At the Table with Flannel & Purls - ep 1

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Flannel & Purls

Flannel & Purls

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@LovedLisa Жыл бұрын
How have you not been doing this for years? This video truly is something every crafter should treat themselves to
@FlannelandPurls Жыл бұрын
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Well here's to (hopefully) many years to come!
@janellehiam7550 Жыл бұрын
Did you feel your audience answering back? This really is a two-way conversation in our minds. I had a lovely time.
@FlannelandPurls Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love that answer back! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
@KariEngblom-Youkey Жыл бұрын
Well said!😊❤ I ditto the lovely time! Just what I needed🍁🌻
@melg8251 Жыл бұрын
Okay, but the fact that you were worried about offending the pumpkin crowd is adorable.
@FlannelandPurls Жыл бұрын
Pumpkin is a near-religious experience for some people.... I don't need to get canceled by the Pumpkin Stans.... 😂😂😂
@kathidubach Жыл бұрын
Thank you for having me as a guest at your crafting table, I had a really lovely time, sitting half a world away in Switzerland at my garden table with the sun slowly setting, my bare feet feeling the warmth of the stone slabs, the crickets joining your cicadas. Lovely! You touched on so many things I could comment on… like: Practice doesn’t make you perfect, but you get better and faster - maybe less afraid, too - at correcting your mistakes. I, too, love the seasons. I‘m really looking forward to fall, when it’s not hot any more. I love prunes and grapes, just like I love cherries in summer. That apple pie with caramelized granny smith apples sounds delicious! And I‘m looking forward to picking mushrooms in the woods. It’s getting too dark here to continue knitting outdoors, so I‘ll move inside now. Looking forward to joining you next time.
@rosesforthedead179 10 ай бұрын
Actually so peaceful to listen to. You are the Bob Ross of wool ❤ very relaxing to listen to as I crochet
@FlannelandPurls 10 ай бұрын
Truly the highest compliment I could be given!
@candycep526 Жыл бұрын
You have the best podcast. I feel like we are quietly sitting in the same room enjoying the presence of having someone who can sit in silence yet have an occasional chat. Your soft spokenness is a welcome calm in a world that is often chaotic. Thank you.
@mleone5662 Жыл бұрын
Christopher, this was beautiful. There were a couple of times in here where you gave the audience permission to just let things go. And this last month has been terrifically hard for me (my father died and my kiddo is not doing well with stress of it, nor am I). I felt like I was with a therapist, but in a non-commital, non-formal way. Almost like being at a bar talking with a bartender who can read people. And you're not even in the room with me. LOL Thank you for giving us something we didn't all realize we needed.
@FlannelandPurls Жыл бұрын
I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss but truly: I'm glad you're here. And I'm glad that you are working through the experience, letting yourself feel it, and trusting the process of grief. I'm so glad that this can be a break for you. That was the biggest reason I wanted to make it a video and not a Livestream. I wanted anyone to connect with the table and this space any time they needed it.
@ElinT13 Жыл бұрын
My condolences to you and your kid for your loss. I am sending you love, peace and healing!
@mleone5662 Жыл бұрын
@@FlannelandPurls thank you! I think a lot of us are just dealing with so much, mentally. This was a nice excuse to just be quiet. More of this, please.
@mleone5662 Жыл бұрын
@@ElinT13 thank you, so much! I feel your love.
@Familyrecipeswithjack Жыл бұрын
Oh I’m so sorry! I hope you and your family feel peace soon ❤️
@debbuckingham2313 Жыл бұрын
Oh dear Christopher, so many thoughts around your podcast format. I sat with my sock while listening to the music, the tone of your voice, and the questions you asked. Your podcast is a breathe of fresh air. I love the format in which you present it. ❤ One new thing I’ve taught myself is the art of illustrating florals. I’ve been an avid knitter for years, and have recently taught myself how to draw. It’s magic to me. Thank you for taking time to produce a podcast we can can get quiet with ourselves. 🥰 And just be at your table alongside friends.
@suzannecarr5871 Жыл бұрын
You are the Mr. Rogers of knitting and I all of us are so in need of your kindness and smooth voice.
