Avorion ep2 : As graceful as a concrete cow.

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Francis John

Francis John

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@Phegan Жыл бұрын
"This steers like a brick" he says surprised as he is flying an actual brick
@hquest Жыл бұрын
Francis: This thing steers like a brick. His flying brick: Am I a joke to you?
@s0litaire2k Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Douglas Adams quote " The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't." :D
@genehenson8851 Жыл бұрын
I was too slow. Came here to make the exact same joke.
@martinsmallridge4025 Жыл бұрын
Wrap it in a slice of lemon to hit the pirates with and you could call it the pan galactic gargleblaster
@Smo1k Жыл бұрын
@@martinsmallridge4025 With Djinn Anton IX turrets. I'm certain that in Francisjohnese, Gin & Tonic means "slap together and liquefy enemies" 😉
@thest0mpa Жыл бұрын
When you see a title like that, you know its gonna be a video of hyper optimisation at the cost of everything cosmetic
@TheShadowofX Жыл бұрын
Sectors will regenerate resources when they've been completely mined dry, but I would still recommend sending captains out on mining missions. Partly for convenience once raw mining/mining fighters come into play, partly for game performance, and partly for experience. Some captain traits will improve with levels, and long term in-sector mining is going to be left in the dust compared to missions. Scalable ships are sadly not really doable in Avorion. Bigger ships need higher thruster/generator/etc. ratios, meaning the more you scale up a ship the worse it gets. You can scale ships to a point, but once scaled to weird proportions a ship can never be restructured or rebuild effectively. Making a ship 35% bigger leads to all kinds of bizarrely sized blocks, and trying to build onto that is pure chaos. One thing to note about directional thrusters contributing to deceleration is that they only actually contribute if they're facing the right way. General deceleration is accomplished through Inertia Dampener blocks, which can only be made out of iron and Avorion. The Iron version is as bad as you'd expect, but until you get Avovion it's all you've got to work with. Salvaging lasers can be used in combat, their only catch is relatively low range and that they don't innately damage (or pierce through) shields. As for salvaging the resource yield is usually less than mining, but salvaging can yield turrets and system upgrades. And an array of good salvaging turrets can actually be a deceptively devastating weapon against an unshielded target. In terms of turrets quality is always better than quantity, since you ultimately have a limited number of turret slots that are best filled with the best turrets you can find. Turret factories are your best bet for finding not just good quality turrets, but a consistent supply of said good quality turrets. For the record those rift research centre sectors will spawn even if you don't have the relevant DLC, though even than they're really useful. They tend to spawn in clusters around rifts, informing you there's one nearby from radar distance, they always have an equipment dock and the RRC itself will buy a suite of mostly high-end trade goods for possibly high prices. I am amazed you didn't get intercepted, and shot, by a single Persecutor during that entire tango in red exclamation mark territory. Something else that Naonite unlocks are Hyperspace Core blocks, which increase the jump range of your ships. Unfortunately they're fairly weak for how expensive they are (both in terms of power drain and weight added), so you're not likely to get much out of them. Still, +1 or +2 jump range is cheap enough, and extra jump range is always welcome. Ships generally end up running into one of two bottlenecks - volume or weight. A ship bottlenecked by volume can't grow bigger because building knowledge limits the number of upgrade slots, limiting processing power, limiting size. Then it makes sense to build generators out of Naonite, since you'll get more power per volume, meaning more power per processing power, allowing for a functionally better ship. Ships bottlenecked by weight want the material with the best effect/weight ratio, since they can afford the grow space and using lighter materials means not flying like a walrus covered in butter on a water slide experiencing time dilation. In general you'll end up building ships out of titanium until you reach volume limits, at which point you upgrade relevant blocks to Naonite, and the same story will repeat RE: Trinium and Xanion when you reach that point. Stations, once you get to building those, are a different story. Since stations don't move they don't care about weight or engines/thrusters/etc., meaning they're rarely limited by volume. The end result is that stations tend to be build out of the cheapest materials (either in terms of resource acquisition or credit cost), since a giant cargo bay made of iron stores just as much as one made out of Trinium. The only difference is in block HP and build cost. Generally Trinium has the best effect/weigh ratio for a given type of block, if only because a lot of blocks don't meaningfully benefit from material tiers and Trinium is the lightest material, but there are some notable exceptions. The big ones are Oganite Armor being *slightly* better than Trinium armor, despite being super heavy, and Xanion Shield Generators again being better than Trinium shields. The core gameplay loop of Avorion is only enforced by gates like building knowledge and Persecutors, that's the entire reason they were added. In the old days people rushed towards the Core (or, more specifically, the Barrier) right out the gate since literally nothing was stopping them, and everything was pushing them towards progression. That said you can find Building Knowledge in hidden caches, albeit very rarely. So there is a chance of finding building knowledge outright if you thoroughly explore around and scan for hidden valuables.
