싶었는데, 오늘 제대로 소원성취했어요! 너무 행복해지는 맛이었답니다! 새우요리 좋아하시는 분들은 꼭 집에서 레몬크림새우 만들어보세요! 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사합니다! 모두 건강하시고 행복하세요 ❣️🙋🏻♀️ 🧡 푸메 오픈채팅방 Chat with FUME : discord.gg/fumeyamyam ❤️🔥 Instagram : instagram.com/fume_yamyam ❤️🔥 Tiktok : vt.tiktok.com/ZSe3FhKck/ 👑”NEW” Twitter : twitter.com/FUME_yamyam 🐶 "Mozzi" Instagram: instagram.com/mozziiya Hi, guys! Today I made a bunch of Creamy Lemon Shrimp! It was like shrimp tanghulu 🍤 Side dishes are Salted Pollack Roe Rice & Jalapeno Cheese Fire Chicken Noodles (Buldak Ramen)! All you need to do is wash and trim the shrimp and get the batter ready! It was super easy and delicious! The shrimp were so thick, which made them extra delicious! The shrimp was super crispy and covered in creamy lemon sauce, and both the texture and taste were PERFECT! I added it with fresh lettuce and fire chicken noodles, and it tasted just AMAZING! I've always wanted to eat a bunch of creamy shrimp, so I was really happy eating! If you love shrimp dishes, I highly recommend making this at home! I hope you are always happy and healthy! Thank you for watching! ❣️🙋🏻♀️ こんにちは、皆さん! 今日はまるでエビタンフルのようなサクサク、甘酸っぱくて香ばしい★レモンクリームエビ★いっぱい作りました 🍤明太子ご飯とハラペーニョチーズプルダックポックンミョンもご用意しました💛エビの手入れをして片栗粉の生地だけ用意すれば終わり! 思ったより簡単でとてもおいしいレモンクリームエビ! エビが指を2本合わせた厚さくらい大きくて、確かにもっとおいしかったです! 外側に衣、その上にレモンクリームソースでコーティングされたエビは食感も味も完璧でした!!!!! 新鮮なレタスと辛いハラペーニョチーズプルダック炒め麺も添えて食べたら最高✨いつかクリーム海老をいっぱい積んでおいて食べたかったのですが、今日はしっかりと願いが叶いました! とても幸せになる味でした! エビ料理が好きな方は、ぜひ家でレモンクリームのエビを作ってみてください! いつも元気で幸せになってください ❣️🙋🏻♀️ Chào các bạn! Hôm nay mình đã làm thử ★Tôm chiên sốt kem chanh★ có vị giòn, dai, chua ngọt 🍤 thêm cơm trứng cá minh thái và mì gà xào cay vị ớt Jalapeño phô mai 💛 Tất cả những gì bạn phải làm là chuẩn bị tôm và chuẩn bị bột chiên. Tôm chiên sốt kem chanh dễ làm hơn mình nghĩ rất nhiên và ngon nữa! Tôm to bằng hai ngón tay thì chắc chắn sẽ càng ngon hơn! Tôm được phủ một lớp bột chiên bên ngoài và sốt kem chanh ở trên, kết cấu và hương vị thật hoàn hảo!!!!! Ăn cùng rau sống tươi và mì gà xào cay ớt jalapeño phô mai thực sự rất hợp ✨ Mình đã từng muốn ăn thật nhiều tôm ngon thế này và hôm nay mình đã đạt được mong muốn ấy! Cảm giác thật hạnh phúc! Nếu các bạn thích món tôm, hãy nhớ làm tôm chiên sốt kem chanh này nhé! Chúc các bạn luôn mạnh khỏe và vui vẻ nhé ❣️🙋🏻♀️ Herkese selam! Bugün bir sürü Kremalı Limonlu Karides yaptım! Karides Tanghulu gibiydi (şekerle kaplanmış)! 🍤 Garnitürler arasında Tuzlu Pollack karaca pilavı ve jalapeno Peyniri aromalı baharatlı ateş eriştesi (Buldak Ramen) var! Tek yapmanız gereken karidesleri yıkayıp doğramak ve hamuru hazırlamak! O kadar kolay ve lezzetliydi ki! Karidesler çok kalındı, bu da onları daha da lezzetli kılıyordu! Karides inanılmaz derecede çıtırdı ve kremalı limon sosuyla kaplıydı; hem dokusu hem de tadı mükemmeldi! Taze marul ve ateşli tavuk eriştesi ile ekledim ve tadı harika oldu! Her zaman bir sürü kremalı karides yemek istemişimdir, bu yüzden yerken gerçekten çok mutlu oldum! Karides yemeklerini seviyorsanız bunu evde yapmanızı şiddetle tavsiye ederim! Umarım her zaman mutlu ve sağlıklı olursunuz! İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler! ❣️🙋🏻♀️