@Redsquirrelanddune Жыл бұрын
There were times throughout this video when I couldn’t concentrate on my own knitting because I was so entranced by your words. I’m so emotionally invested in your videos and the time spent knitting with you. It’s been a tough few years but when my husband walked in to find me watching this video this morning, he smiled and said “I see you’re in your happy place again!” Not even two videos in and he sees the impact you’re having! I’m in love with your style and your words and your authenticity! Long May these videos continue! With all the love! Clare from Red Squirrel and Dune Xxx
@ulli4303 Жыл бұрын
I'm suffering from severe mecfs, have been housebound for years and am mostly bedbound. I do my knitting in Couchistan, a daybed I have in my living room, with lots of pillows, blankets, 2 cats and yarn, books,... I also call it my shop
@traceymaria9206 Жыл бұрын
Christopher, are you a voice actor or narrator because your voice and manner of speaking is so restful yet interesting! So good.
@lichenandmossfibre Жыл бұрын
This was so loverly! As someone who cant sit in a room with a group of people for too long because of autistic sensory overwhelm this is perfect. I feel like I am sitting with you and everyone here without feeling like it is all too much. Thank you 💜
@RebecaMendez-u1t Жыл бұрын
Thanks Chris, what a special time to knit with you. Its the beginning of spring on the east coast of Australia . I live in a rural fishing village a step away from many beaches and the sound of the waves in high tide is my happy place as I knit. The silver wattle and bottle brushes are blooming early and the temperatures are climbing to about 28 degrees Celsius already. Still working on my mohair colour work but once these two heavy jumpers are done will move to some cotton and linen for a summer weight top. Will continue listening tomorrow night as I pick up this evening time with you. Happy knitting and thank you for the knitting circle you have made. 🙂
@deborahhuss9579 Жыл бұрын
Two videos in and I am so thrilled that I found you. I love knitting "podcasts", all for different reasons and find yours to be a breath of fresh air. Combining knitting or crafting with soothing music and wise words of encouragement is so welcome. Your articulate, creative and down to earth style is wonderful. I grew up in Chicago and share some of your memories although I lived in a neighborhood full of friends playing outdoors until "the street lights came on". I now live in rural Colorado and have found my heart home. Instead of cicadeas I listen to coyotes, owls hooting and hawks calling to each other. I also love autumn and look forward to the Aspens, scrub oaks and cotton wood trees turning colors. I love to knit a couple projects at a time and am always learning. Thank you for your time and soothing energy.
@KariRhoades-i7l Жыл бұрын
I love cicada too. How comforting their songs can be. Just drowning out the noise of the world. Thank you for providing this outlet. A place where we can gather and get away from the noise of the world.
@TR-jl8vn Жыл бұрын
"If you're like me and have had a hard summer, I hope you remember that. And I hope you know you've got at least one person who's pulling for you." Who is cutting onions at the table?! I did not expect my summer to get called out like that, but thank you for reminding me the story is still chugging along. All joking besides, thank you for opening up and letting us sit at the table with you. It means a lot to be seen. Look forward to next time
@Fuj109 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Christopher, for a lovely visit. It’s always a pleasure. See you next time….big hugs…Sue 🤗❤️🙋
@susanjanemay5713 Жыл бұрын
It was so very lovely to come and sit and knit with you this morning Christopher, such special quiet time in lovely company 😊 I'm an early riser, typically around 5.30am, and start crafting early to quietly, and gently, bring myself into the day ahead. I can't listen to typical podcasts this early on but will always be happy to come and sit at your table, thank you so, so much 😊🤗
@julielandy9162 Жыл бұрын
I was flying today. Roasting Anaheim chilies, then freezing the, making banana pepper relish and the canning them. Wr had a bumper crop of peppers in our wee garden this year. All the while I was making dinner rolls. I saw that your podcast was on and I quit fir the day. Pulled the rolls out when they were done, and pull out my knitting fir a fabulous time at the table . It was so calming and was a respite from the business of the day. Autumn recipe is an apple or pearssuce cake. Full of all theold spices like the use of mace. It is so wonderful. I made a promise st the beginning of the year to either finish or frog my wips. I knit now because I love the craft, not because there is so much pressure to keep up with the Jones. Thank you for a lovely time to just be.