@danfr Жыл бұрын
Thank you for that information about turret factories.
@newbiegaming6090 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing such wealth in knowledge. Seriously, this comment deserves a lot more attention than it got...
@OliverIskra Жыл бұрын
Time for a megacube, definitely not a Borg
@NewerSwagger-gp3hj Жыл бұрын
Nope, no borg business over here....
@perryvanvelzen9863 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if it is still a thing, but if you create your own faction you can give all your ships to the faction. Then when you create new ships the game thinks you have 0 ships so it will only cost you iron. There is basically no downside to giving ships to a faction if you are the owner of said faction, just that all funds are going to the faction instead of you.. but you can transfer at will
@hquest Жыл бұрын
Aaaaand we are back to another casually, severely exploited game, courtesy of Francis.
@NewerSwagger-gp3hj Жыл бұрын
A dev's worst nightmare!! 😂😂
@dominiquesavoie568 Жыл бұрын
Francis invents... The Borg Cube (well rectangle)...
@mcccxxxvii6187 Жыл бұрын
"They hung in the air, exactly the same way that bricks don't"
@diggdugg Жыл бұрын
Not sure you will see this but a few things. The last two metals are locked behind the story and boss fight. I would suggest looking into how tech level works when building your own turres. Also the railgun anfd lighting turrets are hit scan with high range so very good BUT the missle luncher can have smart missles that never stop chasing so are also incredibly good. If you get inside the center be careful, it becomes much more dangerous, the avorion hyperspace jump block lets you jump past rifts.
@hansdampf640 Жыл бұрын
Shipdesign is definitly NOT one of your powers... 🤣
@pandeomonia Жыл бұрын
For anyone watching this and wondering, Avorion has several play modes. 'Classic' doesn't have any Building Knowledge, you can build and use whatever materials you come across right away. There's also a 'Free Play' mode where you can tweak the universe and game settings however you want, from resources to damage to faction gain, etc.
@cranberrysauce61 Жыл бұрын
in iron (and avorion), there is the inertia dampener, which acts as a space brake. its about 4x better at stopping a ship than directional thrusters, but the dampener are about 3.3x more energy hungry and dont help flying the ship. i always find inertia dampeners useful for precision flying around asteroids or stations, but i also have a hot key to turn off flight assists to save energy in combat or boosting long distances.
@sunshaker01 Жыл бұрын
3 things to look into, better captains (you get them from the missing friend mission, it gives you the option to hire a dual class captain (for example Miner/Merchant), free ships (sometimes you will find a wrecked ship that you can repair), and large/special asteroids (regular rock asteroids the size of that giant iron asteroid from last episode) which you can sell or make a base on (you don't need them to make a base, but...).
@umbralreaver Жыл бұрын
One thing I like to do when flying ships with a large array of top-mounted turrets is hold alt then move the mouse vertically. This repositions the camera so your ship is lower on the screen and you can see over it to aim better.
@leftblank131 Жыл бұрын
"This thing steers like a brick........because it is".
@krandeloy Жыл бұрын
If I were those pirates, "God, that's a lot of cannons." would be a very appropriate comment one seeing Murder Face.
@wChris_ Жыл бұрын
Congrats you build a borg cube in Avorion, which come to think of it is not to far of in how i imagine you are going to play the game!
