Holly Molly...these were really great times of my life...with Atari games and friends. My One and only was Atari 800 XE and first game ever was...Mr, Robot...
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
Hey, nice to know, that you're the author of Midas Maze. I used to play it long time ago, and it was pretty fun :) Thank you for these joyful times!!! I'm using Atari800Win emulator to run all this game if someone was interested. It's freeware and very easy to use. It became my alter-religion since the first time I ran it :P Thanks once again :) Cheers
@TheWrongwing13 жыл бұрын
I thought I had remembered the name for Cohen's Towers right but it has been years since I played it or seen it anywhere... ah the memories. Recognized only one song, the final bonus level from SSX Tricky - some great music choices.
@The_Real_DCT15 жыл бұрын
I find it intresting how some games on this list and the other one I had for the commodore just with different names like Zombies was Realm of immpossiblity on the c64 anyway great vid. Brings back fond memories of when I would go to my freinds house as he had a Atari computer and since I had a C64 we had the best of both worlds
@gedzior8417 жыл бұрын
no problem :) I'm happy that you enjoyed the film so much :D The game from 4:23 is called JET BOOT JACK. You've got a whole list of titles in the description :)
@Lajkonik17 жыл бұрын
Aż sie łezka w oku kręci ... ciekawe czy moje Atari jeszcze żyje ...
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
:) At first I didn't know what faces are you talking about, but then I played the movie and everything became clear :) This come from the game called 'DRELBS'. It was about the one-eyed creature, which task was to create rectangles from the circulating bars. I think I posted this game in one of my further parts of 'Atari Memories'. Thanks for comment :)
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
This one is called AZTEC :)This was one of my favourites, in the times when I was young:) BTW, check the description, you have all the games listed there:)
@dthejc16 жыл бұрын
haha, googled it and remember it now. Thanks for answering my question. :)
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
Hehe, ja zawsze sobie powtarzam, że tym maluchem można pozostać przez całe życie - wszystko zależy od nas :) Dzieki za nowa gierke. Zbieram rozne tytuly i moze kiedys sklece kolejna czesc Atari Memories. Jesli wpadniesz na cos jeszcze, czego nie umiescilem w poprzednich czesciach, daj znac :)
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
That is 'Ghost Chaser' BTW. Check the description :)
@grazzt51917 жыл бұрын
hah, hats, gumball, preppie, agent usa! keep these coming! :)
@gedzior8417 жыл бұрын
hehe, sam musialem sobie conieco odswiezyc, bo wszystkich tytulow na pamiec nie znam :P Mam nadzieje, ze niczego nie pomieszalem: 01:40 - Power Down 02:06 - Pharaoh's Curse 03:01 - Nemo's Vault 04:06 - Jumpman Junior 06:44 - Dan Strikes Back (tam byla fajna muzyka) :) 07:36 - Breath of the Dragon Gdyby cos sie nie zgadzalo, daj znac :) Milego wspominania :P
@gedzior8417 жыл бұрын
2:07 - Pahraoh's Curse 8:04 - Bmx Simulator, czy cos takiego :)
@dthejc16 жыл бұрын
Wow, this reminded me of games I didn't know I'd even forgot. I would like to know, at 2:03 - 2:04, those faces, really familiar to me. What game was that from?
@zlygostev17 жыл бұрын
Cool video! Thank you very much, I have played a lot of these games in a childhood. What the name of the game at 04:23? It was one of my favorites in 1987 I think.
@gedzior8413 жыл бұрын
@PSUkbit Yepp, that is surely true! I used to hate this game, even though I was urged to finish it...
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
No, it's not on the list. This is the 'game over' scene, from the game called 'DRELBS'. I think, I've got it on my other part of Atari Memories :)
@gedzior8415 жыл бұрын
check the description :)
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
Haha, you're good:D I promissed myself to correct that, because I knew about the mistake, but I forgot about it. Was Star Raiders released by Atari?!
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
hej:) liste wszystkich utworow wypisalem na samym koncu filmu. Nie pamietam co to bylo, wiec bedzie lepiej jak sprawdzisz sam :D
@gedzior8417 жыл бұрын
po Crumble Crisis jest chyba COLONY. Nie wiem jakiej produkcji jest ta gierca, ale wydaje mi sie ze Polskiej. a w Crumble Crisis nigdy nie gralem. W sumie probowalem, ale zniechecilem sie po trzeciej planszy z kosciotrupem, bo nie moglem go za cholere przeskoczyc:D
@Patman197816 жыл бұрын
Gedzior, aleś mu powiedział, na pewno dużo mu to da ;p
@gedzior8416 жыл бұрын
hehe, wiem ze wyglada to smiesznie, ale ten sam kolega pod innym filmem umiescil mi komentarz po polskiemu, wiec chyba zrozumial przekaz :D
@yousini16 жыл бұрын
ooooooooooooooh what was that game at 5:27?
@LtStarkiller16 жыл бұрын
What is the game at exactly 2:04? I don't think its on the list. Wasn't this some sort of weird card game?
@Waca32317 жыл бұрын
Kto pamieta w "one on one" jak sie niszczylo tablice i sprzataczka przychodzila??hehe
@gladiluza15 жыл бұрын
hey amigo si tubiese los nombres de los juegos
@Thomsonicus16 жыл бұрын
can you write down the music you've used plz?
@zlygostev17 жыл бұрын
Sorry for a lot of same comments. There was a lag, I thought my comment isn't posted.
@randor96214 жыл бұрын
whats the name of the game at 2:09 ?
@KaeFeM16 жыл бұрын
na pewno zrozumie, wystarczy kliknac na jego nick a tam w jego profilu informacja ze jest z Polski
@isecream9 жыл бұрын
@gregRzn17 жыл бұрын
i do tego wideo chcialbym poznac pare tytulow: 2:07, 8:04
@yousini16 жыл бұрын
doh didnt see list lol
@odislaw17 жыл бұрын
co to za gra po crumble crisis? swoją drogą crumble crisis to beznadziejnie trudna gra z beznadziejnym zakończeniem...