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
مرحباً جميعاً! لقد قمت اليوم بإعداد مجموعة من الجمبري بالليمون الكريمي! كان مثل الجمبري Tanghulu (مغطى بالسكر)! 🍤 الأطباق الجانبية هي أرز بولاك مملح ونودلز حارة بنكهة جبنة الهالابينو (بولداك رامين)! كل ما عليك فعله هو غسل الجمبري وتقطيعه وتجهيز العجينة! لقد كان سهلاً ولذيذًا جدًا! كان الجمبري سميكًا جدًا مما جعله لذيذًا جدًا! كان الجمبري مقرمشًا بشكل لا يصدق ومغطى بصلصة الليمون الكريمية، وكان الملمس والطعم مثاليين! أضفته مع الخس الطازج ونودلز الدجاج، وكان طعمه رائعًا! كنت أرغب دائمًا في تناول مجموعة من الجمبري الكريمي، لذلك كنت سعيدًا حقًا بتناول الطعام! إذا كنت تحب أطباق الجمبري، أنصحك بشدة بتحضيرها في المنزل! أتمنى أن تكون دائمًا سعيدًا وبصحة جيدة! شكرا لمشاهدتك! ❣️🙋🏻♀️ हेलो सब लोग! आज मैंने मलाईदार नींबू झींगा का एक गुच्छा बनाया! यह झींगा तंगहुलु (चीनी में लिपटे) जैसा था! 🍤 साइड डिश हैं नमकीन पोलाक रो चावल और जलापेनो चीज़ के स्वाद वाले मसालेदार फायर नूडल्स (बुलडक रेमन)! आपको बस झींगा को धोना और काटना है और बैटर तैयार करना है! यह बहुत आसान और स्वादिष्ट था! झींगा बहुत गाढ़ा था, जिससे वे अतिरिक्त स्वादिष्ट बन गए! झींगा अविश्वसनीय रूप से कुरकुरा था और मलाईदार नींबू सॉस में ढका हुआ था, और बनावट और स्वाद दोनों एकदम सही थे! मैंने इसे ताज़ा सलाद और फ़ायर चिकन नूडल्स के साथ मिलाया, और इसका स्वाद अद्भुत था! मैं हमेशा मलाईदार झींगा का एक गुच्छा खाना चाहता था, इसलिए मैं इसे खाकर बहुत खुश था! यदि आपको झींगा व्यंजन पसंद हैं, तो मैं इसे घर पर बनाने की अत्यधिक अनुशंसा करता हूँ! मुझे आशा है कि आप हमेशा खुश और स्वस्थ रहेंगे! देखने के लिए धन्यवाद! ❣️🙋🏻♀️ สวัสดีทุกคน! วันนี้ฉันทำกุ้งครีมมะนาวพวง! มันเหมือนกับกุ้ง Tanghulu (เคลือบน้ำตาล)! 🍤 เครื่องเคียงได้แก่ ข้าวไข่ปลาพอลแล็คเค็ม และบะหมี่ไฟรสเผ็ดฮาลาปิโนชีส (บูลดัคราเมน)! สิ่งที่คุณต้องทำคือล้างและเล็มกุ้งแล้วเตรียมแป้งให้พร้อม! มันง่ายและอร่อยมาก! กุ้งตัวหนามากซึ่งทำให้มันอร่อยเป็นพิเศษ! กุ้งกรอบอย่างไม่น่าเชื่อและราดด้วยซอสครีมมะนาว ทั้งเนื้อสัมผัสและรสชาติก็สมบูรณ์แบบ! ฉันเพิ่มมันด้วยผักกาดหอมสดและบะหมี่ไก่ไฟ และรสชาติมันอร่อยมาก! ฉันอยากกินกุ้งครีมมาโดยตลอด ดังนั้นฉันจึงมีความสุขมากที่ได้กิน! ถ้าคุณชอบเมนูกุ้ง ฉันแนะนำให้ทำที่บ้าน! ฉันหวังว่าคุณจะมีความสุขและมีสุขภาพดีอยู่เสมอ! ขอบคุณที่รับชม! ❣️🙋🏻♀️
@잠을많이자는잠만보10 ай бұрын
@Apajing-g310 ай бұрын
Mukbang Cromboloni pleaseeeee
@Dahyunnn210 ай бұрын
@ishmakhankhan841610 ай бұрын
Indonesian food sate and karedok ❤
@Chillatb10 ай бұрын
❤ the length is perfect and you put time stamp also. Anyone who think it’s too long can skip by themselves
@ximau510 ай бұрын
I think the length of your video is perfect. I have never had a thought that they were too long.