@Knightsofjericho Жыл бұрын
I was like. I seen that before lol
@eraz0rhead Жыл бұрын
You'll probably want Inertial Dampeners if you want decent deceleration. I like using the universal thrusters to assist my gyros. And I've gotten decent ship agility at larger scales by making more spherical ships with the gyros closer to the center, and thrusters out at the circumference. Also, I usually end up ditching most of my armor when I get shields. Some building tips: You can hold Shift and the block you want to place will snap to the surface you're pointing at. Alt lets you replace a block you're pointing at with the type you've selected. Oh, and another thing. You can toggle power to things like thrusters, engines, and dampeners during flight (I think the keybinds are Z,X,C, but I can never remember which is which). I use that so I can coast without the dampeners, or to turn off everything to rapidly refill my batteries from the generator.
@grimloncz3853 Жыл бұрын
Of course Francis would go for borg engineering.
@DarthVella Жыл бұрын
9:08 Hearing "Right, you." immediately followed by sustained gunfire made me do a spit take in a work meeting!
@ndhav66 Жыл бұрын
I feel like one of deadly ships Francis makes should be named, Hope. Wargs are built for battle.
@Arlocanta Жыл бұрын
"We are Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."
@dragonpc8258 Жыл бұрын
you can get armor plating much thinner using the sliders on the left hand side when selecting stuff. (the bottom block of buttons on the left side top row far right button is the one to make stuff super thin... or super thick. the middle one is the snap scale.)
@KainYusanagi Жыл бұрын
Yup. You can have effectively two-dimensional sheets. Layering those is great for durability.
@zranite2898 Жыл бұрын
Now that's a Wrecktangle
@howardmccord9686 Жыл бұрын
Finally. I was afraid the last episode was the only to come.
@adamthethird4753 Жыл бұрын
This is what spaceships might look like when designed by Monty Python.
@v417227 Жыл бұрын
dang it Francis, you are having me dip my toes back into this game again. It is severely cutting into my current Rimworld and ONI saves XD
@Thaccus Жыл бұрын
You can halve the weight of your armor plates if you use the triangles in stead of cubes. They are still armor plates for the purposes of penetration, but there is just less of it for the same coverage.
@bronchiel Жыл бұрын
if i saw that giant brick in space, I'm turning around and minding my own business
@danielduncan6806 Жыл бұрын
Oh my. So yeah; you will find equipment docks along the gate network. You will not find them anywhere else. Same goes for ALL space stations; save for bosses, and pirates, of course. Also; don't forget you have a search function on your galaxy map. You can just search "equipment" and it will highlight all equipment docks with white brackets to make them easier to see. Also; you can use this when looking for turret materials, for when you decide to go big leagues and make your own turrets.
@EnlonWhite Жыл бұрын
Love your series, (ONI, Rimworld, and others) Some tips First There is a way to get even Thinner blocks, standard armor thickness choices are 0.3,0.2, and 0.1 which you can choose in the block choice menu, its to the left side, top side-ish. Second, you need to build a ship that has at least Twice the power output to power usage to be able to upscale it within reasonable ratios at larger sizes (starting at about 5 slot size to about 11). using a subslot for power boost can help mitigate off a bit ratios. Ramming can work but its more like build long armored spikes at your front to ram with (make sure the integrity field covers those spikes. Field is based on size/shape of the block. You Can buy out the knowledge For credits only at Shipyards I believe or repair docks. Some station you can just buy it. That requires good/high Reputation though. If you avoid skipping resources and pick your battles using fully sized ships you can build, killing pirates is easier but more time. As you have seen with ore gathering to get knowledge, its more of how big is your Cargo and do you have the R-ore mining turrets. (and a little bit of time/protection for it) Your bread and Butter resource. TRINIUM is your BEST FRIEND, it does everything important, Armor (lightweight for its hp, shields, hyperspace core, computer cores, HANGERS) Just some opinions here: (mods that help avoid annoying time grinds after) I hate the knowledge/ore gathering system for progression, its not very good. I have ideas to fix that but I am not great on modding. If you can quickly skip naonite do so, with certain