The tire pressure was 1.47 bar front and 1.44 bar rear. Maybe it was too low. The tire temperature didn't rise. I'm not good at setting things up. (:_;) タイヤの空気圧フロント 1.47bar リア1.44bar 低すぎたか。タイヤの温度が上がらない?セッティング音痴なもんで。(:_;)
@etoh0303Ай бұрын
The settings at pit stop were bad and it took more than 10 seconds to change the tires. (;∀;) I can't win with this. ORZ The next video will change the settings and appear in the pit in the 6 second range. ('◇')ゞ ピットイン時の設定が悪くてタイヤ交換に十数秒掛かってる。( ;∀;)これじゃ勝てないわ。ORZ 次の動画は設定変えてピットイン6秒台で出ます。('◇')ゞ
@etoh0303Ай бұрын
If the settings are good, will the tires last? セッテイングが良ければタイヤ保つのかなぁ?😂
@etoh0303Ай бұрын
I'm running soft tires, soft tires, and soft tires. At the last pit stop, the right front tire hit the guard rail. It took too long to get in and out of the pit, and that ruined the race. Should I have changed the tire just once like AI Mansell did? Could I have gotten in front of Patrese? タイヤは C ミディアム→C ミディアム→C ミディアムで繋いでます。最後ピットイン時、右フロントタイヤガードレールにぶち当てて ピットインアウトするまで時間かかり過ぎてレース台無しになりました。 ピットインAIマンセルと同じ一回交換にすればよかったかな?パトレーゼの前には出れた?😒
@etoh0303Ай бұрын
I tried driving like Senna, but isn't it like this? (;^ω^) He seemed to have a fast approach to clipping. (゚Д゚;) セナっぽく運転してみたんだが、こんな感じじゃないかなぁ?(;^ω^) クリッピングへのアプローチが早い感じで走ってたよね。(゚Д゚;)
@jcgrjАй бұрын
Where we can find this mod? External sound amazing!!!!
@etoh0303Ай бұрын
The software is automobileista2 Available on Steam What you also need is the following! Automobilista 2- Brazilian Racing Legends Pack Pt1 + [AMS2] F1 1991 Season 2.01 → required😁