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
THX for sharing ur opinion!!!! 🧡
@ChristineImmisch10 ай бұрын
I think so too. Don't change it. You make it super. Thanks and a good bless from Germany. Christine 😂
@ayesha996610 ай бұрын
No need to short your videos unnie they are perfect and I like how you reach while eating ❤
@ayesha996610 ай бұрын
No need to short your videos unnie they are perfect and I like how you reach while eating ❤
@ayesha996610 ай бұрын
No need to short your videos unnie they are perfect and I like how you reach while eating ❤
I think the length is perfect. Pls don't change it. You are right. The less editing goes into it, the better. And I can't believe such a slim girl like you can eat so much in one sitting.😮😮😮😮
@Star-rm8hw10 ай бұрын
i actually really like how long your videos are! there are sometimes when i prefer shorter videos but overall i like the long videos:)
@beckycray781210 ай бұрын
The length of your videos are perfect! Don't change a thing!
@LOVEa-s5y10 ай бұрын
언니 영상은 끊을 수가 없어.. 요리도 잘하고 너무 맛있어보여,, 예전에 새우튀김 & 불닭 같이 먹은 영상 제일 좋아해요 ㅠ 그 영상보고 따라 먹어봤다가 제 최애 조합을 발견했지 뭐에요 오래 영상 올려주세요 새해 복 많이 받으세요 🙇♀️
@ammendezt10 ай бұрын
La duración de video es perfecta, no lo cambies, a mi me gustan mucho, saludos. ❤
The duration is perfect actually, I really enjoy my meal when I watched your video, all of this time🤩👍🏻 Btw, Mozzi is so cute😻💖
@celestial906310 ай бұрын
Mozzi is just getting cuter and cuter 😍😍😍
@goomonster355710 ай бұрын
Mozzi is aiming for that chicken. ❤
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
Yeah Def lol
@mameme3710 ай бұрын
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
@これみずどこにすみますか10 ай бұрын
その日本語?言葉のセンス とてもお綺麗なお顔で! まじ日本でウケると思う!
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
@fairyqueen28172410 ай бұрын
Hey fume, just wanted you to know I recently tried buldak carbonara noodles. They were really good not too spicy. Thanks for introducing them to me!! ❤
저는 푸메님 영상이 이대로 넘 좋은대요ㅎ 그냥 하시던 대로 하셔도 될거같아요~ 너무 신경 쓰지 마시고 본인 스타일대로 그냥 하심이 어떨까요ㅎ❤❤
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
조언 감사드려요 🥹🧡
@arashi12510 ай бұрын
@bakura06ryou10 ай бұрын
15 minutes is a fine length for a video! Plus I like seeing you do stuff with your dog 🤗 Also, you are fine the way you are do not pressure yourself to go on a diet 😊
@taico_ww10 ай бұрын
@LaReina101110 ай бұрын
Your videos aren’t long at all! Those who want short videos should watch KZbin shorts! I love every detail on your videos. Don’t listen to one comment.
@aprilhartwell658510 ай бұрын
I like the longer videos I think they should all be longer. It makes it better!
@ΕφηΖαννακη10 ай бұрын
Your videos are perfect and the length. Much love from greece 🇬🇷 ❤️
@sharkboyfire93110 ай бұрын
No way! Videos need to be longer! 😁😆
@garifunaa605410 ай бұрын
The length of your videos are why I subscribed! I love that I get a little bit of everything and I feel like I get to know you as a creator and that makes my viewing experience that more enjoyable. I think you should just decide what type of audience you want!