@curlynik1230 Жыл бұрын
Christopher, your podcast is so incredibly wonderful and you are such a joy. I feel honoured to be part of your international crafting group and to have a place at the table with you and your lovely community that you are building. You have a special way of making us feel comfort and kinship. Thank you 🥰🥰
@ashleyanderson1644 Жыл бұрын
What an absolute joy it is to watch your videos. Thank you for your contribution to us knitters, crafters! ♥️
@jenniferjohnson9335 Жыл бұрын
Hi, Chris--I've been waiting to join you knitting! This is such a treat to knit and watch you. I love fall. Both my babies were born in October, which is peak color in Tennessee and just lovely. They are grown and I'm knitting my granddaughter's Christmas stocking now. This was the perfect opportunity to sit and knit a while. It's a colorwork stocking--the 2nd I've ever made. I made one a couple of years ago and got over my fear of colorwork--that made me think I really arrived as a knitter. Lace and cables were fun to learn. My Aunt taught me cables as my grandma was having chemotherapy. I'll never forget the lightbulb moment of "OH, it's just knitting out of order!" Thanks for being here, Chris!
@ulli4303 Жыл бұрын
I spend 1 hour this morning in Germany knitting with you and I love it so very very much. Thank you so much, and, please, keep doing this💋💋💋💋
@kimkolb3238 Жыл бұрын
When you mentioned The serviceberry tree, starting to change color to that deep golden in the leaves. I had a chuckle and realized that we are once again kindred spirits. Just yesterday I noticed the leaves starting to change color in my serviceberry tree! I didn’t realize anyone else knew about serviceberry trees. I thought they were kind of a rare tree just like you, Christopher are a rare and special tree. I am so glad to have found your purlcast. Looking forward to your next cast. It is such a breath of fresh, healthy air to craft with you. I recognized the toxicity that pervades my local knitting group and chose to step away from that atmosphere this summer. Thank you for sharing positivity, inclusivity and kindness to all!
@FlannelandPurls Жыл бұрын
🥹🥹🥹🥹 What an extraordinary compliment to be paid! The leaves change rather early, don't they?? I was surprised!
@MsOMakes Жыл бұрын
Hello Christopher. I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for your shared work here. Your podcast is pure delight: I learn new things, smile at your enthusiasm and joy, and find peace in this space you hold for quiet making. I lived in Springfield, MO during high school and college, but spent summers there (in the Ozarks) with my grandparents growing up. So many of your notes and references (apple butter?? Yes, please!) resonate with me. Cheers to spending many more moments in your company!
@theunschooledgirl Жыл бұрын
This was such a lovely time I had no idea an hour had passed until it was over. I finished up the last few rows of a pair of socks for a relative's birthday and worked a bit on a baby blanket. It was so nice to just unwind and knit together. Oh, also: I am a floor goblin XD Sometimes I'll sit in a chair at a desk but if I can, 99% of the time you can find me cross-legged on the floor. It's just so much more comfortable for me, both for my back and because I'm a very fidgety person and I'm constantly repositioning myself. I also enjoy a good knit on the stairs, if a set of clean, out-of-the-way stairs can be found.
@FlannelandPurls Жыл бұрын
I am SO. JEALOUS. of people who can sit crossed-legged. These ole hips of mine have literally never allowed it - even when I was a kid! I support your quest and prioritization of comfort in your crafting! Take it to the floor!
@cheryldowd6916 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Christopher for letting me sit at your table. My kitchen table was always the place to sit at with family and friends. I miss those days and now I have them back. I have a lot of projects going in crochet, knit, cross stitch painting and quilting. I switch around but try to work on everything throughout my week. As for something new, I just bought in to do Stephen West’s 2023 MKAL. This is my 4th time doing this. Because my life has been through some turmoil the passed 3 years, I started the mkal and ripped it. I am determined to do it this year. When I complete this one I will go back and make the other 3. That’s my goal. I am not a proficient knitter but I did learn a lot from the shawls. Take care.
@wildflower3725 11 ай бұрын
Your project is beautiful! Also, what a beautiful person you are! I just want to give you a hug! Your video is so peaceful, cozy, hygge! It's like meditation! You have such a soft and relaxing way of talking and say things that feel like you're speaking to me. Also, the bits of appreciating each season and appreciating the progress of learning and practicing our craft....wonderful! And, I love that you love cicadas! I do too! So many people don't but I find their sound so relaxing! It's also the same sound as my tinitus and so it makes it so I can't hear that for a while! So great! Happy stitching and I wish you all the best! ❤️
@Lisa_Holding Жыл бұрын
To sit and knit along with you is a truly lovely experience. It fills me with warmth. Thank you very much.