ship builds and some build up of money, before going to naonite you can build a ship that has frame slots for shields. Kill for nanonite knowlegde while your miners had used titianium turrets to mine it. Scale your ship subsystem size, then rush into trinium area with shields from nanite and a flat shield upgrade system. Kill trinium ships quickly and get the knowledge, then spam mining safely guarding them with the naonite ship til you can just replace all ship systems like engines,Generators and shields to Trinium. With that done Naonite and Titianium are now just for selling. Xanion is just used for Teleport block, shields and generators really (cant do armor) (sure academy and cloning too but those really are not needed on ships only stations) Into the rift DLC tries to make you use this as you minimum block ore type with "Corrosive Fog" but just avoid those missions with that debuff. Oginite is basicly more hp/state for lost of mass (and best Armor that very heavy though). Avorion is Just better Xanion that can actually be used for Interia Dampeners (bye bye Iron) MODS for QOL: Note I have DLCs some mods dont need DLC some do. Equipment Docks Inventory 10x Improved Stash (otherwise they really suck after mid game) Rifted Icons Colorized (just pretty nice icons) DLC (there is a NON DLC verison) Building too many stations is a Game Lagger, even Monster PC's have limits. in Xanion ore areas, pick one place to make a base area with: (piggy back protection with ally) ===One shipyard station (just nice and i usually make it a Cargo dump for random stuff) === One equipment Station (for subsystem buying and SAFELY be able to remove them) ===2-3 raw resource stations to sell/make money (generally left in a demand area/ally) ===One fighter Dock (you can make any TECH level fighter here, just based on Turret LV Used) ===Research station (you make want to make it Movable sized/have a ship big enough to move it) Make sure the research station has Sturdy strong shields/impenetrable 40 Mil plus when you move it to the center. Guard it Too! If you make lots of money/sell lots of ore, then you can buy most items you need for building turrets. ===ONE TURRET building Station, portable like the research one, and dont be afraid to upscale them after you move to the center. Closer to center better tech level of station. (note vanilla max is 50) **Easy trick to save Parts for turrets, Build it with extra parts for bonus stats, then after building ONE make that one into a Blueprint, it reset its cost to base part needs, not the extra you used.** Last a Refinery Station does not hurt for easy Ore refining (as your sector will be attacked and having one ship auto salvage there adds up in parts/scrap Ore) if you want to make money without lots of Laggy game play then: Any mod that adds passive income from Equipment docks or adds the bank station (you need to find the ones that work for you, as this could be cheesy if you are doing a challenge run) have fun and I think several designed ships in the steam mod workshop would fit your wants well.
@Revenant483 Жыл бұрын
That is one way to play the game... Your supposed to build up slowly and eventually build your own factories. The game is similar to Starsector where instead of founding planets you are supposed to build massive space stations. :D
@alenvire Жыл бұрын
Remember kids. Inertia dampener is your friend.
@JaRyCu Жыл бұрын
Francis, while Murder Face is a fine name in the Francis John lineage of naming things, I believe you need a large square spaceship named the FJS Emily's Box. (FJS = FrancisJohn's Ship) it could flanked by a fighter squadron of small Randy Boxes.
@siphil0 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure "Randy Boxes" means something completely different in Ireland.
@gus.smedstad Жыл бұрын
@@siphil0 - I'm pretty sure that usage of "box" is what's intended.
@TehFreek Жыл бұрын
Right, now I remember what trinium is for: fighter bays. You probably aren't going to use them, but they're there. Oh, and when you go for (building) railguns, I recommend turning the range all the way up and the fire rate down until the power drain disappears. That way you can continuously fire them, and five or six of them will punch a hole in pretty much anything. EDIT: Wait, heat generation, not power drain. It's been a while.
@jeb8401 Жыл бұрын
I had flashbacks to the "incident" when you was thinking of a name for the ship....
@cranberrysauce61 Жыл бұрын
oh yeah, something you can do with the old turrets, is go to a scrapyard and salvage them, you can get some components to build new turrets that way.