@samanthabradley917210 ай бұрын
I think your videos are just fine I love them the way they are ❤
@kiaracordova595910 ай бұрын
the length of the videos are just perfect, i think the longer the video is, the better. i dont really like short mukbangs!
@Jui_channel10 ай бұрын
뭘 먹어도 너무 맛있어 보여서 배가 고프네요.
@kittykedama764310 ай бұрын
i like the length of your videos seeing you eat and enjoy your food from beginning to end and seeing you cook and listing the ingredients is very nice❤️
@잠을많이자는잠만보10 ай бұрын
오늘도 예쁜 푸메님 먹방영상 재밌게 잘봤습니다.ㅎㅎ행복한 주말 재밌게 보내시고 일요일 영상에서 기다리고 있겠습니다 사랑합니다 예쁜 푸메님ㅎㅎ😍😘😊❤❤❤ 오늘도 좋은하루 되시고 우리 정말로 좋아하면서 많이 사랑하는 예쁜 푸메님 영상은 언제나 항상 꼭 기대할게요ㅎㅎ😍😘😊😀😄😆😁❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤✨✨✨✨✨✨💘💘💘💘💘👍👍👍
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
덕분에 행복한 저녁이네요! 항상 감사드려요 😍 눈길 조심하세요 !
@잠을많이자는잠만보10 ай бұрын
네.우리 정말로 좋아하면서 많이 사랑하는 예쁜 푸메님도 눈길 미끄러우니까 조심하세요😍😊❤👍
По длительности ваши видео идеальны! Не большие и не маленькие🤍✨️
@TammyKousaie10 ай бұрын
Great videos!! Don’t change a thing!!
@박기범-b2s10 ай бұрын
레몬크림새우, 불닭볶음면이 맛있겠어요 행복한 주말 보내시고 일요일 영상에서 기다리고 있겠습니다 사랑합니다 예쁜 푸메님 ❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
오늘도 감사합니다아 ! 😍
@律子長友10 ай бұрын
@danieledezerto579310 ай бұрын
제가 제일 좋아하는 영상 중 하나에요!! 너무 좋아요❤️
@michael9513.10 ай бұрын
푸메님 채널엔 오랜만에 왔는데 여전히 맛있는 채널이네요😁(미카엘)
@sugamamaeats893710 ай бұрын
Shrimp looks Sooi Good! I enjoyed this video and I love your sound!😊
@ishmakhankhan841610 ай бұрын
Di Indonesia musim penghujan jadi laper lihat ini❤
@Ilikebananasforever10 ай бұрын
Hello!!! My korean chef I like all your videos this video look's so deli rice with shirmp spicy noodle is the excelent food thank you another deli video my korean chef❤❤kisses❤❤and hugs❤❤for you ❤and cute sleepy mozzi❤❤🐩
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
So touching! Thx a lot 😍🙏🏻U made my day !
@yujoo061710 ай бұрын
넘 맛있을 거 같아요 😊 멍뭉이 너무 귀엽네용❤
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
🥹 감사합니다아 헤헷.. 생각보다 쉬운데 맛있어요! 시간되시는 날에 만들어보세요 🧡🙏🏻
@traneeherod600910 ай бұрын
Your video lengths are perfect!!! Don't stress it at all
@高岡ようこ10 ай бұрын
@verdecrud10 ай бұрын
loved this, Fume! food had such pretty colors
@sharongaworski-holman103910 ай бұрын
Why is it up to you to make the videos shorter? I love your videos and the length does not bother me. Your followers if they find the video to long can fast forward through it! Keep doing you!❤
@Ky-rw5vs10 ай бұрын
제발 명란젓 잘게 잘라서(고추장 푸듯이 뜰 수 있을 정도로) 고춧가루랑 청양고추 송송 잘라넣고 참기름(들기름도 가능!!), 참깨 뿌려서 밥이랑 드셔주세요… 제발제발 ㅜㅜ 영상으로 찍으라는 것 X 푸메님이 이 맛있는 맛을 꼭 경험해보셨으면해서 ㅜㅜ
@faradilamaris78310 ай бұрын
Make me hungry🤤🍤💛🧡🍜🍚🍋
@qhguddla170710 ай бұрын
새우튀기는 소리부터ㅜㅠ 너무 맛있어 버리네요!!