@LauraHosbach Жыл бұрын
Well if this wasn't the most relaxing hour I've had in a long time! What a joy to be able to sit and knit with you 😊 Thank you for sharing your lovely self with all of us. ❤
@lisaharrison1153 10 ай бұрын
I moved to my first house 2 years ago, things happened and my husband wasnt able to move until 3 months ago - ive been so lonely and wished i would have found you before today 2/3/24. Im loving sitting at the table Christopher. My name is Lisa. Ill be joining you often. Sometimes ill work on my crochet and other times ill do cross stitch. I appreciate you for doing this. Ive asked many people to craft with me like this but no one ever has. You are so easy to listen to. Your knitting is amazing. Its really cool to watch you craft❤
@janneshus4222 Жыл бұрын
I’m following from Denmark. OMG you’re a gift for my soul… I feel so at peace when I’m knitting and listening to you! Thank you and keep At The Table alive. 🥰
@claudiahaase Жыл бұрын
Dear Christopher! So lovely of you to invite us to your table ❤ You found me this afternoon on my beloved couch in central Germany. I am working on an Abenteuer Sweater (German for Adventure) and I have increased now to unbelievable 476 stitches and the pattern says to do another 21 of these endless rounds. So we will have more time in the future to sit together and knit 😅 All the best, enjoy your day. Claudia
@emily_knits_ Жыл бұрын
This has instantly become my favourite knitting content on KZbin - it feels like crafting with good friends. Thank you for creating this wonderful space
@chezmanya Жыл бұрын
I also love autumn the best. Winter is endurance, spring is renewal, summer is lassitude, but autumn, autumn is anticipation. Thanks for providing a virtual knitting circle. I have no one to knit with, so this is perfect.
@suemount6042 Жыл бұрын
Chezmanya that’s a quote to get behind thank you
@clairdouglass4617 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the company, Christopher! You are such a soothing spirit. I'm a night shift hospice nurse, and respond to calls from home. I put your soothing podcast on after I got home from a call tonight and got to work on my Larch cardi. Just started the ribbing of the body during this episode. Autumn is my favorite season too. I need ALL the fallnesses, but apple cider donuts and re-reading the audio version of Practical Magic with a good cup of hot tea and my knitting is a yearly tradition. 🍎🍂🫖
@nickybebb2140 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for such a wonderful podcast 🙏for sharing your creative space and thoughts 🙏for inviting and embracing your wider audience 🙏and for sharing your progress on that gorgeous sweater 🙏🧶🙏❣️
@CelticPurl Жыл бұрын
Finally, I’ve found my knitting buddy! I live in a small town and knit alone. It’s so nice to have a friend to knit with in a gentle, peaceful atmosphere. Thank you.
@Sparkles4me Жыл бұрын
I didn’t want to stop knitting!!! I love your relaxed sit and knit. Your voice! It just melts my anxiety away…
@gwynnefare1740 Жыл бұрын
Your like the Bob Ross of knitting ❤ Your voice is so soothing and full of encouragement. Happy knitting and God bless😊
@anndunn6775 Жыл бұрын
Such a wonderful relaxing time spent with you. Thank you Christopher.
@katebarton2032 Жыл бұрын
I really felt like I was there knitting with everyone. Thank you for your calming presence. I’m already looking forward to the next time we can sit together and craft. ❤
@briannalucas2163 Жыл бұрын
I love finding new knitting podcasts to watch while I’m knitting ❤️ I also just moved across the world & don’t have a crafty circle here, so thank you for being that! 😊
@michellesmith-tamaray6220 Жыл бұрын
Oh Christopher, all of this! 3 years after moving, and still not settled, this brought me to tears. ‘If it’s not good, it’s not over yet’ (sorry for any misquote). I will have this sentiment on repeat, thank you xo
@FlannelandPurls Жыл бұрын
I have to remind myself of this daily....
@janelange2368 Жыл бұрын
Finally, a place to belong. Bless you, Christopher, for the best crafting circle.
@lizcasper3995 Жыл бұрын
I wrote this quote in my quote journal. What a perfect sentiment for life! What a special time it is spending it with you Christopher!
@suek.knitting Жыл бұрын
This had me in tears. How did you know how I feel? How did you make me feel seen and welcome when you don't even know I'm there? What a gift you have.