@danielduncan6806 Жыл бұрын
Oh geez. You can save the blueprint of your ship, which is just a save of the design. Then load that design again; during the loading process, you can choose what material a ship is made of. So you can, with just 4 or 5 clicks, completely upgrade and replace your entire ship. You may also be able to do something with the transform whole ship function; been a while though, so that one is a bit fuzzy
@mchelpa Жыл бұрын
I could practically hear the Murray Gold theme tune during this one ^_^
@danfr Жыл бұрын
Considering how many ships you have. You could probably speed up that equipment purchasing by posting ships around multiple equipment docks in different systems. Then you can switch between multiple ships before reexiting the game.
@DawidSikora Жыл бұрын
One thing I learned today is that to buy a mining turret the fastest way is to restart the whole universe
@Jcewazhere Жыл бұрын
A few things from the start: Stick a couple frame blocks around the guts of your ship, never know when you might wanna swap something new in. I like big storage, I will not lie, when I see those big batteries... erm I mean you do you but I prefer at least equal storage and generation, if not more storage than generation. The little eyeball icon below the lock on the build menu lets you filter by material, or by block type, or both. Helpful for upgrading the ship piecemeal instead of all at once. Find all those titanium frame sections to upgrade to avorion inertial dampers. Intertial dampers rock. Only available in iron and avorion though, and kinda power hungry. They stop your ship quick compared to even directional thrusters. That there is not the thinnest armor you can do, but it's dangerous getting more granular. The default step and size are generally good. The square cube law helps with armor, as you demonstrated. I like to stick the defensive weapons out on booms. A thin pole of armor with either more armor, or a plate of smart hull if that material doesn't have armor with the turrets stuck on there for better coverage. Don't forget a dot of integrity field generator. In my experience the turrets have a bit of trouble firing straight up from their perspective. Those ones on the front plate might be wonky occasionally. IDK if you wanna do mods this early, but there's a non-invasive one that just shows the rings for where resources, and optionally bosses, show up around the galaxy. As long as whatever you're shooting at doesn't have shields the salvage lasers do decent damage. I usually just leave them on with the normal damage dealers. Salvaging all the bits has never been worth it imo either, however cutting a ship in half, and then quarters can usually spawn some more turrets or other modules. There's also a directional NWSE gates mod that just adds a pointer to the gate icons showing which direction they'll send you without having to highlight them. As the great PaulSoarsJr says: [Worm]holes lead to adventure! [and explosions]. Trinium is my favorite material. Super light, while still strong enough. I keep my cargo bays and crew quarters made from it in most of my ships. Sometimes I'll get lazy and just upgrade everything. That's a cute little ship. I dig most of the algorithm-made ships in this game. Glad they figured out how not to make sticks. I did the whole stepped resources thing once. That was enough, I turn it off in all playthroughs now. Unlock all building knowledge or something like that. Fighters. Specifically mining fighters. Super fun, and you can manufacture them yourself (very slowly). So find one you like and copy it over and over again. I got a strip mining ogonite r mining fighter with 3.5km range and 85% collection. It was awesome. Yeah the strip laser is from a possibly OP mod, but the concept holds for the base game. Love it!
@XiloTheOdd Жыл бұрын
builds brick "this thing steers like a brick!"
@eraz0rhead Жыл бұрын
"That would have sold for like.. 2million!" I can't wait till you find out about Trading missions :)
@poio2162 Жыл бұрын
You could reduce the increment for blocks to 0.05 if I remember correctly, allowing you to make that armor plating much, much thinner (like 10x thinner). Just FYI.
@ElTuristaTravel Жыл бұрын
Murderface is, coincidentally, my favorite bassist
@RDKirbyN Жыл бұрын
The masculine urge to mine ore
@andrewknight983 Жыл бұрын
After that title I really feel the next murder face should be more block cow shaped. Some cargo holds or something light for legs and a Token head. That way it can look AND steer Like a concrete cow
@Bigslam1993 10 ай бұрын
Your "building style" is EXACTLY the same as mine. Fun times.
@peterbaan9671 Жыл бұрын
A concrete cow in a vacuum.
