Asperger's Syndrome: Human vs. Aspie

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I return from my hiatus with a new series of videos; in this one I discuss the two sides of me that always seem to be at odds with one another in regards to monotony vs. new experiences

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@lesamarie6800 7 жыл бұрын
I'm married to an Aspie! He fits the characteristics completely. His best friend from Elementary School and I are the only 2 people in his life. We have been together since 2012 and he has NEVER made a new friend or went and hangout with anyone. Like you...he prefers to work alone. He gets bothered when ask about his feelings. He is a very quiet man. He is very logical minded. He's a homebody and introvert. His obsessions are movies and music. To the point that no one will play trivia with him because they will lose. He is a math genius. It blows my mind what he can calculate in his head.....
@abby11118 10 жыл бұрын
I can relate to the two sides. I like having people I am close to as friends and a girlfriend, but I also like alone time and enjoying my 3 special interests in studying about cars, different type of plants and health related research that I do. The problem is I don't fit in like I would like to and often come across as odd as soon as small talk begins, and then that leads to depression. To tell you the truth I really can't handle more than 1-2 friends at a time, and I really don't want to get married or have a family.
@DerekRabe1993 12 жыл бұрын
I'm an aspie too and I don't have a driver's license. I'd really like a girlfriend. I'm almost 19 and I have never been on a date. Most girls see me as nerdy just because I don't hang around with losers on the football team and that I'm interested in politics. I also 100% agree with you that there are things as aspies that don't make sense to us. I feel like I'm from Mars and I'm always desperate for an answer. Often I'm my own therapist. KEEP AT IT AND TAKE CARE!
@GypsySoulSister 11 жыл бұрын
I know I can't speak for my 10 year old son, but from my observation, he is not "typical" aspie. He doesn't have a problem with eye contact unless he is upset or agitated. He wants to be "in the big middle" of everything and be around people and have friends, but then it becomes overwhelming and he becomes anxious. He's not "obsessed" with one particular subject, but has a narrow interest of subjects that are related. I see sometimes how he struggles when his "aspie kicks in" or is obvious.
@SanityVideo 12 жыл бұрын
This makes a lot of sense to me. Sometimes I can think I'm almost "normal", usually this is when I'm not thinking a lot about what normal is, but then I will think about how I'm acting or how other people usually act, and I realize I'm not very much like most people at all.
@sleepyeyeguy 10 жыл бұрын
I think most Aspies long to fit in, but don't. That leads to a lot of depression. I've been clinically (but indiagnosed) depressed probably all my life, as a result of chronically not fitting in.
@danabaillie35 12 жыл бұрын
I would also like to thank you for sharing your experience with Asperger's. I am almost 40 and was not diagnosed until I was 37.
@MattZen88 12 жыл бұрын
I also have been in a few long term relationships since leaving high school. It helps once one breaks away from all the crap that comes with the commercial education system & the people within it. Be grateful that it's no longer something you have to deal with & that you have a job you are comfortable in. The next step is only to practice behaviour that RELATES to neuro-typicals, which will attract you a small group of friends. HOWEVER: NEVER compromise who YOU are for the acceptance of others.
@dreamerqueennotunderthemachine 12 жыл бұрын
I really like your videos! i really relate with you on so many levels, especially the feeling of human emotions, although also having the alien-like feeling about yourself; that's a rough line to be on, and i agree that we feel emotions more intensely. i'm not the super nerd stereotype either :P basically.. i don't feel that i've posessed a lot of the outer characteristics..although i actually think i'm worse than you one it comes to obsessing over special interests :P ps. I also loathe driving
@TheBoxingCannabyte 12 жыл бұрын
-Makes any sense. Watching vids like this and talking to other people from all the ranges of the spectrum helps out so much. I'd like to start making my own videos asap. between being an spie, having so many spinal problems and suffering from methadone addiction it's become virtually impossible for me to do anything outside of youtube, writing, and playing single player video games. I've even lost my taste for multiplayer, that's how much trouble I am having with other people!
@MattZen88 12 жыл бұрын
I can relate when you say there are 2 "sides". I often feel the "aspie" in me more obsessive & compulsive, whereas the "NT" in me longs for variation & what is typically considered "normal". I play WoW a LOT. This is something I regret as well as being grateful I started. If I hadn't, I probably would never have self-reflected to the point of self diagnosing myself as an aspie, followed by an official diagnosis. Trying to distract myself by altering my routine at the moment, but it's difficult.
@BrianBoyko 12 жыл бұрын
I just got diagnosed with Aspergers at the age of 33, so I'm working through that. Thanks for putting yourself out there. I'm going to try to make a similar video series.