@M1Yarns Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the therapy session! We laughed. We cried. We knit. Your calm presence and soothing narrative was JUST what I needed today. Please keep up the good work. ❤🧶
@SomewhenDesigns Жыл бұрын
It's been a long week with hardly a moment to knit - what a treat to sit here and commune with you for an hour. I craft mostly on my sofa or a comfy chair when at home - but my knitting comes in the car with me and sometimes on walks or hikes as well. If I have a moment of waiting, my hands are busy. Currently working through some of the WIPs that have accumulated over the last decade but I'm dreaming of casting on my first steeked Fair Isle vest! I also have an apple cake which I love and never make except in the fall - it's a sheet cake with chunks of apples inside and a brown sugar butter coconut pecan topping that is just heavenly.
@stephanietisdelbutler614 Жыл бұрын
Christopher, thank you so much for the peaceful visit this morning. I love your podcast! I crocheted on my cowl, sipped my iced coffee and enjoyed conversation with you!
@sgjknit7082 Жыл бұрын
This was absolutely lovely. The background music was perfect, and that talk was at a minimum and not a neccesity felt very appropriate. Thank you!🙂
@Kaatje04IJ Жыл бұрын
I am not knitting this time. I had just put my baby to bed and decided to fold a load of laundry. But It still felt like sitting with a friend. Your voice is so soothing. Your videos feel like a warm cozy autumn hug ❤ thank you so much for the wonderful vibes you put out into the fast moving hectic world.
@Familyrecipeswithjack Жыл бұрын
My baby is taking a nap too!
@knittingwithbetty Жыл бұрын
He needs to do guided meditations because his voice is so soothing ❤😂
@ladyjacquiehawey5191 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the company Christopher! I'm making paper roses for my niece's wedding, which I have to say is kind of tedious. It was nice making them with you. You lightened the tedium! Next time I will be knitting :)
@ceydadagistan Жыл бұрын
This felt like a getting a massage while knitting…so relaxing. Heartfelt gratitude from Urla, Turkey 💞💐
@TheGonka95 Жыл бұрын
I'm getting Bob Ross vibes and I think we all need it! Thank you!
@silemuirin Жыл бұрын
Lovely to sit with you again :) I'm on a rock in the north Atlantic Ocean called Newfoundland I had to laugh outloud when you asked what other projects we have lined up. Last time we crafted together I was knitting on my cabled cloak. I've been waylaid by a shawl kal so today I'm knitting lace that I only casted on a few hours ago! And the cloak is giving me some serious side eye from its basket. Of course the cabled sweater, cabled shawl, and textured colorful shawl are all giving the cloak dirty looks for having been my focus lately 🤣🤣 I'm so awful for starting so many things all at once. And I have plans! All the plans for what comes next! There's more lace; with beads! And more cables! I'll be knitting my first project/design with a steek this fall/winter :) And I really need to sew and attach the lining to the totebag. And the doll outfit needs its linings, and embroidery, and the zipper! Too many ideas in my head and not enough hands to create them 🤣🤣🤣
@WildLibrarian Жыл бұрын
Absolutely smashing, I had a fantastic time sitting and chatting round the table. you make an excellent hoast and if you fancy floating that apple cake recipe past us, that'd be smashing. I can honestly say hand on my heart I thoroughly enjoyed just sitting with the podcast and knitting along, I've had a difficult day today and it really helped me mentally deal with a few of the things that have come along with that. Thank you Christopher.
@marlamcenaney1648 Жыл бұрын
I finally figured out why I love this…it’s Mr. Rogers and knitting! ❤❤❤
@whiteout731 Жыл бұрын
I am immensely enjoying your content. The Mister Roger's knitting vibe has brought a peace to my nights. Thank you
@louissyllagarcia9232 Жыл бұрын
Hi, It's nice knitting with you, thanks! Greetings from Spain
@pjk4361 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for a piece of peace in the noise. This time left me relaxed, comforted, accomplished (finished side seams of a knit top and leafed through a cookbook). Good night, good rest.