@hoshi_gg9553 Жыл бұрын
Nice to see so many star trek fans.
@EnlonWhite Жыл бұрын
Neat trick with vanilla mechanics to have unlimited Fleet size, STEP 1:Create your own Alliance (make sure it has some income Stations or such later on) STEP 2: Limit your personal Fleet size to the ore type you want on founding Cost. STEP 3: Build what ever ship you want/can in Personal Fleet, (you wont be keeping it long after) STEP 4: Donate ship/give it to your Alliance Faction you made. (costs nothing to do last I checked) Avoid building ships directly as an Alliance faction/member. (not too hard, as your personal beginning faction dont build directly into alliance either) You may now have as many ships in the Alliance as your Sanity will Allow (more ships = more lag) Reminder: Crew Costs Do Add Up have a income to maintain it.
@fada1922421 Жыл бұрын
Random items shops are a pet peeve for me too
@moomanseven Жыл бұрын
I love this series, thank you
@brianhauptman Жыл бұрын
I wonder if his Lego builds as a kid had the same aesthetic.
@pandeomonia Жыл бұрын
FYI I think you can hold.. I want to say left alt? to move your camera up a bit from dead center behind your ship. Can help with aiming/combat.
@lonelyPorterCH Жыл бұрын
The brick, its beautiful ^^
@truezulu Жыл бұрын
Does anyone know the original NCS author for the ending tune? All I get with a search, is that Chinese guy who steals everyone's work...
@Anomynous Жыл бұрын
You actually CAN make the armor paper thin. It's a setting somewhere that allows you not to scale in full parts when downsizing a block. Also exactly the same build style I had; plain brick. Also, I had seen in the next vid intro, don't use extended arms directional thrusters. The midpoint of the thruster is used for the torque calculation. You are better off with a smaller sized omnidirectional thruster on an elongated stick, within the integrity field generator(s) range(s).
@MathewSan_ Жыл бұрын
Great video 👍🔝
@XiloTheOdd Жыл бұрын
welp with Xanion, you can dive into the realm of mining fighters to automine sectors out that way.
@visebro5580 Жыл бұрын
You can build crazy nice looking things in this game
@elliotsimpson3591 Жыл бұрын
NAOnite. FJ added an extra N to the spelling lol. "That looks super aerodynamic right there!" ... in space, where there's no air 🤣
@malavius Жыл бұрын
That is not the thinest armor plating possible :p
@XiloTheOdd Жыл бұрын
also you can change the increment scale of block dimensions. its the option 2 over from the big safety lock icon in the build screen. so you could do a 0.1m armor plate if you wanted.
@NoMusiciansInMusicAnymore Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't have picked FJ as a Metalocalypse fan... Murderface? Brutal! I'll teach you who rock
@LegacyArkGames Жыл бұрын
Wow, Francis, it feels like quite a stretch since I've seen one of your videos in my suggestions. So glad to see you're still producing content! I'm creating my own game, but this aside, I'd have a great time doing some sort of collaboration for kicks or charity. Let me know if you're interested, and looking forward to new videos!
@MrJamesstarr Жыл бұрын
The ship should be a cube if it is uniformly armored in all directions.
@greywolf6443 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me so much of Perry Rodan ships. Very geometric.
@alanthierseorn Жыл бұрын
N a o n i t e xD not "nanonite" and Xanion (pronounced "Zanion") Also, I didn't see if you did it or not, but USE integrity field generator blocks, it reduces incoming damage by 75% and prevents blocks from breaking so easily.
@FrancisJohnYT Жыл бұрын
Oh there is an integrity field in there. I wonder if the material matters for those.
@punthebun Ай бұрын
I know this video is a year old at the time of writing this... but seeing Francis not change the local grid scale from 0.5 to 0.005 makes me cringe inside. Of COURSE armor plates with half a meter thickness will slow you down something fierce XD That's the fun thing about armor blocks: combine them with an integrity field generator, and the armor only needs to be a few centimeters/inches thick to function properly... (admittedly, it also took me a while to figure that one out on my own...)