@jokerhellvice3459 10 жыл бұрын
I totally understand what it's like. What you are going through when it comes to "normal" people. It's just ridiculous because I hear all the time from so called normal people is respect must be earned, or get to know someone and don't judge a book by it's cover because it makes you judgmental or a bully even. Yet When people get such a fit because they feel like I'm not being honest with them for whatever reason, and when I tell them the truth without cursing or yelling, they yell or start gossiping about me for being an "a-hole" just for telling the truth even if I told them that someone who they considered a friend was lying to their face. Aspies are actually intelligent (not to generalize) but we can also tell or me anyways can tell if someone is lying or shady with their story or give off cues to what they are lying about. I may lack the way to express emotions yet aspies or at least I am very analytical to behaviors. I tell someone who I thought was a friend the truth about their friend about his agenda to her yet she got mad at me for telling the truth and assumed that I had no heart. That I was "an alien" with no emotions nor empathy she basically said. So she cut me off completely and didn't even try to hear my side of the story as to why I may have seemed like I don't have emotions.
@keithlmh 8 жыл бұрын
I can relate to the two sides. It seems very strange and unnatural for me to make new friends and try new places. Yet the times that I have left my comfort zone to do so have sometimes obtained me my closest friends. It is trying to balance my natural state of being with my fear of being alone.
@DonSSanders 13 жыл бұрын
Like the fashion! Looks great! We will never "fit in." Always be as free as you need to be! "I AM BECOMING THAT WHICH I AM."
@Sirensss 11 жыл бұрын
It's actually kind of creepy how similar you and I are, especially with what you talk about in this vid. Plus, I'm jealous of your job where you don't have to interact with anyone. Sounds delightful.
@sleepyeyeguy 10 жыл бұрын
As an aspie, I don't think I would ever care to be NT. They piss me off! The world is too damn superficial and intellectually lazy. The world needs Asperger's Syndrome! I wish it was easier to find other intellectuals. Chess club is a place I enjoy.
@Matrixducky123 11 жыл бұрын
More like sheeple(human) vs aspie
@zeboraable 10 жыл бұрын
I think I have caught up with all of your vids now, just want to say thankyou for posting I think they are all great. Although I have no idea who you are you're like a kindred spirit. I can write things down better than I can verbalise them, that probably would not work for You Tube. Anyway I am grateful for your stuff, it's really helpful so thanks
@Forlorn79 12 жыл бұрын
As a trans person and aspie, I really do see myself as having different aspects, but instead of looking at it like different sides, I see it more as a diverse combination. Of course we don't go from one to the other, but our personalities encompass different traits that make us unique.
@nuclearvillage. 3 жыл бұрын
Hey cycleofsilence, I've subscribed to your channel videos and miss seeing new uploads - wherever you are now I hope you're well. If you ever planned to come back to KZbin I was hoping you could make a video on sensory issues and aversions - like how you experience wearing clothes, bright lights, food, scents, textures, loud music, etc? That would be so good, hope to see you again on here one day :)
@maxschmieder232 9 жыл бұрын
wow, i finally found someone, who really seems to feel what i feel, experience what i experience. think i´ll leave a sub to u bro ;D
@MrKillswitch88 5 жыл бұрын
The human world is a dark depressing place where under every stone there is some new horror to be discovered of how people abuse others or abuse themselves and there is no end to it. Much of the populations are cognitively and emotionally zombies going with the status quo either out of need for nice things or to just subsist rather than waking up out of the matrix so to say. I deeply loathe the ways of this world and just want to wake up one morning in another body, in another world, in a different time then go on pretending that the human world is nothing but a bad dream.
@icaru34 12 жыл бұрын
i hope I end up liking driving just because I want to drive through the countryside whenever I want. Right now I have a G1 (Ontario has several types, G1 G2 and G, then special ones for large trucks and motorcycles, A G1 means you can only drive between dawn and dusk, only on highways that aren't 400 series or highspeed expressways, zero alcohol and must be with a driver with at least 4 years driving experience with a G who has less than .5 BA) I drove a few times and was pretty white knuckled
@nespith 6 жыл бұрын
Pretty much all of the stereotypes are true for me. Especially the special interest/no emotions part. I don't have a diagnosis yet but all of the online test say I am.
