Luckily enough the coalition prevented the bill from including the requirement of digital ID in the process of preventing 16 year olds from accessing social media
@TheKanguru19 күн бұрын
Its literally their Step-up excuse To full on digital ID for the country.
@kowshikjayaraman926716 күн бұрын
Yes kids don't need social media and kids below 10 should not be allowed to have phones at school
@Demon1257015 күн бұрын
Hey donnie ive been with my family on a trip with a but so sorry i didn't stop by, hey i love you good luck and have a good day
@DeepFriedOreoOffline20 күн бұрын
I think this sort of thing is a great idea in theory. Young kids should not be on social media. But I really don't think that governments stepping in to force this sort of thing is the solution. Putting aside the terrible side effects like being required to give a government ID, and kids lying about their age to access social media putting them in a space where they are now being treated more like an adult instead of the kid they are, there is still the problem of defining the laws. What is defined as social media? How will that definition change over time? How will the law eventually change to cover more ground? And more importantly, these non-Australian based social media platforms are supposed to just up and setup entire infrastructure to accommodate these Australian laws? Because really, let's step back a moment. What is defined as social media, and how is that definition going to change over time? I feel like that is a hard thing to classify under the law. It's like making a law that states all parents need to have their kids in bed by 9pm. You could impose a curfew for kids. Make sure all kids are in their house and off the streets by 9pm. But what, are parents going to be getting arrested if their kid sneaks out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom? Are police going to be allowed to enter any home they want at will to enforce this? Either make it a law that they can't use the internet, which for the record is a terrible idea as a whole, or come up with a better solution. Although what they want is a good idea, it really doesn't seem reasonable to go about it this way.