@ТанитаМиледи10 ай бұрын
Мне нравятся длинные видео! Можно насладиться процессом от начало и до конца! А короткие, это на один раз!
@jmo8021Ай бұрын
Your videos are not long. They are perfect.
@deannastepney252910 ай бұрын
I don’t think they are too long. They are perfect in my opinion
@ZahraGholizadeh-v7w10 ай бұрын
You are very good, I enjoy your videos very much, I am from Iran❤🇮🇷
@rippley377210 ай бұрын
I enjoy your video length as it is, I don't think they need to be shorter 😢
@imxmaturex10 ай бұрын
바삭바삭소리 환상💃
@lgs-lo3yj10 ай бұрын
레몬크림새우,명란밥,불닭볶음면 ❤
@kristaready881210 ай бұрын
Because your videos are so good the longer they are the better for me 🤗💞
@dielytra10 ай бұрын
The length of your videos are fine. Take your time preparing and eating. This isn't Tiktok, this is KZbin. We are here for longer, relaxing videos. People will always find something to complain about. You can't make everyone happy. Keep being you. Enjoy!
@fishcook884910 ай бұрын
Honestly, well said. I remember she used to make 20 minutes long videos, but maybe it's just her preference to make shorter vids now
@fishcook884910 ай бұрын
Oh wait, she does still make 20 minutes long videos mb
@goomonster355710 ай бұрын
I feel like the video lenght is pretty good right now. Though if they get closer to 20 minutes or longer that might be a bit too much.
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
Thx for sharing ur opnion 🧡!!!!
@roseredfire4810 ай бұрын
I bet Lemon Cream would go good with chicken too. This looks yummy.
@TaberunoDaisukiii10 ай бұрын
おいしそーー!❤❤❤❤ 今日も良い動画をありがとうございます❤
@MyQueensta10 ай бұрын
That looks delicious! Fume's cooking skills are incredible (^•^)
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
Thx !!!!!
@BTpinkk0010 ай бұрын
Very good 😊🎉 Thank you for taking time for us ❤❤❤❤
@kabiradative251210 ай бұрын
Love it 😍 Can I do this but with beef 🥩 ?
@cellomozchaa10 ай бұрын
No, i like your usual video style. I think this is what makes you different with other mukbangers
@harshitkumar529410 ай бұрын
Fume is a best cook..
@gecoliasutton10 ай бұрын
Don’t worry about what people say. There are some KZbinrs whose videos are are over 50 minutes long. Your videos are just the right length. Keep them like they are 😊
Hola fume espero que te encuentres muy bien y que hayas tenido una hermosa noche, que tengas un hermoso día cuidate mucho y mantente saludable te deseo lo mejor y que siempre seas muy feliz, mantente saludable y cuídate mucho del frío mucho ánimo hermosa ❤❤❤❤ espero que hayas disfrutado demasiado ese menú se ve realmente delicioso, amo demasiado tus videos❤❤
@mizueeats541510 ай бұрын
Mmm absolutely delicious 😋 Mozzi is too cute
@전정국바라기라이즈바10 ай бұрын
헉 레몬크림 새우라니 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 맛있겠다 😅
@deborakristiana440810 ай бұрын
Mouthwatering..... It really looks so delicious...
@너에게로갈까10 ай бұрын
강아지 토마토 는 독 이랍니다😮 초콜렛 포도 토마토 는 never!!!🎉
@정-k9t10 ай бұрын
저희 데이도 야채라면 가리지않고 다 잘 먹어요.. 무우 당근 브로콜리 상추 배추 등등 ㅋㅋ 크림새우를 주문하지않고 만들어먹는 당신이란 새럼...정말이지...❤❤❤
@Fumeyamyam10 ай бұрын
역시 데이도 쩝쩝박사,, 👀🧡 생각보다 만들기 쉬워서 놀라실걸요,,?! 휴일에 한 번 도전해보세요! 🫢
@chiquitasirenita8210 ай бұрын
The person who commented complaining about the length of the video must have a short attention span, please do not listen to them. This video is 15 minutes long, I think that's perfect. I watch videos of mukbang's that are much longer than that lol