@Melavara Жыл бұрын
This was such lovely companionship while I was sewing ❤
@nicolacockett7523 Жыл бұрын
What a lovely relaxing interlude. I am at the moment challenging myself to master knitting socks. I've made two pairs in the past, and neither was quite right. So I am playing with a tighter tension, non-superwash yarn, different methods. Thank goodness for You-tube tutorials. My next cast is sitting quietly waiting for me and it is a all over cable jumper (sweater), in the most beautiful Irish donegal tweed. The yarn is a natural main colour with glorious bright coloured flecks. Another challenge really: I haven't knit cables in many years, so this feels exciting. My brain usually yearns for very simple knits, and I am beginning to look for slightly more complicated stuff. Thank you again for such a lovely, calm and thoughtful podcast. I heard those cicadas a couple of times filtering in :)
@ekeommai Жыл бұрын
Hello from the Netherlands. I am loving this❤
@mtstamper Жыл бұрын
I just felt the stress leaving me when I started this video. Thank you for the peaceful retreat.
@Dreamgirl1561 Жыл бұрын
Christopher ❤ thank you for these videos. They reached me all the way in Germany. I began knitting 13 years ago, when I was on bedrest with my first baby. I still wear that cowl I made during that time. You made me pick up my knitting again after a busy and emotional gut-wrenching summer. Thank you for initiating this circle of peace, calm and emotional regulation. ❤
@wendyn3460 Жыл бұрын
I live in a small town in Pennsylvania called South Fork. I have no one to crochet with 😢. So this I enjoy very much! Thank you for taking time to make these videos. They are so relaxing after a week of work. 🧶💕
@eridau22 Жыл бұрын
This was just the most beautiful, moment of joy. Thank you. I didn't realize how much I needed this quiet moment of crafting. 💗
@knitwithnat Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for guiding us through another peaceful crafting moment. Your comment about feeling like you’re in the wrong space helped me. Both of my kids are now in college, my husband who was a stay at home Dad is transitioning into his retirement and I hadn’t really noticed it but I’ve been a bit melancholy because they are all moving forward and I feel a bit left behind. I’m going to think on that a bit and then work through what I think maybe should change in my life now. Maybe nothing, maybe something. Thank you!
@anniewatkins8636 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful. You really are an oasis of calm. Will not get dragged in to the great sweet pots or pumpkin debate 😂 Both are yum. Nice cables 😊See you next time. Say Hi to Howl 😺
@estefanamanrique3317 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being there! I happened to be here accidentally... and I liked your calm ambiance, just as if we were at a friend's, knitting together. You are right when you say that our mind is already on another project as we work on something. Just like @jgorbutt said, I have no "real ;ife" knitting friends... so, just sharing your knitting time with other lonely knitters is so generous! Thank you
@FlowerPower323 Жыл бұрын
Your intro brings tears to my eyes. You're so sweet and welcoming
@patienceofangels Жыл бұрын
Such a treat to sit at your table! Thank you ❤
@steffanieiorio40 Жыл бұрын
This is fast becoming my favorite podcast to listen to while knitting. Your voice is so warm and comforting to listen to and I love your choice of background music. Thank you for being here--- more videos please!!!!!
@lorirolison2502 Жыл бұрын
Dear Christopher; I have no words greater than some that have gone before me. Just know that I am here for this; really love your aesthetic and your gentle words. Nearly everything you spoke about resonates with me. Fall is my favoite season also. I was married near the end of October (38 yrs ago), on my late husbands birthday; so now this time of year brings some mixed emotions......Still it is my favorite! Take Good Care and Happy Knitting until next time!! ~ Best regards Lori~
@lindastaley1871 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for such a lovely time.
@bobwaddell841 Жыл бұрын
It was nice knitting with you today. Thanks for the company and soothing VLOG.
@isabellecarbon3113 Жыл бұрын
Hi Christopher! Long time fall lover here. I'm a school teacher so I still get that excitement from starting a new school year. One fall tradition we have is a day of apple picking in the hills about an hour from the city. We take advantage of the excursion to buy local products from the nearby shops and stalls ( including an amazing artisanal chocolate shop!). And though I do love all the apple baked goods I make (crumbles, fritters, pies and muffins are my faves), I love even more the pears that are in season at the end of september. The Belle Flamande pears make a delicious spiced jam when slowly cooked with star anise, cinnamon sticks and vanilla pods. I also make a melt-in-your-mouth pear skillet cake. Another favorite fall activity is making soup. I make large batches and freeze the excess for later or to give away to my stepmother, who has lost the pleasure in cooking. A large pot of simmering butternut-apple, or carrot-parsnip, or roasted cauliflower really adds a comforting scent to the house. Thank you for spending time with me while I finished the cuffs of my Fleurs des Champs socks.
