I'm so sorry about what happened with the stock, the malfunctioning train and you standing up for a long time. I hope things are doing well overall though. ^^ I too attended marriage parties when I was younger, but the food part was the best lol. There was no pairing or match-up too. I'd imagine I would be mostly alone if I went to marriage parties but if we were together, I'm sure I'll enjoy it even more. 🥰 That salad is divine and delicious at the same time! 😋😋😋 Looks like the person whom you were paired with was desperate and probably only wanted the naughty stuff from you. 😆 I would rather wait for that future woman to say that she likes me and get married first before I would say it. No naughty stuff unless she wants to. True love and naughty stuff are not the same. Anyways, take care always! あやちゃんはいつも最高です。💗💗💗