@Soulzjd2 Жыл бұрын
Is there a reason you do not use inertia dampeners for deceleration?
@OdinBain Жыл бұрын
You should try finding some of the bosses!
@dmd733 Жыл бұрын
Wow! how many hours did you put into this episode?
@BobLegoman Жыл бұрын
I played this long ago, the AI generated ships were all half a mile long one block straws that spun around at light speed but were almost impossible to hit
@visebro5580 Жыл бұрын
if you want armor you need to scale armor to lowest possible. that is how you do it in this game. It is just for small protection, then later you put shields on
@danielduncan6806 Жыл бұрын
LOL!!! You can unlock your mouse cursor by holding shift, this will allow you to clear the warnings that pop up on your screen...
@hansdampf640 Жыл бұрын
always check the edges of your screen... there you can see how much ships arround you,what status they have and in wich direction they are...
@KainYusanagi Жыл бұрын
Francis, you're perfroming a very flawed analysis with Naonite vs. Titanium there around 43:00, because you're doing it all on an otherwise iron ship; upgrading ALL components to another tier makes them much better, and just slapping an expensive power brick onto an otherwise cheap crap chassis isn't going to get you winning any race, except to the bottom. It's like trying to put a Cummins V8 Turbo Diesel into a golf cart; it just won't work right. Tiers of material are also every set of two minerals, so Naonite compares to Iron, and Tritium compares to Titanium, effectively, on top of it all.
@2ndtothelastmohican Жыл бұрын
FJ, how much ore do you need to mine to buy back your sanity?
@joehelland1635 Жыл бұрын
resource asteroids wont come back as resource asteroids 100% of the time. its like a 75% chance.
@tomas7941 Жыл бұрын
Is Techtonica on your game list?
@gcl2783 Жыл бұрын
Upgrade from little ship of ugliness to bigger ship of ugliness.
@danielduncan6806 Жыл бұрын
-Skip naonite(green). I mean, get enough of it to get your research, just a taste, to unlock building with it. But abandon it immediately and go straight for trinium(blue). Just skip naonite(green) entirely; total waste of time to upgrade into naonite(green). And time is at a premium for you. So you can ill afford to naonite(green).-
@danielduncan6806 Жыл бұрын
BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN PUTTING WEAPONS ON YOUR SHIP IN BUILDMODE AND FIRING YOUR WEAPONS AROUND SPACE STATIONS!!!! You MUST target a space station to interact with it. So if you add auto-firing weapons to your ship, or change your weapons groups, or just fire by accident while leaving a space station, you could quickly find yourself in a very ugly situation. And wouldn't it be a waste if you attacked a space station of a clan that you worked really hard to win an alliance with...
@michaelsotomayor5001 Жыл бұрын
this is hilarious lol
@CraftMine1000 Жыл бұрын
Borg vibes
@dragonpc8258 Жыл бұрын
should always build with trinium for everything except special blocks like shields and generators etc, those you make out of xanion. trinium is light xanion is powerful, ogdonite is like iron its all around garbage, then once you get inside the core of the galaxy use avorion for everything lol. easy right?
@thakillman7 Жыл бұрын
Yes i did read the names
@MisterZealot Жыл бұрын
I wounder if you can build a gundam like thingy. That'd be funny as hell
@masterwoof8969 Жыл бұрын
Its naonite not nanonite btw
@pkassies Жыл бұрын
Save scummer!
@hquest Жыл бұрын
Wait, MurderFace? What about Face McMurderFace?
@littleolelonk4759 Жыл бұрын
There a bunch of bosses and secret bosses so explore deep space and destroy pirates
@Metaz Жыл бұрын
@OnatBas Жыл бұрын
Why don’t you play factorio? It’s right up in your alley
@grandfremdling3841 Жыл бұрын
I like your content. Maybe I don't like this game...
@eventprogenitor1873 Жыл бұрын
Hmm it's a basic eve online game that has build your own ships no pvp that i can tell.
@RDKirbyN Жыл бұрын
"2 hrs" my brother in Christ, that is too much time spent for a 1 hr video that is not that
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