@aylamonic Жыл бұрын
This was such a lovely time. Thank you for facilitating this space. Not many people know that service berries are also called Saskatoons! I grew up in the Canadian prairies, in Saskatchewan, and I have such fond memories of picking Saskatoon berries. They're not super common out east where I am now, so I don't get them often. I'm in the home run of a sweater I'm knitting for my partner (Brooklyn Tweed's Brownstone) and it feels like such a slog but it was nice to knit with company tonight, after a somewhat meh day. 🧶🧶
@theyarningvoid Жыл бұрын
You are truly a blessing, thank you so much for this episode ❤❤❤
@leonedraeger926 Жыл бұрын
I so enjoyed knitting with you this evening! Thank you.
@cassandras3465 Жыл бұрын
I love your voice Christopher!! I too felt like I was in the most wonderful and relaxing space with a good friend. Can’t wait for the next episode ❤
@Jenjursnap Жыл бұрын
I don't know you personally, yet you've become one of my favorite humans on the planet. There is such a tranquility about you that flows beautifully alongside your zest for life. Your keen eye for beauty and tender appreciation for simplicity draws us in with a gentle magnetism. Thank you for being exactly who you are and for sharing a bit of yourself with us.
@LorenMarieP Жыл бұрын
I live in Vermont and we take our autumn very seriously! 😂 I like to set a small pot simmering on the stove (or fireplace once it’s burning) and add cinnamon sticks, cloves, orange and apple peels, cardamom, or chai tea bags after we’ve used them. The house smells delicious all season and my children forever associate that smell with home!
@RachelB_13 Жыл бұрын
This was the perfect way to start my day today! Thank you so much 😊 I started a new little project to carry around with me over the course of the weekend - a crochet dice bag for my DnD dice 🤓 it's got a 'variation of crocodile stitch' in the pattern, which I've not done before, and it's in fingering yarn with a 3.5mm hook so it's quite fiddly! But I really enjoyed doing it alongside you, and your calming vibes and words reminded me not to get frustrated and to see it as progression 😊 I also stopped to look at the trees outside when you were talking about autumn - it's my favourite season. I'm a bit nervous about what I have planned today so sitting and crocheting alongside you has really given me the chance to slow down and calm my nervous system. I will keep remembering this time throughout the day to keep myself regulated 😊 I hope you have a wonderful day, and I very much look forward to seeing more from you when the time comes 😁
@jenniferevenmelton Жыл бұрын
Ah… knitting in my new happy place here! Thank you❣️
@jessicabandelin4870 Жыл бұрын
This was a perfect way to celebrate Labor Day. Thank you🩷 I wanted to share that when I have multiple charts in a cable pattern I will take a little time with some graph paper, ruler, a good pen (tm) and write them out in order. Also, if one chart is smaller than the others I'll draw as many repeats as necessary to have them line up: Chart A has 4 rows Chart B has 6 rows Chart C has 24 rows I would draw 6 vertical repeats of A, 4 vertical repeats of B, and one of C, then to make it symmetrical I do chart B and A again so I don't have to think more than necessary while I'm knitting. It is a very meditative process and so worth it. If I'm pressed for time I'll do some cutting/pasting in word for the same end result
@blueammonitedesigns Жыл бұрын
Christopher, thank you SO much for this. I've had a hard summer too, and this soothed lifted my mood 1000%. A podcast to match the mellow fruitfulness of the season. More please! (It occurred to me, if you have the time, you could make two or three of these a week, and maybe open a Patreon so we can support you for your efforts. You could even offer a few lives ones for Patrons. The possibilities are endless!)
@reporebo Жыл бұрын
Stacking firewood is one of my favorite fall activities, along with moving perennials around the yard and planting new shrubs and trees. A big bubbling crockpot of apple butter fragrancing the house makes it even more lovely!
@claudiaalarcon2110 11 ай бұрын
You has hit in the nail, I want so much to have a knitting group, in my country there are few, because we don’t have the culture of knitting, and any of my friends like to knit, then you makes me feel so good with this podcast. I follow you in instagram and enjoy your publications, your voice, your personality transmits calm and peace and definitely you has become in my favorite podcast, thanks so much for share with us a part of you. ❤❤❤
@ruthlee2752 Жыл бұрын
I have been knitting 100% rustic wool potholders as Christmas gifts while you talked. Double stranded in garter stitch. Going through left overs. Love the outcome. Little plastic circles to hang up! I’ll be back Love all your projects. Actually I hate cables. Always messing it up. My main love is fairisle. All over cardigan on the needles for me and a vest for hubby. I do it all sewing,knitting , quilting. I just learned Turkish drop spinning during Covid. I have been a maker since childhood and I am an oldie. I have taught many to do different crafts. There is no right way to knit just your own way. See you again soon. I’m part of your knitting group!