@TheBoxingCannabyte 12 жыл бұрын
I'm 25, live with my dad, I get 98% of my socializing online and 1% from the outside world, and 1% on the phone. I've never really had a girlfriend although I've had girls express interest in me. I DID have a great circle of friends at one point (well, I thought it was great) but when I stopped selling weed mainly because I have physical disabilities that got to me-it's like my aspie side became so much more entrenched in my personality. I feel like I've regressed as much as progressed if that-
@redii2klutch 10 жыл бұрын
Friends lulz... small town I feel you... I do have a gf and we were going to a counselor who said she was pretty sure I had aspergers and wanted to know if anyone else ever talked to me about it etc. I haven't gone over it much just kind of said she makes a point but eh she doesn't know what she is talking about. Now I'm at the crossroad of knowing is half the battle... I feel you seemed a bit whiny here but you made sense and I deliver newspapers so I only have to talk to my boss and don'talways have to do that every other job people drive me nuts and I blow up... manic-depressive ...
@willabrams9449 11 жыл бұрын
I had my driver's lincense on my 18th birthday (minimum age to have a driver's lincense) , Just keep trying, the target is to achieve it, and the social part, just try to say in your mind: "i don't give a fuck about it" really works
@jovifan771 12 жыл бұрын
love your videos! i'm also a aspie. keep up the great work! :)
@ashleyalexander966 12 жыл бұрын
The name of this video should be Humans vs Vulcans because Mr Spocks way of thinking kinda reminds me of myself. Star Trek ftw llz
@jessica.bowman 9 жыл бұрын
Wow. This sounds exactly like me.
@icaru34 12 жыл бұрын
@icaru34 there's no longer a G level according to the ministry of transportation website
@BoyanOrion 11 жыл бұрын
You know the duality is always there among aspies, but perhaps it isn't much about duality but rather compatibility. I find myself much easier and going when i am around people that share many similarities with me or other aspies. Would you go out to socialise with a group of NT's or would you rather find yourself a lot more comfortable in a group of aspies or like minded people ???? I live my life and interact with both groups and it feels like i live a double life !!!
@MrGeocidal 11 жыл бұрын
I'm an aspie and I have a duality. It's not that I hate other people. I like other people. My duality is that I hate work and have a minimal part time job but I feel that I should study and get a full time job and then I think I can't do it but then I think I can do it but then I think I don't really need it but I'd just be getting it to look good and I shouldn't devote my life to trying to impress people but then I think that's just laziness talking.
@DarknessIsThePath 7 жыл бұрын
Well whether you are an NT or AS, most of us do not study or work to impress others as a main purpose, we do it because we need to survive out there in the world whether we like it or not. Has nothing to do with being AS so yes it's more of a lazy attitude.
@danabaillie35 12 жыл бұрын
I would recommend changing the title of this video. Asperger's does not make you any less of a human being than someone who does not have Asperger's. You could say for example, "Aspie vs Non-Aspie" or something like that. You ARE a bona-fide human; Asperger's does not disqualify you as a human being. True, us people with Asperger's feel like we are not human and there are ignorant people out there who treat us as such, but it does not make us sub-human.
@karenwise5179 6 жыл бұрын
I have 2 sides. I dont think you can lump everyone into one idea on anything. There are always differences right? Like i want to meet new people and do new things. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But that doesnt mean we dont have the other issues but its not totally debilitating in everyone. Its hard, it takes work but we will survive. Whats the difference between us and people who play a video game all day long every day or gymnasts or Olympic sports people or someone who wants to live off grid or out in the country. Everyone has their own interests, some are obsessed and theyre probably aspies too lol.
@Alex808thegreat 13 жыл бұрын
My situation is similar to yours. I have the normal side and the aspergers side. I think aspergers is were the brain is half normal and half autistic, but I could be wrong about that.
@bobbyhavens 3 жыл бұрын
Hello,fellow Aspie!
@musictravellife392 3 жыл бұрын
Just move !Go
@XxXBennyBoyXxX 11 жыл бұрын
Just like you bro.... Just like you .__.
@weAreNotAloneHere 10 жыл бұрын
god i love you
@Leftyaspie 12 жыл бұрын
Hello Cycleofsilence, I like your videos because I can identify myself with you! I´m not sure if I really have aspergers or not.Sorry for my bad english. Originally I´m from Germany. Can i get your email adress to ask you something about asperger? Best wihses, Patricia
@Matrixducky123 11 жыл бұрын
Check out george carlin - disasters
@KarisMajik 6 жыл бұрын
I also like to think I'm not human. It helps that I see an elf in the mirror, and I don't even have to wear prosthetic poser prop ears. I even have a dress that almost looks like it's right out of LotR! I mean, it I wanted to look human, I would need to wear prosthetic ears, designed to be worn by pointy-ears, but I highly doubt *those* exist..
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