@stefanierams7384 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this space❤
@macgal74 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being here and providing content that's inclusive to all. 😍 My favorite shirt that I own is by the bitter southerner. Y'all means all.
@jamiejames5465 Жыл бұрын
Thank you.❤ You are just the best!
@staceymoore5304 Жыл бұрын
Have been putting it out there to meet more and more like minded folks. Having moved away from my "tribe", to a city, which initially was filled with good energy. However the energy has significantly shifted over my time in residency. Little did I know that one such like-minded Being would come in the form of a virtual, podcasty association. Grateful!!!😃🙏
@dorisenderle5857 Жыл бұрын
I haven’t watched this in one hour, I’ve watched it in bits and pieces as I feel the need for calmness. As I was checking the comments I think you have made a lot of people happy. More please. You don’t even need to finish anything, just be there.
@cyn6236 Жыл бұрын
So I grew up in Kansas and I now currently live in Colorado for the last 16yrs. I never realized how much I missed the sound of cicadas until I heard them on your video. Thank you for not editing them out. I'll knit/crochet/nälbind anywhere but my favorite is in a hammock in the woods. It's especially my favorite in the fall as all the Aspen leaves fall and flutter down.
@knitforkids Жыл бұрын
I love the idea of knitting with others but since I talk for work Monday through Friday, the last thing I want to do is talk while I’m knitting. Your videos keep me company without making any demands of me and it’s so soothing! What a brilliant “purlcaster” you are! ❤
@clarityfiberarts Жыл бұрын
This is just fantastic! I too have very few opportunities to sit with a knitting group or friend. I’m sitting and knitting on my Eva cardigan. I’m also a dyer, and a cranker( I have a circular sock machine). I started a podcast also but it has lapsed because I’m taking care of an elderly parent. Hope to get back to it soon! Thank you again and I look forward to the next one😊
@jen_brandon Жыл бұрын
Hi from Dorset in the south of England. This was beautifully calming for me after an absolutely crazy week. I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious yesterday and didn't sleep well so my sleep disorder decided to kick in... sitting here crocheting on a shawl with you has gone a long way helping me calm down some and the sleep attacks are too. You are definitely going into my calm list on my saved videos ❤️ I don't do well in hot weather and too much light so am definitely an autumn and winter person. I love long, dark cosy nights and frost on the ground. Look up Dorset apple cake and Fidgety pie they are both amazing and help to use up all those apples 😊
@JACLevair Жыл бұрын
❤ Wonderful podcast! I agree with you about … Something About Autumn. It moves me as well, I think I am cheating on summer by loving autumn. I live in a colder climate where we have block heaters in our cars and we plug our (those block heaters) cars in on the coldest days of winter. We are expected to love and be faithful to summer and spring for that matter more because warm weather season here is so short. When I was working full time at my office job I got so much joy from purchasing new fall fashions for work, this I believe comes from my over the top love of sweaters. I have a few awesome knitting books, the one I re read a lot is called The Power of Knitting. It moves me and I consider it one of my very dear crafting friends. I live in a rural area on a little ranch and I visit my favourite yarn shop that is over two hours away from me whenever I get the opportunity to go in to the city and when I was there this past week they were having one of their weekly knit and crochet get together. There were so many women there working on their beloved projects and talking non stop. I have long wished I had that weekly opportunity where I live and then realized that as Wendy was ringing through my purchase, my heart was filled up just watching them. I really value my KZbin and Instagram crafting community. There is so much to learn and so much joy to be had this way for me. One tradition I have, even if it is one of our hottest days of the year, September 1st, at my home, you can expect to eat beef stew for supper and apple pie or pumpkin pie for dessert on that day. All the best, Joyce
@paulettemcguinness6469 Жыл бұрын
Love you… can’t wait for the next one 🧶❤️
@bondgirl129 Жыл бұрын
This video is exactly the energy I need right now. Thank you for this gift.
@bertieandpoppet-8837 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this time together Christopher. Such a joy.
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